Baron Bodyworks Education

Baron Bodyworks Education

Structural Myofascial Therapy (SMFT)

Photos from Atlas Médic's post 08/06/2023

Merci à pour un TMS 2 "La spécificté" bien appuyé! Voici quelques photos de nos 3 jours ensemble.

Aujourd'hui, today, Elise Vanderborght et moi partons pour Saint Jean, Nouveau Brunswick pour enseigner la TMS 1, "Découvrir le fascia". Structural Myofascial Therapy level 1 "Connecting with the Fascia" will be a bilingual course! It's so fun!!!

Photos from Baron Bodyworks Education's post 08/01/2023

Teaching in English: Very happy to announce that IKRA Massage Academy is hosting my 2023 Structural Myofascial Therapy® curriculum in Montreal, Qc, Canada.

* Connecting with the Fascia, level 1, the foundations of Structural Myofascial Therapy®
** Creating Specificity, level 2
Course manuals available in french too. The course ends up being bilingually fun!

For more information and to register:

Connective Tissue vs Fascia: Learn Integral Anatomy with Gil Hedley 11/07/2022

Spend 5 minutes with Gil Hedley and his latest video!

Connective Tissue vs Fascia: Learn Integral Anatomy with Gil Hedley In this video Gil explains the differences of meaning and classification of connective tissue and fascia, explaining how in the ord...


So grateful that Jean-Claude Guimberteau has developed and is sharing this will us all!

Dispo en français aussi!

Dr Jean-Claude Guimberteau has created a new website with access to 1500 videos of endoscopic explorations under the skin, 300 photos, 200 animations and 8 movies; all carried out over a period of 15 years, with the aim of facilitating the understanding of human living matter.

This is a unique video-phototheque that explores the world of fascia, muscles, skin, vessels, nerves, tendons etc. This has been made available for education and teaching purposes. Go to to access this unique resource! 📚

Endovivo Productions

Photos from Baron Bodyworks Education's post 06/04/2022

Hi there! We had a great group of massage therapists connecting with the fascia for my 3 day Structural Myofascial Therapy® level 1 Foundations intensive last week. Thanks to all the participants for embarking on this myofascial journey with me and my wonderful assistant Elise Vanderborght! Grateful to for organizing this part of the voyage!

Yoga ups 24/03/2022

Betsy here! I've got a hand strengthening exercise for you. It's very helpful for all those working with their hands: Manual therapists, people practicing yoga, musicians, cooks and chefs, construction workers and those who use computers and smart phones! 🙃

Yoga ups Do you work with your hands? Here is an exercise that strengthens your hands, beginning by rooting into the earth! Good for manual and movement therapists, g...

Photos from Baron Bodyworks Education's post 26/02/2022

"Découvrir les fascias", la Thérapie Myofasciale Structurale (TMS)® niveau 1

De nouvelles dates ont été ajoutées au calendrier ! Si vous avez manqué les cours les plus récents, voici l'occasion de vous inscrire.
Premier jour en vidéo avec BetsyAnn Baron
Cours en présentiel avec Claire Barro
Vaudreuil-Dorion: 30 avril-1 mai
Québec: 5,6 mai
Pour s'inscrire:

, Mathilde Gilbert-Atlas Médic

Brainy processing at your fingertips | Mo Costandi 25/01/2022

Brains in our fingers! Oh yeah!

Brainy processing at your fingertips | Mo Costandi New research shows that nerve endings in the fingertips perform neural computations that were thought to occur in the brain.


Just received by snail mail: my certification renewal with the NCBTMB as Board Approved Continuing Education Provider! YESSSS!

Éducation | Formations | Atlas Médic | Medicvox 31/05/2021

Il y a une place qui s'est libérée pour la Thérapie Myofasciale Structurale niveau 1, "Découvrir le fascia" à Québec, le 10 et 11 juin.

