Xo Shanna Ruth

Xo Shanna Ruth

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Xo Shanna Ruth, Blogger, .


Let that s**t go & get into Nature💕


Currently Thankful for spaciousness & flex time 🤟🏼
While I often feel pulled in 95 directions I prioritize my flextime by means of walks with my boys

Connecting to the outdoors is most effective therapy I have found ✌🏼💛

I just breathe differently in the wild.

It’s addicting ❤️



You can always find us watching more sunsets than Netflix 😘


You’ll want to Add this to your Premium pet friendly travel💕

We booked the most magical Airbnb in

The owners were so accommodating and accepting of all three of my babies - which was a huge relief as a dog, mom. Travelling with 3 can be tricky so I was behind grateful for the 💖

They recommend us a very accessible path to hike with boys (directly behind the home) which was a wonderful start to our day.

We had a full kitchen to prep all our local finds for the evening charcuterie, wine & relax.

Anyone travelling out this way & looking for this little gem dm me for the booking link 🌙


These falls never cease to amaze me.
Every season.


The look he gives me when I tell him we are still a few months out from


Once upon a time (last year ) I began writing a book.
A book about death, grieving & becoming a widow.

While I have found parts of this process therapeutic, it also has daunting moments.

I’ve shelved it more times then I can count, yet inevitably I always. One back to it.

Part of this process was learning to side of self publishing.
As all things in life, I know I need to do this my way.

I signed up for & course out lining EXACTLY what how to achieve this goal.

It’s a work in progress, but I am dangerously close to setting it free into the world .
I wouldn’t be able to do this without the help and inspiration from these Queens.

They’ve just re-opened this course for enrolment so if it speaks to your soul and you have a book inside, you, please reach out and I will pass along the course details and link.

We are not meant to live a mediocre life.


Ps- I had the BEST writting date with my self today . Food was on point and the service was 🔥


Soul Sister | Noun | sōl - si -stėr

One that shares a bond that transcends time, space & distance.✨



I have a fascination with used books.

I love going to used book stores when I travel.

I love being gifted books from friends and the occasional stranger that meant something to them.

It feels like a glimpse into their being.

I found these for 3$

Each one has a unique message subscribed in them.

It tells a story all if it’s own💛

It reminds me how magical the power of words really is.

Fun Fact, when Larry and I were living full time in the van we would gift out the books to humans we met along our adventures. Sometimes we were gifted ones back along the way.

It felt like magic each time.


My boys are Not spoiled, just fairly compensated for the services they provide 💖

providing Sir Berkley Banks providing comfort & style ✨💖


“Mom, Go out and and experience the beauty of the wild”


Seven days in & Seemingly, 2023 is presenting as a Character Building year

Shortly after Chad passed away, a good friend offered a perspective shift- instead of a ‘hard day’ see it as a character building day.

To this day it helps to shift perspective.

Often we can find ourselves caught up in the ‘why’s’ of life, knowing that is a distraction from facing reality head on.

Hurdles in life that come along are inevitable bumps in the road (of life).
These character building moments are what helps us to grow, hopefully soften & allow compassion to grace us.

Sometimes all we need to be reminded of beauty places that bring us peace in these character building moments.

It’s no secret LA is my sanctuary and soul healing place on earth. Until my feet are back on this soil, daydreaming will need to suffice.

Be gentle with yourself & your loved ones



Christmas came early for Prince Lar Bear 🎁
He is jazzed to have new whip for adventures ✨


Water, like me - does not like to be restrained ✨

Photos from Xo Shanna Ruth 's post 22/10/2022

The pictures get blurry the memories don’t💖

Today marks Six years of making memories without you here on earth

Memories like this one with Chad Would become all that I have left

The pictures get blurry the memories don’t

This is the day we purchased the land to Build ( what I thought) Would be our forever place

They say nothing lasts forever - I don’t know that to be true

I will forever be a widow- you can not undo that. That is forever on earth.
So long as I have a memory I will have the memories- those are also forever

We never know what time we do have left - so make making memories a priority they last forever ✨


Our souls have a path when we choose to come to earth for the human experience

It doesn’t always make sense to our human brain & often we battle the ego.

The closer we are to living in alignment the more sense we make of the journey.

It often takes having children or being connected to a child to understand why we do the inner work. We can see a mirror in them and it evokes change in us.

Why we desire to choose better, to learn the lessons. We don’t want them to experience the same Hurt, Or the same traumas.

We want to share the tools, lessons & learnings

I don’t know how to talk to children as if they are any different then myself or my social circle

They are humans having the human experience it is important to me that they know You’re never going to get away from your Inner work. I share mine so they can step into theirs.

If you plan to To be your best self you’re going to shed and heal and work through every part of the journey

They know that their thoughts beliefs and stories are what’s keeping you from your greatest chapter of your life

Part of journey is to see them grow into their greatest chapters with ease 💕


You are creating this life as you go.
We all are.✨
Day by day. Moment by moment. Thought by thought.
The more I realized this to be true the more I knew I needed guidance to help get clarity on my life trajectory.

