Canadian Paediatric Society Videos

Videos by Canadian Paediatric Society. Working for kids since 1922

Dr. Kimberly Dow has made many important contributions to CPS, including serving on our Board of Directors, Awards and Human Resources Committee, and CPSP Steering Committee.

We’re happy to honour her today with a Life Membership. Congratulations!


Other Canadian Paediatric Society videos

Dr. Kimberly Dow has made many important contributions to CPS, including serving on our Board of Directors, Awards and Human Resources Committee, and CPSP Steering Committee. We’re happy to honour her today with a Life Membership. Congratulations! #CPS2024

We’re honoured to give Dr. Khalid Aziz a Life Membership with CPS. Dr. Aziz has made amazing contributions to our NRP and AcoRN programs, and has worked on @CanPaedsJournal as an assistant editor for 10 years. Thank you, Dr. Aziz! #CPS2024

Thank you Dr. Glen Ward for all your important contributions to CPS. We’re thrilled to bestow you with a Life Membership! #CPS2024

The Danielle Grenier Member Recognition Award goes out to a CPS member who goes above and beyond. This year, the award goes to Dr. Michelle Barton-Forbes for her outstanding contributions. Congratulations! #CPS2024

The Victor Marchessault Award goes to an individual who has made outstanding contributions to paediatrics. This year, this award goes to Dr. Natasha Saunders for her incredible research and advocacy in serious injury prevention. Congratulations! #CPS2024

Dr. Tara Baron has achieved great success combining teaching and advocacy in her career, and today we’re recognizing those achievements through the Michel Weber Education Award. Congratulations, Dr. Baron! #CPS2024

Congratulations to Dr. Robin Williams for receiving this year’s Alan Ross Award! As a previous CPS President and current chair of the Early Years Task Force, Dr. Williams had excelled in research, education, and advocacy. #CPS2024

Dr Peter Wong

Dr. Krista Jangaard - IWK Health Centre

Alex Munter, CHEO

Bit by bit, every health visit counts
Every physician has a role to play in helping children & teens maintain a heart-healthy lifestyle. As we kick off Heart Month, tell us how you promote healthy active living in your practice.

Promoting positive mental health
Teach parents how to promote positive mental health through the things they say and do and the environment they create at home. Watch our video ⬇️ for tips.

Flu Vaccine
When more people are vaccinated, it's harder for the flu to spread. Protect yourself and protect others with the flu shot! More info here: CC: Immunize Canada - Immunisation Canada, For Jude, For Everyone

Type 1 Diabetes: The Basics For Teachers & School Staff
What better way is there to end Diabetes Awareness Month than by giving our new video on T1D in school a "thumbs up?" Click here:

Type 1 Diabetes: Low Blood Sugar At School
Learn what you can do to help keep kids with T1D safe at school.

Why should physicians ask about physical activity?
Every physician has a role to play in helping children and teens maintain healthy, active lives. Watch this video to find out why. More resources here:

This #VictoriaDay weekend, sit less, move more! Check out this video to learn to make positive changes to your family’s screen time habits.

2017 Practice What You Preach Walk/Run: Friday, June 2 Support paediatric resident advocacy education by taking part in and raising funds for the 2017 Practice What You Preach Walk/Run! This year’s event takes place along the beautiful seawall next to the Vancouver Convention Centre East Building. For more information visit the Healthy Generations website: