Sweet Lullaby Sleep Consulting

Sweet Lullaby Sleep Consulting

Helping exhausted families get the sleep they need with respectful solutions to infant/child sleep issues. Healthy sleep habits make for a happy family.


Attention parents!

🚨🚨RECALL!! 🚨🚨

Contact brand for a refund.

“This recall involves the WeeSprout baby sleep sack. The 100 percent cotton sleep sack was sold in sizes newborn through 36 months and in the following colors: blue dusk, dotted rose, gray stitch and rosemary stitch. All colors and sizes of the sleep sack are included in this recall. “


Researchers say they’ve found the reason why infants die from SIDS - National | Globalnews.ca 15/05/2022

This is simply incredible.

Researchers say they’ve found the reason why infants die from SIDS - National | Globalnews.ca The groundbreaking SIDS research found that a lack of a specific enzyme explains why some babies dies in their sleep.

Photos from Sweet Lullaby Sleep Consulting's post 11/03/2022



Our last sleep chat of 2021 is tomorrow afternoon!
I cannot believe that here we are already in December. I hope that y’all can join in and partake in our final sleep chat of 2021 tomorrow.

I look forward to hearing your sleep questions then.




“Yay, An extra hour of sleep” - said no parent, ever!

I thought for sure this year would be the year that we got rid of the time change, but here we are once again stuck navigating those EARRRRRLY risings for the next week.

So, here are a few ways to make the time change a little more manageable;
We’ve got this!

⏰ leave your clocks alone until everyone has had breakfast Sunday morning. This will mentally feel much better.

⏰ SPLIT THE DIFFERENCE. Between the old time and the new.
This is how it might look:

School Age Children
If you have a child that does not nap and normally goes to bed at 7:00 p.m.
you would put him to bed at 6:30 p.m. on Sunday night, the first night of the time change.
Sunday 6:30 PM
Monday 6:30 PM
Tuesday 6:30 PM
Wednesday 7:00 PM
on the 4th night put him to bed at their normal time pre time change bedtime. 7:00 p.m.

Sunday the first day of the time change, you would put him down for his first nap 30 minutes earlier than normal.
So if he naps usually at 9:30 a.m. put him down at 9:00 a.m. You would do the same with the afternoon nap if he takes an afternoon nap.
For bedtime, if his normal bedtime is 7:00 p.m., you would put him down at 6:30 p.m. Do this for 3 nights after the time change and then on the 4th night, put him to bed at 7:00 p.m. and on 5th day move naptimes back to normal time.

If you have a baby and his bedtime and naps have become predictable (usually over 6 months old) meaning he is always going to bed around the same time each day. For example if bedtime is normally 7:00 p.m. move bedtime 15 minutes later each night until you reach the normal time again.
Sunday 6:15 pm
Monday 6:30 pm
Tuesday 6:45 pm
Wednesday 7:00 pm
Do the same thing for naps. Start 45 minutes earlier than normal and move them 15 minutes later each day. So if morning nap is at 9:00 a.m. normally, start with 8:15 a.m. on Sunday, 8:30 a.m. on Monday, 8:45 a.m. on Tuesday and then 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday.
If their bedtime and naptimes are not predictable (0-6 months old) simply jump to the new time Sunday night using their wake time window as your guide.

Clear as mud right 🥴


Our monthly sleep chat is happening TOMORROW, Tuesday November 2nd 7:30-8:30 PM (PDT).

I hope you all had a fantastic Halloween with your littles and are ready to chat about sleep tomorrow night.

Chat soon!


Our October sleep chat is happening TONIGHT! ☺️

Let’s connect and chat about your little ones and their sleep !


Journey - an act of traveling from one place to another.

Supporting and helping your baby, toddler, or young child, in learning how to fall asleep on their own is a JOURNEY. a journey with many highs and lows, hard times and surprisingly wonderful days.

I couldn’t be more thankful to be a part of this journey with this family. Their teamwork, support, commitment and trust (in their son’s abilities and in me to guide and support them) has taken them on a beautiful journey from sleepless nights, tough days, to being able to put their sweet boy down in his crib and have him settle into sleep, easily on his own, for naps and night sleep. He is sleeping well through the night and waking only for a feeding, then back to sleep. This mama now has moments in the day to focus on herself. To read a book, work out, tidy the house, fold the laundry, cook dinner, or simply sit quietly with a hot cup of tea. These moment in motherhood allow us to recharge, to show up for our littles as the best most vibrant version of ourselves. I couldn’t be more happy to see this for this mama, her baby, and their family.


