The Well Company

The Well Company

Corporate wellness consulting group founded by two Naturopathic Doctors. TWC aims to optimize emplo


🎁 Giving Tuesday… and beyond 🎁

Giving Tuesday harnesses the potential of social media and the generosity of people and provides a platform to encourage the donation of time, resources and talents to address local challenges. It also brings together the collective power of a unique blend of partners - nonprofits, civic organizations, businesses and corporations - to encourage and amplify small acts of kindness. 💛

Across Canada and around the world, unites communities by sharing our capacity to care for and empower one another. ✊🏼

is starting a giving-back initiative for the WHOLE MONTH OF DECEMBER where we are offering a FREE WELLNESS WEBINAR in exchange for a donation of any amount to Nellie's Shelter in Toronto, Ontario. 🏠

Nellie's Shelter is a community-based organization which operates within an anti-racist, anti-oppression framework. Nellie's is committed to social change through education and advocacy, to achieve social justice for all women and children. 👩‍👧

Nellie's helps women and children who are in crisis due to violence, poverty, and homelessness. This is done through a 36-bed emergency shelter and community support programs that help to save and rebuild the lives of hundreds of women and children every year. 👩‍👧‍👧

Please reach out if you have any questions or if you would like to book a wellness webinar for your company and donate to Nellie's Shelter in Toronto. Alternatively, if you don't have a workplace and would like to donate - see the link in our bio 😊

Photos from The Well Company's post 29/11/2021


For some companies, the bottom line is what drives every financial decision. 💸

What if employee health and work performance were directly correlated? 📈

What if chronic disease cost companies millions every year? 😳

Food for thought… ☁


🤩 TGIF 🤩

Try to be a little bit more like salt today in your workplace. 😊

What is your reflection for the week?



REMINDER! There are less than 6 weeks left in 2021! 🗓

That means there are less than 6 weeks left to use up your health benefits before they renew for 2022. 😱

If you have unused benefits, take some self care time and book a massage, see your physiotherapist or chiropractor, check in with your Naturopathic Doctor or psychologist. 👩🏽‍⚕️

If you currently don't use any paramedical benefits - now is the perfect time to start! 🤩

Initial visits are usually the most time consuming and costly, so using up your benefits to start now is a much better financial decision than waiting until the new year. 💸

Looking for a new practitioner? We have a great referral network here .ca

Send us a DM or email us at [email protected]


Being active in November can be hard. 🥶

…especially in Canada. The weather is colder, and the sun goes down before you finish work. 🌥

Set yourself up for success by planning outdoor activities, or committing to outdoor social plans with others - it’s harder to cancel when others are involved! 👯‍♀️
christinechung uses her pup Mishka as motivation to get outside. Taking longer walking routes and planning hikes on the weekend are ways Mishka helps to keep her paw-rents active. 🐶

How do you plan to get moving this weekend? 🏃🏻‍♀️

Photos from The Well Company's post 17/11/2021


With days shortening and colder temperatures, burnout is becoming more and more prevalent. 🤧

Here are signs of burnout to look out for:

Tasks that normally don’t tire you out are more difficult to do. You’re dragging yourself to get to work most mornings. You have midday energy crashes where it feels like you need to lie down. Exhausted doesn’t begin to explain this tiredness you feel.

You keep losing your train of thought or find yourself misplacing things, forgetting plans, missing Zoom calls. .christinechung ’s most common line is: “if it’s not in my Google calendar, I won’t remember”

😣Difficulty Concentrating
You find it hard to stay “in the zone” throughout the day and you’re easily distracted by the latest Instagram stories. You zone out while having conversations with friends. Reading a book can become an impossible task. Suddenly your motivation is non-existent.

😶Decreased Interest
You lack interest in things that previously used to bring you excitement or joy. You’re friend asks you to go to your favourite restaurant and now it seems like a daunting task.

You’re constantly irritated with co-workers, employees, or customers. Your increasingly negative outlook makes it difficult to interact positively with others.

😷Unexplained Physical Symptoms
Changes in bowel movements, headaches, weight changes, hair loss, frequent illness can all be a sign of burnout.

