Tyler Dittmer - WCHA Videos

Videos by Tyler Dittmer - WCHA. Lead instructor at Western Canada Hockey Academy

Other Tyler Dittmer - WCHA videos

Improving Spatial Understanding - “There isn’t much worse than a ‘practice player’. This player looks fantastic at practice but seems to inevitably struggle to translate that success into a game. Practice players usually have great talent, but lack the timing and spacing required to implement the skills against an opponent. Effective players aren’t the ones that are necessarily the most technically skilled, but rather skillful at finding solutions. Being talented is not learning to repeat the solution. Being talented is learning to repeat the process of finding a solution. Eventually, players develop a sense and a feeling for what to do in games.” Greg Revak - Hockey IQ Newsletter —————————————————————————— This all begins with scanning. We have to scan our surroundings, process what we scanned, then make a decision off of that information. In this video pay close attention to the players eyes, notice how much scanning & information they are processing before making a decision

Tru Skills ODR

Tru Skills ODR

Tru Skills ODR

Skill Challenge ODR