Clayhut Multidimensional Healing

Clayhut Multidimensional Healing

Expand your consciousness. Accelerate your ascension. Reclaim your power and gifts.

Multidimensional Healing & Guidance sessions unite your soul across dimensions, densities and timelines with loving spirit guides and angels to help you remember who you really are: a wise, limitless, eternal light Being.


Dimensions are not physical places, but rather levels of consciousness.




I may have underestimated the level of difficulty. 😅


To infinity, and beyond! 😅


This time, for sure! 😅


This is funny because it's true. 🤣


You are the universe expressing itself as a human. 💜


We living inside our own creation.


We appear to be separate, yet we are all One. 💜


Life makes use of all possibilities, hence parallel universes 💜.


You are multitasking on the soul plane.

“You are living many parallel lives simultaneously. You are not aware of it, you are just aware of this one (reality).” Dolores Cannon.


Spirit downloads are often hard to articulate.


In healings, I often journey with souls back to their star origins. Nothing gives them greater pleasure than to become their brilliant star/sun selves.


100% true :-D


Your body recognizes your truth.


Your greatest gift is the power to create your reality.


We are the one infinite Source.


Set the intention to align with your optimal reality.


Shout out to all my galactic brothers and sisters. Much love to you all.


Hard no for me, too!

Ascension Symptoms: Spring 2024 27/03/2024

Each passing year in the journey of human awakening seems to bring a new level of intensity, leading to an increase in the symptoms associated with ascension. Recently, many of us have experienced extreme fatigue, overwhelm, and a sense of disconnection from the world. Time continues to accelerate making it challenging to stay on top of daily responsibilities. Furthermore, feelings of isolation and detachment add to the overall sense of unease and confusion. We are straddling two worlds, the old decaying paradigm, and the pristine, Edenic New Earth. That schism in our awareness is manifesting in myriad ways. [Click the photo to read the full article.]

Ascension Symptoms: Spring 2024 Each passing year in the journey of human awakening seems to bring a new level of intensity, leading to an increase in the symptoms associated with ascension. Recently, many of us have experienced extreme fatigue, overwhelm, and a sense of disconnection from the world. Time continues to accelerate m...



About MultiDimensional Healing & Guidance

Expand your consciousness. Realign with your divine origins. Reclaim your sovereign power. Transcend limitations. Reawaken soul wisdom and gifts. Accelerate your ascension. Rediscover the perfection of your Being. Connect with peace, bliss and perfect Oneness.