Nurture Yourself

Nurture Yourself

As a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, I can guide you to learn about Nutrition and support you through your nutritional journey. CONTACT: 519-928-3123.


Good morning, have had lots of rain and the plants love it. This was a gift brought to my gardens 28 years ago. I was so surprised to find these flowers blooming.
These are rare Yellow Lady Slipper Orchids that grew so well in US, Canada, Alaska. Their natural name is Cypripedium parviflorum native to our Country. These beauties come up in the spring with about 5 stems and leaves. Produces large flowers that are pouch-like labellum with reddish spots on their interior leaves.
It is nice to get surprise , especially when you find so much beauty. I love a good surprise.
Enjoy this lovely morning and have a nice day.


Good morning , I love mornings be able to enjoy natures beauty. This is my Solomon Seal, have had it for 30 years and is a stunning plant all year around. In the fall she turn a beautiful golden yellow and is worth taking a picture . I belonged to the Horticulture for 32 years and have learned so much about plants and have written poetry for them to put in their monthly news letters. Solomon Seal is a hardy perennial and most of our native plants are medicinal , this is real care for our bodies. For millions of years our tribal people have only used nature to cure and heal themselves.(about 90% of pharma is a placebo,how sad)
Solomon Seal is used for treating lung disorders, reduces swelling , dry out tissue. Can be apply to your skin for bruises, ulcers, or boils on your fingers, hemorrhoids, skin redness, helps to reduce blood sugar levels in Diabetes and water retention(edema).
Nature has always cared for us. It has only been about around for less then 1000 years, we need out planet back to the basics and to get real cures and care. We should not live in a fake way, when we are suppose to be educated. I love nature, be well and enjoy your day.


Good morning, everyday from the beginning of spring I enjoy the different plants that come to bloom as the season continues.
This is Weigela, my neighbour tossed this plant and she gave it to me 20 years ago. I pruned this plant yearly and cared for it and now look how stunning she is. Enjoy this lovely day and share some care.


Karma is not about abuse. Karma is when you do wrong , your wrong ways will caught up to you and you will pay for your actions and your mean words of your heart. Your reflection is not about someones mean heart or that you caused their heart to be this way. These being believe in hate, jealousy illnesses of the mind. Caring people do not have these excuses or ideas to fool others. Your kindness is not a fault you have, it is a wonderful gift that is meant to share. There are so many people that are wonderful and if they know love they will appreciate love, compassion and happiness and nothing else.


Good Morning, it is such a treat to watch the season of flowers and the many different varieties take bloom as the summer days go by. Starting in the spring every 2 weeks or so a new plant matures and flowers for us to enjoy. This is a bi-annual poppy, planted 30 years ago the seeds and every year since there are 3 different types that come to bloom all on their own. I have double blooming dark rose colour, double pink and a single bloom red.
Nature is a treat when you learn to work with nature. You get to appreciate and you are rewarded everyday. As all nature thrives from the care of nature, we get to enjoy all the her beauty.
Take care and enjoy your day.


Good morning, I do love mornings but isn't it nice to have the sun shining and the weather being nice too. I hope everyone can be happy and enjoy. Life is to short to waste our hearts on others that are jealous of others or feel left out or are possessive, please grow up. Nature does not get lost in these man made ways, feelings. Nature wakes up and is to busy enjoying,sharing and living life to waste themselves on fake feelings. Feel the vibes of nature and enjoy, share and be friendly, we all need love and joy. Cheers

Photos from Nurture Yourself's post 14/06/2024

Good night, this is the sky after the storm. A beautiful show of purple hues, the colours of the calm after the storm. Sweet dreams🌈

Photos from Nurture Yourself's post 13/06/2024

Good morning everyone, woke up with a happy heart and a clear mind. Waking up to a happy vibe is such a great way to start. It is up to you to feel the vibe and then enjoy your start.
I have these wonderful little beings that enjoy every moment they can. Meet my bunny named Bella. She is around 6 years old and she loves to run with the dogs in the morning. She is so brave she goes up to them and greets them in their beds. This is Bindy the Mom, I brought home from the DR, she is a gentle Mom. Ernesto is Bindy's pup , he is looking at Bella on the couch. Ernesto is such great help, he goes outside and finds Bella and she comes running after him to come into the house. Bella has learned to come and follow us around, she loves us all.
Thank you Miss Bella and the pups, they make my mornings so much fun. I love mornings, enjoy your morning , it is a great way to set up your day for a good start. Cheers


