Laryngectomee Association of BC - LABC

Laryngectomee Association of BC - LABC

LABC promotes health, and well being for members through advocacy, information and support. We have mixed age and gender representation. Code of Conduct

We are a member driven not for profit association providing information and support for people living with a laryngectomy (removal of the larynx/voice box resulting in a loss of natural voice) and their partners, families, and caregivers. We joined together to raise our voices in representation of Laryngectomees and support each other while living the Laryngectomee lifestyle. We currently have mem


Chat with laryngectomees at the Peer Support Online Meetings. The next meeting is August 6th from 1:00 to 2:00 pm. Meetings are held the first Tuesday of every month, family members are also welcome.
If you would like to join the meeting send a message via Facebook Messenger or to the LABC email - [email protected] and a Zoom link will be sent to you.


The Atos in person community event at RJH on the Island, last Tuesday the 9th, was a two thumbs up. Attended by a few new larys, with Island Healths SLP's also in attendance . Bobbi, our Territory Sales Manager from Atos Medical, gave her audience so many great travel tips for larys and answered so many questions. I personally can't stress enough to my fellow larys, how helpful a gathering like this can be for our quality of life. Learning new ways to make our lives as larys easier and safer. Fuctions like this are also great opportunities for meeting new larys and realizing we are not alone, and are supported by professionals and peers. We will post here on our LABC, face book page, the next opportunity to attend a similar fuction in B.C. I look forward with hope of introducing new members to our club zoom meeting, oh, I mean support group, next aug 6th. Big thank you to all who came, I'm Peter, cheers ya'll.


Peer Support Online Meetings are the first Tuesday of each month.
The July meeting is July 2, 2024 from 1:00 to 2:00 pm.
To join the call - send a message via Facebook Messenger or to the LABC email - [email protected] and we will send you a Zoom link in adance of the meeting.


In Person Community Event - July 9, 2024 1:15 pm – 2:45 pm in Victoria!

Summer Fun & Travel

Meet in Room 150 –Patient Care Centre, Royal Jubilee Hospital (Through atrium to hallway, past All Nations Healing Room, into double doors when hallway ends in a “T”) 1952 Bay Street, Victoria BC,

Join Atos and Island Health to review strategies to enjoy summer to its fullest. Whether you plan to stay close to home or travel, you’ll learn tips about how to stay healthy and be prepared for anything! We will cover the following:
• Considerations for warmer weather, seasonal changes and allergy season
• Being prepared in your neighborhood, community, or when traveling
• Safety tools and packing checklists that are available to you •

Meet Peter - a representative from the Laryngectomee Association of B.C. who will report on their activities and answer questions.

Why attend? Community Events are a great way for you to meet and learn from fellow laryngectomees, offer support and share tips with them. You can share your experience, hear about other’s journeys and speak one-on-one with your Speech Pathologist and local Atos representative.

Please feel free to forward this invitation to your family and friends and have them join us as well.

Please RSVP to Customer Support at Atos Medical Canada at [email protected] or by calling toll free to 833-514-2867.


Author: Peter
Total laryngectomy patients relying on finger occlusion for voice prosthesis speech require extra care to prevent infection. Transfer of germs, hand to lung, from touching the HME or directly on stoma to activate the prosthesis for speech is an obvious problem. Here are some key practices that has personally protected this Lary for seven years so far:
* Wash hands meticulously
* Keep nails trimmed: Maintain short, clean nails to minimize bacteria buildup under the nails.
* Sanitize fingers: Regularly sanitize fingers with an alcohol-based sanitizer, especially if soap and water aren't readily available.
* Clean voice prosthesis: Follow the manufacturer's instructions for cleaning and disinfecting the voice prosthesis.

As a matter of protection I generally try not to use my voice when a nod and a smile will do while I am in public. Personally I try to use only my left index finger to occlude my stoma. Thus I can shake a hand and open doors etc with my right hand safely. Upon coming back to my car from a grocery store or any other public setting, the first thing I do is reach for the hand sanitizer that I keep in the car door pocket, and also share it with my partner so we are both reset to safe mode till we leave the car again.
Prioritizing ritualistic hand hygiene I have been germ free for 7 years so far, (hope I didn't jinx myself here, lol). Cheers.


The Peer Support Online Meeting is tomorrow - June 4th, starting at 1:00 pm.
You can still join the call - send a message via Facebook Messenger or to the LABC email - [email protected]

Online meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm


LABC is pleased to report that last week Minister of Health Adrian Dix confirmed in the BC Legislature that reimbursement of laryngectomy devices and supplies is under "active consideration" by his Ministry. As you are aware over the past year through the efforts of LABC volunteers across the province, our organization has been advocating for the government to introduce this coverage. We thank everyone who helped get us to this point and want to recognize MLA Shirley Bond for asking Minister Dix about our important concerns."


