Heather Tobin

Heather Tobin

Intuitive Healer | Spiritual Mentor | Energy Maven
Quit the b.s. and tap into your magic & truth. Called to Go Deeper. I meet you where you are.

After a decade of living a secret double life as a corporate 9 to 5-er by day and kitchen table Coach and Intuitive Card Reader by night, Heather traded in her briefcase and left the corporate world behind to design a life she loved. Once an intuitive child whose shine was dulled by life in a world of disbelievers, Heather reclaimed her roots, embraced her faith in trust and magic, and took a leap


🌕 Full Moon Mini Readings - Available!

A glance into what you most need to know at this time.

It's one card, and one paragraph channelled by me.



🌕 Full Moon Mini Readings - Available!

A glance into what you most need to know at this time.

It's one card, and one paragraph channelled by me.

Sign up here:


Need some help with the energy blasts we are inevitably going to be dealing with until the end of days?

I got you!

Full Moon Readings & Energy Treatment Availability

🌕 Full Moon Mini Messages - $25
... Summer Sale! Optional Mini Energy Boost Add On Available

🙌🏻 September Healing Studio - $97

Healing Studio – 3 group healing messages, and 2 intuitive guidance messages delivered in a private FB group in September.

💜Private Energy Healing Remote Treatments $125

These remote sessions are done at the energetic level which means you don’t need to be present to receive the healing. Energy is not bound by space or time, and you always get what you need when you need it. They are 20-30 minutes in length, and you receive an audio file of what I’m seeing, channeling and reading in your energy. These provide guidance and healing.

1:1 Appointments on Zoom – Take a look-see at my calendar if there are any sessions that resonate!

Visit this link for all offerings: https://heathertobin.as.me/


It’s time to talk about your business.


So that people know what you sell.

I assure you,

You have nothing to worry about.

How do I know?

Because if people can make money off selling farts in a jar – true story look it up…

Or make money off discussing spitting on 🍆s… -true story look up hawk tuah girl

Then you have nothing to worry about when it comes to your business.

These folks have gotten RICH off just “doing their thing”…
Like, VIRAL level, agents hired, rich.

So ffs, do your thing.

Also... no judgement on those to folks either... I couldn't give one 💩 about it...

But what I do give an ish about... is people hiding in some sort of avoidance mode, being caught in paralysis - to simply share that they ... are a self employed/entrepreneur/business owner ---- who sells and does whatever they sell and do.

What are you *ACTUALLY* afraid of?

If you need help pulling your head out of your *cough*... lemme know. I promise I'll be mostly gentle.

Jokes aside... I really just want to see everyone do well, live their dreams and meet their version of what success is in their life.


Mercury is in retrograde until the 27th of the month.. then there's the shadow period..

I'd suggest not talking to anyone until September 1st.

You can speak as clearly as possible and it will still be taken out of context or be the exact opposite of what you said/did.

Don't say I didn't warn you. 🤣

Good luck.


We align with narratives because they help us feel understood. We buy into ideas and concepts because they finally help us make sense of something. We jump on bandwagons because, somewhere along the way, we were conditioned to ensure we fit in.

But when did being understood and making sense of things become the finish line? When did groupthink lead to true transformation and expansion? There may be instances, but generally not.

I’ve noticed that diagnosis often creates a finish line for people. It’s great to declare, “Yes! Now this all makes sense!” But my follow-up question is: Okay, now what? Now that I have this information, what will I do with it?

I’ve seen a pattern where people receive information and take it as a death sentence—saying, “This is just how it is now.” But is it enough to feel understood yet remain stuck? For me, that’s not enough—not in the long term, and sometimes not even in the short term.

As soon as I have “information,” I decide how I’m going to use it and how I want to move forward in life. I also recognize that everyone’s life path is their own business and creation. People will choose what they choose.

But for me, and my life, it’s not enough. I’m not here to get buried under mental health flare-ups or addiction. I existed that way for a long time. In fact, I refuse to carry the burden of unfulfillment. Existing isn’t enough. I’m here to live, thrive, and serve.