I’m not so sure I was ever good at knowing my path but after losing my baby and my husband it’s become Very clear to me Throughout these past few years I could use some guidance.

So, I Followed my heart & soul guidance And that is where I found resources that I
now know have really changed the trajectory of my life.
An incredibly key human to my growth is

She subscribes to the thoughts of “Why are we not powering everyone around us with what’s possible”.
And she’s fu***ng accurate

So My intention is to inspire The collective and everyone in my space and world to know that we all have options and we all get to choose our destiny

If you are feeling A nudge or a pull or desire to know more Please reach out

Although she has A s**t ton of free resources available all the time this course offering only comes about a few times a year. You do have lifetime access to it and I binge her content daily🙏🏼

I have watched this woman grow into the queen she is today as I have followed her for as long as I have had Instagram (I’d hate to date myself here 😆)
All I have to say is this s**t works

I wouldn’t sleep on this offer if it’s
speaking to your heart. As always the link is in my BIO✨


8/08 💕 Gateway to heaven, also know as Lions Gate
Also known as what was once our wedding day

When Chad and I picked this date we had no idea how magical it was in the spiritual world & Egyptian culture 💛 to be fully real, I’m sure he could not of cared less about the date 😂

I hadn’t yet gotten down the path where I am today. I had yet to meet my Egyptian mom .ace.alexandria 💖💖where She shared about the importance of union on this date.

8.08 was seemingly just a window of time we could make work with our pipeline schedule

Knowing what I know now … nothing is a coincidence

The number 8 represents harmony & infinity. 8.08 Is a day to access a portal of ancient truths and wisdom’s resulting in accelerated spiritual awakening.

The number eight on its side is an infinity symbol representing the infinite / forever conscious part of our soul 💛 a higher Realm of consciousness to our infinite journey

Upon further investigation (Not surprisingly) this date is also Known as a time to accept necessary endings so you can be fully open to receiving you opportunities

Today could have marked our 7th wedding anniversary.

Instead it marks a much different celebration. A special place in my heart full of gratitude, grief & now (six years later) small pieces of acceptance

Widowhood is a forever journey 💖


☀️FULLY in a tarps optional - hold my beer while I adventure over here kinda vibe today


Counting down the days until we reunite with the 💖


Larry wanted to put a PSA out to anyone travelling through 💛 We stop every time we are heading through (or spending sometime adventuring though canmore) at 👌

The owners are a delight, the coffee is on point & the whole experience is a vibe 💖
Larry said 10/10 would recommend


Goal: Stay tuned into the passion of the thing you love 💕

Staying deeply connected to your desires is ultimately what brings our ‘zest’ for life

Several years ago I stumbled upon this absolute legend of a mentor whose principles I deeply align with.

A course that I took through her online called the energy and frequency of money has been a catalyst that changed my world

In this course she touches on clearing the energy of debt & feeling worthy of your desires. Something I feel we all loose touch with from time to time.

You get clear on energetics for continual financial increases ( we all know that feels fu***ng incredible )- Especially going into these unknown markets and world affairs

You learn about the continuous flow of money a.k.a. stacking the paper💵 and so much more real life teachings

The greatest gift her teaching bring is the maintainable consistent results (if you do damn work!)

I was feeling stuck and lost and desperate for guidance- and the universe brought me 🙏🏼💛 whom I am now an affiliate for and it brings me so much happiness to share Her thoughts, principles & courses💖💖

If you have searing for some support & this speaks to you I have linked this bundle in my bio.

It’s on Sale & I felt it an injustice not to share with anybody who feels called.💋

You won’t regret it - just be prepared to see big changes 💛

Photos from Xo Shanna Ruth 's post 31/05/2022

Cash & Mia had their birthday party a little bit ago 🎈

They were rescued from a northern reserve so we do not exactly know their birthday - so we just celebrated most of March & April 💛💛

Mia hated her hat & hid lol

I like to think they were just excited to celebrate with their cousins & some sunshine


Our lives are so much more joy filled with you in it Cash ❤️
You bring so much sunshine into this world 💖

Mommy loves you So So So 💋

Special thanks to the for the party supplies, treats and hats 🎉

Photos from Xo Shanna Ruth 's post 18/05/2022

Sharing some seemingly insignificant moments with our minis can shape their entire future.

We took in all of the stunning mountain views, enjoyed Deliciously Curated snacks & Enjoyed the full ambiance of the restaurant.

It was an entire vibe

Have you thought about the life you desire ?

This vision has been placed in your soul for a reason 🙏🏼

Intentionally tune into the feelings of your desires

Align to them & stay an energetic match ✨

The desires you hold inside is what YOU are meant for.

Take daily action steps to align with the life of your dreams 💖


Everyone has an internal world.

Entirely specific to themselves.