Ça pourrait être votre place si vous avez essayé de vous inscrire mais que le cours est toujours complet ! Voici une possibilité!
Bonne semaine et au plaisir! 🙏

Éducation | Formations | Atlas Médic | Medicvox Atlas Médic est reconnu pour la qualité de ses programmes de formation en ligne et présentiels. Grâce à nos formations d'une ou deux journées, soyez mieux outillés pour faire avancer votre pratique.

Real bones vs plastic 21/05/2021

Being curious is the best!!!

Real bones vs plastic More from Gil: To donate: this video Gil compares real human bones to plastic ones, highl...

Timeline photos 14/05/2021

Pour ceux qui attendaient les dates de la TMS niveaux 2 et 3, les voici ! Au plaisir de vous revoir 🙏


Les inscriptions pour le niveau 2 et 3 de la Thérapie Myofasciale Structurale sont maintenant ouvertes!

Dans ces formations, BetsyAnn Baron vous aidera à approfondir votre compréhension de la conscience posturale somatique. Elle vous apprendra de nouvelles techniques manuelles propres à divers problèmes du système myofascial.

Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant :

The ANCIENT Technique To Making Tough Decisions | Gregg Braden | TRY IT NOW!! 30/01/2021

Heart intelligence from Gregg Braden

The ANCIENT Technique To Making Tough Decisions | Gregg Braden | TRY IT NOW!! The ANCIENT Technique To Making Tough Decisions | Gregg Braden | TRY IT NOW!What Gregg Braden calls "heart intelligence" is an ancient technique used to make...

Viral video of ballerina with Alzheimer's shows vital role of music in memory 14/11/2020

More information. Please read. Thank you.

Viral video of ballerina with Alzheimer's shows vital role of music in memory Music’s primal power for those living with dementia has inspired thousands of YouTube views for a clip of a former dancer


Ne manquez pas la TMS 2 cet automne!

Being Bodyful, 1st exploration 23/03/2020

Hi all! Too many hours in front of the computer or tv screen?

I recently made an audio recording for you to be able to join me in a short exploration to tune into where you are in your body, right here, right now.

Those who know me, know that I am big on somatic awareness and our body's relationship within itself to our outside world. 😉

Enjoy! How did this feel? Did it bring up questions? I'd love to hear from you! We have time and I'd love to bring you more. Perhaps even a video or two! 🙏

Being Bodyful, 1st exploration Welcome to this guided standing somatic exploration. Tune in to your balance and breath. There is no experience necessary! And no right or wrong way to move in this 10 minute audio.

Fr: Being Body 23/03/2020

Salut tout le monde!

Trop d’heures devant l’ordinateur ou l’écran de télévision?😉

J’ai récemment fait un enregistrement audio pour que vous puissiez me rejoindre dans une courte exploration pour sentir où vous êtes dans votre corps, ici, maintenant.

En faisant ceci, comment vous sentez-vous? Cela a-t-il soulevé des questions? J’aimerais beaucoup avoir de vos nouvelles! Nous avons le temps et j’aimerais vous en apporter d’autres. Peut-être même une vidéo ou deux!

Au plaisir!🙏

Fr: Being Body Bienvenue à cette exploration somatique guidée, en position debout. Soyez à l'écoute de votre équilibre et de votre respiration. Aucune expérience n'est nécessaire ! Il n'y a pas une bonne ou une mauv


Bonjour! Je partage avec vous mon premier FB vidéo Live!

14/03/2020 28/01/2020

Weaving the spider fascial web! 😘

Photos from Baron Bodyworks Education's post 18/01/2020

TMS 2 à Chicoutimi: heureuse de revoir les thérapeutes après la TMS 1. Claire Barro et moi font belle équipe! Bien riche de techniques plus spécifiques, d'échange et d'apprentissage! Merci à Claudia Fortin du CEGEP de Chicout de l'avoir organisé avec Atlas Médic et Guillaume Côté comme représentant!


Think about the words you use...