If you feel like the narratives and information are leaving you void, it’s probably because they aren’t enough for you either. What would opening yourself to possibilities look like? What could opening your heart to receive the direction you need for what’s next do for you?

If you’re satisfied with the narratives, the information, and the details—and want to use them as excuses rather than opportunities—that too is your choice. Just remember that all choices have direct consequences on how your days, weeks, and months come together.

Wisdom is within you; stop dismissing it! So many of you are sitting on untapped potential that I only wish you could see what I see when I look at you. Yes, all of you. Every single one of you.

I invite you to tap into your wisdom and ask one question about everything you’re wondering in your human experience: “Is this true for me?” Then listen and pay attention to what you feel, hear, or are shown.



Do you ever read my posts and feel like I’m talking to you?

Do you ever ask yourself why it seems like I’m reading your mind?

Want to know if you’re ready to work with me?

That’s one way to do a quick temperature check.

Here’s how to figure out if I’m the energy healing, intuitive guide, school of life mentor, and business alignment builder for you right now.

Check all that apply:

● You’re sick and tired of being sick and tired.

● You’re tired of the “good vibes only” methods, “love and light” teachings, and bu****it cosmo magazine quizzes that tell you what type of mood potato you are.

● You’re ready to let go of the way you’ve been thinking, doing, and being so you can make the big shifts that have to come in order to reap the reward.

● You’re open to and excited about experimenting with new practices and ideas.

● You’re ready to invest in your personal and professional growth and development.

● You’re ready, willing, and truly open to receiving feedback.

● You know you need to stop overscheduling and over-giving yourself.

● You’re done shaming, blaming, and coercing yourself into what you “should” do, think, say, be.

● You’re willing to ask new questions, even–and especially–when they feel uncomfortable or the answers that come up for you are unexpected.

● You know you’re going to have to sit with, process, and integrate some old, uncomfortable stories, beliefs, and emotions. And, you’re ready to do that work.

When you can honestly check off all 10, you’re ready to work with me.

Are you ready?

Then it’s time to move on to the next steps.

🦄 Here’s what that looks like:

1. You send me a DM and tell me whether you want to start with 30 minutes or an hour long session.

2. I’ll send you the link so you can schedule your session.

Ready to get started?

See step one and I’ll see you in my DMs.

What's your commitment expiry date? 14/08/2024

Are you doing what you're doing, because it's still aligned? Or is it time to reflect and adjust?

Check out my current video.

What's your commitment expiry date? Are you doing what you're doing, because it's still aligned? Or is it time to reflect and adjust?I can also be found here:www.heathertobin.cawww.facebook.com...


Spiritual Wellness and Development E-Course

I wasn’t always Spiritually focused. In fact, I didn’t believe in anything. I thought life was an experiment and we were all put here to be tried and tested and punished. I was about 27 years old and wanted to die. Because I was taught and raised to believe that life had no purpose. That it was about struggle, and the survival of the fittest. That the rich got richer, and the poor got poorer.

As I laid there trying to decide if I wanted to live or not, I drifted off to sleep with my precious kitty Luna by my side, before I really put thought into exactly how I would end my life. She was what kept me going, because I didn’t trust anyone else to love her the way I did.

When I woke in the morning, something had shifted, and my life was about to change dramatically, I didn’t know it at the time though.

In this space, we will focus on surrendering to old beliefs, exploring new ways of thinking and feeling, how believing and trusting will get you where you want to be, and that life, is as beautiful as you make it.

You’ll strengthen your Intuition, learn to talk to others energetically, and get into a fight with m e when we discuss understanding ego vs. higher self, ... just to name a few battles. 🤣

Any of this resonate...?

I'm feeling lost and directionless.

I keep trying but "it" just isn't working.

I'm "just not feeling life right now" I think it might be a Spiritual thing!

WHO: It's designed for...

• Not quite “beginners” – meaning, you already know there is a spiritual energy at play, you believe in it, you just haven’t quite formed your practices the way you’d like yet

• Folks who need a refresher and want to get their Spiritual-ish together

• Folks who want some intentional focus time to revisit what they may already know, with a side of Heather-ness.

