Carrie Butcher

Helping mission souls disconnect from negativity and embark on a soul awakening journey of liberatio


So true! Be yourself everyone else is already taken.


Have you ever been a part of a healing circle that you get to take part in? Working with your guides, giving and receiving. It's not just the powerful messages you will give and receive, it is also the dynamic connection you make that makes this type of circle so impactful.


Drumming for harmony in the body is one of the metaphysical approaches I use in chronic dis-ease.

Have you ever felt the rhythmic beat of a drum vibrating through your body, as if each beat aligns with the heartbeat of the universe? In the realm of healing and energy mastery, drumming is not just an art form; it's a gateway to harmonizing the body and spirit, especially when facing chronic dis-ease. It's a journey we embark on together, tapping into the ancient wisdom that our ancestors knew well: the power of sound to heal and transform.

Drumming for harmony is a metaphysical approach that transcends conventional methods, inviting us to connect with our inner selves and the energy that flows within and around us. It’s about creating a vibrational space where healing can occur, where energetic blocks can be identified and cleared, allowing for a free flow of energy. This is where we, as energy masters and healers, step in to guide you. We understand the language of the soul and the whispers of the universe, and through drumming, we help you tune into your unique rhythm, uncovering and nurturing your soul.

Imagine a space where you are free to explore and express your energetic essence, a place of playful expansion and deep connection. Drumming can lead you there, offering a path to understanding and harmony that is both beautiful and profound. As we journey together, embracing the principles of quantum connection, theta, reiki, and the law of attraction, we open ourselves to the possibilities of healing and growth beyond the physical. We see the unseen, hear the unspoken, and touch the intangible, all through the power of drumming for harmony.

Let's embrace this journey together, with open hearts and minds, ready to discover the healing and joy that awaits.


As energy masters, we recognize the power of intention. When combined with the healing rhythms of drumming, we set the stage for profound transformations.

This isn't just about distraction; it's about alignment and attunement to the frequencies that foster healing and growth. The drum becomes an extension of our heart, syncing with the cosmic drumbeat that pulses through all creation.

It's an invitation to release, to let go of what no longer serves us, and to embrace our natural state of energetic freedom. So, let us drum away the pain, not as an escape but as a journey back to our true essence, where joy, health, and harmony reside.

Drum Circle May 3, 7pm.


In the realm of energy and healing, we embrace a perspective that's both empowering and liberating. Recognizing that all of life, including our chronic problems, is steeped in energy, offers us a pathway to understanding and transformation that's as profound as it is hopeful. It's like uncovering a hidden map within ourselves, one that guides us through the complexities of our struggles with a promise of peace and ease on the other side.
At the heart of our journey is the belief that by resolving what's within our power to change and learning to navigate through what's not, we can genuinely alleviate the weight of our suffering. This isn't about denying the reality of our challenges or wishing them away with mere positive thoughts. Instead, it's about acknowledging the energetic undercurrents that sustain these issues and consciously working to shift them. Whether it's through ThetaHealing® , tapping into the quantum field, or practicing Reiki, we have the tools to change the energy that surrounds and permeates our lives.
Understanding and working with our energy doesn't just help us cope better; it opens us up to a world of possibilities. It helps us connect more deeply with our soul gifts and natural manifesting blueprint, guiding us towards living a life that's not only freer from suffering but also richer in purpose and joy. By seeing the unseen and trusting in the flow and expansiveness of our energy, we can transform our experience of life in beautiful and unexpected ways. So, let's embrace this journey together, with open hearts and minds, ready to uncover the limitless potential that lies within us all.


Did you know that when your energy is pinched off you are more likely to feel “off” and become sick? Unplug from the things that are pinching you off, that way you have a chance of settling into your own truth. With the right connection you can unplug from rejection, restriction, and worry that is pinching you off and causing you to become sick. Book in for a free consult.


