Mind Revitalized

Mind Revitalized

Mind Revitalized is here to help people find the best resources for their needs.

Most importantly, we strive to aid people in finding their worth and reclaiming their silenced voices!

Photos from Mind Revitalized's post 28/04/2024

🌿 Embrace the Power of Disconnecting 🌿

In a world constantly buzzing with notifications and updates, it’s easy to get lost in the virtual realm and forget about the beauty of the present moment. 🌟 Today, I want to remind you of the importance of disconnecting from social media and focusing on YOU. 💫

Break from the endless scroll and immerse yourself in the world around you. 🌍 Spend time with loved ones, indulge in a good book, or bask in the tranquillity of your thoughts. 📖✨

Remember, self-care isn’t just about face masks and bubble baths—it’s also about nourishing your mind and soul. 💕 So, give yourself the gift of presence and watch as a newfound sense of clarity and peace washes over you. 🌸✨

Disconnect to reconnect with yourself. 🌿💖

Photos from Mind Revitalized's post 23/04/2024

🚫📱⏰ 🚫⏰📱

Hey everyone,

Just a reminder: your day off is YOUR time. Just because we have phones doesn’t mean we’re on call 24/7. It’s important to set boundaries and prioritize self-care.

Employers expecting employees to respond to work texts on their day off is unacceptable. Respect personal time and allow employees to recharge and disconnect.

Let’s remember boundaries are essential. Stand firm, prioritize self-care, and reclaim your time.



Owen Sound, ON. Lost female pup. Safe with us. Spread the word to help get her back home. Send me a message it you know who she belongs to.

Photos from Mind Revitalized's post 04/04/2024

Next time you feel the storm of anger within you, try this: pause, breathe, and give it time. Let the storm settle, calm your emotions, and wait a day or two.⁣

In the silence that follows, let kind words guide you. Speak from a place of understanding, compassion, and empathy. Your words have the power to heal, to mend, and to build bridges.⁣

Remember, in the face of conflict, choose kindness. It can work wonders where anger fails. 🕊️💕⁣


🌟✨ Beautiful Reminders ✨🌟

In case you needed to hear this today:
You deserve to be valued 💖
You are unique and irreplaceable 🌺
You deserve to shine bright like the star you are 🌟
Remember, you haven’t failed; you’re simply progressing and growing 🌱

Tag someone who needs these reminders today! 💕 🧠


🌿 Self-Care Reminder 🌿

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it’s important to prioritize self-care and set boundaries to maintain our well-being. Here are a few gentle reminders:

1️⃣ Learn to say NO: Remember, it’s okay to decline requests that don’t align with your priorities or values. Your time and energy are precious.

2️⃣ Reserve “I’m sorry” for situations that deserve it: Let’s save our apologies for when we genuinely make mistakes or hurt someone unintentionally. Be kind to yourself.

3️⃣ Breathe deeply and speak slowly: Take a moment to pause, breathe, and collect your thoughts before responding. Speaking slowly can help you communicate more clearly and mindfully.

4️ Create boundaries: Establish healthy boundaries to protect your mental and emotional well-being. It’s okay to prioritize yourself and your needs.

Remember, self-care is not selfish—it’s necessary for your overall health and happiness. Take small steps each day to nurture yourself. 💖


🌿 Self-Care Reminder 🌿

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it’s important to prioritize self-care and set boundaries to maintain our well-being. Here are a few gentle reminders:

1️⃣ Learn to say NO: Remember, it’s okay to decline requests that don’t align with your priorities or values. Your time and energy are precious.

2️⃣ Reserve “I’m sorry” for situations that deserve it: Let’s save our apologies for when we genuinely make mistakes or hurt someone unintentionally. Be kind to yourself.

3️⃣ Breathe deeply and speak slowly: Take a moment to pause, breathe, and collect your thoughts before responding. Speaking slowly can help you communicate more clearly and mindfully.

4️ Create boundaries: Establish healthy boundaries to protect your mental and emotional well-being. It’s okay to prioritize yourself and your needs.

