Paige Mykytowich

Paige Mykytowich

Welcome to my page, feel free to reach out! I'd love to help you create a financial plan or solution.


I really love this quote because I have witnessed money managing so many people’s joy and happiness over the course of my life. I chose this career path to help people take their power back. I am grateful to be a part of a team that builds strategies and helps people to lift their anxiety and stress surrounding their financial health. Are you managing your money or is it managing you?


What is Critical Illness Insurance? 💰

Critical illness insurance is a type of insurance that pays you a tax-free lump sum benefit if you are diagnosed with one of the illnesses covered by the policy.

When it comes to insurance, this is one space where many families are lacking in coverage. Critical illness is an insurance product that you can access while your still alive, to help you through those unexpected health issues.

Critical Illness can be used to:
➡cover new medical expenses when you are diagnosed with an illness.
➡cover monthly expenses like mortgage payments, debt payments, utilities, etc.
➡provide income protection if time off work in needed for treatment or healing time.

Don't leave your financial well-being up to chance, by having a critical illness policy, you can ensure that if you are diagnosed with a major illness, you have the proper coverage to carry your financial needs while you take care of your health.


Reminder- we are halfway through the year! Can you believe that?! If you had a financial new years resolution to ⬇️
-Pay off debt
-Get clear on your budget/cashflow
-Get into homeownership
-Plan for retirement
And you haven’t been able to get started or make progress maybe there is something we can do to help. Learn more in our free financial education classes ⬇️


These days it feels like every time you leave the house you can easily spend $50-$100 just between food and gas. As the weather gets warmer and people are getting out more here are some tips to keep in mind. If you want some help with cashflow and budgeting to keep you on track this summer let me know ! 🙂


Is your debt feeling unmanageable? Do you feel like you keep doing the same thing over and over without results? Are you lost as to what strategy to use? Trinity Solutions Team can help. So many Canadians are struggling with debt. You’re not the only one. We can create a custom strategy tailored to your specific needs. If you want to learn more feel free to message me or attend one of our free financial webinars link below⬇️


It can be intimidating for some people to get started when it comes to creating your financial strategy. I wanted to break down our process a little bit more to help ease the fear of the unknown. We try to make our process as simple and accessable as possible because we believe that everyone deserves access to financial literacy. If you have any questions or want to know more feel free to reach out! 🙂


As I am gearing up for a trip of my own next week I was looking into travel insurance for myself and I realized it’s something I forget to mention that we offer! Having travel insurance can make a trip way less stressful if things start to go awry. Most of us can’t afford to lose the money we worked so hard to save for a trip. Remember, the moment you leave Ontario, your OHIP coverage will not help you with emergency medical bills. If you want to learn more feel free to reach out!

Photos from Paige Mykytowich's post 05/05/2024

As a consultant and a broker I have the ability to offer my clients products from many different companies based on the needs of my client. People always ask because our consultations are free how do we make our money? We make it through product recommendations only when our clients have a need for it, and the companies we work with pay us versus our clients. We prefer it that way because we know that this kind of financial help isn’t as accessible to someone who may need it the most. With all that being said this is a company I work with called NEO Financial. I’ve explained where and why I might recommend NEO to my clients. If this sounds like it may be a fit for you, you can message me to learn more or use my ambassador link to start a NEO money account, high interest savings account or credit card.
Ambassador link:


I get alot of questions about credit cards, alot of people are handed credit cards with no idea how they work and because they are lacking in financial literacy they end up in trouble fast. Here are some must-know beginner basics when dealing with credit cards. If you’re struggling with credit card debt or you have worries about wanting your credit card work for you instead of against you we can help you build a strategy.


We get the question all the time "Can you help us with ________?" 🗣

And most of the time the answer is yes! 🙌

Our team truly provides our clients with holistic financial consultations with a focus on financial education and implementing strategies!

When it comes to services we offer, if we cannot do it ourselves, we have trusted professionals on our team who understand our values and hold themselves to the same standards to help our clients.

Our consultations are also free, at no charge to the client. We believe that everyone deserve to have access to financial resources without an added price tag!

This is just a small portion of the ways we can assist our clients to improve their financial well-being.

If your wanting to learn more about our services and how we help, please register for one of our online webinars. It is a judgement free zone where you can come out and learn, no obligation! At the very least you will walk away with knowledge gained!

Click the link below to check out the event and register ⬇️⬇️⬇️


🎶What you want, baby I got it 🎶 If you want to know more about how you can save for your child's future feel free to message me!


Whether you’re investing in the stock market or not every dollar you spend is an investment into something. A trip to the grocery store is an investment in a healthy growing family, putting gas in your car to get to work is an investment in creating more income, a gym membership is an investment in your physical health. Are your investments appreciating or depreciating? Is your money sitting in the bank not keeping up with inflation? Are you servicing so much debt you don’t remember the last time you saw money to spare? Are you going to be ready when retirement comes? Whatever your situation I hope that your money is being spent in worthy causes. Everyone deserves the peace of mind of financial health, if you’re feeling stuck I’d love to help.