Talk to your health provider and seek help. Learn the signs of burnout and prevent complete burnout before it settles.


Happy Friday!! 🙋🏻‍♀️

We’ve been a bit quiet in here for the past month. We’ve been growing and learning a lot from our amazing business mentors and working on some projects behind the scenes. 👀

But now, we’re ready for the last couple of months of 2021 and we hope you are too!! 👊🏼

Are you curious about bringing The Well Company to your office? Sign up for a webinar before the end of 2021 and have the price deducted off your 2022 wellness plan. 🤩

Are you an employee who’d like to bring TWC to your office? Put us in contact with your HR rep and receive a referral bonus from us 🤑 Curious about our offerings? Send us a DM or email [email protected]



Episode 15 of The Well Conversation is now LIVE! 🎙

Episode 115: How to Take Care of Your Skin Naturally 🌱

We had some requests for an episode on skin care, so we had to bring in the expert,

Dr. Rose is the owner and clinic director of and has created an organic skin care line, . 🧴
In this episode we talk about:

✨What to eat for healthy skin
✨Which supplements and herbs are great for the skin
✨Skin care products to use or avoid
Click the link in bio for Spotify or Apple Music links. Available also on Google Podcasts! Let us know what you think and as always, reach out if there’s a wellness topic you’d like us to do a podcast about! 😊


Happy Wednesday! 🐫

We’re working on some very exciting projects and can’t wait to share more content on social media! 🤩

Today our motivation comes from checking those boxes and clearing our to do lists! … and of course, COFFEE! ☕️

What’s motivating you today? 💁🏻‍♀️



Episode 14 of The Well Conversation is now LIVE! 🎙

Episode 114: How to Prevent and Relieve Headaches

At one point in time, we’ve all had a pesky headache. Some people suffer from chronic headaches that never seem to go away. 😵‍💫

Headache expert Dr. Donald Littlewood, DC joins us to talk about his individualized approach to treating headaches. Dr. Donald uses tailored plans including mobilizations/adjustments, soft tissue therapy, rehabilitation, and acupuncture to treat his patients.  Dr. Donald’s passion in practice lies in treating those suffering from headaches, as well as members of the LGBTQ+ community. 🌈

Listen in to learn about:
🤕 Types of headaches
🤕 Causes of headaches
🤕 Stress relaxation techniques
🤕 How to modify your WFH station to prevent headaches
🤕 What chiropractors can offer for headache sufferers

Learn about 3 tips you can implement TODAY to prevent headaches in the future!

Photos from The Well Company's post 15/09/2021

Repost from


For some, headaches are a one off situation or they don't happen regularly, so they don't have a huge effect on their life.

But for others, headaches and migraines can be a daily (or almost daily) occurrence that requires constant preventative care and maintenance. Even on days when you don't have a headache, you're doing something to prevent the next one.

Headache management can be really individualized, but I wanted to give you some overarching strategies that help most people.

This may be the single most important thing you can to do help with your headaches. The jury is out as to how much water is in your brain, but research shows upwards of 70%. When you are dehydrated, your brain shrinks and pulls away from the skull. This pulling is thought to create some of the headache symptoms you are feeling.

How much water should you drink? Again, there is no hard & fast rule, but a good guideline is between 2-2.5L.

Movement is known to decrease pain. It increases our body's production of endorphins which act in a very similar way to opioids. These endorphins act on your pain receptors to stop the pain pathway.

My favourite way to get this physical activity in is a walk outside; you get the benefit of the walk & of being outside which boosts mood dramatically.

Magnesium is one of the most abundant elements in the body and is involved in everything from energy production, muscle relaxation, nervous system regulation, sleep promotion, etc. All of these processes are really important to helping you decrease your headaches. Reach out to your favourite health care provider for more information on this one (dosages, etc).



Here’s a repost from as a little sneak preview of what the topic of our new podcast episode is tomorrow!! 👀

How to Find Your Fertile Window.

1. Tracking your cervical mucus 💧

Egg white cervical mucus is fertile mucus.