Good Morning Earlier birds, the sky's the limit. To my family, friends new and old, we are all on this wonderful earth to share love. Take the time to share love and kindness instead of expecting it. We can be loving and kind and not fear our love. Nature does not absorb pain, it is not natural. Nature does not expect from others, all nature is equal. Get your tea or coffee and listen to the early birds and voices they show us how to be social. I love mornings and listening to the voices of nature. Have a super day, share as nature does with someone and make their day.
Luv from Joan-- ooxx


If you are peaceful , you should not miss the best start of your day. Mornings, the best vibes are feeling the love nature shares everyday for free.
We have everyday the voices of nature showing us how to be thankful and respect and enjoy each other.
Mornings are one of my favorite times of the day. I am usually the happy bird and enjoys the peace of the morning and maybe a wee chat to say good morning. Me and my pets enjoy this moment and we wake up sharing this happy time as well with nature. Nature is happy, all are busy getting on with their day with joyful chatting and sharing of the wonderful earth they live upon. Enjoy your day and say something nice to someone. Don' be shy, open your heart, share and feel the vibes of natures love, do not miss love, share the VIBES.


We are all like real flowers, very different , yet the same, all living on this wonderful earth. Engineering, technology, fake ideas , images, can never make us real.
Be more you, be real.

Photos from Nurture Yourself's post 10/06/2024

Hey, took a walk around my gardens this morning and sharing some of my flowers. Enjoy your day


Good Morning, I have always loved my mornings and so grateful to wake to my life. Everyone please love your self with love and share love especially if you can. Do not waste love, it is real and such a great energy that will keep you healthy and full of life. Some waste so much time in worry and fear that love passes you by. I hope you start your mornings with happiness and the sky is the limit, ask and you shall receive, love needs love. Have a super day everyone.


We all fall and we are able to get up. Sometimes we do have the answers and all we need is a hug and to just be able to be our own true self without explaining. Being a twin we were able to share and not have any friction. Kindness is real and good people are everywhere and they should not feel the jealousy, hatred or confusion that others call confusion. Love is a word that so many need and can not figure out how it works. Love is about being you and not hurting the other and the other is to do the same. All nature cares and shares. Do not think to much instead let your heart, your words and your soul guide you and you will find it is really simple. Love is a sense that when you feel it you do know, don't waste love.

Photos from Nurture Yourself's post 30/05/2024

Wow, this was my vision 2 months ago, then I started putting the pieces together. Then 2 lovely ladies Julliette -twin sister, soul sister by blood and Patricia-great fun friend and soul sister 2. You made this all come together and this is what love and real care and kindness and creative ladies can do , we made this master piece.
Thanks for everything ooxxooxx


Being lost is a horrible feeling for any life upon our earth. Nature did not intent the crap we are told with words and follow by force. This planet is made of light and it is real , no science can deny this, yet they have killed for this word. Light the most valuable energy you will even learn and feel. Life is really simple, all light cares for every cell and nature does show us all they are living the right ways. Nature is all taught by the Mothers and all her off spring live by sharing and caring. The light is the way to live not this past history they are dragging through every generations to generate $$$$$$$,not the stars to light. The human ways have caused us so much confusion with their lies covering up the own evil ways. Our world is lost with words that they change often to cause the next generations to be in fear against their parents and to fear others. This way of mental corruptions has been happening right in front of our eyes and we are not educated enough to see these ways. These manipulate ways have us scrambling to work , get homes, make our lives and it is getting worse. Words are everywhere and you should pay attention to these kind. Our laws, schools, politics(prisons), health system are all using words and they have us as criminals , yet they were the ones that took from others and made this way.
They tell you to become aware, well now pay attention to your words cause words you can not take back, they cause all the wars, sickness to our hearts and mind. Mental Health stop using word to keep your ways to laws, shame , shame, shame, keep your game.
We have freedom, you need to stop this mental abuse.


