Graciela Gabica - Crystal Healer & Crystal Reiki Master

Graciela Gabica - Crystal Healer & Crystal Reiki Master



Chevron Amethyst

Chevron Amethyst, or Dogtooth Amethyst, is a combination of white quartz and amethyst banded together to form a V-shape pattern.

It combines the stress-relieving quality of Amethyst with the strengthening quality of White Quartz .

It repels negativity and promotes peace, self-discovery, and development.

It enhances the third eye, stimulating vision within the self as well as the physical world, filtering the life force from the cosmos via the Crown in its white layers, and opening up spiritual and psychic channels through the purple.

Like most varieties of Amethyst, they have powerful metaphysical properties and a strong action when used in meditation.


What Are Grabovoi Codes?

Grabovoi code or numbers are radionic signatures that can help to heal both your body and mind. They were invented by the Russian psychic Grigory Grabovoy. He created them using a radionic machine.
Who Is Grigory Petrovich Grabovoy? 

Grigory Grabovoy was born on the 14th November 1963 in Kazakhstan. 
He wrote the book The Practise of Control: The Way To Salvation. In his book he includes a large list of Grabovoi numbers. In his book he explains how conscious energy can manifest any information or object you want in your life. 
How Do Grabovoi Numbers Work?
The theory behind Grabvoi codes rests with “radionic signatures”.

Everything is energy, which is how these special codes and radionic signatures work. Every person, place, or thing on the planet shares the same electromagnetic field but also has its own.
When an individual’s electromagnetic field’s energy gets changed or distorted in some way, problems such as disease, malfunction, and other ailments occur.
In the same way that distortions cause malfunction, however, you can make subtle changes with that same energy and fix them.

Grabovoi numbers harness the natural energy of numbers to correct these imbalances and manifest change and transformation in your life!

How to use the codes with crystals?

1 - Write the code on a little piece of paper, then place the crystals on top in the palm of your hand. Close your eyes and repeat the number aloud.

2 - Create a crystal grid, place the number in the centre of your grid, activate it repeating the number.

3 - Place a piece of paper with your chosen number and a crystal that resonates with that vibration under your pillow.

In the picture you can see the number to Elevates your vibration with a Rose Quartz heart.


Elevating the collective consciousness with crystals

We are multidimensional consciousness, we are all connected.
By elevating our own frequency, tuning into love, connecting with nature, being true to ourselves, we raise our consciousness, we help to elevate the collective consciousness.

Crystals are the perfect tool to raise our frequency. By placing them in a geometric pattern, we create a crystal grid that increases the intensity of our frequency and our intentions.

For this crystal grid I selected:

Merkaba pattern

Clear quartz Merkaba form
Blue Tourmaline
Cobalt Calcite
Blue Kynite
Spirit Quartz


Blue Tourmaline, increases access to higher levels of intuition and may amplify the psychic gifts of clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, prophecy, and spirit communication. It is highly beneficial to those who wish to become channels or mediums, and assists in processing impressions received from other realms and allowing them to flow out through verbal communication.
It bring peace and calmness to the mind.

Ref.: Melody and Simmons.


The Capricorn New Moon on January 11 is the first New Moon of the year, and while this New Moon is ripe with fresh new energy, there is also the energy of endings attached to it too, thanks to Pluto, which is hovering at the powerful 29th degree of Capricorn.

As this is the last Capricorn New Moon with Pluto in Capricorn, it seems fitting that there is some rebirth that follows this transformation we have been moving through all these years. It seems fitting that perhaps the final layers are being shed, and we are now able to stand fresh and renewed in our true selves.

So, while this New Moon is very much about setting the stage for 2024, it is also about honoring the past and the transformations we have moved through. It is also about acknowledging what has risen up from our own underworld and how that has fuelled our own death and rebirth journeys.

It is said that intentions or goals made on a Capricorn New Moon hold the promise of longevity. So, if there is something you really want to commit to for the long term, set your intention and then take a small action in that direction under this New Moon.
Your action will be sealed into the energy of the New Moon, helping you to stay the course for a long time to come.

