AD Saved

AD Saved

We all ask, What does it mean to be a human? Our origin? How to live? What happens when we die? Who is God? What is gospel? Why bother? Which world view is correct?

Answers are freely offered from the Word of God. Stay tuned or contact today!


Can you find bible verses that are in reference to what is mentioned in the passage below? How many verses from Word of God as a reference did you find?

The Great Awakening, American History Gospel Series, Sept 30, 2021 01/10/2021

The Great Awakening, American History Gospel Series, Sept 30, 2021 This was a remarkable period in American history when Gospel preaching exerted a profound influence on the colonists. From Maine to Georgia, men and women re...


*New Video *
William was born in the middle east, grew up in Baghdad calling himself a Christian to differentiate from other religions but did not have a relationship with God and did not know what being Christian truly mean.
William shares how gospel was never preached to him, and how church was just a place he used to go on Sundays. Watch the full video to find out how William Moshe got saved by simply believing in the person of Lord Jesus Christ, not by works but by Grace of God through faith.

Let us know if you are saved, and if you would like to share your testimony story with the world.
For full written testimony please click on:

For full written testimony, please click:



Watch this interview with Brittany Kember sharing her story of getting saved at the age of 16. Brittany didn’t grow up going to church or reading the bible. Her husband now but boyfriend then shared his faith with her, and introduced her to Christian music. When gospel was shared with her, she wanted to know more about Gods purpose for her life. She got saved understanding that she is lost in her sins, and needed a Saviour to save her. She believed that Son of God Jesus Christ came to save her, and even when she does not deserve, He died for her sins to give her eternal life. Brittany also has a short message for everyone at the end.


Watch this video interviewing James Russell from Halifax, Nova Scotia. James grew up with parents who are saved and always stressed the importance salvation, and relationship with God through His Son. James always knew he is a sinner even at the age of 6, he shares how he got saved by simply believing in Jesus Christ the Son of God. James explains how it is not about how much we believe, but in whom we believe is important when it comes to salvation. James also has a short message at the end for those who are watching. If you have any questions or feedback please use the comments section below or personal message me.


Watch this video of my interview with Lloyd Cain from Halifax sharing his testimony. Lloyd who was born in 1944, went to a nominal church growing up where he never heard the gospel message, and focus was often on socially living, how to live a good life and etc. At the age of 16, Lloyd heard the gospel message and he was greatly impressed and concerned because he heard that he needed to be born again and he needs to be saved. He started reading some of the verses that preachers had given him. He read the verse Romans 5:8 which says, “God demonstrates or proved His love towards us, in that while we are still sinners, Christ died for us.”
That Friday night in August 1960, (that’s 60 years ago) Lloyd accepted that he is a sinner and Christ died to pay for his sins. It was that night, at the age of 16 Lloyd was saved because he believed in Jesus Christ who died to pay the debt of his sins.

Lloyd also has a great message for all the viewers at the end.
If you have any questions or feed back use the comment section below. If you have liked the video don’t forget to like and subscribe to my page after you share it with your friends.


I was happy to meet with Malcolm over Zoom and ask him how he got saved and became a Christian. Malcolm shares how he grew up going to a certain church with his family, and he enjoyed being part of that church, being in choir and a server doing all the rituals. Malcolm was invited by his friend to a Youth Hour to a little place, which looked nothing like a church he grew up going to. There were no candles, no altar or choir and nothing like what he knew the church building should look like. It is at that place where he first heard the gospel and was presented with a verse from Romans chapter 3 verse 23 which says, "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." Malcolm wondered what does it mean, all have sinned, all who? Malcolm always thought he was religious and he even went to church. Malcolm felt like he was hit in the head with a mallet, and Malcolm understood that he is a sinner and he is not ready for heaven. Malcolm always knew that Bible has the word of God but He had never read the Bible at home for himself.

Malcolm wanted to get this matter settled, but he had never prayed at home before. For the first time, Malcolm knelt down by his bed at home, and a verse from John chapter 3 verse 16 came to his mind, which says, For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, whosoever believes in Him, will not perish but will have everlasting life. Malcolm accepted that he is a sinner and accepted that Jesus died for his sins. Malcolm knew that he is saved not because of his religion or church attendance, but only because of Jesus Christ who died on the cross for him. Malcolm got saved and became a Christian at the age of 15.

Watch this video!! Malcolm also has a short message at the end.