Our country shows us so much beauty. We are so blessed to be on land that was cared for and respected. This system here has poisoned more then our land, waters ,air , we eat their garbage called food. This garbage is full of chemicals that has your internal system so bad, your minds are being sedated and you do not even know this. ADD, ADH are deficiencies , meaning you are lacking care and attention and this is what you need for care not the way we have which drugs them. I went to a ADD doctor 1996 in Oakville and he told me these are fake titles for the fact to make monies. You see even doctors know truth and are not able to speak, how sad for our mental wellness. Our bodies are not suppose to be owned by the laws or health care to tell us to do what they say or you will be put away then drugged, what do you think? You are reading the Face book and do see this story about in Kelowna, Julliette's story, it is wrong. This person even had Ottawa speak to Kelowna and still they force the laws, which is illegal. Are you really understanding or is it because it is not you, hey many have had this happen and did not get to be on the media, this is big and you need to know that care is not a crime. , Illness are. Is this is how we are in Canada, WHY?, Is money more precious then you and your futures earning money to pay the for this crap. Do not burn your bridges down. Speak up, we are Canadian and have free rights to ourselves not anything else and should not be a crime, what do you think? Is your health about money only please speak up to our leaders, they are HUMANS and have families, I hope they care .
Take care Canada , love to you all to learn and grow past fear and gain real care and legal care. Hugs


The word illegal is about law. If they are caught and are saying it is illegal and proven to be illegal why are they still forcing their lies and hiding it. The federal government is to stop this so why is our Health systems not accept the truth of facts of peoples health records already lived and documented in health care. Each province is not accepting each other history, why? We travel out of country and these facts are accepted and so are our pets. This needs to stop and be legal, make this right Canada. We want a country that communicates and hears our stories and facts to our lives in any province of our Canada. Stop using the force of policing, this is, harassment, stocking, corrupted, interfering and intimidating and emotionally vile for us all to feel we are criminals because we survived our medical history. Our Canadian health helped us to heal and live for our futures to be well. Canada needs to stop name calling and using their job titles to be a force of Authority. We are educated and we did not do any crime being ill as children and we healed. Our children's future in Health care is not about policing or crime. Health care is suppose to heal and cure not keep people in system to generate income for these titles. It is sad for Canada to have to fight health with laws, shame on care.
Speak up for your care , you deserve to not feel you are a criminal, feel guilty or you are bad. Care is to mend hearts and bodies and minds and not to take advantage of them. We do not need to have to fight to prove stuff, this fight is law not healing. Healing is not about fights it is about love, peace, mending and comfort to feel safe to heal. Stop Canada and listen to your people, communicate and stop the minds and lies,Please.


For the mind to be well it is not suppose to follow the mind of one. The only one mind that nature follows is that of the mothers, she teaches real care, her males and females all succeed. Self care has been more about being self centered, selfish, compare, compete and judge and me,me,me mentality. And if you are kind, empath, compassionate ,o r have passion you are told to not be this way cause you are a target to be used, this alone is abuse. Kind people should feel guilt to being kind. Get your minds and heart right, do not do the mental fight. Kindness is the key and do not look with your eyes to get your answers. Communicating with kindness and respect is how nature all functions. Our minds have been messed up and we need to clear or detox our minds from this garbage. Our foods are full of this garbage so no wonder our minds are full of chemicals that are not good for our minds and we are getting drugged instead of removing the crap. The past has made words ,writings , psychology and psychiatry that was made to not care for the female. It was made by the mind of men and this has been proven and not changed , WHY?????. We know this is abuse alone. There are books written and from the start they have documented how abuse to the mind and body come up with illnesses. They know this and they have not change the books yet. Why, does this generate income for our western economy. Are we educated or serving as we did before as slaves? Or are we in the Dark still, to keep fear as they have for thousands of years. These beings have travelled world wide with their mind of sickness. We are all needing to get the book changed now , so we do not have to traffic children and women for money. Go back into your crap , get rid of it and lets be people. All of us can make changes to be real and kind and stop this abuse we all see and let others do, do something or speak to help or shut it.