WHEN: September 15th to October 25th

Your enrolment includes:

- Teachings

- Support and feedback from me for your questions and shares!

- Q&A opportunities and direct guidance from me,

- Sacred container of Energetic Space that I bubble everything I do with.. (ask the people who've experienced me.. ;) )

There are no set times to attend, all material lessons and optional activities are posted to the group a few times a week to allow for spaciousness.

Sign Up here: https://heathertobin.as.me/

Also.... I need a certain number of sign ups to make this sustainable. If you're in, please let me know! A few friendly post likes and comments would be helpful to since.... *gesturing around* this place.. has a mind of it's own, and my audience is small, but mighty. Thank you for helping do your part. 💜


Announcing - Energy Healing for September!

The September Healing Studio has expanded it's offering!
It's now:

🪶 Two - Group Guidance messages
🪶 Three - group Energy Healings (head to toe healing!)
🪶 Unicorn Level Care from yours truly

As always:

📞 NO LIVE CALLS TO ATTEND. Everything is on replay for you because I am the replay QUEEN!

Which means, less demand on you you having to show up live. 💜

🛑 Replay doesn't mean "old formerly used content"... it's all new and current.

All you need to do is show up and receive; when you're ready to do so.
No homework.
No activities.
No assignments.
No learning.

Registration is open now - please sign up here: https://heathertobin.as.me/

Kindly contact me if you have any questions.

Drop me a comment if you're in! 🙂


It's the middle of August already! Phew. But what is time really? Okay that's a letter for another day.

Today, I want to talk about how so many folks I know are really "in it", and feeling rather low-grade yuck.

A variety of illness, moods, general bleh.


Announcing - Energy Healing for September!

The September Healing Studio has expanded it's offering!

It's now:

🪶 Two - Group Guidance messages
🪶 Three - group Energy Healings (head to toe healing!)
🪶 Unicorn Level Care from yours truly

As always:

📞 NO LIVE CALLS TO ATTEND. Everything is on replay for you because I am the replay QUEEN!

Which means, less demand on you you having to show up live. 💜

🛑 Replay doesn't mean "old formerly used content"... it's all new and current.

All you need to do is show up and receive; when you're ready to do so.

No homework.
No activities.
No assignments.
No learning.

Registration is open now - please sign up here: https://heathertobin.as.me/

Kindly contact me if you have any questions.

Drop me a comment if you're in! 🙂


If you’re feeling “shook” this week.


It's about time you noticed some shifts in your life anyway.

If you want to grow and know, stick around and keep reading. Better yet, stick closer and pay attention.

That upgrade we got during the new moon, and then the Lion’s Gate portal was a heavy hitter.

I’m not an astrologer, I’m an Energy Maven, and an Intuitive Healer. I feel *everything*... and I *know* 💩

Most often, the typical things like full moons, or retrogrades, don’t typically rattle me.

But this week, I’ve been deep in the feels, with healing a significant aspect of my earthly experience.

Additionally, even without that hovering, the body went through something a little extra this week.

There were aspects of my Intuition that felt sharper, I was reminded of some “bonus gifts” as I like to call them, that swooped in, and

I’m actually feeling rather spectacular at the heightened awareness level, but my physical form / body and emotions are shook.

For context I’m going to say that this is.. “normal”. (Not a fan of that word.. but we need to keep it classy and straightforward for a minute lol)

It’s “normal” to feel a little WTF-y this week because even if you aren’t dialled into all that went on, or is going on, or has ever gone on – not human on this earth can *not* feel it. The difference lies in, what you do with how you’re feeling.

You don’t have to be intuitive or dialed in to know / feel that things were … “different” this week.

And one of the things I was reminded of, is that there are many people in my audience who run from this stuff, and so one of the things I’m questioning is whether I’ll continue to use this space to share, or if it would be safer and more contained for me to put these writings elsewhere.

I also know, I have a secret audience who soaks it all up, and doesn’t say a word – and for you, I send you extra love and ease, as
I hope one day you’ll feel safe enough to let your true self be seen.

As we cruise through the next few chapters, and continue to witness the storms, figuratively and literally, through weather, politics, and all that “is”… I want you to remember one thing…

The only thing you have control over, is how you choose to react and behave in these situations, and, what frequency you’re functioning at, because *that* is what will determine your experience here.

If you keep saying “I have all the bad luck”, “this is how it always is”, “I just know how people look at me”, then that my dear is what you will get.

If you say things like “I am always provided for”, “I am love”, “I live and breathe gratitude”, then that, is what will shape your experience.

It’s *always* your choice.

One of my choices, is to not hide anymore.

As always, feel free to stay or go in peace. 🕊️

If you want some support on spiritual health and expansion, I’ll have some group and private support options shared soon. 💜

p.s. if you think this is me bypassing situations, or not being inclusive or not taking every damn thing under the sun under consideration – believe me, I’m aware of my privilege, I’m also well aware of what it took me to get to where I am today, and what was *taken* by colonizers in order for me to also stand here. So don’t come at me. 🦄 Just block and unfriend and be merry on your way.


How much of your time and energy (two valuable resources) are you giving to yourself to other people?

Nice. How charitable of you!

Now, how much of it is to your own detriment?

You are your first priority, give yourself time and energy first.



🦁 Last Call - $8, $88 or $888 -- your pick! (offers Friday August 9th)

Phew. Although I am not an astrologer, today is the lion's gate portal.

This week has been a ride, I didn't sleep well, and every button and boundary is being pushed!

Some folks are getting by unscathed, but many are needing some extra support and tenderness. Especially after I 🦄 them. 🤣

$8 - Itty Bitty One Liner - A mantra, a joke, a hot tip, Spirit will decide!

$88 - 3 Card Oracle Spread - about a page in length typed of the information you most need to know at this time sent your way via email.

$888 - Healing Session Bundle ... Four 45-minute sessions ($1,000 regular price)


Register here for all the things - https://heathertobin.as.me


When I say you’re on the healing altar, this is some of the power I’m working with.

Thunderbird medicine is potent.


Well. I might officially have to add Medical Intuitive to my resume.

A handful of hours after a chat with a client, a cardiologist calls to offer some new details about what they think is *actually* going on... vs. what they originally *thought* was going on.



It's not self-ish. It's self-first.

H. 🪶


Desire peace?

Be intentional with your unsubscribing, blocking and leaving groups today. Oh, in real life too.

It’s only your ego or some no longer helpful sub-personality trait of keeping you there if you’re not experiencing fulfillment, growth or expansion by allowing in your energy field.

Be intentional with what you’re allowing to run the show in your life.

Just another example of what I mean by keeping your energy clean, and minding your Spiritual Business.


Feel Frustrated with All the Business Advice Going Around?...

Here's a side of 🦄 honesty, integrity, and personal experience...

I’ve seen every different angle, opinion and business suggestion that you could possibly imagine and I know there is plenty more I haven’t seen.

Some of it has merit, but most of what I’ve come across doesn’t.

There have been things that have been suggested I.....not do ...and when I opted to go ahead and do it that way anyway...

they turned out to be my most fulfilling months, on a soul level, and with much gratitude, on a financial level.


Because I listened to the essence of what my soul was guiding me on.

I guarantee if I listened to all the times I was told to “not” do it a certain way, I wouldn’t have the business I have today.

An incomplete list of things I was told I couldn’t do:

-Build a business online and provide services 100% remotely
-Quit my day job
-Be multi-passionate and do well
-Give things away for free
-Say no
-Say yes
-Build a business that would thrive and be sustainable.

Do you know how hard it is to compete with the so-called “professionals” out there who told me these things?

Do you have any idea the thoughts, anxiety and lost hours of sleep this caused?

Do you know how many times I wanted to throw in the towel and give up? Because their way wasn't working.

If you’re feeling frustrated, confused or overwhelmed with the ‘advice’ or ‘teachings’ or latest top 5 list of “must do”s in your business (or life for that matter), give yourself an information silent retreat, and tune into what your heart has to say to you.

I guarantee if you turn down the noise enough, you’ll hear exactly what is in your highest good, who (if necessary for support and guidance) is the fit for that, and you will be able to proceed with soul integrity and alignment.

Heal on 🪶


The Dance of People Pleasing

One word, it’s EXHAUSTING!

During the fights I witnessed as a kid, I learned that if I yelled louder, it was a distraction technique for them to stop, because then they’d get angry at me instead. It was perfect and worked like a charm.

As a young adult, I learned that to avoid confrontation or to pacify what someone else was experiencing or upset about, I would go out of my way to do things that I knew would make them happier, or not give them more of a reason to be upset because the foundation of the moment was already cracked.

In my work life, I realized that if I sided with the person, added fuel to the fire, and appeared to be angrier, it quickly meant that the person felt acknowledged, and they backed down from directing their anger at me. Even if I disagreed or wanted nothing to do with their problem.

I was a master people pleaser.

Although I’ve healed many layers to this, recently, I found myself slipping into the people pleasing energy of saying yes, when I want to say no. Which means, I’m not being true to myself.

I end up feeling lousy, which sometimes activates the shame spiral, of,... you know better! Why did you let this happen again?

I realized that many of us do this. Sometimes we are unaware of it, especially if we’ve been flying on survival-autopilot for a while.

During a 12 step meeting years ago, I’ll never forget hearing the phrase about putting the oxygen mask on first and was told that this is what the flight attendants say.

Nailed it.

People-pleasing suffocates you. It depletes you. It makes your soul feel second best.

How will you prioritize yourself first today?


It’s been a long time since I sat and wrote from the place I once knew.

The place of sacredness, of wisdom, of ancient inner knowing.

I feel I’ve been tip toeing around the surface, because going deeper meant I had to show up with vulnerability again.

Vulnerability that has been stomped on in the past.

Shamed, and judged.

I realize that my story is important to how I am of service in the world, and why I show up and do what I do.

But I think what happens at times, is that self doubt slips in. It leaves us wondering, questioning if we had something wrong.
Perhaps the story that we’ve been speaking to, wasn’t quite accurate.

Which is also common for people who were told they were crazy on a regular basis. Ask me how I know.

Then, slowly, Spirit gives you the memories that remind you of what you need, and that how you're remembering the story is accurate.

You’re shown, what you need to see, to keep healing.

Some days it feels as if I’m starting all over from scratch, and other days it feels like I picked up where I left off… but with new awareness, inner strength and a new approach to tending to my heart.

I’m reminded that the deep, really is for me. I belong here, even when it feels solitary, I’d rather be here alone, than surrounded by those who don’t desire to brave the deep waters of knowing with me.

Heal on. 🪶


🦁 Lion’s Gate Offerings

A personal 3-card oracle spread, outlining focus areas, reflections and grounded actions to take while you’re in Leo season!

✨ $888 – Healing Treatments

Four – 45-minute healing treatments on zoom, we talk about what you’d like to focus on, I share what Spirit wants you to know and conduct the energy healing. Like Reiki, but my own modality (for those who haven’t done energy work with me)

* We review your pain points, what’s got you blocked, what needs clearing, and what needs ease.
** all sessions to be used between August 1 and October 15th

Sign up here: https://heathertobin.as.me/


I still laugh every time I see this.😂🤣😂


Where did all this mess come from?

Have you done your spring cleaning?

Spring cleaning? Heather. It’s the middle of summer.

Exactly. How long have you been postponing “cleaning” things up in your life?

I don’t just mean decluttering your closet.

I mean:

🧹 When’s the last time you sat with your boundaries and whether you’re actually honouring them–or if they’re honouring you?

🧹 What action are you taking to create new habits that put you on track to achieve the goals you say you’re striving for?

🧹 How are you making space for what you say you want more of?

Every journey, adventure, or experience you choose relies on *you* being focused and minding your spiritual business.

Keeping your mind, body and emotions in a healthy place.

In other words, are you keeping your side of the street clean?

If you’re feeling stuck and stagnant, or you’re sick and tired of spinning your wheels, and you’re ready to get some support, this is *the sign* you’ve been waiting for.

You don’t have to struggle through it alone.

I’m here to help you clear out the cobwebs of broken beliefs and bullsh!t stories you tell yourself so you can hear your true voice.

But you have to commit to doing the work for yourself first. Because the only spins I’m doing are victory laps of celebration.

So if you’re ready for a fresh start, I’m here to guide and encourage you, but you have to take the first step.

Here’s how: Own your intentions. DM me and tell me it’s time for some life bedazzling cleaning.

I’ll send you the link to schedule your first one-on-one session.

It’s that easy to get the support you need to break the cycle that’s keeping you stuck.

Are you ready?

My DMs are open.

And... if you made it this far and give me the code word "summer", you'll probably get a sweet discount on the session you book. ;)


Summer - The Season of Plenty

Sunshine, fresh fruits, and lazy days – summer's a feast for the senses, wouldn't you agree? But hold on, friends (and future friends!), let's not forget the most delicious ingredient of all: gratitude.

While summer's the season for blooming (hello, self-care!), it's also a prime time to bask in the abundance around us. Think about it: nature's overflowing with goodness, the days are long and inviting, and there's a natural sense of joy in the air. Perfect fuel for a grateful heart!

Here's the thing: When we appreciate what we have, it amplifies the good stuff. Soaking up summer's sunshine with a grateful heart makes it all the more magical. It's like adding sprinkles to your sunshine sundae! ✨

So, this August, let's bloom brightly and cultivate gratitude at the same time.

Notice the little things, savor the deliciousness (both literal and metaphorical!), and let your appreciation overflow.

Ready to cultivate this summer bounty with me? Join the Mud Club! Or, if it's not your cup of tea, find your own way to celebrate summer's abundance.

Just remember – a grateful heart is a happy heart, all year round!

🌻 August theme: The Medicine of Summer.

🌞 Join us for August

- A weekly content focus aligned to Spiritual or Personal Development

- 1 group energy healing (like the healing studio if you’ve been there)

- Spiritual Insights, Mentorship and Guidance from me as needed

- Prompts sprinkled throughout the week to help you stay on
purpose with whatever you’re focused on

If you've been in any of my courses, this is a great place for ongoing accountability and self maintenance. *And.. it's also standalone. Meaning, you don't have to be a former student to be able to step into this space and get what you need*

Questions? Please ask!

Sign up for August: https://heathertobin.as.me/themudclub 💜

Author | Channel | Mentor

Heather feels that we create our reality based on our perceptions and beliefs and will journey beside you without ego, judgement or shame. With a background in addiction treatment and counselling, Heather brings a mixture of clinical experience and is enthusiastic about sharing her life experiences, wisdom and perspectives so that others will feel safe enough to embrace healing.

From the many words to choose from to describe her. Some include, oracle, intuitive, energy medicine practitioner, spiritual guide and channel.

During any work with Heather, you will be held in a safe, comforting and loving energetic exchange.

She was often referred to as an Intuitive child, but over the years this was squashed by the non-believers. Until one day, she decided to design a life she loved and immerse herself full time in the magic of her soul-path and truth seeking.

She is a straight shooter, and doesn’t pull any punches. She shares what she is guided to share, and delivers it with love and humour. This means you may not hear what you want to hear, but you will definitely hear what Spirit is saying you need to hear. She has an authentic way of channeling information from a Higher Consciousness that reaches right to the core of the issue. You will receive a great deal of clarity, insight and practical action steps for moving forward.

Videos (show all)

Habits That Matter and The Mud ClubFun Fact... about half the current members of my Mud Club have already enrolled to go...
Sharing more about my E-course/Group Mentorship Program: Habits that Matter
February Announcements, Offers and All the Things.
Who do you surround yourself with?
I had an epiphany level download yesterday. Nope, not clickbait. It’s true.This video was shared in my membership commun...
Love love love October 🍁 🍂
Tree medicine.
Unfiltered. A little about what I do...
How it started…. How it’s going….… watch this space. 🪶 Spent the morning doing business planning things.

Opening Hours

Tuesday 11:00 - 16:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 16:00
Thursday 11:00 - 16:00
Friday 09:00 - 16:00