Seven years ago I accepted that result of my sin is death and separation from God who is Holy and the Ultimate Judge with an absolute authority over my life, and I deserve to be sent to hell as a punishment for my sins. The good news is that I could then appreciate and enjoy the gift of God which is eternal life, to be freely received through the Lord Jesus Christ who loved me and gave Himself for me. This is how I understood what “Love” is, not that I loved God but God loved me first, and sent His Son to be an atoning sacrifice for my sins.
So then what? Did I become perfect? No!
Did I become just like God? No!
Did I live a perfect life?
No, the truth is I did not.
I failed! Countless times I sinned, knowingly and unknowingly I have hurt people, and I struggled, but God never gave up, He never failed to show His love. I am still in need of God’s grace and love, as much as I was seven years ago.
Does that mean I have become better than other people or somehow achieved a higher spiritual state of mind? Absolutely not! On the contrary, it humbles me knowing how God shows no partiality to anyone. Whether you’re Hindu high cast Brahmin or lower cast, whether you’re Catholic or Protestant, whether you are a Muslim from Pakistan or from India, whether you are rich or poor, whether you’re from Canada, or China or Russia, whether you’re Trump or Trudeau or Modi, whether you believe in God or do not, God who created every person does not show any partiality.
Also God will judge the secrets and deeds of every man and woman by Jesus Christ, according to the gospel. Not only that, but God loves the entire world and He gave His only Son, not to condemn the world but that the world might be saved through Him. Does that mean everything will go as I want in my life and I will have great health, wealth and prosperity? Definitely not! But God who is rich in mercy caused me to be born again to a Living Hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, with a blessed assurance of incorruptible and unfading inheritance reserved for me in heaven. God is sovereign and has a plan even for an unworthy sinner like me.
God will receive me and have a place for me in Heaven. Not because of how great I am, or all the good things that I plan to do, but because of how great God is and the work He has already completed on the cross 2000 years ago, when His Son Jesus loved me and died to pay for my sins. Now forgiven, I am justified in Christ and reconciled to God. God offers the free gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ to every person who is ready to receive. God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have ever lasting life.
To God be the glory forever and ever. Amen!


Watch the story of Spencer from PEI, sharing how he got saved at a very young age, not because of the traditions of his family, or not because of anything he could offer or work for, but only because of the precious blood of Jesus Christ shed at the cross 2000 years ago for his sins. Faith in Jesus Christ saved Spencer Thompson at an early age.


I was able to meet with Meghan over zoom to ask her for her testimony and how she got saved.
Meghan grew up listening to the gospel since she was a young child, as her parents wanted her to be saved n know for sure where she will be when she dies.
When Meghan was 11 years old, she accepted her sins and that she deserves to be in hell because of her sins, but she remembered how Jesus Christ dying on the cross said, “It is finished” and how God is satisfied with the payment His Son has made on her behalf. She simply believed in Gods word and was saved on that day.
Meghan also shares a message for those who are watching this video. Please let us know if you liked the video and if you have any questions.

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Watch this short video of my conversation with Sarah sharing how she got saved at a very young age.
If you have any questions or feedback please send me a message or use the comments section below.


I had the opportunity to meet with Rachel Morphet from Sarnia on Zoom to ask her how she got saved. Rachel talks about her family and how she grew up going to church, attending Gospel meetings and Sunday school. She always knew she is a sinner and that she needs to be saved. Even though she had all the head knowledge about God and knew of her sinful condition, she wasn’t saved up until the age of 12. Trying to get saved, Rachel was focusing on herself and her own actions. Rachel was saved at the age of 12, when she understood that she can not save herself, and she is unworthy but God has taken care of her sins, by sending His Son Lord Jesus Christ to die for her sins. She simply accepted the salvation which is available freely to as a gift from God through Jesus Christ. Rachel has a short message for all the viewers at the end of this video.


...It is not thy joy in Christ that saves thee-it is Christ; it is not even faith in Christ, though that be the instrument-it is Christ's blood and merits; therefore, look not so much to thy hand with which thou art grasping Christ, as to Christ; look not to thy hope, but to Jesus, the source of thy hope; look not to thy faith, but to Jesus, the author and finisher of thy faith. We shall never find happiness by looking at our prayers, our doings, or our feelings; it is what Jesus is, not what we are, that gives rest to the soul.
~C.H Spurgeon


Watch this amazing video session with Max McLean sharing his testimony story of getting saved.
Max shares how God worked in his life to bring him into the joy of knowing Jesus Christ who loved him and died for his sins. Dave Kember from Sarnia shared the gospel with Max and told him from the bible, that you must be born again to go to heaven. Max had never heard this before, but Max always wanted to know for sure. Max had gone to Sunday School where he learnt that Bible is the word of God but he had never read it for himself other than some stories and miracles. Max got saved 60 years ago, and still enjoys sharing his story giving God all the glory.