Love Loves
Love looks for friends to share love,
Love share differences with love,
Love gives equal family love,
Love shares peace with love,
Love shares hurt with love,
Love cooks with love,
Love feeds with love,
Love cleaned and served with love,
Love listens with love,
Love talks with love,
Love talks to the person with love,
Love shares love,
Love thinks with thoughts of love,
Love looks with love,
Love wishes with love,
Love dreams with love,
Love gives with love,
Love seeks with love,
Love wants memories with love,
Love prepares the future with love,
Love grows love with love,
Love gives joy with love,
Love is real with love,
Love can grow old with love.
LUV YA ALL, Don't look to far,
Love yourself without fear,
Love will come when your mind and heart are clear.
By: Joan- Spiritual Weaver of Light and Love


I love mornings, wake up early with the silence and yet their are many voices of nature. Mornings bring me to a so much inner peace I do not need try to feel this vibe. The peace is to find for your soul and mind healing and balance. You can even be washing dishes or doing your job, you can always find this meditation energy touching your soul. Love you and help your heart(emotions) so you can sort your own thoughts . Our thoughts are not suppose to cause us fears. Find the thoughts that are not of peace and love and remove them from your life. Do not settle with pain or confusion and be told to let go. If it is not your heart or words then you can not let it go. The other person needs to take their words back, even if you forgive ,words bad are a poison. These words left need to be spoken away with words that heal and do not blame. You can not meditate or medicate abuse of any kind anyway by thinking of peace, it does not work for physical abuse so it can not work for emotional, word abuse. Words cause emotional abuse , you can not even medicate these away. Our system knows all about abuse ,they do not want to give time and care. Make the difference and heal us so we do not repeat this real pain. It is not in your head you are faking hurt, words kill and we need to not do this to each other. Take the time and use words to remove words that were from hurt and stop the lies and procrastination. You can not teach meditation to someone that abuses others cause they are abusing them self still. Prayer helps when the abuser believes what they do, it is not the person being abused. You will not get stronger being abused, this is a lie. Love can not help when we are lost, find your self, you can. You are important and learn to love your self with out the fight, comparing and challenge is not worth wasting your energy. Love yourself with words that heal and do not make better then other and are real. Take care and may you find peace even in the storm. You are light, never forget your forever energy and breath in this light will heal.
Nature does not get lost or stuck in words, breath and live with words of light.


Good Morning,
Lady Slipper was a gift brought to my garden,
The birds are very good at sharing wonderful seeds and you may find a plant that is very special.
Lady Slipper is the rarest plant and she is in my garden and I am so blessed see each year more shots from her every year.
Enjoy your day and may you find a rare flower to enjoy.



Sticks and Stones will break your bones
and names will never hurt you.
This is the most vile words and they are full of lies and leave you in pain.
Words from someone that is mean, lost or hurt, will trap you in their gossip. Words leave more then scars and stains, they destroy your identity and you are left to fight to find yourself.
Words that abuse you, you cannot let them go. They repeat in your heart. The innocent that heard this gossip will be left with confusing pain, please remove it.
This repetition is the sickness the heart of someone in hurt. Return these words to them so your mind does not fall apart. For those that are forced to listen and even believe. It is not your fault if the abuser will not take it back. Send them love and love your mind and heart closer and breath.
Return to sender , do not forgive them, let them go. You need to seek the love your heart does know. Mothers teach her children to speak of love and share. Nature does not waste time on sticks and stones, their voice speak of care.
By: Joan --Spiritual Weaver of Light!!!!!!!


Speak of the unspoken.

It is not spoken,
How light speaks and she can feel.
She is told as a women,
She is crazy, it is not real.
Yet the man speaks of light,
And he is blessed.
She brings life, to speak she must confess.
Mothers are about creation,
The light within her she grows.
The little voice tell Mothers,
To Listen, Heaven knows.
Echoes of our Ancestor Mothers,
Speaks to us in many ways.
Through visions, dreams and messages,
Her Voice we must learn her and give praise.
Mother is the primal voice,
The heart beat of the earth.
Her teaching of light,
Need to be taught of her and birth.
She is silenced, her death is from the lies,
She gives to nature,
She can no longer be disguised.
Let the words of your heart,
Speak of the value of her care.
Remove the tongue that poisoned your minds
Bring back natures voice and lets learn to share.
By: Joan-Spiritual Weaver of Light!!!!!!!


