Julie Zettel Yoga

Julie Zettel Yoga


I bring a sense of peace and abundance into peoples lives and of


Your practice doesn’t expect you to show up happy. It asks that you be present. It doesn’t mind if you are put together or if you are a mess. You can arrive with a jumbled mind and a heavy heart. Your practice could care less if you can touch your toes or meditate for hours. It asks simply, that you show up.

✨Walk into this new week with an open heart!

✨How can you embrace your day today - even the challenging parts?

✨Sending love to all 💛



✨Trust the wait.
✨Embrace the uncertainty.
✨Enjoy the beauty of becoming.
✨When nothing is certain anything is possible.

I scribbled this quote down a few weeks ago and I have come back to it many, many times.

Tattooing this forever on my heart, my brain and my nervous system.

This is how I want to enter the year ahead. This is the space I want to spend the rest of today and tomorrow and the day after that in. Grounded but open to new perspectives and energy.

Because none of us have a damn clue what’s headed our way but that means anything is possible. There’s no doubt this year will have tears and laughter, dark and light, joy and disappointment, new adventures and all the things. There’s room for it all.

Happy fashionably late new year, all. Sending so much love 🤍



Beyond grateful for beautiful friends family and community who continue to lift me up and inspire me to do what I love. Remember to take some time to rest in the middle of things because you deserve it.

Wishing everyone a merry everything and happy always!

Love you all ❤️



💫Wherever you are, whatever you’re grateful for and however you’re showing it, let’s raise a cuppa together!

💫Sending so much love to everyone this week. See you on the mat xo


💫 Being vulnerable is the only way to allow your heart to feel pure pleasure.
~ Bob Marley

💫Souls need connection as we are all one.

📸 _d3viphotography


Be here now


Mondays are perfect for new perspectives! And sometimes a change of perspective is all it takes to see new possibilities.


Continue to BREATHE deeply and enjoy the quiet stillness around you. May your week be filled with fresh ideas, positive thoughts and inspiring people.
Happy Monday 🫶


“Persevere you’ll make it through.
What you need is all in you”
Believe, Fearless Soul

Welcoming the week as it brightens with all the nourishment of the weekend.
Bring your best foot forward today xo ❤️


How beautiful that we are able to gather in person again, I don’t know about you but I will never take it for granted again.

I am so excited to gather in person and offer PRENATAL Yoga this fall!

Do you want to join a nurturing community of pregnant people who come together in movement?

Do you want to create a powerful and enriching yoga practice during your pregnancy?

Come re-align with your truest nature as you step into the most powerful chapter of life.

I can’t wait to see you on the mat.

Wednesdays at 7:30 pm
Oct 5, 12, 19, & 26

🌿See you there!! If you have any questions about prenatal yoga, please don’t hesitate to reach out!


Do you need a bit of grounding? If so, stop the scroll and breathe with me.

When the world races ahead and we feel like everything is spinning, sometimes the best course of action is to stop, take a breath, and take in the present moment.

I invite you to start your day on a positive note even when you’re feeling the overwhelm coming.

Our emotions may also struggle to settle, and in these times it’s important to practice our breathing.

You can use this simple breathing tool to recalibrate and come back to the present.

* take a deep breath in for 4
1 - 2 - 3 - 4

* hold for 4
1 - 2 - 3 - 4

* breathe out for 4
1 - 2 - 3 - 4

* hold for 4
1- 2 - 3 -4

Repeat this as often as you need to feel anchored in Body and Mind ✨



It’s a big word and a really important one.

Trust the beautiful and ever changing journey you are on, and most of all, trust the journey, because it is uniquely yours.

The timing of your journey, your achievements and your moments of learning does not affect someone else’s.

We will all arrive at our destination in our own timing, it’s one of the most beautiful things in this life, to know and trust your timing.

Trust your journey
Trust the timing
Embrace all that comes with it.

There are 2 opportunities to practice with me:
📅 PRENATAL Mondays at 8 pm
September 12, 19, 26, October 3 .yoga

📅 PRENATAL Wednesdays at 7:30 pm
September 28, October 5, 12, 19 26


This summer, I had the pleasure of spending so much time by the water, and as I listened to the waves and watched the way the water erased markings and footsteps in the sand, I felt these words resonate with me:

“Be water. Flowing Flexible and Soft
Subtly Powerful and Open
Wild and Serene
Able to accept all changes, yet still led by the pull of the steady tides.
It is enough”

So often we try to stop change, or even fear it, but what if we could learn to be more like the water when it comes to change?

& Serene

What change are you calling into your life?


Yoga is my Meditation.

It’s a meditation in movement.

It helps release all that built up emotional and physical tension that we carry with us day in and out.

It’s an opportunity to notice the mind as an observer and have a clear picture in mind of what I’m working towards.