Remember, self-care is not selfish—it’s necessary for your overall health and happiness. Take small steps each day to nurture yourself. 💖


🌟 Importance of Daily Check-ins 🌟

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it’s easy to get caught up in our world and forget to check in with our loved ones. 🌺 Taking a moment each day to reach out to family and friends, even just a quick text or call, can make a difference. 💕

These daily check-ins not only strengthen our relationships but also show that we care and are there for each other through thick and thin. 🤝 Whether it’s sharing a funny story, offering support during tough times, or simply catching up on each other’s day, these small gestures can significantly impact our mental and emotional well-being. 🌈

Let’s make it a priority to stay connected with the people who matter most to us. 💬 Reach out, listen, and show you care. Remember, the little things we do today can create lasting bonds that enrich our lives in ways we can’t even imagine. 🌟 🧠 # counsellor 💖

Photos from Mind Revitalized's post 23/03/2024

🌟 Boost Your Self-Awareness and Self-Worth 🌟

✨ This week, I challenge you to start a simple yet powerful practice to enhance your self-awareness and boost your self-worth! 🌿✨

🌸 Get a jar, and every day, write down something positive that happened or a lesson you’ve learned. 📝 It could be a compliment you received, a small achievement, a moment of gratitude, or simply a new insight gained. Fill that jar with these precious notes.

🌟 At the end of the week or month, take a moment to sit down, empty the jar, and read through each note. 🌺✨ You’ll be amazed at how much you’ve experienced, learned, and grown during this time. It’s a beautiful way to reflect on your journey and acknowledge your worth.

💫 Remember, self-awareness is the key to personal growth and understanding your true self. By celebrating the positives and lessons in your life, you’re nurturing a healthy relationship with yourself and building inner strength.

🌿 Embrace this practice with an open heart and watch how it transforms your perspective and appreciation for the beauty in your everyday life. 💖✨ 🌟

Photos from Mind Revitalized's post 21/03/2024

Self-Sacrificing Your Well-Being

Are you constantly putting others’ needs before your own? Self-sacrificing your well-being may seem noble, but it’s crucial to break this cycle for your mental and physical health. Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup!

🌿 Self-sacrificing can look like neglecting your needs, ignoring your emotions, and putting excessive pressure on yourself to please others. It’s time to prioritize self-care and set boundaries. You deserve love and care, too!

💖 Break the cycle by practicing self-love, setting boundaries, and saying no when needed. Remember, taking care of yourself is not selfish—it’s necessary for your overall well-being. You are worthy of love, kindness, and respect, starting with yourself! 🌸


🌟💫 Embracing Your Worth 💫🌟

Some days, self-worth feels like a distant mountain peak, shrouded in mists of doubt and rains of criticism. 🏔️ But remember, mountains are climbed step by step, not in one giant leap.

It’s a journey - a daily practice of choosing yourself, your values, and your happiness. It’s about living unapologetically with the courage to be authentic. 🌈

🔑 The key? Dedication. To the rituals that nourish your soul. To the boundaries that protect your heart. To the moments of self-reflection that sharpen your self-awareness. 🧘‍♀️

Know this: your worth isn’t a number on a scale, a figure in your bank account, or the sum of likes on a screen. It’s the steadfast belief that you are enough, just as you are. 🌟

So, breathe deep and cast aside the weight of others’ judgments. 🚫👀 Your lifestyle, your choices, your dreams - they belong to you. Nurture them with daily dedication, and watch your self-worth blossom like a steadfast flower in the wild. 🌺

Keep climbing, keep shining, and let no one dim the brilliant light that is uniquely yours. ✨


🌟✨ Feeling that unstoppable surge of strength today because true power comes from lifting others! As a counsellor, every breakthrough moment with my clients fills me with pride. Witnessing their journey towards better mental health reminds us that our lights shine brighter together. 🙌💖

Embracing their courage inspires me to break my boundaries. Each day, we’re co-authors of our own empowerment story. Remember, healing isn’t just personal; it’s communal. 🤝📖

Let’s keep spreading that and watch as it multiplies. Because when we empower others, we empower ourselves. It’s an empowerment loop! 🔄💪

To anyone struggling, know that your voice is heard, your feelings are valid, and your story matters. Let’s continue to create safe spaces for everyone to grow. 🌱🤗


🌟 Self-Care Checklist 🌟

✅ Be wild and free at any age!
✅ Be assertive - share your thoughts and opinions!
✅ Be a leader - challenge the status quo & protect those finding their voice!