“We were nervous about the crying and the sleep training process in general, but Lisa guided us through every step of the way. Lisa provided us with a comprehensive sleep plan for both nights and naps, which she guided us through for 2 weeks. What we appreciated most was her wealth of sleep knowledge and how quickly she got back to our questions over the time we worked together. Our lives have completely changed thanks to Lisa's help. We will for sure be in touch with her as we navigate this first year of parenthood and sleep. We cannot recommend her enough!”
- Isabel, mom of 4-5 month old Lucas.


Our Free Monthly Sleep Chat is coming up on Tuesday September 7th!

Ill be within our Sweet Lullaby Sleep Q&A Facebook group for an hour from 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM answering as many questions as I can.

I look forward to hearing from you then.



Do you know your baby’s sleepy cues?
Some babies are harder to pick up on that others, but they all have them.
It can take some intuition and conscious observation to hone in on your little one’s cues, but once you’ve got them it can make nap and bedtime so much more enjoyable for everyone!

A great place to start is to look for some of the most common early cues:
▪️Blank stares
▪️Head turned to the side
▪️7 mile stare
▪️Red rimmed eyes
If your little one hasn’t shown the early signs, next you want to look for the sleepy cues that scream “I need a nap NOW”. These ones are a little easier to pick up on and will need immediate action- Nap routine, off to sleep sweet little one. ⠀
▪️Eye rubbing
▪️Pulling on ears
If by chance you have missed all of the above cues, your little one has likely become overtired which makes it very hard for them to settle into sleep and when they do it become very restless/broken sleep. If your baby has become overtired you’ll likely see the following: ⠀
▪️Lots of crying
▪️Back arching
▪️Clenching fists 👊
The key is to catch those early cues and get your baby back to sleep before they become overtired.

It can take some careful observation but you’ll get there!⠀ Were your baby’s sleep cues easy to pick up on? Did they have that one tell tail cue shouted- I’m ready for sleep mom and dad!


I dare you..... to dream 💭
There is much to be said about dreaming.
❇️ It helps us solve problems.
❇️ Increases learning abilities.
❇️ Aids memory function.
What always amazes me is that there is the absence of muscle tone (except for the diaphragm, middle ear and erectile muscles) when we are in REM sleep.
All voluntary muscles are paralyzed so that the dreamer is unable to act out their dream. I mean, the human body is truly fascinating 🙌🏼.
In young infants, REM sleep is more commonly known as “active sleep.” This is where you might see your new baby twitch or grimace, sometimes even cry out with their eyes still very much closed.⠀
Up until around the 3 month mark infants enter sleep through REM. This changes of course when kiddos go through the biological rearranging of their sleep cycle, also known as “the 4 month sleep regression.”
As your little one grows the proportion of time spent in REM and Non-REM sleep changes from 50/50 at birth, to closer to 30/70 by the time your child starts school. The decrease of REM sleep in proportion to Non-REM sleep will continue further until finally stabilizing at a 20/80 REM/Non-REM sleep split in late teen years. It will remain this way throughout early and mid-adulthood.
I once read in a moms group that if your baby wakes for their day around 3-4 am it’s totally fine because the first hours of nights sleep are more important and enough......WRONG.
Every piece, part, and stage of sleep plays a roll on our over health and well-being. We need them all. Young children especially need good quality, regulated, sleep in order to translate and process all the amazing things they’re learning each and every day and thrive.
Tell me, do you often remember your dreams or do you “not dream” (secret, we all dream every night - even if you cannot recall your dreams).


Our monthly sleep chat is happening tonight 😄😄

I hope that you have all had a fantastic long weekend and are ready to tackle sleep this evening.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you and answering as many sleep questions as I can within the hour from 7:30-8:30 pm (PDT).


Our monthly sleep chat is coming up tomorrow evening y’all.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you all then.



Our monthly sleep chat is coming up tomorrow evening y’all.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you all then.



