Eckankar Ontario

Eckankar Ontario

ECKANKAR is an active, individual, creative spiritual practice. Copyright © 2021 ECKANKAR CANADA.

A companion and road map for your journey home—to the heights of Self-Discovery and God-Discovery, and beyond. ECKANKAR is a religion that teaches there is an audible life current known as the ECK, or Holy Spirit, that connects each of us with the heart of God. We can experience the ECK as inner Light and Sound. Through study and practice of the Spiritual Exercises of Eckankar, we learn to recogni


The person who tries to bend the natural forces of life to help others could very well take on the karmic burden of the people he has healed. There are a number of cases where a psychic healer has developed all kinds of health problems.
The Drumbeat of Time, Mahanta Transcripts, Book 10


“Sometimes we have to deal with lifelong karma simply because every condition has to run its course. Moment to moment we are always working with conditions. We call them problems, but they are a natural part of unfoldment.”
The Drumbeat of Time, Mahanta Transcripts, Book 10


“Karma is removed naturally when the person is raised in spiritual awareness to the point where he realizes why he took it on in the first place. Once you recognize what you did in spiritual ignorance to cause yourself a certain problem, in many cases the karmic burden can begin to work itself off.”
The Drumbeat of Time, Mahanta Transcripts, Book 10


“The power of love is always stronger than the fear of karma.”
We Come as Eagles, Mahanta Transcripts, Book 9


"Harmony in a family is a sacred thing"
- Harold Klemp, The Language of Soul, p.80


Experience, Grow, Discover!

A golden opportunity to raise your spiritual IQ awaits you at the 2024 ECK Worldwide Soul Adventure Seminar, “Loving as God Loves: A Secret to Spiritual Living,” October 18–20.

Have you ever wondered what the purpose of life is? Have you considered that it may be as simple as learning to give and receive divine love?

Discover spiritual secrets to help you realize the profound reality of God’s love in your life.

Experience heart-opening talks and musical performances, dynamic workshops, and in-depth roundtable discussions. Did you know that Soul exists because of God’s love for It? Explore what that means in your everyday life.

The highlight of the seminar is Saturday evening’s talk by Sri Harold Klemp, the spiritual leader of ECKANKAR. Inspiring, engaging, and warmly relatable, he speaks directly to you as Soul, awakening the divine knowledge that is already within you.

An inspiring journey awaits you!

New to ECKANKAR? Be our guest with complimentary registration.

Register today at


“At some point we learn to be gracious enough to accept responsibility for what goes wrong in our life. We know that we did the best we could at the time. And when we can allow others this same charity as we allow ourselves, then we have come a long way on the spiritual path.”
The Eternal Dreamer, Mahanta Transcripts, Book 7


“The further you go in ECK, the more you will notice a change in your outlook and in the people who are drawn to you. This is a very good step. It is part of the spiritual healing which occurs as you practice the spiritual exercises: the Light and Sound of God come into you, and the karma burns off. It really is a very simple process.”
Unlocking the Puzzle Box, Mahanta Transcripts, Book 6


“As we face ourselves, we begin to recognize that a certain thing has held us back from the next step on the path to God. Finally we realize we don’t need that particular problem anymore. It’s the recognition and the realization of it which allows the karma to be burned off. This realization, or explanation of consciousness, comes through doing the spiritual exercises and singing the name of God.”
Cloak of Consciousness, Mahanta Transcripts, Book 5


“Maybe the prophets don’t understand that people – the consciousness, the karmic family of earth – have a choice in how fast, how selfishly and greedily, they are going to use up the earth’s resources. The spiritual life is tied right in to how we live every day and how well our government does or does not regulate itself. It all ties together. When the law is broken, the debt must be paid.”
The Secret Teachings, Mahanta Transcripts, Book 3


“Another point is to live the karmaless life. To act without creating further karma is to do everything in the name of God or in the name of that Inner Master within you. This is a simple way to go through life.”
How to Find God, Mahanta Transcripts, Book 2


“When we break a spiritual law, whether willfully or in ignorance, it sets up a series of events that affect our health. It may affect our finances; it may affect our mental and emotional well-being. This happens time and time again, so that we add up what’s called karma – children of the five passions of the mind: anger, greed, lust, attachment, and vanity. These passions of the mind are the claws that hold Soul in the materialistic worlds. My role as the Living ECK Master is to reach every individual who has gotten enough experience in the classroom of the world to realize that there must be something more to life.”
Journey of Soul, Mahanta Transcripts, Book 1


"Life is a dream from beginning to end."
- Harold Klemp, The Spiritual Life, p.2


“The most important love that people can have for God is to love some other human being first. People so often think that human love is not quite as holy or pure as love for God. But that’s not true. If you can love your mate, your husband, your wife, a child or a pet – if you can love something completely and wholly – that is loving God.”
The Drumbeat of Time – Mahanta Transcripts, Book 10


Love is perhaps the most important thing that exists anywhere. Light, Sound, and love are all one and the same. The sun exists because God loves us. And so the sun provides food by shining upon the earth and letting things grow. This is a way God’s love comes to us through the sun.
The Drumbeat of Time, Mahanta Transcripts, Book 10, Harold Klemp


“True prayer lets things be. It shows trust that God has done things right. It says “God, you’re doing a good job. Everything’s OK”
The Drumbeat of Time, Mahanta Transcripts, Book 10


“Eat foods that are good for you, because they build and restore the temple where Soul resides. Accept your emotions. Permit your mind to study, explore, and grow. Give yourself time for rest and contemplation. Love God.”
Harold Klemp, The Sound of Soul, page 58


"Things Change. After all, isn't change the very nature of life? Nothing is ever the same"
- Harold Klemp, The Loving Heart, p.38


“What we are trying to do on the path of Eckankar is to find out what this life we are living actually means and how the spiritual consciousness can make it better - both now and after we step through the veil into the true worlds of the greater Light and the greater Sound of Spirit.” Harold Klemp, Touching the Face of God, page 63


“A crisis is an opportunity in disguise. A solution is hidden in the folds of every reverse. No matter what is thrown into our face, there is a way to roll with the punch.”
Harold Klemp, The Living Word, p. 80


“Sometimes the blessings of God are so down-to-earth that we overlook them.”
Harold Klemp, The Slow Burning Love of God, page 129


“You find you get a great deal of love from just looking after the well-being of those Souls who look to you for some of their spiritual food.”
Harold Klemp, The Awakened Heart, page 17

Eckankar Ontario ECKANKAR is a religion that teaches there is a life current called the ECK, that connects each of us


“I have learned the secret of opening the inner channel to let the Eck love come through at will.”
Harold Klemp, The Living Word, Page 102


“The human race as a whole also has a state of consciousness, or level of acceptance. This ability does shift with the passage of time. Sometimes it moves ahead spiritually. At other times there is a shift to a lower state.”
Harold Klemp, The Living Word, Book 3, page 4


“Your ability to fill your heart with love depends on the strength of your desire for God.”

Harold Klemp, The Slow Burning Love of God, page 30


“When we go through the experiences that are part of our everyday lives, often there are times of joy in between the lessons. But sometimes it seems there are a lot more rocks in our way than soft grass to walk on. There are always things underfoot, things to make us trip or stumble.
But these stumbling blocks can be stepping-stones. It depends on our attitude.”
Harold Klemp, Love the Keystone of Life, page 72


“One of the things you learn is that there is always a way. Always.”
Harold Klemp, Spiritual Wisdom on Health and Healing, page 6


"The best way to listen to our animal companions is to see them as Soul. This means recognizing their eternal spiritual nature and knowing that God loves them just as much as God loves you."

Harold Klemp, Animals Are Souls Too!

Eckankar Ontario ECKANKAR is a religion that teaches there is a life current called the ECK, that connects each of us


“The quest for love has run in all of throughout our many lives. For many people, it's the driving force, and yet they haven't a clue as to what's driving them. They think it's money. They think it's power. They think it's the accolades of men. and they think it's a good home. They think it's the solitude of their church, the comfort of their friends.

"But it's really this desire for the love of God. Because you see, Soul is of God.

"God is love, and love is God. What is God? God is love. So simple. Love is God. So simple.

"This is what mankind is looking for.
Harold Klemp, The Road to Spiritual Freedom, pg. 142


“The Mahanta liberates Soul from the grasp of the Kal forces. He is the good that dwells in the heart of every mortal creature. He is the beginning, the life span, and the end of all mortal creatures. He is the radiant sun, the wind, the stars of the night and moon. He is the king of heaven, of the sense organs, of the mind, of the consciousness of living.
He is the spirit of fire, the spirit of the mountains, leader of all priests, the ocean's spirit, the greater seer. The sacred syllable ECK, the tree, the ant, the thunder in the heavens, and the god of fishes and sharks. He is time and the eagle, the lion and bear, the rivers of the world, the sustainer, the new-born babe, and the old man preparing to die. In all things is his face, and in all life is he the divine seed. In this world, nothing animate or inanimate exists without him. This is the Lord SUGMAD in action, and one atom of ITS body sustains the worlds upon worlds. Not only is he the king of this world, but in all worlds, all planets, all planes.”
Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad, Book One, pg. 38