Let’s empower each other to be our true selves and make a positive impact on the world! 🌍💫 💖✨


Rise. Thrive. Repeat. 🌟

Embrace the challenges, conquer your fears, and soar higher than you ever thought possible. 💪

Remember, growth often comes from discomfort. Keep pushing forward, you’re stronger than you know. 💫


🌌✨ Embrace the Power of Your Energy ✨🌌

Every thought we think, every word we speak, and every action we take sends ripples of energy into the universe. The energy we emit shapes the world around us in ways we may not even realize. ✨💫

Remember, you have the power to create the reality you desire simply by being mindful of the energy you project. Choose positivity, kindness, and love, and watch as the universe aligns to support you on your journey. 🌟💖

Your energy is your superpower - use it wisely! 💪✨ 🌈🙏

Let’s shine brightly together! ✨💖 🌟🌺


🕊️💔 Today, on February 22, we stand together to shine a spotlight on a dark issue that affects millions worldwide - Human Trafficking. Today isn’t just another day; it’s a call to action, a moment to raise our voices against the inhumane act of trafficking innocent lives. 🌍✊

Human trafficking is not a distant problem; it’s pervasive, touching every corner of the globe, infiltrating cities, towns, and communities, often hidden in plain sight. It robs individuals of their freedom, their dignity, and their right to live life on their own terms. Today, let’s educate, empower, and inspire one another to take a stand. 💡🔗

🔵 How can YOU make a difference?
1. EDUCATE yourself and others about the signs of human trafficking.
2. SUPPORT organizations that are working tirelessly to combat this issue.
3. SPEAK UP if you see something suspicious. Your voice could save a life.
4. ADVOCATE for stronger laws and enforcement to protect vulnerable populations.

Together, we can break the chains of trafficking. Let’s pledge to be the light that guides those lost back to safety, to be the hope for those who have been silenced, and to be the force that finally puts an end to human trafficking. 💪💖

Join the movement. Share this message. Be a part of the solution. Because every life is precious, and everyone deserves freedom. 🕊️🌟


🌟 Embrace the journey of self-transformation! 🌟

🌿 Just like a caterpillar transforms into a beautiful butterfly, we too can undergo incredible changes. 🦋 Whether you’re working on your mental health, seeking guidance from a counsellor, or simply evolving into the best version of yourself, remember that growth is a beautiful process. 🌺

🌟 Let’s bloom into our true selves, one step at a time! 💫

Photos from Mind Revitalized's post 21/02/2024

🌟 Embrace Self-Love with This Checklist 🌟

✨ Accept yourself just as you are. Embrace every imperfection and celebrate your uniqueness. Remember, you are enough! 💖

✨ Change your narrative from self-doubt to self-love. Speak kindly to yourself, practice affirmations, and watch how your mindset transforms. 🌺

✨ Engage in your senses and savor the present moment. Feel the warmth of the sun, savor your favorite meal, and breathe in the beauty around you. 🌿

Tag someone who needs this reminder today! 🌈 Let’s spread love and positivity together. 🌟 💖



In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it’s easy to lose sight of the most important person in the room - YOU. Take a moment today to truly notice yourself. What are you feeling? What do you need? It’s okay to put yourself first sometimes.

Whether it’s a walk in nature, a quiet moment with a book, or a heart-to-heart with a friend, make time for self-reflection and self-care. Your mental and emotional well-being deserve attention, too.

Remember, you are worthy of love, care, and compassion - especially from yourself. Embrace your journey and celebrate the unique individual that you are. 🌈

If you’re struggling to notice yourself or need support on your journey to self-awareness, know that it’s okay to seek help. Counselling and therapy can be powerful tools for self-discovery and growth.

Take a deep breath, and take the first step towards noticing and nurturing yourself. You deserve it. 💖


🌟 Want to boost your happiness?

It’s all about the words you choose! For example, instead of ‘I should have done this...’ try ‘Next time, I will...’

In addition, being more self-aware, helping others without expecting anything in return, and practicing empathy can truly transform your outlook.

Let’s spread positivity and make the world a brighter place together! 💖


🌧️ Sometimes, life can feel like a relentless storm. The path ahead is shrouded in fog, and the light at the tunnel’s end seems like a mirage that fades the closer you get. But here’s a gentle reminder for anyone feeling overwhelmed: nothing in this vast, intricate tapestry of existence is permanent. Everything is temporary. ⏳

It’s okay to acknowledge the weight of your struggles, to feel the gravity of the moment. But beyond the chaos and the noise, remember there’s a primary goal, a beacon guiding you through the dark. 🌟

Climb those mountains 🏔️, not just to reach the peaks but to learn from the rugged slopes and the strength you muster with each step. With every challenge you face, there’s a lesson to be embraced wisdom to be harvested.