2. Charting your basal body temperature 🌡

Your basal body temperature will dip before ovulation and spike the day after ovulation and stay elevated until your next period.

3. Your Lh hormone will spike the day before ovulation. 📈

4. You will typically ovulate 14 days before your next period. 🗓


Happy hump day!!! 🐪

Here’s your friendly reminder from TWC’s cofounders to celebrate being more than halfway through the week with some MOVEMENT and SUNSHINE! ☀️

Benefits of movement amplify with good company and sports! 😉

Let’s get moving!! 🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️



The Well Conversation’s Spotlight on B Vitamins is now LIVE! 🎙

This episode is JAM PACKED with information on all eight B vitamins! 🤩

B Vitamins truly are one of the most necessary vitamins needed for your body to function, being involved in ENERGY🤪, METABOLISM💪🏻, IMMUNE HEALTH🤧, HORMONES🙋, and DNA replication🧬… to name a few! 😂

We answer everything you’ve ever needed to know about B vitamins including:

💊Where you find B vitamins in foods
💊How much you need to take
💊How to spot a deficiency
💊Why B vitamins can make you nauseous
💊Tips on supplementation

Do you have a supplement you’d love to learn more about? Drop a comment below! 👇


Email etiquette 101.

Taken from on LinkedIn.

Happy Thursday! 1 more work day till the weekend!! 🥳🥳🥳



Our 10th episode is now LIVE! 🎙

This episode of The Well Conversation focuses on one of the most prevalent sexually transmitted infections in North America - HPV.

Joining us to help end the stigma around HPV is renowned ND Dr. Elizabeth Goldspink ().👩🏼‍⚕️

is a naturopath, wellness expert, and health coach to many of North America’s leading CEOs and entrepreneurs. When she’s not busy formulating new natural health products, you can find her on Wellness Wednesdays on ! 🤩

Dr. Goldspink is the expert on all things HPV, being the founder of , a supplement designed to support your immune system in response to HPV. 🌱

On this episode, we discuss:
👉What HPV is
👉Symptoms of HPV
👉Common treatment options
👉How to reduce risk for your sexual partner
👉Why we’re told to “watch and wait”
👉How to reduce your risk of cervical cancer with lifestyle modifications

Head over to your favourite podcast platform, spotify or apple, to listen now!! 🎙


🌸 HPV 🌸

The CDC estimates that nearly all sexually active people will get infected with HPV at some point in their lives. 🤯

What does this mean? 🧐

Most cases of HPV remain a symptomatic, while some can have more obvious symptoms like ge***al warts. 🤒

For anatomically female people, this is where your routine Pap smears come in handy. 👩🏻‍⚕️

Here are 4 ways from our friends at to support HPV clearance and stay symptom free. 🥳

Curious to learn more about how this can impact you? Check back in tomorrow to learn about our latest podcast episode! 🤩

reposted from



A new episode of The Well Conversation is now live, and this one you DON’T want to miss!!! 🤩

Episode 9 is all about High Functioning Anxiety. I can guarantee you know at least 1 person who may fit this description... or it might be you! 🧐

Joining us to discuss is Dr. Ellen Wong, naturopathic Doctor and self talk Transformologist®. 👩🏻‍⚕️

works with women suffering from high functioning anxiety to prioritize health and happiness as much as their success. 🙌🏻

Although she appeared like she "had it all together", Dr. Ellen struggled with high functioning anxiety herself, having and internal struggle with never ending negative self-talk, perfectionism and overthinking. 😥

Determined to find a solution to high-functioning anxiety after two hospitalizations, Dr. Ellen combined her clinical expertise, love for women's psychology and even travelled to the happiest countries on earth to learn about happiness. As a Naturopathic Doctor, Self-Talk Transformologist®, and founder of The Joy Avenue, Dr. Ellen works with women who feel overwhelmed and anxious and are ready to stop their negative self-talk to create space for joy in their lives. ❤️

Join us to learn about:
👉What is high functioning anxiety
👉What it looks like
👉How to know if you have it
👉What to do about it
👉How to adapt the CALM living approach

Head over to Spotify or Apple NOW! 🎙


Photos from The Well Company's post 26/05/2021

Reposted from

Truly a game-changer for anyone struggling from high-functioning anxiety!

