Anorak Eats & Crafts

Anorak Eats & Crafts

Coming Soon To Roatan - Restaurant and Brewery with a purpose to give back to the local community.


Hello everyone!
A few words to keep you posted on our progress. Right now, everything is moving much slower than we expected. Access to Roatan from Canada is very limited and complex. We will need to get to the island as soon as practicable to move forward with the location aspect of the project. In the meantime, we will be building the menu and will be revealing parts of it on the page very soon.
Hopefully this pandemic situation will get under control sooner than later and « normal » flow of tourism will resume on the island. Hang in there my friends, these difficult times will come to an end and the island economy will thrive again.


Hello everyone! The Anorak team will participate to the Roatan 100km challenge! Yes! Our team will be made of Julie, Natalia, Johanne and myself! Of course only Natalia is on the island and will be able to enjoy the magnificent scenery but for the rest of us, we will do it from our home town in Canada. If you see one of us pass by, cheer us up!

Are you ready for the Extreme Roatan 100KM Challenge?
Join the virtual running event (run or walk), run any time, run any distance, run anywhere, log your distances online and help us raise money for families affected by Covid19 in Roatan! REGISTER ONLINE AT:
Event Starts: July 18th
Sponsors: Blue Bahia Resort


Happy Independence Day to our American friends. Stay safe and celebrate responsibly, the virus isn’t taking any breaks. 🍻


Hello everyone. Happy Canada day to all my fellow Canadians.

We are happy to report we are currently in advanced talks with a lot owner in West End to land our containers. We need to get this materialized to know the size of the lot so we can constrain our design within the available space.

Our online store is almost finished and ready to go live. We have received a few samples of the products we intend to sell already. All the profits of the sales will go to the funding of the project.

Don’t forget to invite your friends to the page. The more the merrier. Wether they can give money to the project or not, we welcome everyone and we never know who will get in touch with us who might know someone who knows someone!



Coming soon to our upcoming online boutique. Buy some useful stuff made of recycled wood and help finance the project. All profits will go directly to the funding


Small update on the progress. We did a lot in the past week to find a suitable location in West-end. Being here in Canada isn’t making that task easy but we are using our resourcefulness to forward this important aspect of the project. We need to have a lot size to finalize the design of the facility. We also worked on the marketing action plan for the Go Fund Me. We realized we need to raise the awareness about Roatan and the impact Anorak Eats and Crafts will have on Roataners. Our plan includes a bunch of videos that will help everyone understand what is Roatan, why we are doing what we are doing. Some of the videos will be an ongoing « making of » of the project to keep everyone up to date with the progress of this exciting adventure.


Share the Love! Can you help us reaching 300 likes by the end of the weekend?

Comparte el amor! ¿Puedes ayudarnos a llegar a 300 "like" al final del fin de semana?

Partagez l'amour! Pouvez-vous nous aider à atteindre 300 "Like" avant la fin du weekend?


We made a big jump today in the Go Fund Me campaign thanks to an extremely generous 500$ donation. Thank you very much, it is very much appreciated.

Don't forget no donations are too small. Everything helps. Give what you can.

Nous avons fait un grand saut aujourd'hui fans la campagne Go Fund Me grace à une donatrice d'une extrême générosité qui a fait don de 500$. Merci beaucoup, c'est ultra apprécié.

N'oubliez pas toutefois qu'il n'y a pas de dons trop petit. Tous les montants aident. Donnez ce que vous pouvez.


We are working hard on finding a location in West End right now. We are looking for the lot owners to get in touch with them.

It’s very inspiring to see all the generous donators giving their hard earned cash to the project. Thank you, be assured we will make you proud. Soon we will have enough money to order the first container and start working on transforming it.

Thanks for your support and invite as many friends as you can to like our page!

Nous travaillons présentement ardemment à trouver un site à West End. Nous tentons de joindre les propriétaires de certains lots vacants que nous avons identifiés.

C’est très inspirant de voir les généreux donateurs qui donne leur argent durement gagné pour le projet. Merci, soyez assurés que vous allez en être fier. Bientôt nous aurons assez d’argent pour acquérir le premier conteneur et commencer à le transformer.

Merci pour votre soutien et invitez autant d’amis que possible à aimer notre page!


Hi everyone! We will soon announce a Facebook Live event to answer your questions about the project. We will take the time to answer all questions asked. Share the page so we could get the most people to attend and contribute to the event. (we will make a specific live event for english viewers)

Bonjour tout le monde. Bientôt nous allons annoncer un facebook live pour répondre à vos questions sur le projet. Nous allons prendre le temps de répondre à toutes les questions posées. Partagez la page afin que nous ayons le maximum de personnes possibles pour l'événement et pour y contribuer. (nous ferons un événement spécifique pour les francophones)


12 cases of Covid-19 have been confirmed in Roatan. They had been able to avoid it until an illegal boat brought a case on the island. They will need our help more than ever. Create long term impact by giving to our Go Fund Me

12 cas de Covid-19 ont été confirmés à Roatan. Ils n’avaient aucun cas jusqu’à ce qu’un bateau illégal apporte un cas sur l’île. Il vont avoir besoin de notre aide plus que jamais. Créez un impact à long terme en donnant à notre Go Fund Me


100% of your donation will make its way to our community projects fund. Help us help the people of Roatan. Make your pledge today.