It helps cultivate the awareness of my physical body as it is in this moment.

It’s a constant flow of breath and movement that fuels me, challenges me and brings me home, back to my body.

I hope to see you on the mat soon.


As we continue the transformation of summer into fall, I invite you to look deep within at the words you are speaking to yourself.

What are you telling yourself when the world is quiet and there is no one around?

Your self talk and mindset are the reason for much more in your life than you may realize.

Take in the energy of nature’s change in seasons and channel it into your being.

What thoughts would be helpful right now?
How can your thoughts best support you during this time?

Reach out if you ever want to talk about mindset! It’s truly such an important practice!


We are 9 days away from officially transitioning into Fall. What an amazing summer it has been!

As we get deeper into September we are sitting more into our new routines, our new fall schedules, our new version of life.

If you feel any sense of overwhelm regarding September, how things have been and the fact that change is around the corner with a new season on the horizon, I want to share this quote with you.

“Life is a balance between holding on and letting go” - RUMI

You are in transition, and sometimes, that change can be hard. But I hope you can embrace the ever changing season as a way to embrace a time of more routine, and more structure.

I'm ready, are you??

🌱Your turn: What excites you about Fall? 💓


Move with me:

🗓 4 week PRENATAL session Mondays at 8 pm
Sept 12, 19, 26, Oct 3 .yoga

🗓 6 week PRENATAL session Wednesdays at 7:30 pm
Sept 21, 28, Oct 5, 12, 19 26




Sunny June is coming to an end very soon, but a new week is starting!
In what positive way will you start your day? Perhaps a relieving stretch and a hot brew? Or a warm shower while listening to your favourite music?
Whatever way you start your day, remember that whatever this week throws at you:
🌟You can handle it
🌟You can use whatever coping mechanism works best for you
🌟You can bounce back

You can do anything. If you need a little break from reality, you can always find somewhere quiet and breathe in and breathe out.

Wishing you a wonderful week!

🌿How did you start your morning?



10:30AM - Hatha Flow
12:00PM - RestorativeWaterloo

12:00PM - Restorative Waterloo

10:30AM - Hot flow Waterloo⁠⠀⁠⁠⁠⠀⁠⁠⁠⠀⁠⁠⁠⠀⁠⁠


I love the quiet.
You know the optimal level of quietness is present when the only thing you can hear is your own breathing.
You can hear your lungs bring in air and feel them getting fuller.
You can also hear the sound of your breath releasing that pressure that slowly built up 🌱

I invite you to be still and embrace the calmness by yourself.

Quiet is healing. It can allow you to focus on yourself entirely and give you the space you’ve been craving for.

Giving yourself quietness and peace is self-care. Allow yourself to care for your own person, you deserve it.

Sending all the positive vibes your way 🧘🏼‍♀️❤️


10:30AM - Hatha Flow
12:00PM - RestorativeWaterloo

12:00PM - Restorative Waterloo

10:30AM - Hot flow Waterloo⁠⠀⁠⁠⁠⠀⁠⁠⁠⠀⁠⁠⁠⠀⁠⁠


When scared we tend to do things we don’t wish to do.
As we lose control for a little bit and start sensing feelings of overwhelm, we need to remember that we can start focusing on our breathing.
Breathe in and breathe out as many times as you need.

Don't move the way fear makes you move.

Instead, move the way love makes you move. Whether that means you move slowly and calmly, with your mind submerging into happiness, or whether it makes you move fast and feel energized, just embrace the movement.

Move the way joy makes you move.
Move the way any positive feelings make you move and you will be more aligned with yourself 💗



10:30AM - Hatha Flow
12:00PM - RestorativeWaterloo

12:00PM - Restorative Waterloo

10:30AM - Hot flow Waterloo⁠⠀⁠⁠⁠⠀⁠⁠⁠⠀⁠⁠⁠⠀⁠⁠


Do you feel replenished when spending time with the people you love?
Whether it’s a family member that you care deeply about, whether it’s sharing deep conversations with your partner in life, whether it’s a friend that has had your back for many years, or whether it’s a co-worker with whom you share similar professional experiences, these moments are what make life so special ✨💗

Make time for the people you love and, if possible, slowly eliminate the energies and people that drain you 🌿

Take the time to understand where and with whom your energy is best spent, because you deserve it.⁠⠀⁠⁠⁠⠀⁠⁠⁠⠀⁠⁠⁠⠀⁠⁠


Life is a series of choices so let’s make some that bring light to our lives ✨
Making decisions isn’t always easy but you are capable of making some that impact your life for the better 🙏
Here’s some of the decisions I have made that bring me peace:
🌴 I'm choosing to lean deeper into surrender
🌴 I’m choosing to move a little slower as summer unfolds
🌴 I'm choosing calmness and simplicity
🌴 I’m choosing to spend more quality time with the comfort of family and friends and the outdoors.

