Shores Fitness & Nutrition

Shores Fitness & Nutrition

We specialize in coaching couples & partners who want to train together for longer-lasting results.


It’s summer, and the sun is beating down—but you want to keep moving and stay fit.

So how do you keep working toward your training goals as the temperature soars?

We’ll give you six tips for beating the heat and taking care of yourself during summer workouts in today's blog. Click the link below to check it out!


We hope you have a workout buddy! Partnership can be a great way to stay on track while you get fit. It can be challenging, though, to focus on your own goals and strengths.

On Monday, we emailed our subscribers a Motivation Monday video on how to pursue their goals when working out with a partner. Have you watched it? Click the 'email list' link below to join our email list and have some Monday motivation delivered to your inbox each week. We'll even send you this week's video so you can grab your workout buddy and finish strong!

Photos from Shores Fitness & Nutrition's post 24/06/2023

Too many people take the "go all in" approach to nutrition and they end up burning out and falling back on old habits. Making small changes to your diet over time can lead to big improvements in your health and wellbeing. If you know you'll benefit from some changes but all the fad diets and special heath foods make it overwhelming, take these 5 simple tips and apply them instead.

Along with fitness plans and coaching, we also provide Nutrition Accountability services for our members. We can help you identify habits that will improve your health and apply them regularly. If you're ready to feel better, book a free intro call at to get started.


Through the hundreds of people that we've coached to better fitness, we see a common thread for those who are married or in relationships - partners and spouses can be a make or break factor in reaching their goals.

If you are working toward a fitness or health goal, set shared goals with other members of your household. That way, you are prioritize movement, nutrition, sleep, and stress management in similar ways.

Your goals don't have to be exactly the same to achieve this! One of you might be training for a 10k while the other just wants to move for 30 minutes a day. The commonality of prioritizing movement will help you cheer each other on and spend more time together getting in those steps or miles.

The same goes for nutrition goals - when you are both focused on including more balanced meals each week it takes off the stress of planning, shopping for, and cooking too many types of foods. With all that extra work, eventually the one looking to develop healthier habits will get too tired to continue.

At Shores, we specialize in working with couples and partners who want to pursue fitness together. We'll give you a plan that lets you work together and doesn't stress you out, while providing individual plans that suit your specific goals for fitness and health.

Book a free intro call today at Let's get started!


It's mid-week and you might be finding that the healthy goals you started with are falling by the wayside. On Monday, we emailed our subscribers a Motivation Monday video on how to use partner workouts to stay motivated. Have you watched it?

Click the link below to join our email list and have some Monday motivation delivered to your inbox each week. We'll even send you this week's video so you can grab your workout buddy and finish strong!


It’s Monday! Do you have a plan to start this week well? Grab a whiteboard (or some scrap paper) and jot down your top priorities for today. ✍️ It’ll help you stay focused and crossing things off is *so* satisfying.

Are your ready to feel better & have more energy but don’t know where to start? Start with a free intro call with us. We’ll help you make a plan that works for your lifestyle and doesn’t add “go to the gym” to your to-do list -


Here’s a common fitness question: What’s the best time of the day to train?
The short answer: It’s always a good time to work out.

Most people don’t work out at all, so it’s better to train at any time than to skip a workout because the time isn’t “perfect.”

These days, people are incredibly busy, and time is precious. Parents are always taking kids somewhere, shift workers are managing wild schedules, some people face long commutes before and after work, and so on. The phrase “I don’t have time” is very common.

So our advice is to work out whenever you can. The time doesn’t really matter that much.

For tips on picking to best workout time for your schedule and preferences, check out our blog today at


Did you miss our Motivation Monday email yesterday? Click the link below to hop onto our email list and have some Monday motivation delivered to your inbox each week. Shores Founder & Coach Joel Gibson will drop you a quick video with a tip for pursuing better health at home with food and fitness.

Photos from Shores Fitness & Nutrition's post 09/06/2023

It's hard to know where to start, what to do, and how to stay on track. Usually, it's the simplest things that keep us moving toward our goals. Use our simple guide to beginning exercise to help you get started.