100% de votre don se rendra dans notre fond de des projets pour la communauté.
Aidez-nous à aider les gens de Roatan. Donnez dès aujourd’hui.

Anorak Eats & Crafts project presentation SHORT 05/06/2020

One single donation will generate money for years to help Roatan. Help us make a difference. 3:20 seconds to see what Anorak Eats and Crafts is all about.

Anorak Eats & Crafts project presentation SHORT See how with a single donation, you could generate money for years to help the people of Roatan


Thanks to our generous donators, we have reached 2% of our campaign goal. Thank you!

Grâce à nos généreux donateurs, nous avons 2% de notre objectif de campagne. Merci!


We are currently speaking with an attorney in Roatan to setup our corporation there. It's progressing well! We'll keep you posted!


Nous avons débuté les discussions avec une avocates sur l'île de Roatan afin d'incorporer notre entreprise. Les choses avancent bien! Nous allons vous tenir au courant des développements.

Pourquoi utiliser un GoFundMe au lieu de financer par une banque. 03/06/2020

A la demande générale voici la version française de la vidéo explicative du mode de financement GoFundMe que nous avons choisi.

Pourquoi utiliser un GoFundMe au lieu de financer par une banque. 24 seconde pour voir notre stratégie pour aider le plus de gens possible

Photos from Anorak Eats & Crafts's post 03/06/2020

Echos this morning from the Mangrove's Bight community. Goldlöckchen (AKA Natalia) is keeping busy helping with Cashews and garden boxes.


Hi everyone, some of you may be wondering what would happen with your donation if the project failed to happen…
Well, the short answer is: It will happen! Wether or not we finance the whole project or just partly with crowd funding, the project will happen and the money you gave will serve the purpose it was meant for. We have many ways to complete the financing if we fall short with the crowdfunding. However, all other ways imply paying back the source of the money. So that part could not go back to the community. Remember, 100% of the money you pledge is going back to the community.


200 likes! Thank you all for joining us in this beautiful (and crazy) adventure and see the project become a reality, right before your eyes. 😘

Why Fundrasing instead of a Bank loan? 02/06/2020

24 seconds to see why we chose crowdfunding instead of traditional financing

Why Fundrasing instead of a Bank loan? 24 seconds to answer this quesiton


Today we have received our incorporation confirmation. We can cross another thing off the list!

Next, we have to do the same in Roatan.


Hello Everyone, we will soon have promotional sustainably made wood items and also beautiful Tee's for sale to help with the fundraiser.😁🤩


Hello everyone. Campaign is making progress. However we really need your help to kick it in high gear! What makes the success of fundraising like such is a good early start. It’s like starting a fire! Let’s get it off the ground, there is no donation that is too small. Many thanks and love from the team.


La campagne avance.
1199$ amassés.
Merci aux donateurs.
The campaign is making progress. $1199 so far. Thanks for your generosity.

Anorak Eats and Crafts Roatan organized by Sebastien Bouthillette 29/05/2020

The campaign is going well. We have gathered 550$ in donations so far. You can use the link below to make a pledge! Many thanks to everyone who have contributed already.

Anorak Eats and Crafts Roatan organized by Sebastien Bouthillette THE ANORAK EATS & CRAFT PROJECTImagine a tropical island and diving paradise,… Sebastien Bouthillette needs your support for Anorak Eats and Crafts Roatan


We've got a first anonymous donation of 50$! Thanks mate!


With the situation of the Covid, Roatan needs our help more than ever. The island is shut down once again because of the first covid-19 cases discovered and brought in by illegal island entry. The island's. economy is suffering and a lot of people are hungry and can't buy food.

Anorak Eats and Crafts Roatan organized by Sebastien Bouthillette 28/05/2020

Visit our GoFundMe page and help us make this wonderful project a reality for Roatan

Anorak Eats and Crafts Roatan organized by Sebastien Bouthillette THE ANORAK EATS & CRAFT PROJECTImagine a tropical island and diving paradise,… Sebastien Bouthillette needs your support for Anorak Eats and Crafts Roatan


Get details about the project and why you should consider pledging money to our Go Fund Me campaign


Welcome Everyone! We are launching the Anorak Eats and Crafts project. We will soon start a GoFundMe campaign to make the project happen. Watch our video to see how 100% of the money pledged will end up in the community
