Dealing with a head lice infestation? GOT LICE offers professional head lice treatment right at your door!

We are here to help with 100% natural products, support, education and an exceptional service experience with guaranteed results!✨


Head lice typically live for about 30 days on a human host.

During this time, female lice can lay up to 6 -8 eggs per day, leading to a rapid infestation if left untreated.

The eggs, or nits, usually take about 7-10 days to hatch and then another 7-10 days for the newly hatched lice to reach maturity and begin reproducing.

This short life cycle and the ability to lay multiple eggs daily make head lice a persistent problem that requires thorough and diligent treatment to completely eradicate them from the infested individual and their environment.

Regular combing and monitoring are essential for effectively managing head lice infestations.


Products containing essential oils such as neem, lavender, tea-tree, and peppermint oil are effective for treating head lice infestations.

These oils can help facilitate the removal of lice and nits, making the process easier and more effective.

Additionally, they can act as a repellent, helping to deter re-infestation.

When choosing products for head lice treatment, look for those that contain these essential oils to ensure a comprehensive and natural approach to addressing the issue.

Always follow the instructions provided by the product for best results.


Absolutely pumped to tackle this!

Dealing with head lice may seem overwhelming, but fear not!

With the right guidance and a positive attitude, you can tackle this issue head-on.

There are numerous effective treatment options available, it's all about finding the best approach for you and your family.

Remember, you're not alone in this battle.

Reach out for support and assistance when needed.

You've got this! With a little perseverance, you can successfully get rid of those pesky critters and enjoy a lice-free future.


🌟 Did you know?

Keeping hair in a bun or braid can help limit the spread of head lice!

By minimizing contact with others' hair, you can reduce the chances of picking up these unwanted visitors.

Stay proactive in preventing head lice infestations!
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No, pets cannot get head lice.

Head lice are a specific species of lice (Pediculus humanus capitis) that only infest humans.

They cannot survive on animals or pets.

Lice are highly adapted to the specific hair and blood of humans, and they are unable to feed on or live in the fur or blood of animals.

Additionally, lice have evolved to attach their eggs to human hair shafts, and they are not able to lay eggs on the fur or skin of animals.

Therefore, pets are not at risk of getting head lice from humans or from other animals.
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Worried about head lice?

Don't panic! Remember to regularly check your child's hair for lice and nits.

Prevention and early detection are key in keeping these pesky little bugs at bay!
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Head lice are typically treated with over-the-counter shampoos, creams, or lotions that are applied directly to the scalp and hair.

These over-the-counter treatments can often be effective but don't work in all cases.

Head lice worldwide have developed resistance to insecticides, these genetic mutations make them resistant to these products and the treatments are becoming ineffective.

The most effective way to treat head lice is to carefully and thoroughly comb through the hair with a fine-toothed comb to remove any lice and nits.

In addition to doing a thorough comb out, it is a good idea to use products containing natural essential oils such as tea tree, peppermint and lavender that will act as a repellent and can help facilitate the removal of the lice and nits.

If you have questions about head lice treatment do not hesitate to give us a shout!
902 329 5423


No, head lice cannot jump or fly.

They are wingless insects that move by crawling.

Head lice are typically spread through direct head-to-head contact with an infested person.

This can occur during activities such as playing, hugging, or taking selfies.

However, it's important to note that head lice do not spread disease.

They are simply a nuisance and can cause itching and discomfort.

To prevent the spread of head lice, it's important to do regular head checks.
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Head lice typically live for about 30 days on a human host.

During this time, female lice can lay up to 6-8 eggs per day, leading to a rapid infestation if left untreated.

The eggs, or nits, usually take about 7-10 days to hatch and then another 7-10 days for the newly hatched lice to reach maturity and begin reproducing.

This short life cycle and the ability to lay multiple eggs daily make head lice a persistent problem that requires thorough and diligent treatment to completely eradicate from the infested individual and their environment.

Regular combing and monitoring are essential for effectively managing head lice infestations.
902 329 5423

Got Lice, head lice treatments, head checks, lice treatment products | Lice clinic near me 26/04/2024

So, I just spent the day doing head lice checks.