Check out for information and resources on high functioning anxiety, including a guide on How To Break Up With Your Negative Self Talk!



Do you experience these symptoms in your every day life? 🥲

High functioning anxiety affects so many people, especially young adults and female-identifying individuals. 👩🏻‍💼

TOMORROW we have special guest Dr. Ellen Wong, ND, the brains behind talking about High Functioning Anxiety, her personal experiences, and what you can do to help yourself through it. 🥰

You DON’T want to miss this one!!! 🤩



Episode 8 of The Well Conversation is now LIVE! 🎙

In this episode we discuss all things Magnesium:

💊What it is
💊Why you need it
💊Signs of deficiency
💊When you should supplement
💊Types of magnesium supplements
💊What to look for in your supplement

Questions? Ask away!! 👇



Our next Supplement Spotlight episode drops tomorrow and this one is a personal favourite! 💊

Here are some of foods high in magnesium as a content sneak preview. 👀

Magnesium spotlight goes live tomorrow!! 🎙

What’s your favourite magnesium-containing food? 👇



The Well Company has been featured on !

Check it out through the link in our bio, or through .



Just like green space (parks, forests, nature trails), blue space (rivers, creeks, lakes) has immense health benefits. 👍🏼

Studies show that exposure to blue space who’s benefits in:
💧 mood
💧 vitality
💧 mental health
💧 self-perceived health
💧 cardiovascular health
💧 obesity

Interested in blue space and mental health? Learn more on Clubhouse tonight with us and 🤩

Find your nearest access to blue space and go for a walk today. 🚶‍♀️

Photos from The Well Company's post 04/05/2021


Join us on Clubhouse at 7PM tomorrow with ’s Laina Timberg and Kate Brown as we talk about the impacts of climate change and health. 🌱

We gave you a little sneak peek on our post of a few ways the environment is directly connected to your health. 🌍🩺

Now we’ll be joining the environment education pros on the details of climate and health, with the help of to help explain some of the environmental factors. 👩‍🔬

About NAYPW:
NAYPW brings together youth and young professionals to develop sustainable solutions for water issues in North America based on the United Nations’ SDG 6.

Their mission is to:
💧Empower youth to become engaged community members with educational programming on water science, culture, and ethics
💧Participate in and promote multidisciplinary opportunities for early-career voices and young professionals
💧Advance a water future that is equitable, sustainable, and youth-inclusive

Need a Clubhouse invite? DM us! 📥

matters. 🌍



Do you experience bloating? 🙋🏻‍♀️

Bloating can be very uncomfortable, from a physical and self-confidence perspective. 😞

These are carminative teas for the post-meal bloat! 🤩


These all work to improve your body’s ability to digest, reducing the potential for bloating. 🤰

Remember, you shouldn’t normally feel bloated after eating. If you notice you’re often bloated, it may be time to consult your Naturopathic Doctor. 👩🏻‍⚕️

Photos from The Well Company's post 27/04/2021


Allergy season is upon us! Who else is sneezing 50 times a day and ready to scratch your eyes out? 🙋🏻‍♀️

No one wants to be “that person” that’s sneezing a million times in the grocery store during covid. 😳

Check out our favourite tips to reduce seasonal allergy symptoms:

🌾Take off your outside shoes and clothes when you get home. - these can track pollen inside!

🌾Go outside during mid-day. - peak pollen is in the air a couple hours after sunrise and sunset

🌾Wear sunglasses outside to limit the contact of pollen with your eyes.

🌾Wash your face and try a nasal saline rinse to clear your sinuses of pollen.

🌾Talk to your ND about supplementing. - some of our favourites are vitamin C, quercetin, astragalus, magnolia, nettle, ginger.

🌾Wash your pillowcases often and close your windows while sleeping to get a sound, sneeze-free sleep.

Do you have seasonal allergies? What’s your least favourite part? 🥺

Comment your favourite seasonal allergy trick below! 👇