I trust that as we are wrapping our arms around these moments, we can learn to feel more grounded and at ease.
Always remember to put your happiness first 💗

🌿 What decisions have you taken to bring light to your life?



10:30AM - Hatha Flow
12:00PM - RestorativeWaterloo

12:00PM - Restorative Waterloo

10:30AM - Hot flow Waterloo⁠⠀⁠⁠⁠⠀⁠⁠⁠⠀⁠⁠⁠⠀⁠⁠


I can say with certainty that I have never met someone perfect. And to be honest I don’t think I ever will.
I never will because perfection doesn’t exist, it’s not real ❌️

We need to slowly let go of the idea of perfection. By doing so, we will not be so hard on ourselves. Let’s be kinder to ourselves as we tend to ask too much.

That is exactly what we need: kindness and compassion 🥰

More self-compassion and acceptance will change your outlook on life for the best and allow you to live a more positive life.

Do this for yourself, you deserve it.
Tag someone that needs to hear this in the comments 👇🏻✨💗⁠⠀⁠⁠⁠⠀⁠⁠⁠⠀⁠⁠⁠⠀⁠⁠


June has FINALLY arrived which means we are moving into the start of SU-MMER! ☀️🤗
Let's take this opportunity to gather our summer energy and connect with each other and this amazing community ✨

Our vacation to Hawaii was so inspiring in so many different ways.
It made me realize that we can live simply and embrace what nature has graciously given us 🌸

Being surrounded by nature, being outdoors, and breathing in the ocean air is extremely healing 🌊

We are surrounded by natural beauty so let's soak it in. But beauty is not only found in nature. It is also found in the way we hold ourselves and how we treat people 💗

The beauty of nature can be very soothing for our minds and souls. Water and its waves have the ability to bring a sense of calmness and groundedness when you take time to be still and listen 🧘🏼‍♀️

🌿How do YOU restore yourself?



10:30AM - Hatha Flow
12:00PM - RestorativeWaterloo

12:00PM - Restorative Waterloo

10:30AM - Hot flow Waterloo⁠⠀⁠⁠⁠⠀⁠⁠⁠⠀⁠⁠⁠⠀⁠⁠


How have you been feeling during this blooming month of May? 🌸

What have you accepted, what have you refused, what boundaries have you stuck to? 🌟

Remind yourself to stay true to what you believe in and not to intentionally cross your limits and boundaries by trying to be accommodating.

As we welcome sunny June, I invite you to take a couple of minutes to understand what you would like to achieve and how you would like to grow.

The world is full of possibilities, let's keep growing and exploring 🌟

🌱What are your intentions for June?⁠⠀⁠⁠⁠⠀⁠⁠⁠⠀⁠⁠⁠⠀⁠⁠


The only approval you really need is your own🌟
Ask yourself why you need approval from others.
The answer is: you don't.
I am a firm believer of putting yourself first.
You don't need to wait for approval if it hinders your happiness. So follow your heart ❤️

Flow with the vibes that make you feel the happiest.
Flow with the vibes that make you feel whole again.
Flow with the vibes that make your heart vibrate.

I know you are able to choose what works best for you. It’s a self care practice to put yourself first.

✨ What’s something you’re going to do just for you today?⁠⠀⁠⁠⁠⠀⁠⁠⁠⠀⁠⁠⁠⠀⁠⁠


Taking the time to connect with yourself will bring you more joy.

I therefore invite you to lean towards these positive feelings by:
🏃‍♀️Moving your body
🌟Awakening your mind
🧘🏼‍♀️Fueling your spirit

Movement improves your mental, internal, and physical health.
Taking the time to connect with yourself will bring you more joy.

🌱How does movement help YOU?

Join me on the mat on these days:

10:30AM - Hatha Flow
12:00PM - RestorativeWaterloo

12:00PM - Restorative Waterloo

10:30AM - Hot flow Waterloo


Taking the time to connect with yourself will bring you more joy.

I therefore invite you to lean towards these positive feelings by:
🏃‍♀️Moving your body
🌟Awakening your mind
🧘🏼‍♀️Fueling your spirit

Movement improves your mental, internal, and physical health.
Taking the time to connect with yourself will bring you more joy.

🌱How does movement help YOU?

Join me on the mat on these days:

10:30AM - Hatha Flow
12:00PM - RestorativeWaterloo

12:00PM - Restorative Waterloo

10:30AM - Hot flow Waterloo


If you feel off track, please do remember that there is no track 🙆🏻‍♀️. This is your life, there isn't a right way.
It comes and flows, twists and turns in all different directions 🌟. These twists and turns represent your journey and it all belongs to YOU.