It's like a real-life game of Where's Waldo, except instead of a striped shirt, I'm looking for creepy crawlies.

And let me tell you, I've seen it all.

From the classic head-scratching to the full-on hair safari, I've become a pro at spotting those sneaky little critters.

So, if you ever need a head lice check, I'm your guy.
902 329 5423

Got Lice, head lice treatments, head checks, lice treatment products | Lice clinic near me Got Lice Is Your Ultimate Destination For Professional Head Lice Treatments And Head Checks. Our Team Is Dedicated To Providing You With An Exceptional Service That Guarantees Effective Results!


The symptoms of head lice typically include itchiness of the scalp, as well as a feeling of something moving in the hair.

You may also notice small red bumps on the scalp, neck, and shoulders, as well as tiny white or yellow eggs (nits) attached to the hair shafts.

Lice can cause irritability and difficulty sleeping, as well as sores from scratching.

In some cases, you may also see adult lice crawling on the scalp.

It's important to seek treatment promptly to prevent the spread of lice to others and to alleviate discomfort.

GOT LICE is here to help!
902 329 5423

Got Lice, head lice treatments, head checks, lice treatment products | Lice clinic near me 23/04/2024

🌿 Say goodbye to lice the natural way with Got Lice!

Our all-natural treatment is safe for the whole family 🌸

Got Lice, head lice treatments, head checks, lice treatment products | Lice clinic near me Got Lice Is Your Ultimate Destination For Professional Head Lice Treatments And Head Checks. Our Team Is Dedicated To Providing You With An Exceptional Service That Guarantees Effective Results!


Well, friends, getting head lice is like winning the worst lottery ever 🤦‍♀️

These pesky little critters love to party in your hair.

Transferring from one head to another like they're on a mission 🐜 It's like a tiny insect rave right on your scalp!

So, watch out for those close head-to-head encounters and maybe invest in a stylish lice-proof helmet just in case 😉 🎉

If the helmet doesn't work.

Our line of all natural products sure does!


Are you scratching your head and feeling a little buggy?

Don't worry, you're not alone!

At Got Lice, we specialize in identifying and treating those pesky head lice so you can go back to living your best, itch-free life.

Leave it to the pros and say goodbye to those creepy crawlies!

See comments for more information.⬇👀


Hey there, friends!

Are you tired of dealing with pesky head lice?

Our professional team is available to provide information and solutions to help you and your family get rid of those annoying pests.

Don't hesitate to give us a shout!

GOT LICE 17/04/2024

You can also follow on Instagram to see more.



Ah, head lice.

Those pesky little buggers that love to throw a party in your hair without an invite!

🎉 These tiny creatures are like the ultimate freeloaders, setting up camp on your scalp and refusing to leave.

They're basically the uninvited house guests of the insect world.

GOT LICE is here to help!


Head lice spread most often through direct head-to-head contact but avoiding sharing personal items such as combs, brushes, and hats is important.

It's also recommended to use a repellent oil or spray in the hair.
Lavender, peppermint, and tea tree oil are all excellent to use in the hair as a repellent. (For children under 3, use olive oil or coconut oil).

If you or someone you know does contract head lice, it's important to take swift action to prevent the infestation from spreading to others. Keeping the hair tied up in a braid or bun when possible will help stop the spread of head lice.

With a little bit of effort and diligence, you can keep head lice at bay and minimize the risk of an infestation.


While there are several treatment options available, using a lice comb is considered one of the most effective ways to get rid of lice and nits.

A good quality lice comb is designed to remove both the adult lice and their eggs (nits) from the hair shafts.

When using a lice comb, it is important to be patient and thorough in your approach.

You should start by dividing the hair into small sections and combing each section carefully, from root to tip.

It is also important to clean the comb after each pass to ensure that you are not simply re-infesting the hair. With a little practice and patience, you can use a lice comb to effectively remove lice and nits and restore your hair to its lice-free state.


Head lice infestation, the gift that keeps on itching!

GOT LICE is a small family owned and operated business here to help people with a head lice infestation.

We know how exhausting and overwhelming it can be to deal with head lice.

That's why we are here to provide support, education and experience to guarantee effective results!✨