Words need sunshine.

It is hard to remove hateful words that are said,
That come from a persons hateful mouth and evil head.
These types of words are not of the heart,
They are made to poison you and tear your whole life apart.
When a person uses words to hurt you,
Their intent is not love, it is to trick others to hate you.
These words will not make you strong,
This is man made poison, not her words of wrong.
As a woman, a mother, my heart is made to be pure,
For my voice, are words for my love, children's heart to cure.
My mind is not a part of this man game,
You use her and her children to keep her as the blame.
These words are to control, loaded for males to fight,
With fake words of laws, programs, removed her right.
The aim is money, you force her and children to bleed,
To serve your empty hearts and words of greed.
Women's love, is pure light that gives all life birth,
Hold on to her love, her love knows what real love is worth.
from Joan-- Spiritual Weaver of light and love!!!!!!!


Psychological abuse is real, feelings matter. These words we speak are lethal weapons and they do cause so much illness to the mind and our bodies. These words are full of energy that is full psychotic loop holes to serve the sick mind that wrote them, be ware. Fix your words to bring the mind of the mothers and women into the mouth. Change the sick Laws and change the books made by the psychiatry and psychology of the men, not her mind or word was ever considered or used. She was not allowed to speak or think. She is not here nor her children for you to generate manmade income. Shame to the mind of these English words, full of twisted ways to cause hurt and money and continue to be left to do this Why? We are aware of how we are now that we need for money not air, water and land , we have to sacrifice our care. Teach your people care and stop using laws to keep your people in this health way, this is wrong, more like a prison. She should no longer need to fight this truth, you owe her and her children everything, payback to this way of wrong that is already proven, the laws know this. Her children you are allowing these minds(Men) to destroy them and her and they are men using this to fight to gain and take any money they can get from her. Hey life is not about care, it is about their need for this money. This is not a father or man. Please help those that are and have been abused this way, so painful this silent abuse is and is real. Health care does not care for your mind or emotions, it is about $$$$$$.We can heal , please let go of the words and lies and thoughts and laws of these unwell beings ok and find yourself. Stop the fight in you, they will only destroy you and keep lies against her because the laws were made to favor him. Save your mind and find the heart your mothers have shared and loved you with. I love you my children, my hand were free but my words were trapped.