We can help you start 𝘢𝘯𝘥 keep moving toward your fitness goals. For a plan to help you fit exercise into your lifestyle, schedule, and budget schedule a free intro call at


On average, Shores clients have stuck with their plans for better fitness for over 2.5 years! How did they overcome the hurdle that so many people face to start and keep their healthy habits?

1️⃣ A flexible plan that has adapted to their seasons of life.
2️⃣ A coach to adapt that plan and hold them accountable.

It's no mystery - having a coach to help you and following a plan that is made for you will help you get the results you're looking for and *keep* them.

If you're sick of starting over again and again, we can help you make a plan that sticks. Book a free intro call at to get started.


These people do brave, amazing things at home everyday. They humbly pursue fitness around careers, building businesses, new babies, and all the seasons of life. They’ve trusted us with their process for years and it was the best to hang with them in real life today and watch them test their fitness, encourage each other, and have a blast. 🧡


👊🏻 Built in workout buddy 👊🏻

Our clients work out at home on their own schedule. It’s amazingly flexible! For some people, though, it would be hard to get moving without a little extra encouragement. That is why we see such long-term success from couples pursuing fitness together.

🛋 When both partners have a workout in their schedule, no one is snacking on the sofa while the other sweats it out.

📣 You have a built-in encourager on the days you’d rather not.

🥙 You’ll plan and prepare nutritious meals at home together.

How do I know this is true? It’s not just our coaching style, it’s our life! I know that I wouldn’t be as motivated to take care of my health and fitness if spouse didn’t value it as well.

At Shores, we help couples get better, longer-lasting results by giving them a plan and coaching to pursue fitness together. Book a free intro call to chat about a plan for you!

Photos from Shores Fitness & Nutrition's post 22/02/2023

Personal training you know. Following online workout plans you’ve seen. But what the heck is Custom Online Coaching⁉️

At Shores we use a user-friendly app to deliver workouts to our clients that are made *just for them.*

🎯 Each workout includes a personalized video of Joel explaining your workout and how to approach it based on your goals.

🎥 The workouts themselves are all linked to our YouTube-based movement library for easy visuals of the movements.

✉️ With built-in messaging, you can chat with your coach easily, send videos, and celebrate your milestones!

Shores’ online coaching gives you the attention of personal training + increased flexibility.

Ready to hear what plan Joel has to get you more fit? Book a free intro call to chat about your goals and if Shores custom coaching is the right fit for you.


Partnership is the 🎟

In business, life, learning - and so many other aspects of life and work - we partner up to have a greater chance of success.

Fitness is the same! Teaming up means greater encouragement, accountability, and motivation.

Teaming up with a partner or spouse? Even better.

You can help each other create a *whole lifestyle* in support of your goals.

Win 🥇 Win 🥇

At Shores we help couples team up for their pursuit of better fitness. Their individual goals may be different, but Joel is an expert at helping them follow a similar path to get there.

Book a free call to see if Shores online coaching is right for you (both of you!) -

Home - Shores Fitness & Nutrition 17/02/2023 has a new website and we are 😍. Do you notice the client base we are serving more and more these days? Fits, doesn’t it?!

Home - Shores Fitness & Nutrition Shores Fitness & Nutrition provides the online coaching that couples & partners need to pursue fitness at home for better, longer-lasting results.


350 workouts - and that's just since we went fully online! Emily came to us wanting to get strong and gain muscle - and she's done it!

Steady commitment, incremental increases, and putting in the work gained her strength and new skills. She also got stronger mentally - gaining confidence in what her body can do. Then she took on one of the greatest challenges of the human body - pregnancy!

Emily stayed moving throughout pregnancy. Some days she walked and some days she lifted. We readjusted her goals and she committed to being the healthiest mom she could. Even now, in home stretch, we are celebrating her amazing mobility and how movement gives her energy and joy.

Imagine where you could be 10, 30, or 300 workouts from now. We can promise you this - it'll be much closer to health and you'll have a lot to celebrate. Visit to book a free intro call and find out if our coaching can help you.


Ben prioritizes fitness to, "Improve my mental and physical health, aggression outlet, and injury prevention so [he] can continue playing sports."

