The Devil Tormentors and Demon Destroyers

The Devil Tormentors and Demon Destroyers

Genesis 3:15, God announces that the serpent's head will be crushed by the seed of woman. So we have to constantly torment the devil by crushing his head


Good morning brethren, Jesus Loves you and I am praying for each and everyone of you. The Kingdom of God is at hand and it is now. I am praying that everyone takes his rightful place on God's Kingdom.


The agents of the devil operate and an atom size and call themselves the quantum police. They hurt good Christians and other good people. This is the reason for mental health hospitals. Imprisonment of the body and soul is what they have been doing to our apostles and good disciples. We need to strategize in our prayer because the enemy is not far from you. We call upon our friends lost in the witchcraft and use of evil spirits to receive the free salvation of our Lord God. In this same way we pray to our Lord to send his Angels to rescue those in mental hospital and other prisons.


Jesus Christ sent his apostles to heal the sick, raise the dead, cure those with leprosy and Cust out demons. God wants us to torment the devil and destroy demons. Give freely because we have been given freely. Matthew 10:8.


Ruy Cabral and Ruy Correia of Winnipeg.MB. God wants you to be saved. Salvation is free and it is sweet and wonderful. Satan( is a lying devil).as it is written my brothers in the gospel.There gunna wish they were never born into the world.......I've done study and research since i was a little infant to figure this out.I am 45 years old now.long story short.I am a highly trained officer in this particular department.There is no1 in the world ever thats as gifted as I am in this profession.When we meet in Gods home its i told you so.Sao Miguel.


God will provide for all your needs


God is Great EL HAGADOL

