Robert C. Belyk

Robert C. Belyk

Haunts West was Rob's last book. Others include Rebel in the Ranks and Great Shipwrecks of the Pacif Robert C.

Belyk writes true accounts of mysterious entities that even in this sophisticated age play upon our deepest fears. His books are not written for the casual reader,(although anyone might enjoy them). His ghost story collections are intended to add to the documentary evidence that ghosts exist. And in doing so, his well written, well researched works are an essential contribution to the best books within the genre.


For friends who may have wondered what happened to me, I've changed my location. I'm now in Victoria enjoying retirement.


Haunted Road Trip – Hose and Hound Pub

Haunts West Tonight we visited the first of three Calgary haunted pubs for a book signing and to update the happenings at the Hose and Hound Pub. During the three years since I visited the Hound, much had happened. Chef Mike Gataric told us about some of his experiences in the kitchen, which is certainly a hotbed of activity. At closing time, according to server Trish, the employees continue to hear the sound of heavy boots on the upper floor, which was where the firemen of Station #3 ate and slept. The full update to the Hose and Hound haunting will be posted soon. Tomorrow we visit the haunted Cat 'n Fiddle Pub.


The Cat 'N Fiddle Pub

Don't forget, all you paranormal lovers, about Robert Belyk being in the pub tomorrow night at 5pm for a book signing! Get your chicken wing on AND talk about ghosts at Calgary's Friendliest Haunted Pub


Haunted Road Trip – Mustang B&B

Haunts West A few kilometres west of Revelstoke BC is a sign advertising the Mustang B&B. The sign proclaims "Not Haunted". This may strictly be true, at least according to manager, Josh Williams, who has overseen the beautify Queen Anne-style home for the last year. But the Mustang B&B, better known as the Holten House in Revelstoke, has a haunted past.

After making his fortune in investments in the rich mining district south of Revelstoke, Swedish immigrant Charles Holten went on to become one of the principals in a number of community businesses. As befitting a man in his position, Charles built Holten House for his new bride, Lyda, in 1897.

Youngsville, Ohio-born Lyda and her family had come to Revelstoke from New Westminister, BC in 1894.

Charles and Lyda were among the cream of Revelstoke society. The Holtens had two sons. The house remained in the family until 1977.

The Story Behind the Mustang B&B

Some years ago, a woman phoned the B&B and wanted to make a reservation. She happened to ask whether the house was haunted. When told it was, she immediately said she did not want to stay in a place that had ghosts. The owner panicked and added the famous "Not Haunted" line to his billboard.

Because Revelstoke is such a tight-knit community, few people are willing to come forward with details of the haunting. Despite the fact that current manager, Josh Williams, is no longer denying the haunted history of Holten House, Revelstoke Museum curator Cathy English remains unwilling to reveal the names of witnesses.

What is known about the Holten House haunting? First, the ghost or ghosts are not currently active. This is not to say that the "ghosts have been laid".

Second, who haunts the B&B? The answer is not clear, but there is a dark presence that in the past has been reported hovering at the top of the stairs.

A possessive spirit has been felt in some of the rooms and a presence has been reported in the attic. There is much more to this story that requires follow-up. Most of the activity probably began with the renovations of the house in the mid 1990s.

The complete story of the Holten House haunting remains to be told.


Thanks to everyone who comments on my page. Please let me know if you enjoy the audio ghost stories on my website. If so I'll add more content.


An attic window in a Calgary pub where the ghost of a little boy is seen by people passing on the street.


The Old Yellow Farmhouse

Haunts West A new story is available under New Ghost Stories. This story was acquired in 2006 as I began researching my latest book, Spirits of the West: Eerie Encounters from the Prairies to the Pacific. The haunting of the Old Yellow Farmhouse near Anola, Manitoba was reserved for inclusion on this website for your enjoyment.


My First Encounter with a Ghost

Haunts West Except in one case, where I add it an an afterward, my personal experiences are not included within my books. The accounts are written in third person and there is no place for author intrusion. Yet, while I don't regard myself as sensitive, I have had several strange experiences. The following account was my first experience with a ghost.

I had taken a semester off university to work in a psychiatric hospital. One day we had arranged a tour with about fifteen patients and three staff to the Burnaby Art Gallery, located in the old Fairacres Mansion. At the time I knew nothing about the history of the estate or that the house was supposedly haunted—I had no interest in the paranormal. I was in charge of our little group as we toured the first floor exhibits and continued on to the second floor balcony where a number of paintings were mounted on the wall.

Suddenly I felt very ill. I was overcome with extreme nausea. Also I felt as if there was a great pressure within my head—a sensation impossible to describe. I left the patients in charge of the remaining staff, made my way downstairs and then outside. As soon as I reached the back porch, remarkably the pain disappeared. As I was returning inside the patients and staff met me on my way, for the visit was over.

I forgot about this occurrence until I happened to pick up a book my friend was reading. A British author had toured some of the pubs, restaurants, and other buildings said to be haunted in southern England, and later she had written a book about her experiences. I remember reading a chapter about a thrift store she toured. Once inside the building the author couldn't stay —she was overcome with nausea and a pain in her head. As she described the feelings, they resembled the overwhelming symptoms I suffered at Fairacres. Immediately I recalled the details of that incident.

At university, I combed through the newspaper index and discovered what I could about Fairacres. Grace Ceperley, the first owner had been very attached to the mansion. She and the gardeners had worked tirelessly to make the grounds a showplace. After Fairacres became an art gallery, Grace made her presence known—a number of chilling occurrences had been reported there.

I believe that Grace’s ghost simply doesn’t like visitors, and although the patients had given no cause for alarm, she resented their visit. Because I was in charge, she apparently took her anger out on me.


I am at the Hell's Gate Airtram site with Tara (left) and Debbie McKinney. My thanks to the McKinney family for making the book signing so successful.


I have a book signing at the Hell's Gate Airtram site Sunday, June 8, beginning at 10 am. Come and celebrate Canyon Appreciation Day.


Timeline Photos


Untitled Album


Robert C. Belyk's cover photo