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NYSE Blowing Bubble
In cities around the world, let’s drape ATMs with garlands, decorate them with flowers, crucifixes, votive candles, incense burners, little statues of the Virgin of Guadaloupe. Let’s surround them with mementos of all that we sacrifice in the struggle for economic survival: our time, our families, our freedom, our joy. Let’s dress up these ATMs with photos of friends and loved ones who took their own lives because they could no longer live with unemployment, homelessness, or hopelessness. Let’s adorn them with little postcards of Jesus whipping the moneylenders out of the temple, and visions of a better, fairer world. Let’s transform these soulless machines into symbols of the fight for a new kind of meaning . . . And after a while, those ATMs no longer belongs to the bank. They belong to us. We the People. The children of a dark future and the next-generation architects of salvation. Happy F**kitall Friday. Make mischief.

CBC Forced to Retract False UN Hamas Terror Claim
Victory! The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation backed down and issued their retraction on the evening news. On Tuesday, CBC News' The National claimed that “Hamas is labelled a terror group by the U.N.” Either the CBC had fired their fact-checkers or it was deliberate, because that claim was an outright lie. We launched a mini-campaign to get the CBC to retract their false claim about the UN and Hamas, and it looks like enough of you called, emailed, and otherwise badgered them that the CBC was forced to retract. Thanks to everyone who pitched in! It can feel hopeless, going up against media behemoths sometimes, and these victories are small, but in aggregate they make one hell of a difference. Every time the CBC has to retract an outright falsehood, they'll be that much more circumspect the next time they run a segment on Israel/Palestine. Keep their feet to the fire! For the wild, Team Adbusters Watch the video the CBC were forced to retract here:

CBC Makes False Hamas Terror Claim
On Tuesday, CBC News' The National claimed that “Hamas is labelled a terror group by the U.N.” Either the CBC has fired their fact-checkers or it's deliberate, because that claim is an outright lie. We demand that the CBC retract their false claim about the UN and Hamas. Help us take the CBC to task and demand an immediate retraction:

CBC rejects ad calling out journalistic double standard.
REJECTED by CBC ! The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) rejected our 15-second spot criticizing them for their biased coverage of the Israel/Hamas war. They said their Advertising Standards Rulebook prohibited them from accepting “any advertisement that could place the CBC at the centre of a controversy or public debate.” Sounds like standard bureaucratic doublespeak. Let them know what you think of their journalistic double standard here:

REJECTED by CBC! The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) rejected our 15-second spot criticizing them for their biased coverage of the Israel/Hamas war. They said their Advertising Standards Rulebook prohibited them from accepting “any advertisement that could place the CBC at the centre of a controversy or public debate.” Sounds like standard bureaucratic doublespeak. Let them know what you think here:

CBC Double Standard
Help us air this 15-second mindbomb on CBC News! Their double standard on the war on Gaza cannot escape scrutiny. Head to to pitch in! #CBC #Gaza #Israel

No future with Zuck, Bezos, and Musk at the helm
Adbusters: The Big Ideas of 2024 is OUT NOW! In our year-end issue we ask if life on Earth has any meaning. Then we go on a magical mystery tour of all the big ideas, the savior memes, the breakthrough eco, psycho, econo, political and aesthetic transformations without which a sane sustainable future is unthinkable. This is must have intelligence for the dangerous year ahead. Music is Merchant of the Void by 3teeth !! #adbusters #musk #Bezos #zuckerberg

Lest we forget, lies start wars.

Ambulance in Gaza
The reality on the ground in Gaza is ethnic cleansing. Netanyahu's goal is not destroying Hamas. His goal is destroying Palestinian resistance. And as long as a single Palestinian exists. There will be resistance. Boycott, divest, and sanction (#BDS) Israel and #FreePalestine. #CeasefireNow #Gaza #Palestine #Israel #Hamas

The planet on fire, democracy under siege. Even hard-bitten optimists know we're spiralling towards a long dark age. Is there a way out of our existential crisis? From the strategists who sparked #Occupy comes an enthralling field guide to revolution! With the most revolutionary tool ever invented in the palms of our hands, a mighty grassroots insurgency - borderless, leaderless, beyond Left and Right - is coming together in a last-ditch We-the-People stand. The flocking signal for this revolution is a radical set of ideas so fundamental, so systemic, so profound that a sane and sustainable future is unthinkable without them. This is the Third Force. We have the codes. Are you ready? Music is Revolverlution from Public Enemy! 🙏🔥 Spread this as wide as you can. #adbusters #revolution #generalstrike #OWS #occupywallstreet #occupy #anarchism #capitalismkills #indiepublishing #indiepublisher

Kalle Lasn Mindbomb — Hummingbird
Activists need to learn how to jump-cut . . . New video from Kalle Lasn on whether the revolutionary soul can be reinvigorated through animalistic spirit. Give yourself three minutes to get immersed.

Israeli soldiers raid Al Aqsa Mosque in the middle of Ramadan. The apartheid state of Israel is showing its true face. Worldwide #BDS action now!

Adbusters Mindbomb - Courage
As we face a near-certain long dark age, we have one question left . . . Do you have the guts to go down swinging? Another mindbomb from Adbusters Editor in Chief Kalle Lasn. #Adbusters #Courage #Capitalism #Anarchism

Adbusters' Kalle Lasn on the fundamental vibe shift we need to enact if we are to continue on our partnership with Mother Earth. #Adbusters #VibeShift #Philosophy #ClimateAction

To win the planetary endgame, we have to reinvent ourselves — come up with a new vibe. Music by Joey Chaos.

What happens when we ignore centuries of wisdom about how to care for our common home? The Yanomami are facing a crisis made by capitalism. Miners spreading disease, killing communities, and razing the common home that the Yanomami rely on to survive . . . and on which all of us rely. These are the stakes. From the Instituto Socioambiental (ISA)


Kalle Lasn — My Friend the Fly
Kalle Lasn on the sublime nature of late life — and learning the grace to live in nature.

Adbusters Magazine Podcast - Kalle Lasn - Blackberries
Adbusters' Kalle Lasn on blackberries and letting nature—insistent and invasive—run its course.