Edmonton Wiccan Seminary

Edmonton Wiccan Seminary

(A clergy person is a person authorized by a religious body to act as a religious specialist in their service. The program is divided into two years.

A Canadian Wiccan seminary, established to train students to lead established public Temples and to effectively serve the larger community as religious leaders. https://edmontonwiccanseminary.wordpress.com/

Clergy Training at a High Level for Wiccan Temple Leaders

Edmonton Wiccan Seminary is established to train Wiccan Temple clergy people. If you are not associated with a religious body (temple

Growing Wiccan Temples and Leaders: Organization and Leadership in Mission-centred Wicca (Revised Second Edition) 18/08/2023

A revised and updated second edition incorporating more than thirty years of experience building public Wiccan temples and activities. A wealth of first-hand tips and experiences, incorporating insights from church-planting literature, sociology of religion, practical theology, and ritual theory. Training materials, evaluation materials, rituals for membership and ordination, an extensive and varied bibliography.

Growing Wiccan Temples and Leaders: Organization and Leadership in Mission-centred Wicca (Revised Second Edition) A revised and updated edition incorporating more than twenty years of experience building public Wiccan temples and activities. A wealth of first-hand tips and experiences but also incorporating insights from church-planting literature, sociology of religion, practical theology, and ritual theory...

Lecture Thirteen - Intro to Wiccan Theology, Edmonton Wiccan Seminary 30/10/2022

Lecture Thirteen of 22 adapted from an upper-level undergraduate course I taught at U of Alberta. The whole series of 22 lectures are up on the Samuel Wagar youtube channel. Intro to Wiccan Theology, Edmonton Wiccan Seminary

Immanence and Transcendence. Books referenced: Christ "She Who Changes", both LaChapelle and McLaughlin in "Deep Ecology for the 21st Century" edited Sessions, Gaster "Thespis".

Comment if you would like to be added to an online discussion group for this material.

Lecture Thirteen - Intro to Wiccan Theology, Edmonton Wiccan Seminary Immanence and Transcendence. Books referenced: Christ "She Who Changes", both LaChapelle and McLaughlin in "Deep Ecology for the 21st Century" edited Session...

Lecture Twelve - Intro to Wiccan Theology, Edmonton Wiccan Seminary 01/10/2022


Lecture Twelve - Intro to Wiccan Theology, Edmonton Wiccan Seminary - twelfth of 22 lectures adapted from an upper-level undergraduate course I taught at U of Alberta.

Developing Wiccan Ethics, Ethics and Mysticism, comparison with Heathen ethics. Books cited; Kripal "Roads of Excess, Palaces of Wisdom", James "Varieties of Religious Experience", Wasserstrom "Religion After Religion", Artaud "Theatre and Its Double", Stark and Bainbridge "Theory of Religion", Kramer "The Red Fez", odinsvolk.ca website, Said "Afterword" in "Orientalism", Myers "Other Side of Virtue".

Comment if you would like to be added to an online discussion group for this material.

Lecture Twelve - Intro to Wiccan Theology, Edmonton Wiccan Seminary Developing Wiccan Ethics, Ethics and Mysticism, comparison with Heathen ethics. Books cited; Kripal "Roads of Excess, Palaces of Wisdom", James "Varieties of...

Lecture Eleven - Intro to Wiccan Theology, Edmonton Wiccan Seminary 18/09/2022

Eleventh lecture in the upper-level undergraduate course in Introduction to Wiccan Theology, substantially the same as the one I taught at U of Alberta in 2017. The series of 22 lectures are up on the Samuel Wagar youtube channel. This lecture focuses on Ethics and Morality -polytheology and ethics, the Olympians, the Hindus.

Books referred to aside from texts Hirsch "The Forgotten Ways",Plato "Euthyphro Dialogue", Crowley "Liber Samekh", Myers "Other Side of Virtue", Loraux in "A History of Women in the West Vol. One" edited by Pantel, Prothero "God is Not One"

The lectures stand alone but discussion groups, readings, and writing dealing with these ideas will greatly enhance the students' understanding. If there is interest, I'd love to organize an online discussion group. Comment if you would like to be added to an online discussion group for this material.


