Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Program Saskatoon Area

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Program Saskatoon Area

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Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a program of journeying with children in their relationship with God, giving them tools the tools needed to deepen this relationship through work with Scripture and Liturgy. The age groups currently being served in the Saskatoon diocese are ages 3-6 (Level 1). The program can further serve through Level 2 ( ages 6-9) and Level 3 (ages 9-12) with further training,

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, SK 27/10/2019

Level 1 Catechist Training!!

Come and learn how to share the faith with our youngest members of the community! It is a joy to serve them 💞

January 17-22, 2020. More information available through the website.

There is an early bird incentive until NOVEMBER 1st:
Register and receive your books for FREE! After Nov 1st books run at about $100.

Would LOVE to see you at training! If there are enough moms with younger kids, we will be able to offer childcare for a reasonable rate.

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, SK Children's catechetics program using Montessori-based methods for teaching Scripture and Liturgy in the Saskatoon area.


"More than once, I've seen a mother emerge from the Atrium with a shining face, or with tears in her eyes."

Simcha shares a fabulous reflection about Catechesis of the Good Shepherd! Note: written several years ago, but I only just came across it recently 😊

Tuesdays still have openings at St Patrick parish!
Fill out your registration form here:

A Little About Catechesis of the Good Shepherd When I was growing up, our parish offered a few options for Catholic kids: you could join 'Snoopy Group,' which meant that you sat in a c...

A Deep Dive into the Divine: The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd - Adoremus Bulletin 25/09/2019

What a great article!

A Deep Dive into the Divine: The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd - Adoremus Bulletin How a Unique Catechetical Program Offers a Profound—and Profoundly Liturgical—Method of Imparting the Faith One day at Mass, I couldn’t...

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, SK 23/09/2019

Still have openings at St Patrick parish!
Mondays at 9:30am
Tuesdays at 5:15pm

Come and let your preschool child enjoy the love of the Good Shepherd in a special way!

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, SK Children's catechetics program using Montessori-based methods for teaching Scripture and Liturgy in the Saskatoon area.

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, SK 15/09/2019

Program Openings!
Hi everyone! St. Patrick has openings for their CGS program this year, check out the website to download the form.

Dates this year are Monday mornings (9:30am) and Tuesday early evenings (5:15pm).

This program is for children ages 3-6 (as long as they're potty trained!) and is a Montessori faith program. It is age appropriate (completely geared towards how children at this age learn) and helps them build and deepen their relationship with Christ.

If you're interested in this for your child, fill out a form today!

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, SK Children's catechetics program using Montessori-based methods for teaching Scripture and Liturgy in the Saskatoon area.


Come out if you're interested in learning how to help in Catechesis of the Good shepherd (without becoming a Catechist!)


Hi everyone!
Wow, it was quite the year! Forgive the lack of attention to this page.

This is short notice, but I wanted to share that if you're interested in being a Catechist Aide in an Atrium, we are offering training this Saturday!

Catechist Aide Workshop
When: Saturday July 13
Time: 10:30am - 4pm (no lunch provided, pls bring own)
Where: St. Patrick Parish (3339 Centennial Dr, Saskatoon, SK)
Cost: $10 per person

If you have the time and are interested, come out! It's a great chance to learn more about the Atrium and the program!

Dominican Sisters create an environment where kids can come to know God Himself - Grandin Media 19/03/2019

Some good vibes about CGS in Edmonton's news! 😊

Dominican Sisters create an environment where kids can come to know God Himself - Grandin Media If you’re a Catholic teacher, catechist, or children’s ministry volunteer, you may be familiar with...

Photos from Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Program Saskatoon Area's post 19/11/2018

Many of our catechists finished up their training to become certified this week!

Thanks to Dr. Debbie Zeni, Carolyne-Marie Petch, Linda Funk & Sr. Bibiana Ikwun for bringing your gifts & knowledge to us!

Big congratulations to all of the trainees! We are all very excited to welcome you back into our Atriums!