Our team is looking to hire again! If you'd be interested in a career where you can make good money while helping people this might be the opportunity for you. Message me if you want to learn more!

We are now hiring for our last training cohort of 2023!

If you're looking to upgrade, build a new skill set, find a meaningful career, or expand into a new industry that focuses on improving the financial outcomes of families, look no further!

Please email your resume to [email protected]

Photos from Paige Mykytowich's post 03/04/2024

I think so many people are afraid to get the financial help they might want/need because they don’t feel educated enough to make decisions. I think people worry that they will be taken advantage of by people who know more. I think people are afraid to ask questions for fear of appearing unintelligent. At Trinity Solutions Team we understand these fears. I always want my clients to walk away feeling confident in the choices they are making for themselves. Financial literacy is so important, if you have these fears I strongly recommend our free classes!

Link to our free classes:


Finishing off with this follower request, if you’re finding yourself in the red, orange, or even the yellow I would love to help you find ways to get to green and save you money! Bad credit doesn’t have to be a life sentence.


Are you feeling overwhelmed by your finances? 😔Don't stress! There are some ways to combat those feelings!
1. Create small and realistic goals ✔️Often times we set such large and unrealistic goals for ourselves that when we don't achieve them, we feel as though we have failed. By setting small, more attainable goals when it comes to your finances, you can start to feel those small wins and motivate yourself to do bigger and better goals!
2. Invest in learning about finances ✔️this can be done in a variety of different ways such as listening to podcasts, doing research, free classes or webinars (our team hosts them twice a week 😄) When you start to invest in learning about a topic, it can become easier for you understand and manage, which in turn takes some of the stress away from your finances.
3. Connect with a trusted financial professional ✔️This step is key! 🌟Navigating the world of finances is hard, but when you have a professional on your side who is able to listen to your wants, needs, goals, what stress' you out etc. it becomes much easier to manage. An added bonus is our team has access to resources most people don't even know exist which can help solve some of those problems many are stressed about.
4. Review your monthly expenses and budget ✔️I know this process can feel overwhelming but once it is done, it can help you understand how and where your money is being spent. If your looking for guidance, our team helps with this as part of our assessment process, so you don't have to do it alone.
5. Give yourself grace during the process ✔️Finances are stressful, for some more then others. It can also be an emotional topic. So go easy on yourself, if things don't happen right away or how you imagined, its okay! There will be more chances to try again.

Register for one of our educational classes using the link below ⬇⬇⬇



Struggling with Debt? 😔 Don't worry, we have a solution for you!

There are many ways to tackle your debt, but not all strategies are the best fit for your needs!

Let's create a plan for you that leaves the financial stress behind and leaves you feeling confident in your finances ✨

With proven strategies from our expert professionals, we can offer you a stress-free process towards financial freedom 🌟

Photos from Paige Mykytowich's post 21/03/2024

Happy Credit Education Month!! We are more than halfway through March and I just found out about this haha! There is so much to learn about credit and so many misconceptions, so many ways to make mistakes that people literally pay for! I made this post as a bit of a self-assessment tool for people to see if they might need to learn a little more on the subject based on the experiences I see clients have. Here is the link to our free classes and you can always direct message me to learn more!


Little snippet of what I can offer through Trinity Solutions Team
Here is the link to our FREE classes!


Dream. Plan. Achieve. You are worth it!


If this is you, I'd love to help you find a solution.


If this is you, I'd love to help you find a solution.


Great PSA from my colleague Karolina Szymanska - Financial Consultant!


I love Valentine's Day! There are a lot of Valentine's Day classics red roses, chocolates, fancy dinners ect. which are great but I think there are SO many other ways we can celebrate the love in our lives. With an emphasis on romantic love we can forget about other important love in our lives, self-love, friendships, family love. I don't believe that money buys love but I do think there are ways we can utilize money to show love to ourselves and others. Whatever way you celebrate this day, I wish you love and financial peace! 💟🌹🍫


Money can be a very emotional and sensitive subject for some people. Not having a lot of money or being in debt can make you feel embarrassed, ashamed, stressed, hopeless, or alone. Feeling this way is just an indicator that you want to do something different and that's great information. Times are tough for Canadians, if you're struggling you are not alone. Sometimes we have to know better to do better. At Trinity Solutions Team we teach our free financial classes to help our community learn what they can do better. If you're stressed out about money, I'd love to help you feel like you have a plan that you can manage. We have clients that walk through our doors thinking their situation is going to be the worst we have ever seen and it's not even close. Let us be the reason you can breathe a little easier and sleep well at night.


I had a request from one of my followers to share some information on retirement savings strategies. I hope this is helpful and feel free to reach out if you want to learn more!


Videos (show all)

🎶What you want, baby I got it 🎶 If you want to know more about how you can save for your child's future feel free to mes...
Little snippet of what I can offer through Trinity Solutions Team Here is the link to our FREE classes!https://facebook....
Everyone has a dream. We find ourselves thinking if I only I had the money I could do x, y and z. Whether your dream is ...
Everyone has a dream. We find ourselves thinking if I only I had the money I could do x, y and z. Whether your dream is ...