The hardships you encounter are not there to keep you from your light; they are there to forge you into someone capable. So, keep your eyes on the horizon, your heart anchored in hope. The storms will pass, the fog will lift, and you will find that the light was within you all along. 💡🌈


🌿 Taking a Break for Self-Care 🌿

Hey everyone, just a heads up that Mind Revitalized will be taking a little hiatus from social media starting today until February 16. I’m going on a trip to recharge, relax, and indulge in much-needed self-care. It’s essential to disconnect from the digital world now and then and focus on what’s right in front of you. I encourage you to take time for yourselves and prioritize your mental well-being.

Remember, it’s okay to take a step back and recenter. I’ll be back soon with more content to help you revitalize your mind and soul! In the meantime, let’s all practice some self-love and mindfulness. 💛

Take care, and I’ll catch up with you all when I return! ✨

Photos from Mind Revitalized's post 23/01/2024

🌟 New Beginnings Await You at Mind Revitalized! 🌿✨

At Mind Revitalized, I believe that every individual has the potential to reach new heights of mental wellness and personal fulfillment. The logo, a serene blend of lavender and majestic mountains, encapsulates a philosophy of healing and growth.

The calming lavender represents peace, purity, and the soothing journey towards a revitalized mind, while the steadfast mountains symbolize the strength and resilience each of us can discover within. Together, they embody your transformative journey with my compassionate counselling services.

Join me at Mind Revitalized, where your journey to wellness is just a heartbeat away. 🏔️💜


📩 DM to start your revitalizing journey today!
📲 Follow for tips, inspiration, and updates on services.


Temporary and fluctuating, money holds no true value. The genuine richness lies in the profoundness and significance of our encounters, the connections and the way we positively influence the world.

It is not determined by the extent of our personal financial resources, but by the effect we have on others. Discovering genuine contentment comes from prioritizing the accumulation of meaningful experiences rather than material possessions.

The most essential aspects of life are our interpersonal relationships, the memories we establish, and the treasured moments we hold dear. Instead of pursuing wealth, let us pursue meaningful bonds and experiences that will enhance our lives.


Have you ever experienced social anxiety? As someone with autism, I go through it sometimes. It can be challenging to navigate social situations and understand social cues. But over the years, I have learned some strategies that help me manage it.

Firstly, I've realized that many people don't act as their authentic selves, making it difficult to converse with them. It can cause confusion and fixation to unravel the puzzle of that person. However, surrounding myself with like-minded individuals who are genuine gives me a sense of predictability, which makes me feel more comfortable in social settings.

Secondly, practicing mindfulness and deep breathing exercises can do wonders in calming my nerves and reducing anxiety levels. Most importantly, I've learned that it's okay to pause, ask for what I want/need, and take time to process the situation.

We forget that we all have the right to step away, process, and return to a situation. If we need to ask questions to understand better, we should allow ourselves that. Doing this can help end the stigma and normalize differences in processing information.

We don't have to follow the standards. Instead, we can push back and create our own way of navigating the world that supports our needs—disability or not.

Some other steps you can take:

Practice exposure. Do it with a professional or someone you trust.

Practice speaking in front of a mirror.

List what could go wrong but also what COULD go right.

Communicate your needs!

Seek professional help from a speech specialist emotional and communications therapist.

Photos from Mind Revitalized's post 08/01/2024

The benefits of therapy are numerous. Therapy can provide individuals with a safe and confidential space to explore their thoughts and emotions.

It can help individuals gain a better understanding of themselves and their relationships.

Therapy also offers tools and strategies to manage stress, anxiety, and other mental health concerns. Additionally, therapy can support personal growth and development, leading to increased self-esteem and overall well-being.

Photos from Mind Revitalized's post 06/01/2024

Overcoming depression does not happen over night, but there are certainly some steps to take along with professional support.

One important step is to seek therapy and counselling. Talking to a trained professional can help you understand the root causes of your depression and develop healthy coping mechanisms.

Additionally, engaging in self-care activities can also aid in the recovery process. This can involve practicing mindfulness, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep.

It's important to remember that everyone's journey is different, so finding what works best for you is key.

Finally, building a support network of friends and loved ones can provide the emotional support necessary for overcoming depression.


It is important to understand that the power of words does not solely come from their content but also the intention behind them.

Positive and supportive words can uplift and empower people, while harmful words can cause lasting damage. Therefore, we should be careful in choosing our words.

It is a common human tendency to remember negative statements more vividly than positive ones. Hence, we must try to use more words that uplift and encourage others.

People already put themselves down enough with negative self-talk, so adding negative comments from others is not helpful. We can do better.

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Have you ever experienced social anxiety? As someone with autism, I go through it sometimes. It can be challenging to na...
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Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 21:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 21:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 21:00
Thursday 09:00 - 21:00