If you have been following this page for awhile you are likely aware that LABC sent letters to the Health Authorities to let them know that Laryngectomees returning to the hospital for tests or to Emergency did not always feel safe. We made several recommendations including the need for an alert on the electronic patient record. We are happy to report Island Health is working to create an alert so that hospital staff are aware that the person has had a laryngectomy. This should be ready within the next few months. Thank you Island Health!


The LABC Board would like to thank LABC members for reaching out to their local MLA's via letter. Thank you to Karen, Lyle, Sonia, and Hilda for taking the time to meet with their local MLA's. The meetings provided opportunities for the MLA's to begin to understand some of the experiences and challenges for laryngectomees including access to necessary supplies and devices. The MLA’s were very interested and supportive. The LABC Board will continue to focus on advocacy for financial support for laryngectomee supplies in 2024.


Introducing Janice - a new LABC Director.
The LABC Board is excited to have Janice join the Board. Janice is a relatively new laryngectomee. Janice is a retired great grandmother of 6, grandmother of 6, and mother of 3. Janice says "I love every minute I get to spend with them". She loves exploring the outdoors as well as consignment shops. Janice says she "enjoys cooking and baking - my husband has a sweet tooth! Janice worked in the hospitality industry and her experiences and knowledge will contriibute to the Board. Welcome Janice!


The LABC AGM was held on April 9th (without any technical glitches) and the Board of Directors was elected. The Board is comprised of Dave (Chair), Cindy (Vice Chair/Secretary), Karen (Treasurer/Secretary) and three Directors: Peter, Hilda and Janice. We are delighted to welcome Janice to the Board and look forward to working together as we move forward on initiatives.


Due to technical issues the AGM was rescheduled to April 9th, 2024. If you are interested in attending the AGM please let us know via Facebook Messenger or send an email to [email protected]
We have resolved our technical issues.

Send a message to learn more


It's two weeks until the LABC AGM, if you would like to attend the meeting on Tuesday, March 26th from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM let us know via Facebook Messenger or by email [email protected]. LABC needs you!


The Peer Support Online Meeting starts at 1:00. You can still participate - send us a message via Facebook Messenger or to the LABC email - [email protected]

Photos from Laryngectomee Association of BC - LABC's post 01/03/2024

LABC was pleased to be able to meet recently with BC United Official Opposition Shadow Minister for Health Shirley Bond. We very much appreciated the opportunity to discuss how government can best support laryngectomees and specifically LABC's recommendation that BC PharmaCare introduce coverage for devices to improve health outcomes and quality of life for laryngectomees including voice prostheses, HMEs, attachments, adhesives and complementary suppli


Peer Support Online - the next online meeting is March 5th, 2024 from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM.
If you would like to join the call let us know via Facebook Messenger or [email protected] We will send you the Zoom link.


Annual General Meeting
The LABC General Meeting is Tuesday, March 26, 2024, from 11am – 12 pm via Zoom.
If you would like to attend the meeting, please contact us at [email protected] or Messenger to let us know you want to attend.

You must be a LABC member to vote in the meeting.

At the AGM, a new board will be elected, please consider joining the board!
Positions: Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Director (3).
No experience with Zoom? See the posting on Zoom information.


The LABC has renewed efforts for securing funding for laryngectomee supplies in B.C. There are several partners involved in this initiative. We will update you on progress in future postings. Stay posted.


LABC advocated for increased safety when laryngectomees attend emergency or other hospital units after discharge. Letters were sent to five Health Authorities outlining the safety issues reported with several recommendations. We received responses from four of the five Health Authorities. To see detailed information about the issues and recommendations as well as Health Authority responses please refer to Facebook postings from February 8, 2023, to March 15th, 2023. You may already have information if you picked up a previous newsletter.

In a recent follow-up with Interior Health Authority, they are currently planning the details of how to implement electronically flagging the patient profile so that any professional accessing the file will get the alert.

Fraser Health responded to the original letter with details on their existing processes and referred the concerns to internal committees. In a recent contact with the SLP program in Fraser Health a representative indicated they had no recent reports of any issues. The remaining two Health Authorities provided information about their existing policy and processes, and we are not aware of any further reports of issues.

We are not pursuing this further unless we receive information from you indicating that you have recent experiences when you have not felt safe when accessing the hospital after your surgery.


PEER SUPPORST - Individual support:
Board members have provided support as needed on request via email, Messenger, virtually and in person. Our Board Members have personal experience as they are a laryngectomee or a family member/caregiver.