Within the Biopsychosocial framework of PT we often discuss how important it is to choose the right words when educating and conversing with patients. By-in-large, PTs and PTAs utilize biomechanical/biomedical laguage that can insight fear, anxiety, and catastrophizing . In a view point by Barbara A. Merrill in JOSPT, we are provided with better, less threatening options. Enjoy!
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 2018 Volume:48 Issue:7 Pages:519–522

Fascia- the Seeming Space Between Us 23/10/2019

Ahh, dance and fascia! Very important partners!

Fascia- the Seeming Space Between Us Using Dance to Describe and explore fascia, the connective tissue that is our constitutive tissue.

Air pollution can reach the placenta around a developing baby 19/09/2019

Air pollution can reach the placenta around a developing baby A small study of women living in Belgium found soot embedded in their placental tissue.

Fascia: The Body's Remarkable, Functional Glue 10/09/2019

A great and concise video about fascia! Love it until it gets to the end and is selling SkillSet...unless you're looking for something like that 😉

Fascia: The Body's Remarkable, Functional Glue There’s a connective tissue running all throughout your body that not only holds all your muscles and organs together, but also has sensory and mechanical pr...


Couldn't resist posting this!

Foot work 30/06/2019

Check out my latest short video on Youtube 😀

Foot work Tuning into our feet is a huge part of our awareness process. If there is fluid movement through our feet, chances are that this will travel northward throug...

Fascia In A New Light-Fascial Net Plastination Project 22/06/2019

See you in Montreal for the next International Fascia Research Congress in 2021!!!

Fascia In A New Light-Fascial Net Plastination Project A collaborative effort of the Fascia Research Society, The Plastinarium, and Body Worlds, the project is taking place at the Plastinarium laboratory in Guben, Germany.


What do you answer at the end of a treatment when a client asks if they can workout or do their favourite physical activity afterwards? Looking forward to your answers!

Comment répondez-vous à la fin d'un traitement quand la personne vous demande si elle peut s'entrainer ou faire leur activité physique préféré? Au plaisir de vous lire!

Atlas Médic | Fournisseur officiel de la santé 24/04/2019

Cours d'un jour à Montréal: L'intégration de la TMS 1.

Le 24 mai

Si vous êtes intéressé, vous avez jusqu'à ce vendredi, le 26 avril pour s'inscrire:

Au plaisir de se voir dans ce cours qui va approfondir les outils de la TMS 1 dans votre pratique!

Atlas Médic | Fournisseur officiel de la santé BetsyAnn Baron est massothérapeute depuis 1991. Elle débute ses études en massage suédois cinétique et en masso-kinésithérapie à l’Institut Kiné-Concept. Elle se spécialise en Integration Structurale à partir de 2001.

Movement And Breathing Breaks Help Students Stay Focused On Learning 20/03/2019

Love this mindfulness for kids!!!

Movement And Breathing Breaks Help Students Stay Focused On Learning When teachers give students opportunities to move during the day they set up the conditions for better learning.

For Alzheimer's Sufferers, Brain Inflammation Ignites a Neuron-Killing "Forest Fire" 09/03/2019

Research leading to more possible insights about inflammation...

For Alzheimer's Sufferers, Brain Inflammation Ignites a Neuron-Killing "Forest Fire" And it could also be the kindling sparking Parkinson’s and other neurodegenerative maladies

A Totally New Type of Blood Vessel Has Been Discovered Hidden in Human Bones 01/02/2019

Looking forward to see more about this...fascinating!

A Totally New Type of Blood Vessel Has Been Discovered Hidden in Human Bones We often think of bone as something that is structurally solid, especially its hard outer layer, called cortical bone.

Everywhere in your body is tissue called fascia. Scientists are unlocking its secrets. 31/01/2019

More fascia info spreading out through the news, this time the Washington Post.

Everywhere in your body is tissue called fascia. Scientists are unlocking its secrets. Experts say studies could reveal discoveries about our anatomy, including cures for illnesses.
