Ray of Sunshine Elderly Services

Ray of Sunshine Elderly Services

Customized therapeutic recreation intervention programs for home bound elderly afflicted with cognitive and physical impairment brought right to your home


This UPS driver is the best Recreation Therapist I have ever seen. He has taken this Autistic boys interests and gave him purposeful meaningful engagement and hours and hours of activity. From a passive participant to a full in active intervention.


Israel understands how to treat their elderly. We can all learn from their example.


Once you have a skill an ability with the right guidance love and care it can be maintained no matter what is going on cognitively and physically within yourself. That is what we as CTRS can do. Bring your loved one back to the point of zen. Engagement and enrichment.


These two are my Rays of Sunshine.
Living life Beyond the barriers of Alzheimer’s confusion isolationism. One can be connected engaged and stimulated in a dignified way.

Still riding at 100. "I've just never grown up" 13/02/2020

Do what you love love what you do.

Still riding at 100. "I've just never grown up" Meet one of the oldest active riders in North America


Happens to the best of us.



How beautiful is this

📸 | https://instagram.com/p/B1uBrjTABn0/


True respect for the elderly. We all must remember the contributions our elders made in their younger years.

I mean, how can you not wanna share such an awesome photo.


This shows how parents see how important positive leisure exposure is to young children. Who knows which lovely young lady will be the next proms ballerina


Age is just a number.


This Mom broke down the barrier so her son could skate like everyone else.


We all need to rear our children to love respect and assist the elderly. This Mom had a right to be proud.

"So, we go to Walmart today and Lakken happens to see an elderly man that was having a hard time shopping and finding things, due to him not being able to lift his head up and see straight. He can only see the ground and barely the sides of him, so Lakken looks at me and goes, 'Aunt Ry, can I please help him?' I of course said 'YES'.

He went up to the man and asked him if he would like some help! His eyes lit up and he said, 'Well yes that would be amazing young man! Thank you so much.'

Lakken was running all over the place for this man. The man was so happy - he told us that he hasn’t had anyone offer help in years.

Lakken went and helped him check out and bag his stuff and had the store call the bus for his ride home. The man tried to tip Lakken and Lakken said, 'Oh thank you, but I don’t need this. I enjoyed helping you.'

I’m beyond proud of Lakken, you don’t see or get many people...let alone children, who do these things for people."

Hope Rises

Courtesy: Rylee Long


Always our heroes.


One is never to old to enjoy the things you did in your younger years. This amazing lady just proves it.


So important to let your loved ones know you are there even when they may not know who you are anymore. Human touch and connection is critical


This just reminds me that everyone can be a Ray of Sunshine to their loved one’s or complete strangers. There is goodness out in this crazy world. We need to recognize acknowledge and appreciate it every day.

Wednesday, just before lunch Rescue 2 received a call for an elderly woman that had fallen and needed assistance. Upon arrival the crew assisted her to her feet and evaluated her for injuries. No injuries were observed and the crew found it rather odd that she wasn’t preparing to eat lunch, so they asked if they could help.

At first she declined, however the crews insisted and went to her kitchen only to find there was no food in the house. They immediately went to the grocery store and with their own money, purchased her groceries and water for the next week. They then returned to her house and prepared her a quick lunch!

Outstanding job B-shift and thank you for going well above our expectations! We will be following up to ensure that this resident continues to receive the support she needs. City of Fort Lauderdale - City News

Good Samaritan carries elderly woman up stairs at Houston rodeo 18/03/2019

Good Samaritan carries elderly woman up stairs at Houston rodeo “It’s in our DNA. It’s in our blood to help,”the man's wife said. “Kindness should be a way of life.”

Husband and Wife with Dementia Reunited After Being Sent to Separate Care Facilities 17/03/2019

Husband and Wife with Dementia Reunited After Being Sent to Separate Care Facilities They were together for 70 years before the nursing home decided they couldn't be.

Supermarket Keeps Retraining Employee Living with Alzheimer's so She Can Continue Working 17/03/2019

Supermarket Keeps Retraining Employee Living with Alzheimer's so She Can Continue Working When people are living with Alzheimer’s, sometimes one of the most devastating parts for them is watching everything they knew and loved about their live slipping away. That can include their memories, and their ability to do their job and live on their own. When Doron Salomon’s mum was already ...


Follow your dreams no matter what age no matter what stage.
Live life without any barriers.



Dance like no is watching except when it’s your own grand daughter. Bring down the House Grandpa!!!



I feel this man is worthy to be called A Ray of Sunshine. He just gets it 100 per cent.
Would love to meet him one day.