First year for Mr. E and already getting a great handle on the articles on the altar!

Photos from Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Program Saskatoon Area's post 21/10/2018

Starting the year off right!

Miss C is in her third year in the program, she's learned the names of all the items on the altar, and is working on recognising their spelling.

Miss F is in her second year. She is learning about the liturgical year, and the length of each season via prisms.

So much work to do and we've only just started!

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, SK 14/10/2018

Things are getting started in all our Atriums! Please pray for all involved - the children, the families, our catechists, and parish leaders supporting the program that we will all encounter Christ through Scripture and Liturgy this year, and grow in love for him.

St. Pat's still has a few spaces available - check out the website for details & registration!

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, SK Children's catechetics program using Montessori-based methods for teaching Scripture and Liturgy in the Saskatoon area.

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, SK 01/10/2018

St. Patrick's parish program is still taking registrations!
Lots of spots open for Monday morning at 9:30am and Saturday morning at 9:30!

One spot left for Wednesday at 5:15pm!!

You can download the registration form here:

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, SK Children's catechetics program using Montessori-based methods for teaching Scripture and Liturgy in the Saskatoon area.


Sacramental Preparation Workshop!

This workshop will be great if you have children around the age of reconciliation, confirmation, and first Eucharist! Also for all people you know in their formation.

But just think of what you can do at home with your children in this!! So excited! Come and register!!


"It is an incontestable fact, to which we have borne and still bear witness, that children come with joy to their religious instruction; a fact which does not seem as natural to some people as to others. Most people think that it is necessary to attract children to religious instruction by means which are external to the subject itself, such as games, rewards, amusements of various kinds. We have established, on the other hand, that children come to us as to a feast; and often, after two hours fully devoted to lessons, it is still quite an effort to get them to go home (Sofia Cavalletti 1965, 124)."

I have seen this to be true many times in my Atrium at St. Patrick's parish.


Training for Catechesis of the Good Shepherd!

Great News!
Catechist Training is nearly upon us!

You've been following for awhile, you've heard the good reports...
Now is the time to attend the training !

If you're looking for a confident approach to passing on our faith to your children or children you know, this program is solid! In it celebrated its jubilee year last year and it's expanded to 37 countries in the world and has the support of numerous bishops . It is a tried-and-true method that gives children the tools and space to dialogue with God and allow the Holy Spirit to teach and deepen their relationship.

Catechist Training
April 22-27th     Sunday: 12:30-5:30
     Mon-Fri: 9-5

Registration deadline: March 23rd.
Deposit due on 23rd: $100*

We are planning for child care at the church during training.
If you are in need of child care, please note this on the form. We are asking for an extra $15/day for child care to help cover the cost. 
(This was a late addition and is not reflected in the registration form)

For registration and more information, click the button below! *There are funding options available


Training session for Catechists coming up in April!!!
Deadline for deposit is March 23rd - come join us!

Deepen your own faith while learning how to pass on the faith to young children. It's a gift you don't want to pass up!

A training session for the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, a program that recognizes and nurtures young children’s love for Jesus, will be offered April 22-27, 2018 in Saskatoon. This Level 1 Part A course covers all one needs to know to offer Year 1 of catechesis for 3-6 year olds.

Hands-on and grounded in a Montessori understanding of the developmental needs of children, the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd recognizes the great spiritual capacity of even the youngest children to form a meaningful relationship with God, as well as to understand, participate and respond to scripture and liturgy, and express their deep faith.

A minimum of 10 registrations are required by the March 23 deadline in order to proceed with the April 22-27 course. Financial assistance is available for those taking the training. Contact Cynthia Foster [email protected] to register or for more info visit the website at:


Hello everyone!
St. Patrick's Atrium is looking for some help - I (Jane Korvemaker) will be making a raised surface map of the land of Israel and I am very much -not- an artist.