If you have any questions or feedback use the comments section below.

For more videos: Like and Follow AD Saved on YouTube and Instagram.


Watch this short video of Kharis Pratt from Kirkland Lake, Ontario sharing her story of getting saved when she was 7 years old. Now 15, Kharis is in grade 9 at KLDCS, and also working with local dental office. In this video Kharis explains that even though her testimony may not be super exciting with dramatic experiences, she has peace knowing for sure that if she dies she will be in heaven with her Saviour who loved her and gave His life for her.
Kharis also has a short message for everyone at the end.
Let us know if you like the video or if you have any questions put them in the comment section.

If you are saved and know the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour, write “Saved” in comments below or message me.


Watch this short video of Levi Wells from Halifax sharing his story of getting saved.
Levi explains how for the first time he understood that Christ Jesus came into the world to save him and died for his sins.
If you have questions or feedback please write down a comment.
Thank you for watching.


Watch this video of James sharing his story of getting saved by simply resting in Gods word and trusting finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross. James explains how knowing a lot from the bible, being from a good family and attending church can make one think they’re in full control of their life and salvation, but God wants us to simply receive the free gift of salvation and eternal life through Jesus Christ who has already finished the work. James further explains how its not about some dramatic experience filled with emotions but it’s about simply acknowledging and accepting the Jesus Christ as a personal Saviour to have a relationship with God.

If you have any questions or feedback please use the comment section below.
Follow this page called AD Saved on Instagram and YouTube.

Photos from AD Saved's post 13/06/2020

Photo credit: Vance Hunt Photography


Watch this short video of Renata McKenna sharing her story of getting saved at the age of 14. Renata always knew the gospel and wanted to be saved, in her story she explains how she struggled for many years before getting saved at the age of 14. I like how Renata explains what is sin and why each one of us needs to be saved. Share your feedback and ask your questions using the comments section below.
If you are saved and wanting to share your testimony story then please email me to schedule a zoom video call.


Watch this short video of Ben Morphet sharing his story of getting saved at the age of 7. I had the privilege to meet with Ben Morphet who works in Sarnia area as a Process and Automation Controls Engineer. I was happy to learn how and when he got saved, why he knows for sure that his salvation that is in Jesus Christ can never be shaken or taken away. Ben shares stories from his childhood, and how he knew he is a sinner, and deserves punishment from God who is Just and an Ultimate Judge. Ben wanted to be saved but he explains how often we focus on what we can do to earn and work out our salvation, or how we think we need dramatic experience or some feelings to come but our actions or feelings do not save us, only Jesus Christ and His finished work can save us. The Word of God clearly tells us that God offers eternal life as a free gift through Jesus Christ who died on the cross for our sins, was buried and then raised from the dead on the third day in accordance with the scriptures. And it is only through faith in Jesus Christ by the grace of God we can be saved and have our eternal salvation in Christ. Please email me at [email protected] or use the comment section below to share your feedback and ask any questions. You can follow my page on Instagram and YouTube called AD Saved.

Why Believe Jesus Christ is God? #Apologetics 05/06/2020

Why Believe Jesus Christ is God? #Apologetics This video is part of "Islam in Context: Opening the Door to Understanding," a live Q&A with author and former devout Muslim Nabeel Qureshi on March 22, 2015...


Watch this video of Dennis LaVallee from Sarnia sharing how he got saved at the age of 34. Dennis grew up in a Catholic religion not knowing the gospel, but with an understanding that we all are sinners before God. Dennis started looking into his own religion, his good works, prayers, ritual of confessions to a Catholic priest as he began his quest for salvation with sincerity. Dennis heard the gospel at the age of 34 and understood that salvation is offered freely from our God as a gift. It’s not about our works that anyone shall boast but salvation comes by faith in Jesus Christ alone. He got saved and received a pardon, forgiveness for his sins by simply receiving this free gift of eternal life and accepting Jesus Christ as his Personal Saviour and Lord. Dennis knew God can not lie, and Dennis trusted in gospel, the good news from God for each n every person.

Videos (show all)

Story of William Moshe from Sarnia
Story of Samuel Cain from Halifax, Nova Scotia

