How to Detox Your Life

How to Detox Your Life

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Critical thinking! Why are they just attacking the birds we eat….???? Hmmmm
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Killed by the Australian Medical system

Dazelle Peters died today because they refused to put her on the lung transplant list unless she got the COVID vaccines.

Doctors took an oath to do no harm...this can not go on. God help us!

It’s a very sad day for Australia...for the world!

Rest in peace Dazelle
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Blaxill, chief financial officer of the Holland Center, a private autism treatment center, is the father of an autistic adult daughter. After his daughter’s diagnosis, Blaxill began studying the causes of autism. His research led him to publish “Denial” and several scientific papers on autism.

He said public health agencies have repeatedly lied about the causes of autism

According to Blaxill, when he first began researching autism, the consensus rate of the autism prevalence rate was about 1 in 4,000 to 1 in 5,000. He said he observed at the time that “there was almost no autism in developing nations, that it was pretty much a disease of the developed world.”

“Today we’re talking about 1 in 36, 1 in 29,” Blaxill said. “Things don’t change that rapidly if they’re not real.

Blaxill said government agencies have a financial interest in the success of medicines in general and vaccinations in particular. “The CDC approves and recommends vaccinations,” he said. “The CDC, over time, has done their best to cover up this epidemic … the agency learned how to lie with autism, and they’ve lied at every turn.”

He cited the CDC’s manipulation of autism prevalence rates and refusal to study the entire childhood vaccination schedule in connection with autism, even though “it is most likely the biggest culprit.”

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Kind of late. 😡
with .repost
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German fake media at it again. Apparently it’s hot in the U.K. using orange and red for 16 to 18 degrees 😂😂 and using flames to really kick the fear it 🙈🙈😂😂
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