New Hope Birth
Serving Durham, Kawartha, Simcoe, and GTA.
Traditional Birth Companion, Holistic Birth Keeper, Certified Labour & Birth Doula, Postpartum Doula, Night Doula, Certified Infant Massage Instructor, Certified Parent Educator and Counsellor.
Repost .like.a.badass
Let’s talk epidurals. Try is a common practice in the medical world. What’s not common is women being given complete information regarding them. They’re considered “safe” but there is a cascade of interventions that happen once an epidural is administered.
Often, not always, do these interventions lead to cesarean birth.
There are some serious mediations in the epidural, including fentanyl, which can create health concerns for baby and increase postpartum mood disorder for mom.
Every choice in birth is yours. Want an epidural? That’s 100% your decision to make? But make it informed. Know the risks and benefits to all brith decisions.
Reach out to know more about your birth choices!
Repost Belly Birth Baby
Birthing on your back has only one purpose….to make it easier for the doctor to see what’s happening.
Birth is meant to be OFF your back, upright, working with gravity, natural and safe.
Upright or hands & knees creates 1-3cm more space in the pelvic area than laying down.
Using this technique called KICO (Knees In, Calves Out) opens the pelvis and allows baby to move through the birth canal with more space.. Plus, It reduces the risk of tearing!
Ahhh the placenta 😍 It is truly an incredible part of the body. Nourishing babe for months until birth, supplying blood and oxygen even after baby has arrived earthside, sending messages to the body to release and start the process of milk production.
How long after birth did your placenta arrive? The body is wise and the placenta need not be rushed. This past week I’ve supported births where one placenta was delivered 15mins after baby and another 3hrs after baby.
Trust your body & intuition in all aspects of birth 💕
As 2023 comes to a close I want to thank all of the incredible families who allowed me to part of their birth experiences.
I am continuously humbled and so honoured to be invited into someone’s birth space. To hold space, to share knowledge, to respect the innate ability of both mother and baby.
Birthing in the safety and quiet comfort of home is pure joy.
2023 brought 26 new little ones earthside - including a set of twins and two breech babes!
Happy New Year to all ❤️
Thank you for sharing this.
I had the blessing of speaking to a group of women today and this was one of the topics we chatted about informally. Delivering the placenta is the beautiful last stage of birth and should not be interfered with.
Allow your body to be undisturbed while you take in all the beauty of your new baby.
Your placenta will come. Just as baby did. It it’s own perfect timing.
New birth education tools!
Getting ready for the next prenatal class 🤰🏻🤰🏽
Understanding the body and how physiology works in birth helps to fully prepare you for birth!
Register now for our classes beginning Nov 2nd
Prenatal Classes beginning Nov 8th
Register by calling 705-341-8028
Or email [email protected]
Beautiful photos of a surprise breech brith.
Breech is just a variation of a normal birth. It is not a prerequisite for medical intervention.
Repost Or****ic Birth: The Best-Kept Secret
Sweet baby snuggles 🩷
Spent some time with this precious one, after I was blessed to support her fierce and quick entrance into the world a few weeks ago. Her mommy cared for her big brother and took a few minutes for self care too 🩷
I am humbled and grateful to all the families who’ve allowed me to be part of their birth & postpartum journey.
Surround yourself in pregnancy and birth with people who believe in your body’s ability to birth and understand physiologic birth.
DM me for more info and a free consultation about your birth choices
You deserve a better birth journey 💗
Repost from
The incredible wonders of breastfeeding and our bodies. Perfectly made to nourish our babies exactly how they need.
Infant Massage Classes beginning by May 10th.
Call or send a message to register 😊
So often women are planning their births under the medical system of care but saying “I don’t want any medical interventions”.
We usually think of interventions as things like augmented labour, epidurals, or cesarean but every test, form of monitoring, vaginal check and more, ARE a form of medical intervention.
These things are intervening in the body’s natural process to labour and birth your baby. All of theses things have been created by the medical system.
Yes there may be some very valid times where they are needed, but in most births they are not.
Knowing your options for birth is the first step.
Milia föddes två månader för tidigt, men har varken lagts i kuvös eller skiljts från sina föräldrar. Istället har Milia fått ligga hud mot hud med både mamma och pappa sedan födelseögonblicket. Det tack vare ett nytt arbetssätt som används på sjukhusen i Gävle och Hudiksvall.
– Personalen är helt otroliga. Förlossningen var tidig och oväntad, men ändå lugn och trygg, säger Milias mamma Sophia Pihlajainen.
Ett nyfött barn behöver uppleva närhet och få värme, även om det fötts för tidigt eller är sjukt. Det nya arbetssättet innebär att det nyfödda barnet läggs direkt efter födseln på mammans bröst där det får stanna, där får barnet också den vård de behöver. Hud- mot hudmetoden började som ett projekt men är nu ett etablerat arbetssätt inom BB, förlossningen och kvinnosjukvården i Region Gävleborg. Vinsten är friskare barn och mammor och trygga familjer.
– Anknytningen mellan barnet och mamman påverkas positivt. Det leder till kortare vårdtider och hela familjen känner sig trygg och nöjd, säger barnsköterskan Stina Lundin på neonatalavdelningen i Gävle.
– Det vi kan se är att vi har färre inlagda barn med låg kroppstemperatur och kuvöserna används nu alltmer sällan, säger Jennika Pettersson som varit projektledare.
Läs mer om projektet och bakgrunden till det:
Breech Birth 💕
It was a complete honour to be present as this first time mom completely trusted her own body and baby to birth her in this beautiful Breech water home birth.
Breech doesn’t equal cesarean. Women’s bodies are capable of Breech birth. ❤️
Language matters.
Repost .earth.motherhood
Understanding physiological birth and trusting your body know how to birth is the ultimate key for success in birth!
I hear stories over and over from mom’s who weren’t “allowed” to do something during their labour, or their care provided used fear tactics to make them feel pressured into agreeing to things that they didn’t want. In case you need to hear this…you can say NO! Every decision in birth is yours. You can be presented with facts, benefits and risks, and make an informed decisions, but you do not need to be coerced into doing what someone else thinks you should do. Repost
Yes!! This happened at a recent birth where the midwives wanted to place a hat on baby minutes after birth. Mom needs to smell baby, baby needs to feel mom, baby’s body temp will regulate when on mom, without a hat. It is harmful to intervene in the natural bonding process for both.
Welcome baby girl ❤️ I am honoured to have been present as your strong mama welcomed you into the world.
Your body is so perfectly and wonderfully made to birth your baby ❤️
Those little feet 😍 so many joys supporting women through their labour and birth as they welcome a new member of their family. It is such an honour to be present to witness their first breath. Thank you to all my families who have allowed me to be present on their most sacred day ❤️ Welcome to the world wee one!
This. This is birth. Undisturbed. Uninterrupted. Beautiful. This family surrounded themselves with worship music, Bible verses and prayer. They had full trust in God, their body and their baby. Mom laboured, compeletly in tune with herself and baby. Their 3 young children took turns rubbing mom’s back, helping dad and even being in the pool to help catch their new brother as mom brought him earth side. I am truly honoured to have been present as he took his first breath.
Happy Halloween! 🎃👻
Have you watched a newborn be roughed up at birth? Have you seen a birth that was completely hands off? The difference is immense. There’s no need to rush into “rousing” baby, aggressively rubbing or moving baby around. Babies need the gentle touch of their mothers, the warm connection of their breast and a quiet space to enter the world. Repost
Incredible video of a baby born en caul (in the sack)!