You're human, you aren't perfect and aren't supposed to be either. Please give yourself a break, you don't have to be at 150% at all times 🧘🏼‍♀️.
I promise to you that you are good enough.
In fact, you are magnificent just the way you are 💖 Each one of us has our own unique personality, offering, and gift to share even though it’s not always obvious to us.

As we move from our winter bodies to our spring bodies, I invite you to replicate nature by flourishing and opening up.
Be kind and compassionate with yourself💓
Let’s keep lifting ourselves and each other up, supporting one another and recognizing what we’ve been carrying through the tough winter months. You are ready, I know it.


10:30AM - Hatha Flow
12:00PM - RestorativeWaterloo

12:00PM - Restorative Waterloo

10:30AM - Hot flow Waterloo⁠⠀⁠⁠⁠⠀⁠⁠⁠⠀⁠⁠⁠⠀⁠⁠


When we give ourselves the love and attention we deserve, our mind and body will know it and thank us in return.

The more you care for yourself, the more you will understand its value.

Fall in love with self-care and nurturing yourself. Fall in love with how you feel after practicing self-care.
Let that love grow, flow, and extend out into all areas of your life 💓

You will become a happier person and you 100% deserve that. So be patient with yourself, be kind, and respect and tend to your needs 🧘🏼‍♀️

Nurture your body and be kind to your mind by listening and paying close attention 👀

Sending you all the positive vibes, xoxo.⁠⠀⁠⁠⁠⠀⁠⁠⁠⠀⁠⁠⁠⠀⁠⁠


I bet some of your happiest moments were when you were unapologetically yourself, being fully authentic and/or doing what you truly love 💖

I cannot be grateful enough to have found my true calling. I am thankful everyday to be living the life I am currently living.
Practicing and teaching yoga is who I am meant to be - it brings me a sense of fulfillment 🥰

Fulfill yourself, do what you love as much as you are able to. Don’t hesitate to make more room for it.

Remember your happiest moments and try to recreate those feelings more often 🌈

In every moment, there is an opportunity to dig and meet ourselves more deeply.

🌱 How do you connect with yourself more deeply?



10:30AM - Hatha Flow
12:00PM - RestorativeWaterloo

12:00PM - Restorative Waterloo

10:30AM - Hot flow Waterloo⁠⠀⁠⁠⁠⠀⁠⁠⁠⠀⁠⁠⁠⠀⁠⁠


Take your time, be patient, and trust the process🧘🏼‍♀️
If it's really what you want, keep working for it and be resilient.

Make your vision so clear that your fears become irrelevant.
Breathe in vision, exhale fear.

But no need to fear, with time your vision will turn into reality ✨
Embrace clarity and success will be just around the corner

Remember that your potential is endless.🌟
Trust yourself, trust your vision and trust your instincts. They never lie.⁠⠀⁠⁠⁠⠀⁠⁠⁠⠀⁠⁠⁠⠀⁠⁠


Oftentimes, we feel pressured to be "perfect" and to fit unrealistic standards. These standards set by society cause us to focus more on our flaws rather than on our beautiful selves 🌟
Over time, negative beliefs about ourselves are created and we start to believe that they are reality.

I invite you to practice self-love and create a positive loving relationship with yourself, because you deserve it 💗

Try practicing affirmations 🗣
Affirmations are short yet incredibly meaningful statements that help us overcome negative beliefs about ourselves, our lives, and everything that surrounds us.

They are meant to be written down or said out loud. Eventually over time you’ll believe them to be true and create some positive changes.

I invite you to try these and notice the shift in your mindset and overall sensation in your body.

Read this to yourself everyday for a week and see how you feel:

♥️I am true to myself
♥️I am worthy of love
♥️I deserve happiness
♥️I am patient
♥️I am kind
♥️I am important
♥️I love myself
♥️I am unique
♥️My feelings are valid
♥️I am at peace with my past
♥️I am a beautiful person

Save this post to read yourself these affirmations!⁠⠀⁠⁠⁠⠀⁠⁠⁠⠀⁠⁠⁠⠀⁠⁠

Videos (show all)

Recharge the mind after the busy season with this small meditation 🧘🏼‍♀️“Take the next few minutes to come into a comfor...
“Take a moment to gather yourself here🌿Let your body land on the ground. Let your breath arrive in your body. Let your m...
This meditation is for you: close your eyes, listen to your body and enjoy🌿“Take a moment to find your comfortable seat ...
I invite you to show up in the present moment for change to ground and refill your body🧘🏼‍♀️Soften your jawline, relax y...
This weekend was a mix of heaviness from the lockdown and the joy of celebrating your Easter weekend (if you celebrate i...
Let's add some steadiness and ease in your body today.⁠⁠Take a few minutes to relax today. I only ask for 3 minutes of y...
February Chat
January Meditation