It is important to remember that if you need medical advice or are experiencing specific concerns, please contact your family doctor or your Speech Language Pathologist. They are the health care providers that can provide medical or professional information to you. Contact us via Messenger or send an email to [email protected]


If you have not used Zoom, contact us and we will provide guidance and support to you prior to the call. Please keep in mind this is not professional support but based on our experience with the basics of zoom use!

What do you need?
A laptop, computer, a tablet, or a smart phone.(a landline works but trickier and you may not see everything as noted below).
The Zoom app on your device (download free).

Choices when using Zoom –
• Video
• If you use it, we can see you and you see the people participating. If you do not use video, you can see everyone but either way your can participate in the meeting.
• Mute:
If you use mute, you can listen to the call, we cannot hear you. You can unmute it at anytime if you would like to speak or ask a question.
• Chat:
If speaking is difficult, you can use the chat function to type in your questions or comments.


PEER SUPPORT – online group meetings
LABC is initiating an online support group for laryngectomees and their supports (friends, partners, family) the first Tuesday of each month starting February 6, 2024, 1:00 to 2:00 pm.

A recent online meeting was useful for the participants – please join us! Send us an email to let us know you want to participate , and we will send you the Zoom link in advance of the call.

You can also send questions or topics to us by Messenger or email [email protected] There will be time to discuss questions or comments that arise during the meeting. The intent is to respond to what you want!


LABC requires members for the Association if it is to remain viable.
LABC has been active with the following initiatives:
• Safety Advocacy
• Peer Support - online & individual
• Financial Advocacy
Keep watch for new postings that highlight these initiatives. Stay tuned!


Why be a member of LABC?
• provide information, ideas, and suggestions so that needs are identified, and
strategies determined to address them.
• work with others to provide a strong voice.
• share your experiences which may help others.
• access peer support from others who have experienced the same surgery before
and after the surgery occurs.
• learn about resources or strategies and/or share information that are helpful.
• become a Board member or volunteer for a working group (i.e. peer support,


To renew your membership please send an email to LABC indicating your wish to renew.
If you are not currently a member please join! It is $10.00 per year with the first year of your surgery free.
Contact us via Messenger or send an email to [email protected] to let us know you would like to join. ⭐


How can a lary sniff and smell the roses?

Easy, it can be done with a little practice. Nasal airflow-inducing manoeuvre (NAIM) in which a repeated extended yawning movement is performed, lowering the jaw, floor of mouth, tongue, base of tongue, and soft palate while keeping the lips securely closed. Some call it polite yawning, this manoeuvre induces a negative pressure in the oral cavity and oropharynx, which generates a nasal airflow, enabling odorous substances to reach the olfactory epithelium again. Or one could say, how to draw air through your ho**er again.
This movement can be repeated several times a day for practice. By closing the nose with the fingers, the negative pressure in the nose and eustachian tubes can easily be noticed by most people, and give an obvious feedback quantifying this skill.

Take advantage of situations around you and remind yourself of the pleasant and unpleasant smells in your home. Wood smoke and the smell of gas are important. It is important to set a timer while cooking and check that the stove is off when done. Check the smell of the food cooking, smell the sea shore breeze. Walk in the woods, and take in the smell after a summer rain. Life is short so take time to stop and smell those beautiful flowers.


Submitted by Hilda Hopp
My husband and I attended the In-Person Community Event at the Kelowna General Hospital on June20, 2023 for laryngectomees and family. It’s about a six-hour drive for us, but we’re very glad we made time to be there! In addition to the informative slide presentation, it was fun and beneficial to spend social time with other laryngectomees while we shared our experiences. The topics covered in the slide presentation were importance of using HMEs to maintain lung health, and secondly, tips on keeping skin healthy when using adhesives with baseplates.

Thank you to the SLP team, Saskia and Kelsey, at Kelowna General, for organizing, hosting, and inviting us to this event. And thank you to Bobbi from Atos for a superb presentation that was informative and lots of fun! (I think we can speak on behalf of all the attendees!)


We have not been posting very frequently as we expect you have noticed! We would really like your ideas and suggestions for content you would find useful or like to share with others. Please send us an email at [email protected] or add comments to this posting or Message us directly. We will be excited to hear from you 🤩🥳😁


Please be aware that some B.C. Laryngectomees have been “stung” by purchasing their supplies online from various sites. They have received expired items or have paid high prices for supplies that are less expensive from the recognized companies such as Atos Medical and InHealth Technologies (Blom-singer).


It has been a long break! If anyone has any ideas about what they would like to read about on our page please make a comment or message LABC. Your suggestions would be extremely helpful.
It's a sunny warm day where I live in BC after a long cold spring. I hope you are enjoying the same. 🌞😎🌞
