Jacie Rider

Jacie Rider

Jacie Rider’s books are unique and compelling and keep readers riveted until the very end. Jacie Ride

Relaunch Video MDM 01/02/2022

Hello everyone! This post is a long time in coming, but definitely worth the wait, as it will be my last post as Jacie Rider. My website will be live live once the first print run is complete. This video explains everything, and some of you are in it, because you've been part of my journey as well. I hope you enjoy & visit me on Facebook for books & book trailers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fK6swO2LYQU&t=36s

Relaunch Video MDM


I know it's been a while since I've posted & for that I apologize. There was a reason for it & now I can share the reason with you.

The publisher that I used for Onions (Dog Ear Publishing) has finally been held accountable for their thievery & have filed bankruptcy & shut their doors. FINALLY the bleeding can stop.

People have asked me why I stopped pursuing my books, wondering if I somehow failed with sales. The truth is: I didn't fail. I did very well, in fact, I sold more than 200 copies in one book signing alone at Wal-Mart in 2009. I just didn't get paid for any of my books from Dog Ear, who I then discovered had posted Onions on Nook without my knowledge or consent and it was a top seller, which means over 5,000 copies had been sold at $9 profit.... (adding it up makes you feel sick)

I had cancelled the book in 2013 paperback and forced Dog Ear to quit selling e books on Nook, but they continued to sell Onions paperback for 7 years. I know, because readers still continued to reach out to me & I verified that stores were still carrying it and re-ordering it all this time. In fact, I just discovered it's still on Amazon, who won't take it down, even though Dog Ear is out of business, their doors forced closed by the BBB.

As if self publishing wasn't already difficult enough, but to have a publisher steal not just your money but your success is beyond words. I never spoke out, because I was embarrassed and I wasn't sure if anyone would truly believe me. I had found a few people on line years ago who were saying the same things, but I never revisited the sites to keep watching. As well, being from Canada and not from the States, I was limited on what my recourse would be.

Here's an article I just read & if you search for Dog Ear you'll get many more, including a BBB link with tons of complaints and a warning not to deal with them. There's a class action suit starting amongst writers that have been ripped off.

For new authors out there who want to self publish, my advice is to make every effort to get a traditional publisher or literary agent. And if you must self publish, stay within your boarders and don't be afraid to stand up for yourself or re-invent yourself if necessary.



It's been a while since I had to stop writing because I scared myself so much.... Enjoy your day!


The only thing better than finishing a new book; is printing it. Happy New Years to everyone )