Myth: keeping your child up all day will help them sleep better at night....
The truth is, the better they sleep during the day —> the better they will sleep at night.
So, while fresh air, exercise, and vigorous play are all essential ingredients for great sleep, your little one still needs great nap(S) during the day to ensure they aren’t heading to bed overtired.
When they haven’t had adequate rest throughout the day and carry into bed a state of overtiredness. When we become overtired, our body produces extra levels of stimulating hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. As you can imagine this makes it very hard to settle down and fall asleep easily. When sleep does come, it is usually much more restless, fragmented and broken. Where your little one might still get the quantity of sleep needed, the quality is just not there.
I can bet that you have heard at least once in your motherhood journey;
“keep them up longer- so they’re super tired”, “oh they’ll sleep great tonight since they’ve been up and busy all day”, “just miss their nap, it won’t really make too much of a difference”.
Please don’t let anyone tell you Naps aren’t important or can be missed, because they are an essential part of overall healthy sleep, even though they can be really tricky - they’re important.
Let me know if you have questions about your little one’s naps? 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼


Is your little one in the midst of a dropping a nap?
Shifting away from a nap can be tricky. But here are some signs to watch for to see if your little one is ready to drop a nap 😴:
1️⃣ They’re in the or nearing the appropriate age range for dropping out of a nap.
2️⃣ Your baby just doesn’t seem tired at their regular nap time. Their stamina has increased and their body is needing longer time awake in order to build up their sleep pressure enough to settle into sleep easily and take a great nap.
3️⃣ They start to protest last nap of the day. They protest, chat, sing, play the entire time never actually dozing off, until it becomes too late in the day so you call it quits. **if this happens, be sure to offer a nice early bedtime**
4️⃣ Last nap of the day is happening later and later into the day which starts to interfere with regular bedtime - so your little one starts to fight bedtime.
5️⃣ Short naps - your baby’s able to fall asleep for naps ok but those once 90-120 minute naps, have started to become 45 - 60 minute naps. Again, this is where your little one will need more time awake between sleep, to build up their sleep pressure enough to be able to link from one sleep cycle to the next. With longer wake windows, you will likely not having enough time in the day to fit that last nap in, or it starts to become troublesome.
6️⃣ Your little one starts to experience early morning wake ups. Remember that as your little one grows their sleep needs change and decrease too. Where they once needed 16+ hours of sleep as a newborn, they will eventually only need 13+ hours into their preschool years. This may mean that they’re getting too much of their daily sleep needs during the day and dropping away from a nap will help to shift that sleep back to their nights. ** please note, there are many reasons your little one could be having early morning wake ups, so this alone is not a good indication that you need to transition away from a nap.
Are you in the midst of dropping a nap? How’s it going?


Sunlight ☀
The sun plays a HUGE roll in our circadian rhythm. The light it creates during the day, and darkness it leaves us in during night is what dictates our 24 hour internal sleep/wake clock.
It is pretty miraculous if think about it. The power. The beauty. The warmth - today is the first day of spring and the warmth we have received in the last few days has been such a gift.
When it comes to sleep, for your little one’s and you, getting exposure during specific times of the day and blocking out the suns light in others can play a big roll for sleep.
☀EARLY MORNING LIGHT EXPOSURE - has the most powerful influence on our sleep-wake schedule. It aids in setting our internal clock for the day. It helps newborns regulate their days/nights. Helps to consolidate sleep for infants, and keep your children’s schedule on track. Sunlight also aids the production of serotonin, which then converts to melatonin at night, to help your little ones fall asleep easily and sleep well through the night. I’ll encourage you to get your littles early morning sun exposure, an hour or so first thing in the morning will make a world of difference for their sleep - and mood!
🌚 It’s the opposite for late afternoon/evening. Melatonin levels start to rise in the early evening as it becomes darker out, this send a signal to the brain 🧠 to let it know its time to rest. Light exposure before bed can inhibit the naturally timed release of melatonin leaving your little one struggling to settle into sleep. If you are out enjoying late afternoon sunshine (I can’t blame you it’s stunning), this is the time where sunglasses 🕶 are essential. We can also help our body more easily transition from day to night by pulling the shades, drawing the curtains, shut down screen time, and keep the house lights low at least 1 hour before bedtime. By doing this, it allows our body to start producing melatonin. We need to produce enough melatonin for our bodies to feel relaxed and be able to settle into sleep easily.
So will you be out this morning, to beat the summers heat ☀️ & help your body prepare for a great nights sleep??