Is there anyone willing to paint the material once I have finished making it? I and the children in the Atrium would be very grateful for help! I have photos of a finished project for reference.

Feel free to respond here or PM this CGS page! Thanks in advance :)

Flocknote 07/09/2017

It's autumn and we're back!

Newest newletter was sent out last week - you can access it, as well as all previous newsletters, by signing up for the Flocknote newsletter right here:

It includes information and registration for St. Patrick parish's Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program! Currently other Catholic parishes offering the program are at capacity.


The Good Shepherd 13/04/2017

This video is a great watch with younger kids (it is narrated completely by children)

May you and your family be blessed this Triduum!

The Good Shepherd The story of the passion of Jesus Christ, from his Last Supper, to his arrest and crucifixion through the eyes and imagination of children.

Flocknote 12/09/2016

New newsletter is up! If you don't want to the the truncated ugly version of it here, please sign up to the email list and view it in all it's glory!



September Update

Good day everyone!
We are all getting into full swing with our Atriums! So very exciting!
One major reminder and several smaller ones:

Sep 15
Catechist Training

The training date is Thursday (Sept. 15)
until Sunday. Please see brochure (attached) for details on times and
cost. Registration is only until THIS WEDNESDAY so jump on board!

Trinity Atrium
Parent and Helper Orientation is this Friday September 16th in the St Philippe-de-Néri Church basement in Vonda. Parents are welcome to come ask questions beginning at 6:30 pm, Orientation and Tour begins at 7:00 pm. This is an adult information session.

Please contact Lisette Fontaine to book your child's individual orientation time. 20 minute time slots begin at 9:00 am on September 24th. Please indicate if orientation will be in French, English or Bilingual. (306) 258-2212 or [email protected].

Sessions begin in October, and we can't wait!!!

We are in need of figures for dioramas, 3-5 inches from nativity scenes or small statues. Potting soil and medium-sized non-plastic pots for three donated plants would be appreciated, as well as help to strip, stain and paint some items.

Thank you to all those who have generously given their time, skill, prayers, items and financial support to our Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program. You are a blessing to our communities and the children you serve. May God shower you with graces.

St Francis Xavier Atrium
Registration is currently full. Thank you to everyone for your enthusiasm and support!

We are looking for a satin baptism garment - if you are able to provide or create one for this Atrium, it would be greatly appreciated! Please contact Cynthia - [email protected]

St. Patrick Atrium
Registration is currently full. Thank you to everyone for your enthusiasm and support!

We are in need of figures for dioramas of the Scriptural stories (creche statues are perfect).

Help to paint figures and the Good Shepherd figures would be greatly appreciated, please contact Jane - [email protected]; 306-382-1348

How You Can Help
Interested in being a part of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd movement? There are several ways you can help!
- pray for the program and all the children, catechists, and helpers who have and are making these programs happen
- Trinity Atrium and St. Patrick Atrium are in need of small figures for dioramas - if you have any or if you enjoy shopping at second hand stores - please keep these requests in mind!
- Trinity Atrium and St. Patrick are both in need of helpers to strip/paint/stain items - if you have a couple free hours please offer your gift of time to one of the Atriums.
- discern whether you could offer up time to become a Catechist and serve in one of the Atriums - a great gift to yourself and your community!

Christ's whole life is a gift to the Father and to mankind; His death represents the ultimate concretization of His continuing gift of self offered throughout all time to all men, and comes to each one of us especially in the Eucharist.

Sofia Cavalletti


Hello everyone!
Just a quick update - all of us Catechists are hard at work getting our Atriums up and running for our starts dates! Two things you may be interested in being involved with:
1. Catechist training
Interested in becoming a catechist and starting your own Atrium or helping an existing Atrium out? Training (part 1) is September 15-18th, message me for details if you're interested!

2. Nativity Figures
Two of our Atriums are still looking for figures from nativity sets; if you have any that you would like to contribute to an Atrium, please contact me!

Hope your autumn is starting well! Blessings to all of you!