Playing sports through adulthood is a great way to build community and ease stress. As we get older, though, it's easier to get injured or over-do it. Strength training will help keep your bones and muscles strong so you can stress less and play more.

We want you to be strong and happy. Visit to book a free intro call and we'll make a plan to add more fun to your life.


"I am dripping with sweat. This was a fantastic way to start my day 😀🥳."

We want you to love taking care of your body, too! Starting your day (or ending - or anytime in between) with a good sweat session is a great way to accomplish something early and prioritize your wellness before the day's distractions.

Let's get you moving early and often, so you can start feeling great too. Visit to book a simple free intro call so we can learn about your goals and how we can help you reach them.


Committing to any habit for 3 years is impressive. Committing to your health and fitness through kids, grandkids, home renovations, illness, and the up and down seasons of life makes you a hero. It means your motivation runs deep and you are willing to pick yourself and start again when needed - all in the name of consistency and increased wellness.

Joel and I are so incredibly proud of and thankful for these 3. They are founders of our original gym-space and now online clients who we speak with, meet with, and encourage regularly. They've collectively lost dozens of pounds of excess body fat and gained strength and mobility.

Cheers to Toby, Vicky, and Gerard - their commitment and the results that they can celebrate because of it!

This time next year, we want you to be fitter and happier. Get started by sending us a message and getting booked for a free intro call.


We think the secret is out that regular exercise can help you increase your self-confidence, improve your mood, relax and sleep better, and lower the symptoms of mild anxiety and depression (just ask the Mayo Clinic).

But if we already know something can help us so much...why do so many of us avoid and - even - condemn it?'s because it can be a real challenge to help ourselves.

Fitness coaching can help you relieve stress not only by helping you exercise regularly, but also by *giving you a clear plan to follow so you don't have to guess* what is a good use of your time and how to actually move toward your fitness goals.

Want to lose weight? Get stronger? Get rid of back pain? We have a plan for that and so much more.

Send us a message and let's get started relieving your stress and getting you on the road to better fitness.


It’s all about the daily small step in the right direction…not perfection...give yourself grace.

Ready for coaching that helps you move forward? Got to and book a free intro chat.


“How do I get toned arms?”

We get this question all the time. Sometimes it’s from people who are looking to build muscle in their biceps and triceps. Other times, people are looking to achieve better physique. We’ll answer the question for both crowds.

Check out our blog today for five things you can do to get the arms you want.


And if you need more than a blog post - like daily coaching and accountability - to get the results you're looking for, send us a message and let's set a time to chat about your goals.


We're ending a hiatus from social media posting, so we thought a reminder of who we are and what we do would be in order!

We are Joel & Laura Gibson - parents, outdoor-enthusiasts, and dog-lovers - who not only enjoy being fit, but actually use it. We appreciate that our lives are enriched with more opportunity because our bodies can go and do so much. We started Shores to help other parents and families discover the same feeling.

We help families create health at home through food and fitness. Some of those families are adults of various ages. Others have young children. Some own business and others care for their property and family members in retirement.

The population of who we work with varies greatly, but what doesn't is that our members don't really have time or opportunity for long trips to the gym. They want better health and fitness and it works best for them to work at that form home - with accountability, flexibility, and a plan made by a coach who has taken the time to know them.

If you're ready to get your health back on track with better food and fitness, message us for a time to chat about what you want and how we can help you get it.

- Joel & Laura

Photos from Shores Fitness & Nutrition's post 09/06/2022

It can work for you, too.

Email [email protected] to chat about our coaching program and get moving toward your goals for feeling and living better. Or book a time at


Many people know they should stretch—but they don’t know exactly why. As a result, stretching is often neglected.

But there are a host of reasons why stretching is a great practice. We’ll go over them on our blog today!

Want to skip the guesswork on what's best for you? Stretching is part of each workout session for Shores' members! Book a time to talk with us about your fitness goals and we'll make a plan to help you get there. Email [email protected] to get started.


Don't limit yourself to thinking that if you can't make exercise happen in a gym you can't make it happen.

Each of our clients at Shores' (and so many others worldwide) achieve better health and fitness without a gym, expensive equipment, or even an exorbitant amount of time.

What gets them there?
A plan.

Having a plan of what to do, how to do it, and how often means you can stop reinventing the wheel.

One step better...not having to write that plan for yourself.

Shores' clients don't have to think or guess - a coach who has taken the time to know and understand them writes their program, creates videos to help them, sets goals to guide them, and checks in to ensure that they are moving toward their goals.

So stop trying to fit drives to the gym into your life if they don't. Get healthier from home or anywhere with the help of a coach who will write a plan just for you.

Get started with a free and simple conversation and starting getting the better health you're looking for. Email [email protected] to set up a time.


4 things to live and feel better.
1 to make sure it happens.

💃 Move daily - make exercise challenging enough that your strength and cardiovascular health improve, but not so impossible that you fight with pain, injury, or lack of motivation.
🥕 Eat well - protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats should be a part of every meal and snack. Eat food as minimally processed as possible and portions that make you feel full, but not over-stuffed.
😴 Sleep enough - experiment to find out how much sleep your body really needs to wake up feeling rested. Have a nighttime routine that prepares you for sleep and learn about sleep hygiene to help you sleep well.
🌄 Manage stress - out-of-control stress wrecks havoc on all of these other factors. Conversely, regular movement, good nutrition, and good rest can all help your body better manage the stresses of daily life.

📱 Get help - none of the things listed above are complicated, yet somehow every one of us struggles to manage at least 1 of them on our own. Working with a coach means you have someone planning for you, equipping you, encouraging you, and holding you accountable to taking better care of yourself in these areas.

Stop over-complicating it. Stop starting over. Work with a coach that will help you achieve health through fitness and food. Live and feel better. Book a free intro meeting at and let's get started.


If produce prices at the store have you like 😱, our top recommendations for veggies to grow at home are... ✨cucumber, zucchini, radish, green beans, snap peas, lettuce, and kale ✨

Why are we huge proponents of growing your own food? A few reasons of the many...
🥬 Cost savings (!!)
🧒🏻 Encourages kids (and adults) to try new things
☀️ It helps you spend time outside (great for physical and mental health)

Have questions about how to start, what to grow, or the best ways to eat well on a budget? Reach out to [email protected] with your questions! We'd love to help.


Nothing has made us more passionate about family nutritional strategies than our garden. It has expanded our pallets, increased our respect for the work involved in agriculture, and heightened our understanding or food waste & re-use rather than refuse. Want to take more control over what you eat? Start with a seed.
Before. 🌱


What’s your mindset like right now?

I probably don’t have to tell you that fitness helps with stress management. You know how good it feels to hit a workout and clear your mind!

But that fitness time is a limited part of your life and schedule, so I want to give you three things you can do to reduce stress and improve your mindset outside of your workouts times.

If you’d like to work more on your mindset, we can help you, just like we help you with fitness and nutrition. Message us to book a consultation to find out more!


Invest In Your Nutrition!

Some people spend 1 hour of their day, 3-5 times a week lifting weights and working on their fitness. But outside of those 3-5 hours - what you put in your mouth, and your nutrition - those matter even more.

We can help with that as well! Our nutrition coach is trained to help you deal with the
mental struggles of nutrition. And you don’t have to be on a fitness plan for us to help. Most
people just need accountability and to start with small lifestyle changes.

Book a free intro call with us at and we'll make a plan to make the most of all of your hours.


Shores' Family Food Makeover *is not* a diet for you or your family. We provide tools and encouragement for parents to make food choices that improve their energy. Together, we'll teach your kids to become lifelong lovers of food that makes them strong and healthy.

Inquire about the Food Family Makeover and we'll work with your family for 4 weeks of good food and fun!


What’s the best exercise for abs — everyone wants to know as spring and summer roll around.

Here’s the short answer: There is no single best exercise, but we’ll give you three things you can do to lose body fat, improve core strength, and increase muscle definition.


Check out of blog today for tips on eating and moving your way to a stronger core.