Did you know that when your energy is pinched off you are more likely to feel "off" and become sick? Unplug from the things that are pinching you off, that way you have a chance of settling into your own truth. With the right connection you can unplug from rejection, restriction, and worry that is pinching you off and causing you to become sick. Book in for a free consult.


Stability and growth are always a foundation in healing chronic dis-ease. Acknowledging old wounds and giving it the connection to heal is a metaphysical approach to dealing with chronic disease. Most often we are so wrapped up in our own story it is difficult to even realize where to start on our own. That is why it is powerful to have a skilled professional practitioner in your corner.


At the core of a major transformation lies a willingness to trust yourself and the guidance of your intuition. Effectively dealing with chronic problems takes a maturity and a whole lot of courage to look at the underlying energetics.


Live Drum Circle tonight. Make room for new energy.


Gathering supplies.


There are so many benefits to drumming and participating in drum circles. I often recommend the drumming vibration in helping yourself manage the energy that has played a part in your chronic dis-ease. I know it is a metaphysical approach, and that is sometimes exactly what is needed. . .Connection with others, release energetic blocks, and nurture yourself. The next drum circle is Monday March 25th - Full Moon. If you do not have a drum and would like to participate - contact me, let's get creative.


Milestone Monday. the symptoms and progression of chronic disease is overwhelming. But the milestones of relief and freedom in your healing are real - even though not everyone can see them. Celebrating you and your diligence in your personal journey of relief and freedom.


It is true that loneliness doesn't necessarily mean that you have chronic disease, however, when the root of loneliness is disconnection that does play a large role in chronic disease and managing the problem.


When you are feeling “Off” energy healing sessions can help. If you want shift and navigate the dynamics of chronic physical problems, or if you are just not your regular self book in for a session today. Sometimes when we are wound up in our own circumstances it is very powerful to have a kind and educated look at the energetics playing a part. Release what doesn’t work, and navigate with the rest of it.


Grounded freedom activates real results in your life. When you can embody the "lightness" of unplugging from sticky energy from your past and activate and access the natural energy that runs right through you; that is when you can truly feel the freedom in your body and enjoy that relief and positive momentum.


Building trust and intuition in managing the energy associated with chronic disease is so powerful. It can be the difference between freedom and failure to thrive. It is a metaphysical approach - which means you are the one that determines where the power and focus goes in your life. Own it . . . it is the only way.


The process of turning clarity into confidence truly is a metaphysical approach. Detaching from what doesn’t serve you or make your life better is one of the steps to do that. Detaching from disfunction and your life is one step you can do today. How can I help?


Happy international women’s day. You’ve earned a dave honor. Let’s celebrate. 


It is so obvious that we sometimes need reminding...You cannot squeeze yourself into someone else’s expectations and have that work for you. When you are highly sensitive, when you in the metaphysical world, or you are aware of the big picture of your life you can choose to show up as yourself without apology OR you can choose to pinch yourself off. The difference you will experience is in always in the quality and satisfaction of your experience in life.


Such a powerful group of intuitive women last night at Intuitive Masterminds. I know the insight and clarity was life changing. Thankyou for your participation.


Are you ready to tap in? We've got your back - Intuitive Masterminds is exactly where you need to show up. This is the perfect space to find your intuitive voice without worrying about what everyone else will "think" about what you are saying or how you are sharing it.


What a beautiful evening to be a part of. I appreciate it so much.


Fear is a natural human emotion that can be triggered by various situations and circumstances. However, when fear becomes intertwined with our karma, it can create resistance towards moving forward, letting go, and forgiveness, ultimately keeping us bound in a state of loss.

To address this issue, one approach is to start untangling the fears of others from our own fears. Often, we absorb the fears and worries of those around us, which can make it difficult to distinguish our own fears from the fears of others. By taking a step back and examining our fears from a more objective perspective, we can begin to identify which fears are truly our own and which are the result of external influences.