Thoughts, Beliefs & Journeys 🙏🏼

Human Design shows us & Grace guides us

Remember this when you engage with strangers

If you’ve felt called to find that Grace for yourself - reach out 💛 I am happy to assist 🙏🏼


Photos from Xo Shanna Ruth 's post 12/05/2022

✨ Life is what you celebrate Celebrate Those Victories ✨

Yesterday was MILE stone achieved bringing my nearly six year battle with one step closer to an end of a era with a savagely awful institution 🎉

While in a perfect world they would have honoured their word (both written and verbal ) saw though & stood behind their policies.
This was not the case

I’ve closed our business
I’ve sold our forever home we designed and built
I’ve liquidated our assets
I officially (yesterday) paid back in full and closed out EVERY account we had with their institution 🙏🏼

Yesterday I met with my incredible lawyer (and friend 💛) and handed him the final chq that I had to PAY to TD to finally close the estate.
It felt liberating
I am finally free of TD

If anyone is even remotely considering LIFE INSURANCE though an institution I urge you to reconsider and choose private

Banks do their underwriting AFTER a death or injury.

Which simply means these institutions have any and ALL leverage to reject your policy that YOU have been paying for YEARS on LIFE INSURANCE policies that YOU require✌🏼

Truth talk - Having no will in place when my husband died (suddenly & unexpectedly) has added an extreme amount of heartache & stress to an already painful journey

BUT you know what has made it 10000 times worse

Dealing with TD for his life insurance
Life Insurance they never paid a dime of🖕


It Is a bizarre concept to grasp if you have yet to experience death. Feeling like you don’t know who is looking back at YOU when you see your reflection

Real Talk - It Takes a lot of fu***ng time after you experience Death to rebuild a foundation of who YOU are within yourself.

A foundation where you can feel like ‘you’ - to feel like ‘home’ or at least to stop feeling like a stranger in your own skin.

This is the ‘stage’ of grief I am currently experiencing

(side note I fu***ng hate the cliché of grief stages, I’ve yet to coin better verbiage to describe it - that’s my next mission 😘)

The truth is Death changes your human experience in every way imaginable.

The way you view life will be forever changed.

Thankfully I found & & with these modalities I have come to know this does not need to be a bad thing

Yet, You do feel like a stranger in your own life. This part requires a lot of Grace & understanding.

It takes time & effort to settle back in to your own skin. While I’m not nearly close to “there” I know I’ve come a long fu***ng way

No longer having hate for the Girl who’s reflection I see is a mile stone that has felt unachievable at times. This allows her to feel safe coming back “home” a little more each day (You don’t fully Know until you know)

Grief is one of the loneliest journeys a human being will experience even with a solid support system.

Grief & Loss WILL BE apart of every humans Human Experience so let’s Change the conversation about it as a collective 💖

If you’re experiencing Loss right now Find the good within you’re new YOU. It takes some hard work and determination but I can promise you it’s worth it.

If you’re stuck, lost or have questions reach out 🙏🏼
I’m always here.
YOUR Grief matters. I’ll meet you where you are on this journey


Photos from Xo Shanna Ruth 's post 06/05/2022

“Mom - I am pretty sure We all could to slow down a little.

Choose to be more present and take in as much in as we can in each day.

We will Never see this day again
We can never rewatch the day like a movie or play it back in totality

Being present helps us to appreciate every moment.

Every action.

Every little sign & happening “

I love that my kids love adventure time 💖


Look to Mother Nature for wisdom & healing ☀️

Give yourself Grace for your time to observe & rest

I am a Generator (along with 70% of the population). We can quantum leap & then we are required to rest.

A part of living your Human Design is knowing your strategy.

It helps us give ourselves grace in our day to day.

Resting is part of the Generators cycle. This doesn’t mean we do nothing - it means we are intentional with the things we CHOOSE to do.
The people we CHOOSE to engage with.
The environments we CHOOSE to place ourselves in.

Becoming cognizant of our choices brings us closer to our true and free spirited essence💖

Knowing your Human Design is a TSN turning point for your Human experience.

If you feel called to know more about YOURSELF I’m always available 🙏🏼



💫Find the magical essence of life
Retreat from the noise of modern day life.
Quiet the noise

To feel the magical essence of life get quiet & be still- it Resides where sound cannot be heard

Find your places where peace and ease resides.
No rushing

A space where introspection flows to you
A space where you can be intimate with your desires.

Our desires are placed on our hearts & in our souls for a reason. We don’t have to know the reason we just have to honour the Desirees

Become comfortable with vulnerability & honour any response, Listen to the messages

It is in these spaces we are able to come home to ourselves, our soul even just for a moment ✌🏼

Free to be you

Are you ready to experience more of that magical essence ?

Book a Free to be You Session (Link in bio) to fast track coming home to YOU & your magical essence 💖


Videos (show all)

Let that shit go & get into Nature💕#mothernature #healinthewild #staywild #explorecanada #ohcanada #beautifulbc #canadia...
Currently Thankful for spaciousness & flex time 🤟🏼While I often feel pulled in 95 directions I prioritize my flextime by...
You can always find us watching more sunsets than Netflix 😘#okanaganliving #escapetothelake #leaveherwild
You’ll want to Add this to your Premium pet friendly travel💕We booked the most magical Airbnb in #vernon The owners were...
These falls never cease to amaze me. Every season.#youneedtoseethis #BC #hikebc #WaterfallsBC #travelcanada