Are your kids wired at bedtime 🤪.
Some days are LONG which mat have you (understandably so) jumping the gun on bedtime. I understand, with school out for the summer, there have been some days where I am counting down the minutes until bedtime. Until I can sit quietly with a glass of wine and spend a few uninterrupted minutes focusing on work.
So I get it mama. But we also want to ensure that have the right timing of bedtime so that your littles are able to drift off to sleep easily without a big battle, or multiple curtain calls before they are finally asleep.
So here are a few things you can do to ensure a smooth bedtime:
1️⃣ FRESH AIR/EXERCISE - get outside in the afternoon for 45-60 minutes (or longer) of exercise or vigorous play. Let them expel some of that energy now, so that when bedtime comes around their needs to move and play have been met.
2️⃣ TIMING - check the following age appropriate bedtimes to ensure your kiddos are going to bed at the right time:
Newborn-2 Months: 8:00-9:00 pm.
3-6 Months: 7:00-8:00 pm.
7-12 Months: 6:30-7:30 pm.
1 Year - Adolescences: 7:00-8:00 pm.
3️⃣ SLEEP ENVIRONMENT - with the sun hanging longer in the sky these days, it is very important to ensure your child’s sleep environment in DARK 🌌. This will help their bodies and brain make the transition into sleep much more smoothly.
4️⃣ ROUTINE - having a set bedtime routine with a few key steps that unfold in the same way every night will help your child know exactly what to expect at bedtime and will help them more smoothly transition from day to night.
Have you been guilty of putting your kids to bed too early so that you can enjoy just a wee bit of peaceful kid free silence?? 🤪🙋🏼‍♀️😘
You are not alone.


{S E T T L I N G}
As children learn to fall asleep independently, they start to develop their own unique internal strategies that allow them to find sleep all on their own easily for every nap, bedtime, as well as when they wake in the night. We all wake or have partial arousals 3-6 times in the night. When a child has the skills to fall asleep all on their own initially, when they have these very natural partial arousals in the night, they can easily settle themselves back into sleep.

However, on the other hand, if a child is reliant on an external factor whether it be rocking, feeding, a parent laying with them, or a soother, when they wake in the night and that external factor is no longer there, they will cry out and once again need that same assistance in order to settle back into sleep. This creates fragmented sleep for both child and parent. It only takes a few nights of poor quality, broken sleep for the effects to take hold.
So imagine instead, holding the supported space for your child to learn and develop without fixing or interrupting their process. It’s pretty magical to watch a child find and master their own internal strategies.
Each child’s journey is truly unique. However there are some common strategies that come about while learning how to fall asleep independently.
▪️Some children will suck their thumb,hand,or fingers.
▪️Others will find a rhythmic motion soothing- rolling their head back and forth, rhythmic kicking, or arm movement.
▪️Older kiddos will often snuggle a lovey or blanket.
▪️Some will sing, talk, or even cry.
▪️And some just need to find that perfect comfy spot.
What is your child’s strategy for finding sleep? Is it one of the ones listed above or do they have a completely different unique strategy all together?


July Sleep Chat is coming up Tuesday July 6th afternoon.

Looking forward to re-connecting with all of you then and talking all things - SLEEP.


Older children need great sleep too 😴.
We spend the first few years of our littles lives so focused in on their naps, bedtimes, and night sleep. We do our best to get them the quality and quantity of sleep that they need to grow and thrive, because, well they’re little and need a lot of sleep.
As children become older, are no longer napping, start partaking in before & after school activities, have sleep overs, etc. It’s easy to forget that they too have high sleep needs.
They still need a regular bedtime and a solid 9-13 hours of sleep.
Here are some ways to help improve your child’s sleep:
💤 Help support them in learning how to fall asleep on their own.
💡 Start dimming the lights low in the early evening, 1-2 hours before sleep onset.
🛏 Have a regular bedtime between 7-8 pm.
😴 Have a predictable bedtime ritual/routine.
☕️ Avoid any caffeinated beverages.
📱 NO screen time 1-2 hours before bed.
Children who regularly get an adequate amount of good quality sleep have improved focus, attention, behaviour, learning, memory, and overall physical and mental health.
Tell me in the comments below how your older kiddos sleeping?
😃 Great
🙂 Okay
🥴 Help me


How much sleep 😴??
I get asked this all the time from parents, “how much sleep does my little one need” and while each child’s sleep needs will be unique to them, these are the recommended daily sleep needs for each age category for optimal healthy sleep.
Take a peek at the last category. You too mama need a solid 7+ hours of consolidated sleep each day.
Are you getting that? Or you close? Is it pieced together in small chunks? I wanna hear about it mama - are YOU getting enough sleep?