Once we have identified our own fears and separated them from the fears of others, we can begin to work on addressing them. This may involve seeking support from loved ones or a therapist, practicing mindfulness and meditation to calm our minds, or taking small steps towards facing our fears in a safe and controlled setting.

By untangling the fears of others from our own fears and taking steps to address them, we can begin to break free from the resistances that are keeping us bound in a state of loss. With time, patience, and self-compassion, we can move towards a more fulfilling and peaceful life.


Loyalty is a quality that I hold very dearly in my practice as an energy healer.

Loyalty is an admirable and highly desirable trait for energy healers. When clients seek out the services of an energy healer, they are entrusting their physical and emotional wellbeing to someone else's care. Therefore, it is essential that energy healers remain committed to their clients, and demonstrate loyalty and dedication to their work.

Energy healers who show loyalty to their clients are likely to build strong and lasting relationships with them. By consistently demonstrating their commitment to their clients, energy healers can earn their trust and respect. Clients who feel valued and appreciated are more likely to return for future sessions, and recommend the healer to others.

Moreover, loyalty is also crucial for energy healers to maintain their own integrity and reputation. When healers remain loyal to their clients, they ensure that their work is always of the highest quality, and that they are always acting in their clients' best interests.

In conclusion, loyalty is a valuable trait for energy healers to possess. It builds trust, respect, and long-lasting relationships with clients, and helps maintain the healer's integrity and reputation.

Loyalty is a quality that I hold very dearly in my practice as an energy healer.


Have you considered an energetic accountability partner? It is best to pick someone who is positive and not tangled up in your emotional baggage. That is why people ask for help - they don't want to be stuck in the old mental and emotional baggage that is in their everyday circumstances.

Having an energetic accountability partner can be a great way to stay motivated and on track towards your goals. A positive and supportive partner can help you stay focused and push you to achieve your desired outcomes. However, it is important to choose someone who is not bogged down by your emotional baggage, as this can be counterproductive to your progress.
When seeking an accountability partner, consider someone who is reliable, trustworthy, and has a positive attitude towards life. It is also important to establish clear goals and expectations for your partnership, and to communicate openly and honestly about any challenges or setbacks you may encounter along the way. Remember, the ultimate goal is to recieve support in creating positive change in your life.


Akashic Records Readings are always so much fun, AND it brings order to the parts of your life that have been out of control.


Looking forward to our reiki healing circle this Saturday - who is coming out to play?


Do you ever wonder what is in the golden egg of possibilities? What if you are searching for some clarity and relief and I am holding a golden egg that within it’s middle is satisfying relief and so much possibility. What if we looked at the egg together and you realize that you can only comprehend a part of the possibilities right now. You might realize that is ok, you don’t have to concern yourself with everything all at once. Because you know when possibilities come to light you are meant to choose a strand to follow and then more will come to light. If you understood all of the possibilities at once - you would be so overwhelmed that it would likely be almost impossible to choose which possibility to come alive and nurture.

Videos (show all)

Have you ever been a part of a healing circle that you get to take part in?  Working with your guides, giving and receiv...
Healinghills drum circle what a gorgeous space.
New toys for drum circle this week. Friday night. At healing Hills by Bentley Alberta. Seven 7 PM Friday.
Getting ready for drum circle this week, I have a few new toys so if you are wanting to come, but don’t have a drum or a...
Gathering supplies.
There are so many benefits to drumming and participating in drum circles.  I often recommend the drumming vibration in h...
It is true that loneliness doesn't necessarily mean that you have chronic disease, however, when the root of loneliness ...
Perfect for authentic connection and powerful healing. Message for details and link.
Whispers of freedom come from your heartPlay with me softly just at the startYou know your freedom lies within you A pla...
#healingcircles #fullmoonhealing #lightworkerconnection
Oh, there is so many great opportunities in life. When you connect in the right way with the right people, synchronicity...
Are you ready to tap in?  We've got your back - Intuitive Masterminds is exactly where you need to show up.  This is the...