Lecture Eleven - Intro to Wiccan Theology, Edmonton Wiccan Seminary Ethics and Morality -polytheology and ethics, the Olympians, the Hindus. Books referred to Hirsch "The Forgotten Ways",Plato "Euthyphro Dialogue", Crowley "L...

Lecture Ten - Intro to Wiccan Theology, Edmonton Wiccan Seminary 12/09/2022

Tenth lecture in the upper-level undergraduate course in Introduction to Wiccan Theology, substantially the same as the one I taught at U of Alberta in 2017. The series of 22 lectures are up on the Samuel Wagar youtube channel.

This lecture focuses on different types of rituals - exchange and communion, affliction, passage. Books cited Marx "Contribution to the Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right", Crowley "Magick in Theory and Practice", Anonymous "Twelve Steps and Twelve Tradition", Foucault "History of S*xuality, Volume One",

Comment if you would like to be added to an online discussion group for this material.


Lecture Ten - Intro to Wiccan Theology, Edmonton Wiccan Seminary Different types of rituals - exchange and communion, affliction, passage. Books cited Marx "Contribution to the Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right", Cro...

Lecture Nine - Introduction to Wiccan Theology, Edmonton Wiccan Seminary 21/08/2022

Ninth lecture in the upper-level undergraduate course in Introduction to Wiccan Theology, substantially the same as the one I taught at U of Alberta in 2017. The series of 22 lectures are up on the Samuel Wagar youtube channel. This lecture focuses on Magic and the Psychic Arts, Divination etc.

Books aside from texts referred to include: Durkheim "Elementary Forms of the Religious Life", Stark and Bainbridge "Theory of Religion", Stark and Finke "Acts of Faith", James "Varieties of Religious Experience", Farrar and Farrar "Witches' Way", Bonewits "Real Magic", Crowley "Magick in Theory and Practice".

The lectures stand alone but discussion groups, readings, and writing dealing with these ideas will greatly enhance the students' understanding. If there is interest, I'd love to organize an online discussion group. Comment if you would like to be added to an online discussion group for this material.


Lecture Nine - Introduction to Wiccan Theology, Edmonton Wiccan Seminary Magic and the Psychic Arts, Divination etc. Books aide from texts referred to include: Durkheim "Elementary Forms of the Religious Life", Stark and Bainbrid...

Lecture Eight - Introduction to Wiccan Theology, Edmonton Wiccan Seminary 02/08/2022

Eighth lecture in the upper-level undergraduate course in Introduction to Wiccan Theology, substantially the same as the one I taught at U of Alberta in 2017. The series of 22 lectures are up on the Samuel Wagar youtube channel. This lecture is a discussion of hieros gamos / ritual s*x in Wicca.

Books mention aside from text include: Eliade "Myth of the Eternal Return",Wolkstein an Kramer "Inanna", Suter "Narcissus and the Pomegranate". Niditch "Ancient Israelite Religion", Wasserstrom "Religion After Religion",Blank "Straight", Johnson "S*xual Spectrum", Califia and Campbell editors "Bitch Goddess", Kaldera "Dark Moon Rising" and "Pagan Polyamory", Penczak "Gay Witchcraft", Budapest "Holy Book of Women's Mysteries", Asbell "The Pill"

The lectures stand alone but discussion groups, readings, and writing dealing with these ideas will greatly enhance the students' understanding. If there is interest, I'd love to organize an online discussion group. Comment if you would like to be added to an online discussion group for this material.


Lecture Eight - Introduction to Wiccan Theology, Edmonton Wiccan Seminary A discussion of hieros gamos / ritual s*x in Wicca. Books mention aside from text include: Eliade "Myth of the Eternal Return",Wolkstein an Kramer "Inanna", ...

Lecture Seven - Intr to Wiccan Theology, Edmonton Wiccan Seminary 17/07/2022

Seventh lecture in the upper-level undergraduate course in Introduction to Wiccan Theology, substantially the same as the one I taught at U of Alberta in 2017. The series of 22 lectures are up on the Samuel Wagar youtube channel. This lecture deals with S*xuality in Ritual and Theology.

Books cited aside from texts include: Wagar "I Know Where the Bodies Are Buried", Williams "Woman Magician", Fortune "Esoteric Philosophy of Love and Marriage",Coontz "Marriage, A History", Crocker "The Canela", Stacey "Unhitched", Ryan and Jetha "S*x at Dawn", Leland "Aradia", Kelly "Crafting the Art of Magic", Farrar "The Witches' Way", Lamond "Fifty Years of Wicca", Rabinovitch "An Ye Harm None" (unpublished MA Thesis, Carleton).

