Arrow Lakes Hospital Foundation

Arrow Lakes Hospital Foundation

A not-for-profit foundation registered under the British Columbia Society Act with charitable status through the Canada Revenue Agency.

Working with and for the communities of the Arrow Lakes...

To receive and hold gifts donations, legacies and bequests from donors or testers. To make donations and contributions so as to engage in activities which will be of benefit to the Arrow Lakes Hospital and those using its services. To provide bursaries to enable persons to undertake or continue studies in health fields. To promote researc


NACFOR Board of Directors (represented by Teresa Weatherhead and Aidan McLaren-Caux) presents Arrow Lakes Hospital Foundation (represented by Bob Ruttenberg and Linda Van Immerzeel) with a $5,214.50 contribution to support the 2022 Light Up our Hospital Lights campaign purchase of I-Stat blood analyzing equipment.



Annual General Meeting

Wednesday, September 21 2022 at 4:30pm
Village of Nakusp Emergency Services Building
300 - 8th Avenue NW Nakusp, BC

Review the purpose of the Arrow Lakes Hospital Foundation

Review our activities and accomplishments over the past year

Review our Foundation’s Financial Accounts

Review current equipment and resource needs in support of best practices and the highest quality of patient care at our Arrow Lakes Hospital

Elections to Positions on the Board of Directors

This meeting will be followed by a brief regular meeting of the Board of Directors

If you would like to learn more about the Arrow Lakes Hospital Foundation please check us out on “Facebook”, or feel free to contact us at: [email protected]


Thank you! from the Arrow Lakes Hospital Foundation


LIGHT UP 2021 Update...


We work with and for the communities of the Arrow Lakes to manage charitable donations that provide improved health care for the people of our communities.