Info: Forever Conscious

Crystals for this New Moon:

Rainbow Moonstone: Intuition, clears out all patterns.

Amazonite: New begging, courage and self love.

Citrine: Optimists approach to life.

Labradorite: Stone if transformation.

Rutilated Quartz facilitate transitions and any change of direction that might occur in your life.


Full Moon in Gemini

November 27th. we are having a Full Moon in Gemini. This is the sign is rule by Mercury the planet of communication and words.

You might feel strong emotions during this time, Mars is opposite to the Moon, creating irritability and frustration.

Full moons are the perfect time to release what not longer serves us.

Remember to keep your thoughts and words calm and clear.

Crystal grid for Gemini Full Moon

Sodalite: Communication and Calmness.

Blue Tigers Eye: Mental Clarity.

Dessert Rose: Clears Old Thinking Patterns.

Grid by: M. McBeth


Prophecy Stones are powerful minerals for grounding light energy into the physical body. Holding one during meditation will cause an incredible amount of energy to come down through the crown chakra, filling the entire body and traveling all the way down to the feet of the user.
Prophecy Stones are Seeker Transformers Crystals
Seeker Transformers are talismans used when the desire is to find a way to transform a part of one’s life.
Seekers are used when we need some help to find a new path, a new approach, or in any quest to gain that which we desire but do not yet possess. 

A Prophecy Stone will help you find calmness and transform an excited mind into a calm and clear mind when you need it.


The ever unfolding Rose

Cracked open. It’s happening for you, not to you.

From: work your light Oracle Cards.
By Rebecca Campbell.


A SuperFull Moon in Aries will illuminate the sky on September 29th.

Its intense energy may feel overwhelm during this time.

Our emotions being highlighted, it is important to keep them balanced.

Crystal grid for this full moon

Ruby Fuchsite: release your emotional stress and help you deal with your life’s issues.

Ruby:is the stone of passion and strength.

Fuchsite: helps you move on from both physical and emotional traumas.

Amazonite: soothes trauma and calms the mind, transmute anger and irritability into positive action.

Rose Quartz : self love and compassion.


Chrysoprase is a stone that promotes emotional balance and facilitates a deep connection between heart, mind and soul.

This beautiful stones has a frequency that facilitates working in the process of healing the inner child, releasing emotions locked in since childhood.

It promotes forgiveness, aiding in healing relationships and transmute negative emotions into positive ones.

Chrysoprase enables you to speak up and give helpful, constructive criticism.


The Healing Waters Oracle Card.
Message of the day:
Psychic abilities. Acting on vision. It’s destined.

By Rebecca Campbell.


Divine Love, Calmness and Release Crystal Grid

I created and Activate this grid to connect with the energy of Divine love, and with the wisdom of our predecessors in our planet.

To release anger from the heart of those that are creating wars and destruction.

To bring peace and compassion to those who are suffering the consequences.

To bring calm to the elements: Fire, Winds, Water, Earth and Ether.

This grid is activated, if you feel connected with it, feel free to meditate and send your love through it.

We need to help in any way we can, to much destruction is occurring.


Pink Lemurian Quartz: Wisdom and Divine Love.

Aquamarine: Release anger

Blue Lace Agate: Calm and Inner Peace.

Amazonite: Courage and Hope

Larimar: it counteracts earth energy imbalances and geopathic stress.


Pink Lemurian Quartz is encoded with Divine love, attuned to the pink flame of unconditional and compassionate love.

Its soothing frequency brings calm, serenity, harmony and inner peace.

Pink Lemurian Quartz activates the higher heart, it helps to remove emotional and karmic debris from the heart chakra and emotional body.

It is believed that Lemurian Quartz crystals were "planted" long ago by the people of Lemuria or Mu, a peaceful and highly spiritually and technologically advanced civilization similar to Atlantis but more spiritually developed and peaceful.

As the end of their time on Earth was coming to an end, the Lemurians programmed these crystals to teach their messages of oneness and healing that would be revealed when the energy on Earth was ready to receive them.