We all know a calorie deficit is important for fat loss, but equally so is:
● Sleep management
● Adequate recovery
● N.E.A.T (non-exercise activity thermogenesis)
● Water intake
● Hormonal health
● Stress management
● Mindset
● Macro and micronutrient intake
● Training

Start following the basic tools above - and be patient.
It’s not only calories that matter! But the good news is, we have an AMAZING nutrition coaches to
help ya figure it all out!

Message us to book a free intro call and make a plan for how good food and regular fitness can get you to our health goals.


People often ask if they have to lose weight to start exercising safely. The answer: No! Anyone can start moving more.

Experts recommend a careful start to exercise if you are overweight. Having a personal coach is one way to ensure you don't do too much too soon or risk injury.

Read more tips for getting started and how a coach can help on our blog today.



The splits! 🥁 According to Mayo Clinic, laughing doesn't just help you mentally but physically, too!

Here are some of the benefits - the intake of oxygen-rich air stimulates your organs and releases endorphins in your brain, lowers your blood pressure, and laughter aids in muscle relaxation.

So do something unexpectedly good for your body today - laugh!


Emily is consistently committed to moving and moving well. She understands so well that exercise and fitness are about feeling good and celebrating every victory. Emily been personal training with Laura, both in-person and virtually, for well over a year. We have seen Emily gain so much strength and cardiovascular health. The best part is watching how she leaves a little energy in the tank to give every workout that extra push at the end!

Ready to take a few steps forward that will give you a lot to celebrate? Let's make a plan that will get you feeling and living better.

Email [email protected] and we'll set up a time to learn more about your goals so we can help you get there.


Many, many people have asked a fitness coach if it’s possible to target fat loss or lose fat “right here.”

When they ask, they always point to a body part. It might be the belly or perhaps the legs. Some point to the area underneath the arm, and others point to the neck.

All are asking if “spot reduction” works; i.e., can you choose exactly where you lose fat?

➡️ Head over to our blog today and find out more!


Let's get back to basics. 🎯

Over time, we sometimes allow habits to set in even if they don’t support our goals. Take the three Nutrition Checks below:

1. Review Your Beverages 🍹

Have any drinks with added sugar crept into your routine? Are you reaching for alcohol out of habit at the end of the day? Are you drinking water regularly?

Over the next few days, make note of what you drink and look for things that don’t match up with your goals. Then sub them out—or reduce consumption to levels that do.

2. Review Your Veggie Intake 🥕

Vegetables are incredibly important to sound nutrition and fresh produce is amazing. Colder months can make it impossible to find food that’s right out of the garden and frozen peas don’t always seem like a top-of-the-menu item. I get it!

But veggies are packed with fiber, vitamins and minerals. And they fill you up and don’t create blood-sugar spikes.

So take a close look at your meals over a few days. Are you eating veggies regularly? Could you add more? Try filling half your plate with vegetables at each meal.

3. Review Your Snacks 🍿

Are you still raiding the freezer for frozen holiday treats? Or are your snacks an appropriate mix of protein, carbs, and fat in quantities that match your goals?

It’s very easy to sabotage yourself with snacks. Take a look at your between-meal habits.

If you monitor your intake around meals, you’ll definitely see some patterns and you might identify some changes you can make.

If you do the “three reviews” listed above and want some help making more changes, we'd love to talk with you about a plan. We’ll go over your goals and make sure your habits in the kitchen match up. Send us a message and let's talk.


Many people who are thinking about exercising want to know how fast you can gain fitness.
And current exercisers often want to know how fast you lose fitness if you stop training.

Visit our blog for some great news whether you're a new or veteran exerciser!

A Fit Life for LIVING - That’s the Goal

Joel & Laura love how a fit life has led them on global adventures over mountains, across rivers, and through the busy days of parenthood and business ownership. They believe that the healthy choices that lead to a better and happier life happen in the day-to-day, not just in the gym or in January. They are passionate about helping motivated people develop solid habits that help them live the lives they love.

Joel & Laura are both CrossFit CF-L1 trainers and Joel has certifications, as well as immense background, coaching kids and teens. They are teachers, trainers, parents, entrepreneurs, and travelers. They pursue fitness and health through all of that, and can show you how to do the same.

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You would think that for a business like ours, it would be the perfect time to start capitalizing on headlines like, “Gy...


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 06:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 12:00