Much in the way that your little one will learn to:
roll—before they—sit,
crawl—before they—walk,
babble—before they—talk,
they will also learn to sleep well at night 🌙 —before they—sleep well during the day ☀️.
The drive to sleep is higher at night and we have the natural darkness of the night on our side to help produce and release the sleepy hormone - melatonin.
So if your little one is 0-3/4 months of age, here is what I want you to do:
1️⃣ Set up and establish consistent cues for your little one through a bedtime routine. This should be a few simple steps that unfold in the same order each night before sleep. It should be around 20-30 minutes in length and include a feeding.
2️⃣ Work on night sleep first. Start with working on having your little one go down for bedtime without any external help. This will build the foundation for internal sleep strategies down the line.
3️⃣ Once night sleep has been mastered then you can start working on the first nap of the day......then the second nap..... and so on. But for now sweet mama - it’s ok if naps are assisted. Your little one can be snuggled to sleep, rocked to sleep, sleep in a carrier (when done safely). Be sure to give yourself grace here, enjoy and soak up those snuggles - it won’t always be this way.
Are you in the midst of it? Those early sleepless months of eat 🍼 🤱, sleep 😴, p**p 💩, repeat?


Crib climbing
We have all got that mom friend who’s child is a skilled climber. Or maybe that skilled climber is your own little one. While their independence and tenacity is inspiring, when it comes to climbing out of their crib it is exhausting and down right frustrating.
Many parents that are face with a child who continually climbs out of their crib and makes curtain calls after bedtime and throughout the night instinctively transition them to a “big bed”. While I don’t recommend this until your child is 2.5 years or older (closer to 3 years old is better), if they are at risk of hurting themselves, and a bed would be safer, then of course making the transition is the right thing to do.
If your little one is not in any danger of hurting themselves and they are not yet 2.5 years old (or older) then here are some helpful tips to keep your little one from escaping in the night.
1. Drop the mattress to the lowest possible setting.
2. If your child’s crib has a low and high side, turn it around so that the low side is against the wall and the high side out.
3. A sleep sack also helps to keep your little one from swinging their legs up and over the crib. You may even be able to size down so that there is even less leg movement.
4. You can now find jammies that have a panel sewn between the legs, so that your child still has free movement but is less easily able to swing their legs up and over the crib side.
5. Remove any loose items in their crib. Remember that a bare sleep space is best. A pillow, big stuffed animals, blankets, bumpers, etc. can all me used as leverage to help your little one get up and over their crib sides.
6. Always help your child in and out of their crib, rather than allow them to climb in on their own.
Was (is) your little one a crib escape artist? What tricks and strategies have curbed them from climbing and helped maintain your little one’s crib use?


Hello sweet Friends 💗
I’m Lisa, founder of Sweet Lullaby, Certified Infant and Child Sleep Consultant, wife, and mom of ✌🏼. I have the pleasure of educating, guiding, and supporting families to great sleep, for their littles and the entire family.
Over the years I have been able to get to know y’all. Whether it’s through working one on one, your questions during our ask me anything Thursday’s, or within your comments you share. Thank you for being here and I look forward to continually getting to know y’all better.
Here are a few things about me that you might not know:
1️⃣ I am a Leo. Creative, passionate, generous, stubborn, and inflexible - that about sums it up (my hubby might agree with the last two most 😂)
2️⃣ If I had a superpower 🦸‍♀️, I think it would be understanding. I have always been open to others differing opinions, thoughts, and life choices. I can easily put myself in other peoples shoes to feel and understand what they might be going through all while staying true to my own inner voice.
3️⃣ I like to work hard, but this year has also taught, showed me how to slow down and rest too. Something I have never done very easily.
4️⃣ I come from a BIG family and always dreamed we would have lots of kids. But after Bailey was born our family of four just felt so right. I know in my heart there is space and love to “raise” more children, be it friends of our kids, nieces or nephews, or perhaps a child who needs a safe home and people to love up on them.
Well y’all those are just a few pieces of me.
Thanks for hanging out here with me and allowing me to share with you all the amazing, intricate, and complex things about sleep.
If you are new around here - WELCOME - please don’t be afraid to say hello sometime.
There will always be a place for you here, exactly as you are 💗.


{N O M O R E N A P}
The most common age for a child to stop napping is between 2.5 - 3.5 years old. Most children will have given up their nap by age 4.
It’s a tough transition even when children are ready for it. A few things to remember along the journey:
🔅It takes time for their body clocks to adjust (6-8 weeks).
🔅Offer quiet time in place of the nap. This will look different for every family. Whether you choose quiet alone time for your child or simply quiet play together. This down time midday will help your little one more easily make it until bedtime.
🔅Support this big change with a nice EARLY BEDTIME. Their little bodies are going to need it. Early bedtime should be offered for at least 6 weeks and depending on how your child is adjusting, potentially longer.
🔅Once it’s time to drop the nap, just go for it rather than offering a nap some days and working towards dropping it others. This will help your child’s body clock adjust to their new rhythm more swiftly.
🔅Patients. Persistence. Understanding. & Grace. Are all going to be needed to help support your child adjust to life with no nap.
At what age did your little one give up their nap?
Were they ready.......were YOU ready? That nap time is so therapeutic for us parents, it’s hard to give up!


Our Monthly FREE sleep chat is tomorrow, Tuesday June 1st!!!

Be sure to join our Sweet Lullaby Sleep Q&A facebook group to be able to participate.

Ill be in the group answering as many of your questions as I can Tuesday evening between 7:30-8:30 PM (PDT).

Looking forward to connecting and hearing from you then.

Xx, Lisa


{Sleep 💤 Cycles)
We spend each and every night moving through many cycles of sleep made up of non-REM sleep and REM sleep. As adults, each cycle is 90-110 minutes, but in infancy this cycle is shorter - roughly 45-60 minutes. This will lengthen in time and will typically be closer to the length of an adult sleep cycle by the time your child is in school.
So let me take you on a journey through what is going on during each sleep cycle:
AWAKE - it is considered normal for sleep onset to take anywhere from 5-20 minutes.
ENTERING SLEEP - when babies are first born they enter sleep differently than they do in early infancy. Newborns enter into sleep through REM sleep (active dream-like sleep) and spend 50% of their sleep in this state, the remaining time is mostly spent in deep (quiet) sleep. This is where you have likely experienced you baby peacefully settling into sleep in the midst of the chaos of life, in a busy restaurant, or in a household of guests. And most of you will have also experienced the shift in your little one’s sleep when their sleep biology changes from moving through two stages of sleep to four when they are around the 4 month mark.
This is when babies will start to enter sleep like we do as adults - through non-REM Sleep.
STAGE 1 (NON-REM SLEEP) - Light Sleep, that occurs at the sleep-wake transition. Spending 30 seconds - 5 minutes in this stage. This is the stage your littles have entered already if they have become sleepy or drowsy before they’re put down for sleep.
STAGE 2 (NON-REM SLEEP) - true sleep, this stage lasts anywhere from 5-25 minutes.
STAGE 3 &4 (NON-REM SLEEP) - deep sleep. This is the stage of sleep that is the hardest to rouse from.
REM SLEEP - dream sleep. What always amazes me is that in this state of dreaming our bodies have he absence of skeletal muscle tone. Meaning we are unable to act out our dreams - cool right.
As we move through the night one sleep cycle after the next, we progressively spend more time in the lighter stages of sleep. This is why many kiddos struggle with early morning wake ups, even the smallest sound or change in light has the ability to interrupt their sleep cycle.


Setting the optimal environment for sleep 💤
Setting up and decorating your baby’s nursery is one of the highlights during pregnancy. To be able to cultivate a space what is warm, loving, and just the right style for your new babe is something most moms enjoy.
While you are picking colour pallets, themes and decor keep in mind these few simple suggestions to help ensure the beautiful space you’ve created is also one that is sleep inducing 😉:
1| THE DARKER THE BETTER - your baby will not be afraid of the dark, in fact the darkness will more likely be comforting to them rather than the big bright world they have entered. Melatonin aka “the sleepy hormone”, “vampire hormone”, is produced in the dark. Even the slightest light exposure sends a signal to the brain telling it we should be awake, which then suppresses the release of melatonin - which helps our bodies feel sleepy and settle into sleep.
2| KEEP IT SIMPLE - when it comes to the actual space your baby will be sleeping in, whether it is a crib, pack and play, or bassinet keep in mind the principal of - bare is best. There is no need for mobiles, blankets, stuffed toys or pillows, cushions, or positioners of any kind.⠀
A firm mattress, tight fitted sheet and your sweet little babe in a sleep sack is all that is needed.
3| KEEP IT COOL - we all sleep better in a cooler environment. The optimal temperature for your little one’s room is between 20-21 degrees.
I would love to see some of your beautiful nursery set ups! If you’re willing, share an image in the comments below. You may just spark inspiration for another mama who is feeling stuck.
Cant wait to see 🤗

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