According to Robert Simmons, Lemuria is the named of a fabled ancient civilization believed to have sunk beneath the Pacific Ocean many thousand of years ago. The Volcanos of Hawaii and Polynesian islands are thought by some to be the tops of ancient Lemurian mountains.

Lemuria is remembered as civilization with a different kind of consciousness - much more cantered upon the emotional and spiritual dimensions than is our mentality based modern world.

It is believed that before their time on Earth come to end, they coded Crystals with information and knowledge,intending them to be discovered at a time in the future when humankind, in the form of Light Workers, would be able to begin to decode and understand the information they contain, and harness their healing energies.


Pink Lemurian Quartz is encoded with Divine love, attuned to the pink flame of unconditional and compassionate love.

Its soothing frequency brings calm, serenity, harmony and inner peace.

Pink Lemurian Quartz activates the higher heart, it helps to remove emotional and karmic debris from the heart chakra and emotional body.

It is believed that Lemurian Quartz crystals were "planted" long ago by the people of Lemuria or Mu, a peaceful and highly spiritually and technologically advanced civilization similar to Atlantis but more spiritually developed and peaceful.

As the end of their time on Earth was coming to an end, the Lemurians programmed these crystals to teach their messages of oneness and healing that would be revealed when the energy on Earth was ready to receive them.



Lion’s Gate Crystal Grid

Pyrite: Willpower, strength, action.

Carnelian: Creative energy, passion.

Citrine: Joy and Confidence.

Clear Quartz: Mental Clarity.


Tiger’s Eye is a remarkable ally for the mind, balancing emotional extremes and allowing scattered thoughts, feelings and information to come together in a way that makes sense.

It brings focus and stability, enabling one to make decisions from a place of reason rather than emotion.

Tiger’s Eye is ideal for those who are spaced out and uncommitted to find purpose; for those who find it difficult to remain optimistic, it stimulates hope and confidence for the future.

Tiger’s Eye is highly beneficial for resolving dilemmas and internal battles, especially those caused by jealousy, willfulness and pride.

It teaches integrity and right use of power, bringing an awareness of one’s needs, as opposed to mere “wants,” as well as understanding the needs of others.

It is excellent for healing issues of self-criticism and worth, and unblocks creativity so one may recognize one’s talents and abilities, as well as one’s faults that need to be overcome.

It is highly supportive for an addictive personality, increasing personal will to affect positive change, and anchors that change into the physical body.

Reference: Melody and Judy Hall


Each year On August 8 The Lion’s Gate reaches its peak.
This portal take place between ends of July to middle of August, as the Sun, Sirus and Earth move into complete alignment with the Giza’s Pyramids.

Sirius is considered our Spiritual Sun, so the rising and return of Sirius symbolizes the rebirth of our spirit and the spirit energy of the planet.

As we look at the sky, it looks as we have two suns.

This Portal allows powerful light codes to be downloaded in our planet.

This high-frequency energy give us the opportunity to create powerful manifestations, enhance our psychic abilities and raise our consciousness.


Healing past life Crystal Grid

Pink Lemurian Quartz Cluster: Connects to universal wisdom and compassion.

Turitella Agate: Heals past life wounds.

Amber: It is a valuable tool for recalling past lives.

Lemurian Quartz: It is encoded with ancient knowledge.

Clear Quartz: enhances communication in receiving information from the Divine.
Amplify the energy of other stones.


Turitella Agate

This stone is ideal to connect with the past, with ancient wisdom.

It helps to heal old wounds, negative states and cellular memories.

Best way to work with them is in meditation, to release past negativity and emotional pain.


The Spring Equinox marks the beginning of a new and powerful cycle.
It is a time to new beginnings, fresh ideas and goals, time clear up the old energy,, after a long and cold winter.

Invite yourself to visualize all your ideas and dreams blooming.


Tree Agate: Growing,strength.

Rose Quartz: Heart Center.

Green Aventurine: Abundance.

Clear Quartz: Amplifiers

Image: cristalloja


Forgiveness Crystal Grid

Kambaba Jasper Heart: clears away sorrow, resentment, grief and heaviness.