The lectures stand alone but discussion groups, readings, and writing dealing with these ideas will greatly enhance the students' understanding. If there is interest, I'd love to organize an online discussion group. Comment if you would like to be added to an online discussion group for this material.


Lecture Seven - Intr to Wiccan Theology, Edmonton Wiccan Seminary S*xuality in Ritual and Theology. Books cited aside from texts include: Wagar "I Know Where the Bodies Are Buried", Williams "Woman Magician", Fortune "Esote...

Lecture 6 - Introduction to Wiccan Theology, Edmonton Wiccan Seminary 10/07/2022

6th lecture in Introduction to Wiccan Theology series: Liturgy and Ritual discussion, how to construct ritual . Books other than texts cited include: Callahan "12 Keys to an Effective Church", Turner "The Ritual Process", Smith "Imagining Religion", Bell "Ritual; Perspectives and Dimensions", Artaud "Theatre and Its Double", Whitehouse "Modes of Religiosity", Crowley "Magick in Theory and Practice", James "Varieties of Religious Experience", Maslow "Religions, Values and Peak Experiences".


Lecture 6 - Introduction to Wiccan Theology, Edmonton Wiccan Seminary Liturgy and Ritual discussion, how to construct ritual . Books other than texts cited include: Callahan "12 Keys to an Effective Church", Turner "The Ritual ...

Lecture Five of Introduction to Wiccan Theology 01/07/2022

Fifth lecture in upper-level undergraduate course in Introduction to Wiccan Theology, substantially the same as the one I taught at U of Alberta in 2017. The series of 22 lectures are up on the Samuel Wagar youtube channel. This lecture deals with Liturgical Year, ecstatic experience and group ritual, mysticism, ritualization and social order, translation, grace.

Books mentioned aside from texts: Bell "Ritual Theory; Ritual Practice", Bourdieu "Outline of a Theory of Practice", Maslow "Religion, Values, and Peak Experiences", Kripal "Roads of Excess, Palace of Wisdom", Foucault "The Archaeology of Knowledge" and "Of Other Spaces", Bhabha "The Location of Culture", Stark and Finke "Acts of Faith", Artaud "The Theatre and Its Double", Pagis in "Teaching Ritual" (edited by Bell), Neafsey "Sacred Voice is Calling", Luhrmann "When God Talks Back", Turner "Ritual Process", Smith "Imagining Religion", Magliocco "Witching Culture".

The lectures stand alone but discussion groups, readings, and writing dealing with these ideas will greatly enhance the students' understanding. If there is interest, I'd love to organize an online discussion group. Comment if you would like to be added to an online discussion group for this material.


Lecture Five of Introduction to Wiccan Theology Liturgical Year, ecstatic experience and group ritual, mysticism, ritualization and social order, translation, grace. Books mentioned aside from texts: Bell ...


Fourth lecture in upper-level undergraduate course in Introduction to Wiccan Theology, substantially the same as the one I taught at U of Alberta in 2017. The series of 22 lectures are up on the Samuel Wagar youtube channel. This lecture deals with feminist ritual, ritualization, goddesses and gods, femininities and masculinities (a start to the discussion).

References not in the list of texts- Bell "Ritual Theory; Ritual Practice", Michel Foucault "The Archaeology of Knowledge", Victor Turner "The Ritual Process", Williams "The Woman Magician", Janet Dahr "Wild Women Witches" (unpublished MA thesis SFU 1995), Greenwood in "Nature Religion Today" (edited Jo Pearson et al)

The lectures stand alone but discussion groups, readings, and writing dealing with these ideas will greatly enhance the students' understanding. If there is interest, I'd love to organize an online discussion group. Comment if you would like to be added to an online discussion group for this material.



Third lecture in upper-level undergraduate course in Introduction to Wiccan Theology, substantially the same as the one I taught at U of Alberta in 2017. The series of 22 lectures are up on the Samuel Wagar youtube channel.

Books referred to (aside from texts) Christ and Plaskow "Goddess and God in the World", Plato "The Euthyphro Dialogue", Ginette Paris "Pagan Meditations" and "Pagan Grace".

The lectures stand alone but discussion groups, readings, and writing dealing with these ideas will greatly enhance the students' understanding. If there is interest, I'd love to organize an online discussion group. Comment if you would like to be added to an online discussion group for this material.Lecture dealing with goddesses and gods and techniques for connecting with them.


Second Lecture in Introduction to Wiccan Theology Course - Edmonton Wiccan Seminary 09/06/2022

Second lecture in upper-level undergraduate course in Introduction to Wiccan Theology, substantially the same as the one I taught at U of Alberta in 2017. The series of 21 lectures are up on the Samuel Wagar youtube channel. Books mentioned aside from the texts: Kulendran "Grace", Knox "Introduction to the Iliad" (trans Robert Fagel), Moore "Dark Eros", Prothero "God is Not One".

The lectures stand alone but discussion groups, readings, and writing dealing with these ideas will greatly enhance the students' understanding. If there is interest, I'd love to organize an online discussion group. Comment if you would like to be added to an online discussion group for this material.


Second Lecture in Introduction to Wiccan Theology Course - Edmonton Wiccan Seminary Undergrad level theology course introducing Wiccan theology - books mentioned Kulendran "Grace", Knox "Introduction to the Iliad" (trans Robert Fagel) Moore ...

First lecture in Introduction to Wiccan Theology. 04/06/2022

First lecture in upper-level undergraduate course in Introduction to Wiccan Theology, substantially the same as the one I taught at U of Alberta in 2017. The series of 21 lectures are up on the Samuel Wagar youtube channel.

Introduction to the course, some basic concepts in theology generally and polytheism and Wiccan theology. A brief history of Wicca. Ceremonial Magickal roots.

The texts are Starhawk "The Spiral Dance, a rebirth of the ancient religion of the Great Goddess" (San Francisco: Harper and Rowe, 1979), Samuel Wagar "The Uses of Ecstasy, ritual and practical mysticism in Wicca" (Surrey BC: Obscure Pagan Press/Createspace, 2012), James Hillman " Terrible Love of War" (New York: Penguin Press, 2004), and Richard Grigg, "When God Becomes Goddess" (New York: Continuum, 1995).

Recommended but not required readings: Carol P. Christ and Judith Plaskow editors "Womanspirit Rising: A Feminist Reader in Religion" (New York: Harper and Rowe,1979), Sabina Magliocco "Witching Culture, folklore and neo-Paganism in America" (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2004) and Roberto Calasso "The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony" Tim Parks trans. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1993).

The lectures stand alone but discussion groups, readings, and writing dealing with these ideas will greatly enhance the students' understanding. If there is interest, I'd love to organize an online discussion group.


First lecture in Introduction to Wiccan Theology. Syllabus for course, basic ideas of theology and history of Wicca. Books referred to include the four course texts, Christ and Plaskow "Goddess and God in th...


Hey, gang!

Facebook's daemons periodically tell me when people check out this page, which is nice! But, if nobody drops us a note or engages beyond looking in, we have no idea about who you are or what interests you! So, how about writing a comment? Maybe we can have a conversation, get something started together?

Service and Spirit: Discipleship and Spiritual Training in Wiccan Temples 16/02/2022

The latest book from Edmonton Wiccan Seminary:

Samuel Wagar wrote this book to explore some issues in practical theology around discipleship (modeling oneself on one’s deities) and religiously based service of the community (both the narrow religious community and all of humanity) in Wiccan temple groups. Issues explored include the social construction and personal developments involved in connecting with goddesses and gods, personal evolution and transformation resulting from this engagement, mystical insights and the rituals which bring them down to Earth and into communities of faith, the call to spiritual connection and service, and religious education to assist people to make these connections real in both their individual lives and their temples.
Practical theology is that approach to theology that concerns itself with the divine in the world – in our lives, in our temples, and in our other institutions. It principally concerns itself with the “how” questions rather than “who, what, when, where, and why”.


Service and Spirit: Discipleship and Spiritual Training in Wiccan Temples Wagar wrote this book to explore some issues in practical theology around discipleship (modeling oneself on one’s deities) and religiously based service of the community (both the narrow religious community and all of humanity) in Wiccan temple groups. Issues explored include the social construct....