Mid-July update for CGS in the Saskatoon Diocese

Sep 16
Level 1 Catechist Training

Friday Sept 16 to Sunday Sept 18, 2016
St. Francis Xavier parish will be hosting the beginning of Level 1 Training. Cost to be announced.
For more information about training please contact Cynthia Foster at [email protected]

News:1.St. Patrick parish:
Registration is currently open. Priority is for parishioners with a registration deadline of August 15th; if it is not full at this point, it will open up for non-parishioners on the waiting list. Cost for the year will be $60.00.

If you have any questions please contact Jane: [email protected]

2. The Trinity parishes:
The registration fee will be 50$ per child to a maximum of 100$ per family. Sessions will be scheduled following consultation of families registered. Information sessions for anyone in the community and orientation for helpers will be held in early September. Sessions begin late September with orientation for children individually. Please contact Lisette Fontaine for more information or to volunteer to build, paint, sew or donate materials. [email protected] (306) 258-2212

If you are reading this on Facebook, consider signing up to the email list through this link:

Happen to know someone who would love to know about this program? Pass this email on and let them know they can sign up for emails!

The most important thing that happens in the atrium (or in our lives, for that matter) is that, together with the children, we grow in our knowledge of Jesus, the Christ, the Good Shepherd, and in his love for us, and that we grow always more capable of responding to that love.

Sofia Cavalletti, The Religious Potential of the Child


Welcome to the Catechesis email list!

This list will keep you updated on the growth and expansion of the program in our diocese, including which parishes are registering new children, opportunities for you, yourself, to become a catechist and grow the program, and the needs of the Atriums this email list represents.

We look forward to this partnership with you and hope this will be a long and fruitful journey towards helping these littlest of Jesus' disciples deepen and grow their faith!

Cynthia, Lisette, and Jane at the information night held in June.
Missing from the group: Alicia.

News1. Level 1 Training will be offered here in Saskatoon again in the Fall! Set your calendar: September 16-18, 2016, St. Francis Xavier parish will be hosting the beginning of Level 1 Training over that weekend.

The biggest benefit of your commitment to the training is that we can open up the Atriums to more children if there are more Catechists! Currently both St. Patrick and St. Francis Xavier can only take about 6 children each unless more Atrium times are added; the addition of another catechist expands that number to 12!

Please prayerfully consider registering to be a Catechist for this amazing program - the gift to yourself and the community is immeasurable! For information about St. Francis Atrium or September training please contact Cynthia Foster via email [email protected]

2. St. Patrick Atrium will be registering children beginning next week and will remain open until full, with priority for St. Patrick's parishioners. A waiting list will be taken for those interested after the session is full with the possibility of another session starting if there is enough interest or if more Catechists are trained. Send inquiries to Jane at [email protected]

The Atrium is currently looking for:
- nativity sets, figures no smaller than 3 inches, no bigger than 5 inches
- gifts of money for lumber (and screws/nails/glue) and for cloth material
- people who can paint on wood (eg. sheep, Good Shepherd figures, dioramas)

3. The Trinity parishes Atrium (in Vonda) will be accepting registrations soon, priority to parishioners and relatives of parishioners. For registration and information, please contact Lisette at [email protected] or by phone 306-258-2212.

The Atrium is currently looking for:
- nativity set figurines (including shepherd and animals)

4.St. Francis Xavier Atrium will have paper registration forms, and the fees will also be set beginning the week of August 22. Cynthia will also collect names of families interested in being on a waiting list. If more people train as catechists in September another session may open.

The registration forms for each parish will be provided through this email list, though registration will take place through each of the parishes separately.

Thank you for your support and help to foster the growth of this program, the aim of which is to help children deepen their relationship with Christ. May God bless your week!

"I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because You have hidden these things from the wise and the intelligent and have revealed them to infants; yes, Father, for such was Your gracious will"

Luke 10:21


Welcome! Exciting things be happening here!