Karmic Creations YEG

Karmic Creations YEG

Small town home run business focusing on handcrafted product lines for urban & rural lifestyles alik

Greetings Fellow Wanderer

My goal is to spread a bit of light, luck & love to the world around me through my work -- from me & mine -- to you & yours!

I have had a long time dream of owning & running my own business (I was pretty hung up on the Food Truck vision for quite some time & I also considered Event Planning as it plays to many of my strengths although I ultimately decided the market was oversaturated already and gave up on that dream) but I wasn’t actually spurred to action until we won full custody of my two step-children... Because they are both in the younger years of Elementary I knew that I needed to try my best to figure out something that would be very flexible so as to accomodate the kid’s schedules and routines. I had been talking to some friends & family about my hesitant yet pressing thoughts about trying to start my own small home-based business & I finally decided to give it a go. Christmas was coming up which meant there would be lots of Christmas Craft Markets to check out. I booked a handful of tables & got to crafting -- & I turned a profit at every single event I booked! This was the sign I needed that I was on the right path. I teamed up with my best friend of twenty years Mo to help support & promote eachother’s businesses. She is a service-based business whereas I do physical products so I was able to volunteer my products to fill her online store & I frequently give out gift certificates for free readings from her through her business MoMeanings to give her exposure. It has been slow going because I am a full-time mom to two little people and they are my highest priority -- but business has been good enough to do a line expansion on my Simply Sage line -- with another planned for the end of the summer of 2020.

In my short time I have already developed multiple branded product lines which include the Simply Sage line which is an assortment of sage infused bath products (spray, lotion, massage oil, bubble bath, bath salts, bath bombs etc). There is also Divine Dreamcatchers -- which are handcrafted double hoop dreamcatchers in an assortment of colours (red, plum, black, brown, tan & beige). The last is still a work in progress although I have had the most problems with my Wild Witchery line -- I am still working on a way to be able to carry decks if possible as well as manafacture my own set of runes to sell but I just can’t seem to get it just perfect! However I have developed other products and items to feature in the meantime (witches bells, stickers, patches, hairclips, jewelry etc). It’s still early days & I am working on maintaining stock & inventory as I do my best to learn how to run my little business.

Things that I did to try & better myself have ended up helping me immensely -- such as my study of & completion of Reiki & it’s various levels -- many items focus on the Chakras & I recently have started product development to produce orgone pyramids... Many of the things I sell I use and wear myself in day to day life because it wouldn’t make much sense if I was trying to sell things I was against personally or morally... This is why I worked so hard to build a business brand that I am proud of & that represents me! Everything is handcrafted or curated by myself & I have spent a considerable amount of time and energy to ensure that my small business is eco-friendly and conscious -- this means spending more on my containers to ensure that they are recyclable & that my paper is all recycled kraft paper -- & I do my best to book as often as I can at local events & fundraisers.