Hello, friends.

The first stirrings of life beneath the snow at Imbolc coinciding with hope that this epidemic might end by the summer. We are planning some introductory Wicca classes in the spring, so if you are interested and located in Edmonton, please comment below. The collection of workshops, classes, and advanced reading book review videos on "Samuel Wagar" Youtube channels continues to grow - so please check those out and contact us to join zoom discussion groups.

The Seminary has been postponed, but not cancelled.


Hello, friends. Because the epidemic continues (although it seems to be close to an end), in-person meetings and classes have been very limited.

The lectures for the 'Introduction to Wiccan Theology' course (upper-level undergraduate course) are up on the "Samuel Wagar" Youtube channel for free. We would like to organize discussion groups online to follow up on viewing of those lectures.

As well as the lectures there are several workshops - one on 'Connecting With Your Matron and Patron Deities' and on 'Protection Magic'. And a number of book review videos briefly covering recommended reading in various areas ranging from 'Women in New Religious Movements' to 'Ceremonial Magick'.

Follow-up discussions online can be arranged by contacting Wagar or leaving a note here.

There is a small in-person Wicca 101 class underway as well. All fully-vaxed.


Hello again, everyone.

This continuing pandemic is slowing down our plans to get face-to-face mentoring and practical temple-planting happening. But we can still meet online and we can still work together toward the goals of the seminary project.

So, drop me a line and we'll see what we can do together.


Hello everyone,

Looking forward to finally getting out of social distancing and beginning to meet face-to-face with at least a few people. A good number of people have visited this page but very few have followed up by contacting us to ask for more information. That is a pity, because we are eager to talk and to help people out (at least as far as academics are concerned).

Samuel Wagar is eager to add another discussion section of his course in Basic Wiccan Theology - the lectures are up on his Youtube channel so you can view them whenever you want to, along with other educational videos. Drop us a line.

Blessed Be.

She Grows in us Like a Tree in a Garden: Egregore Theology and Ecclesiology in Wicca 29/04/2021

Dear friends,

Edmonton Wiccan Seminary's newest book "She Grows in us Like a Tree in a Garden; Egregore Theology and Ecclesiology in Wicca", based in part on Sam Wagar's dissertation-that-almost-was. He develops an ecclesiology (a theology of temples and their particular relationships with the divine) growing out of process theology, practice-based theories of religion, and the occultist idea of the egregore. Available through Amazon.


She Grows in us Like a Tree in a Garden: Egregore Theology and Ecclesiology in Wicca She Grows in us Like a Tree in a Garden: Egregore Theology and Ecclesiology in Wicca


Hello friends. Well, I'm reading another interesting book ("Women and Gender Issues in British Paganism, 1945-1990" by Shai Feraro, published last year by Palgrave) and thinking that it's frustrating. I have a good research library in Wicca and related topics, but nobody I know has read most of the books in it, so I need to get some more students so that I can have people to talk with about some of them!

The Seminary is just a baby so we have few students and teachers.

At present I've got one small section of my course on "Introduction to Wiccan Theology" (a somewhat revised version of the course I taught through the U of Alberta a few years ago). I'd be happy to start up another, or to begin a course on ritual theory or another on temple planting, but I need to hear from you that you'd be interested.

Clergy Training at a High Level for Wiccan Temple Leaders

Edmonton Wiccan Seminary is established to train Wiccan Temple clergy people. (A clergy person is a person authorized by a religious body to act as a religious specialist in their service. If you are not associated with a religious body (temple, church, public grove or whatever), you are not a clergy person.)

Our mission is to fully equip our students through theological and pastoral education to start new public temples and to lead established ones. In addition to this primary purpose, the Seminary will provide Wicca-based religious education for the public and publish resources for religious education in the Wiccan faith. Edmonton Wiccan Seminary grows public spiritual leadership. We anticipate graduating two or three Temple clergy per year.

The Seminary is an independent body in general theological agreement with the Sacred Oak Wiccan Temple of Edmonton. Membership and involvement in that body is not a prerequisite to enrollment in the Seminary.

The program is divided into two years. In the first year there is personal formation, discipleship, preparation, and skills training and the second year is principally practicum – working in the field to apply skills learned from the first year.

Videos (show all)

Matron and Patron Deity Workshop