Canada, this is so wrong what you are doing to our people. We are families of everyway. We are those that are born from the eastern ways. We have all gone to school and we did all learn the ABC. We are educated and we are also all the same here. The people you killed off are the people of the land, we are aware of the stories in your HIStory.
Why is it that a person who has a medical recorded paper work and images from the Sick Children Hospital of 49 years , you are refusing this. Be careful anyone that has a medical history, please be careful, cause the law has a twist and is now about health. In Kelowna they have refused this knowledge and true facts, be aware of this corrupted way they are using law to fight for health. They have black labeled her in the town of Kelowna and called her names they use in the system to force her on drugs or they threaten.
You came to Canada from the eastern ways of abuse, violence, r**e, murder and laws of criminal ways to take from others and killed off the local people of the land and this way you have not paid your for the wrong you have done and still are killing people off.
The policing knows that what Kelowna, the federal money is used in ever area of our system. Care is not about life is it in our world , it is about money. We do not know about the most important things we need to care for our land so we can eat clean and care for our families and lives. We have been driven away from our real needs and forced to follow this man made work force, that you made here to force your industries and ways to generate money cause Gold was not enough. Your greed and mental issues you didnot stop you continued on to take as you did before. Your book used the name of God to use as a male fear , which was the way the east got riches and made people poor. Shame on the mental care and the abuse that is in it and you do not care for the feelings of people. Our emotions have been written out by your eastern mind of the male and psychology is dark, you did not include the female care and nurturing , you know this and lie to us. The language is full of loop holes that are about politics not care. Mental wellness comes from emotions that we are needing to understand not reason our or forgive or be the stronger one. No this is not natural to life, any form of life . The mothers feeling are not involved in our language of English or words and you know this. Watch the language for women by Meryl Streep. Yes this is very important that this language is right because women and men here in Canada do not want your abusive ways and excuse and laws that you made that do not include her mind and heart of care. You used the force of the mind of the men to keep fear and not care we know this. So now , laws should not have to fight this war and evil ways, the laws can change. So big changes need to come in the words and all the areas your words have controlled and lied. Men need care and love as well, our families are not here to be your victims or to be sacrificed or to suffer so you generate income. This is to generate income not care and they leave this to be in court to pay the way for the the system, so they have a set income for the economy, wow we need new blue prints. I am sure the younger generation does not want to your science experiments , shame on this whole way.
Facts are this in not stopping , more people are being put of drugs, which are really destroying their bodies and minds. The health care is not healing our minds they are blaming our families still and they are using threats to control and force us to shut our mouths and obey. The western way can fix this and they can change , we can reverse this crap and get our lives in wellness not lies and laws. Our country does not have enough jobs so they generate illness to make jobs, how horrible and they say it is traditions, we should be concerned . Our children are victims and you know this. Even the educated ,University children you are using to generate income, wow how totally planned here in Canada. Yes this has been planned because 150 years after world war 2 , you came here and killed those related to us and made your way with no care to life or this land.
My sister, you lied about her and called her names around your town so she was not able to get medical care, you labeled her mental and then the town had shunned her. The Toronto Sick Children's Hospital had to force you to take the 49 years of facts after you had made her life horrible in your town. Then the law had to force Kelowna to put these facts into their computers and they refused still. They harassed my sister so she could not go to any clinic, they made it horrible to find work or even live in the community. The churches were praying for others and talking about their suffering that they were witnessing in Kelowna about the poor and abused people. The people of the church were very shocked to know what is happening right in front of their lives and the system is aware. This is still happening right in front of our lives and they call our children drug addicts and women single bad female names, they use name calling to bring fear and judgement to the community which bullying ways.
The investing of my sister story has been happening now for years and this is still not stopped., This has been left to generate money flow not care. The drugs are being forced , the laws are being ignored and the suffering continues in this Country as they have used this for generating tax income for this so not right system.
They have investigated that they are illegally forcing drugs to my sister and they know this. She came to visit Ontario and before she could leave they forced these drugs into her or she was not allowed to get on the plane , in Canada. They have written this on paper she is illegally being forced yet they do not stop it why, is is the money? They are still using the policing to force her to listen and obey and wanting to drug her when she arrives home in Kelowna.
We went to see a doctor and they said they know that it is illegal she is being drugged , they did not give her a medical investigation, instead they only agreed with the wrong of the illegal ways. They did not even talk with her, they asked me as her sister, questions , then they got not right with me, so I left the conversation and we both left the CMHC and nothing was done , it is still not right. Is our care in Canada about care or money, we really all need to be aware and ask for care not abuse and to fight these laws that are not humane or even right, these laws are evil and need to change and not be used to continue to abuse people.
Canada is being lied to and has been now since they arrived in North America, please let not fight this evil fight of this evil male mind an change our care and our laws and help our families not be victims for the sake of this evil man made money ok. We will always need land, water and air, Canada you need to eat and breath, money can not buy your lives .
Julliette, you are a icon to the Canadians Health care, You are a huge imprint to the Toronto Sick Children's Hospitals Histroy and reputation. You are a huge importance to our people so their children and families that have and abused as you have been. You healed and they did not like the facts Toronto Sick Children had so much facts about your healing and then label and name called you to bring the community against you, how sick and evil. People have moved out of Kelwona because this abuse has been happening for years and years to the people. You know what people do tell their stories and we in Canada are still judgmental because of our denial to respect someone else we are victimizing our children and families, please shut your mouth if you do not know someone story please stop this cruel ways. Our health care should not be that we are criminals, if any thing our soil to the plant to the animals are where the poisons are and we eat this. No wonder our system is this way, so many lies and fake and fight. Health care is not about your fight , your wars , your laws and your language ,it is about life and all of us have a story that is real and you do not own life.



Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00