Rodhonite: releases the pain cause by broken relationships.

Prehnite: helps to let go of grudges and unhealthy emotional attachments.

Malachite: Penetrates into unresolved emotions and give us the courage to acknowledge and transform them.

Rose Quartz: promotes self love and acceptance.

Would you like to learn more about the power of Crystal Grids and Crystal Healing?

Reserve your spot in the Crystal Energy Healing Program!

Go to:


Malachite is known for its ability to release energy that doesn’t serve you, giving you the confidence to conquer your fears and move forward in life.

Malachite is the Stone of transformation, enhances your capacity to accept changes. It keeps you grounded and safe, clears your mind and stabilize your emotions.

Its supportive and protective energy, helps you to maintain calm, even when challenges and unexpected events occurred.

Stimulates life force energy, absorbes negative energy, protects you when traveling and irradiates a healing energy to your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual body.

If you would like to learn about the healing properties of crystals and become a confident Crystal Energy Healer, go to:

Starting March 14th.


Pendulum Healing Certification Program

Pendulum Healing is an holistic therapy that works with an wooden Egyptian Pendulum and Assessments Charts, to diagnose and repair energetic imbalance’s in the mental, physical and emotional field.

The Pendulum works as an antenna, amplifying the energy field and finding the areas that have lower frequency.

In this Online Program you will learn:

How to program and test your Pendulum .

Work with Assessments Charts to diagnose energetic imbalances.

Distance Healing, remote healing.

Effectively removing low frequency energies from your Aura and repairing and harmonize it.

Clearing energetic space, home, office, objects, food, etc.

Removing Spells, Evil Eye, Magic, Curses, Cords, Geophatic stress.

Balance emotional issues and finding the causes that contributed to create the unbalance.

Sending vibrational healing to self or others.

Maximize: Crystal therapies, Crystal Reiki, Color therapies, Flower essence, water, vitamins, gem elixirs, etc..

Classes starting on March 10th. at 7:30 pm.

To register go to:


Grounding your energy

Starting yesterday and for the next couples of days, we are experiencing an intense amount of activity on the Sun, known as Solar Flares.

They are known to have a profound impact on our emotional, mental and physical well being.

You might be feeling tired, dizzy, old memories resurfacing, intensified emotions, vivid dreams, anxiety, irritability, headaches, nausea, etc.

It is a transformative time, we are vibrating at a higher frequency, purging old paradigms, patterns, beliefs and energetic blocks.

Be kind to yourself, open your heart and embrace the new frequencies.

Grounding, drinking plenty of water, eating healthy and resting are very important at this time, recalibration and integration takes time.


Smokey Quartz: Gentle grounds and clear the mind.

Hematite: Grounds and stabilize.

Black Tourmaline: Grounds and Purifies your energy.


Black Tourmaline

This beautiful and powerful stone is well known for its protective frequency, it has the ability to shield your energy field and transmute all low frequencies into light.

Black Tourmaline grounding properties keeps you calm and and center, ideal to have it handy if you are suffering anxiety and stress.

Would you like to learn more about crystals and crystal healing?

Go to:


Do you love the energy of crystals and stone, but not sure how to use them and what to do with them?

Are you open to explore the powerful energy healing and benefits of this beautiful tools?

Would you like to help yourself and others with confidence and the knowledge by becoming a Certified Crystal Energy Healer?

If your are interested in joining the 10 weeks Online Program beginning on March 14, or you want to learn more about it, go to:


Angelic Connection Grid

Green Apophyllite: Amplifies spiritual energy, opens dimensional doorways.

Celestite: Access the angelic realm.

Amethyst: Facilitates communication with angels.

Rose Quartz: Incondicional love.

Would you like to learn more about Crystal Healing and Crystal Grids?

Go to:

Classes start March 14th.

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Nuevo Taller en español!!Mi madre el origen de TodoSanando la herida de la Madre con Cristales y Constelaciones Familiar...
Decoding my family TreeStarting this Friday, 7-8:30To register go to: