Sabine Ehgoetz - Mind Body Creations

Sabine Ehgoetz - Mind Body Creations

If you can hold it in you head, you can hold it in your hand. Reality is about creating it - health, happiness, freedom, and wealth.


Back to feeling myself.
Your gut health directly affects your serotonin and can make you feel depressed, sluggish and lethargic.
So does looking 8 months pregnant every day when you are not, and fighting the usual IBS related symptoms that just have you feeling gross. 💩🚽💨
Add skin related issues because your diet being off can cause nasty breakouts on top of it.

I truly believe your gut is your second brain - take care of it as much as you take care of your mental health - hopefully!

Your fitness journey isn’t just your workouts, it’s not even just your diet - it’s a holistic approach to everything working in sync and constant aligning and realigning.

Photos from Sabine Ehgoetz - Mind Body Creations's post 01/10/2024

Flow state vs Flight state

Our minds are powerful beyond measure and whatever happens on the inside, manifests in the outside. It goes both ways, our minds are our biggest driver for progress and for setbacks.

Over the past two weeks, I went from flow state to flight state. Handling stress, worry, uncertain situations and having to operate at high performance levels - my natural “putting out fires”mechanism kicked in. It’s that high resilience, high control, strong masculine energy part in me that can handle any crisis. It’s the armour I wear so well, the “no one is coming to save you”, “don’t rely on anything but your own strength” that simply makes me push through, handle, overcome any situation. I have been feeling alone and isolated, not wanting to let anyone take energy from me. It’s also the state where I don’t operate from faith, where I don’t even rely on God, where I try to control the direction of my life, instead of intentionally moving where God guides me, where I ask God for the life I want rather than giving my life to God and trusting in his plan. It’s, in short, a trauma response, coming from years of fighting for myself, by myself.

Yesterday, while I was praying, God got me present to this. You may not get it if you aren’t Christian and that’s ok. When you are fully present to Jesus’ sacrifice for you, to the gift of his death for your sin and your eternal life - you simply stop asking for what you want and instead ask how can I serve you better? It’s something I can so easily forget when obstacles show up!

As a result, I opened up, I became vulnerable, I shared with others, I cried, I gave up control, I surrendered and I put gratitude in the place of frustration, doubt and annoyance.

Today I’m already feeling a million times better. My gut has been off the past week and surely I ate something my tummy couldn’t handle - but it was also the same foods my tummy has been handling fine for weeks!

Swipe to see the difference on the outside, with NO external factors changing, when you go from flow to flight, from faith to control and from letting go to holding on.

Photos from Sabine Ehgoetz - Mind Body Creations's post 23/09/2024

Find yourself a man who looks at you like mine looks at me while I inspected my photo shoot glam! ❤️ 🥹That was such a cute find when I went through my footage from yesterday’s shoot!

This was such a unique and incredible experience, shooting something Chris and I are super passionate about and that he’s slowly turning into a business as well (***riart ). Shooting with who has gone and turned sh***ri into an experiantial shoot concept people can book, and doing some promo work for it - he’s definitely one to push boundaries and do incredibly skilled photography outside the norm. I’ll be honest - I’m over the next fitness shoot flexing it with a barbell, I want to create art, surprise, excite, maybe even raise eyebrows and polarize with the shoots I do. I’m not one to follow trends, I love setting new ones and doing what hasn’t been done a million times.

Yesterday’s shoot was all of that and more - physically extremely challenging, a bit scary and exhilarating all at once. We grow when we reach outside our comfort zones and this is definitely pushing me there - doing it, but also posting it for the world to see.

Y’all curious yet? Pics coming soon, and it’ll take me some courage to officially post them… 😅 (swipe for a sneak peak off of Josh’s cam and look out for a story post teaser later today)

The glam was one for the books - really hope I get to work with again soon for H&MU - one of my favourite photoshoot looks to date! ❤️💄


POV: Assessing your own posing errors is a constant part of the game. I’m great at seeing them, I’m not so great at executing. But newsflash: you get scored “up” on your errors and flaws, so it’s better to get on top of as many as possible.

Both front poses have errors: I have a wide core and have been dealing with some digestive issues this week so while I’m posed better to the front over all on the left, me core is twisted too much, making it look bulky and wider.
On the right, I tried to keep my navel pointed straight forward to make my core look smaller, but I don’t have enough flexibility after a week of less mobility work, to point my upper more frontal, giving this a rather unbalanced look and less of an x-shape. My hand is also almost covering my glute - not a good idea!

My front shoulder is another issue, it’s sitting too far forward on both, making my upper look too wide in relation to my lower. On the right, my arm position is just awkward and doesn’t look relaxed and natural.

Ultimately, neither pose is ideal, I wished I had twisted my upper a tad more to the front on the right and I would have been happy with it - but after doing around for a good 45 min, I simply ran out of time.

We aren’t taking all these pics for vanity and sh*ts n giggles, it’s actually even for ourselves the best way to assess what needs to be improved. 🤷‍♀️

Photos from Sabine Ehgoetz - Mind Body Creations's post 15/09/2024

Happy 3-months coachaversary, - small, barely noticeable improvements we have made so far, but thank God we have a lot of time 😆

Seriously, it’s been a bit of a 12-week landslide, given the history:

Since 2019 I have been committed to building a pro-level physique, genetics and age aside (ya girl turns 50 in March 😬). I have worked with some of the most reputable coaches in the industry. I can count on two hands the training or cardio sessions missed due to sickness, injury or travel. I have been on meal plans pretty much for 2 years straight and haven’t deviated much from them. I have been patiently and consistently putting in the work, day after day, week after week. I have tried pretty much every PED recommended for bikini athletes cause these legs are loooooong and it takes a lot to match glute size to that length and build hams to match. I have a naturally wide core and plenty gut issues, so I also have consistently been doing my morning hypopressives and vacuums since 2019 with barely a day missed.

All this being said and considered, I have never felt closer and been more hopeful that I will be able to build this level of physique (getting that card is a world different from that btw, you still have to be better than anyone else up there with their pro-level physique, and that often does come down to genetics, so I’m not hung up on it, its just a dream and a goal to pursue).

These 12-weeks of changes just on food alone are remarkable to me - because I know my body, I know my dietary challenges and I know my usual growth rate, even on steroids. We didn’t do anything different training wise, no magic tricks - somehow the man just managed to solve my gut issues in under 3 months (the same ones I paid a fortune to various naturopaths and gut specialists to solve for the past 30 years, all money wasted 😳) and feed me a LOT of food without my IBS flaring up.

We have ways to go, of course, and I’m not coming back until I feel I have earned that national stage, but I’m also beyond excited to see how this will look by the time we even just start prep!

Photos from Sabine Ehgoetz - Mind Body Creations's post 14/09/2024

Toxic trait: I’m way too excitable and overshare. But, this off-season is fire, as my gen Z kid would say. Song choice: tribute to his favourite artist.


Sounding like a broken record over here, but I cannot say it enough:
I have never loved my sport more - eating a ton, lifting heavy, growing in the right places without the use of drugs, and feeling the healthiest I have ever felt in my competitor years.

If you told me 6 months ago I’d be eating 330 carbs, including a ton of sweet potatoes, green vegetables and berries, all things I couldn’t even touch before without triggering my IBS, I would have not believed it.

I also sound like a broken record when I say thank you, - I always knew you were one of the good ones out there, but I didn’t expect you would completely change the course of things for me, in less than 3 months. I don’t even know how, and “grateful” doesn’t quite cut it!

I tried to force this for so long, fighting my food intolerances, my genetics, stressing over my progress, worrying it’ll never be “enough”. For the first time ever I honestly no longer give a f**k if I ever earn that card - sure it would be amazing - but for the first time ever I’m just excited to progress, give it my all every day, and devote myself to the process without worrying about the outcome.

This is “flow state”, this is following my intuition and trusting in the journey, in God’s plan, living my passion and my best life.

Photos from Sabine Ehgoetz - Mind Body Creations's post 05/09/2024

Let’s talk about it! Should clothing companies not edit/photoshop their product images and adverting to keep it real or in this case, it’s expected and also effective?
I had commented on post yesterday calling out for doing that. Let me preface with stating I love what the man does and do not care to get in his bad books 😅 - calling out influencer who sell their programs or diets with completely fake bodies, which causes a lot of false expectations.

In the commercial world though, we’d have to call out every single clothing brand from SHEIN to Louis Vuitton. Do we really want to see the raw unedited pic though? Would anyone buy a Big Mac if we saw it on a billboard in its original form, sadly slapped into that box? Do I expect any skincare company to make my skin look as flawless as on their over-airbrushed models? Not really. We have all ordered from SHEIN and I think we hardly expect these clothes to look anything like on the app - they distort their entire models! But typically we know that and even make funny memes about it.
The question for me is: is it false advertising or does the product deliver on its promises? In bombshell’s case (I do not get any perks from saying this), I feel they do! Sure it’s a lot pricier than SHEIN, but I have honestly found no other brand that fits like their clothes. Their customer support is solid - I once broke a clasp on leggings 6 months after wearing them and asked if I could buy a clasp - they sent me a new pair of pants! Sure it’s not all raw and “real”, and maybe the tricky part here is that their models are also athletes and influencers… but do I NEED to see Lauralie also got some cellulite? Honestly, I don’t even like to look at my own, and when I go clothes shopping (or choose the next yummy burger to eat - not McD brrrr), I kinda like to look at something that’s aesthetic. Maybe it’s just me - I know there is a level of illusion, and I’m ok with it. How about you?

Here are some BS products and the “raw” (hopefully Goob approved 😬) on me. I also included a piece from SHEIN - app, edited photo shoot & raw on me, like prolly no one cares to see it 😂 which pic would make you buy?


What waist tho?
When you are less concerned about how lean you are and more concerned with your gut health …. miracles just happen.
May just f**k around, eat a ton and look like 10 weeks out. 🤷‍♀️

Photos from Sabine Ehgoetz - Mind Body Creations's post 31/08/2024

This is such a great example of what is possible in less than a year when you truly commit to the process and stay consistent. When you trust your coach and the journey even when food goes up.

This client started with my back in October last year when she came to me because she “just couldn’t lose weight.” (Left pic)

We did an initial cut/recomp phase that ended in April, building lean muscle while losing fat, resulting in a close to 30lbs fat loss.

We then started a build phase and boosting her metaboliam that had her nervous at first with food increasing to close to 2000 cals. She trusted and followed through, weight going up only by a few lbs. Even at the end of this build phase now (right pic), her physique is leaner with a fuller muscle body, and we have made great improvements towards the shape she wants. Her dream is to step on stage as a competitor - so we have equally been working on a healthy relationship with food, a healthy body image and increased mental strength and stress management - important aspects in any fitness journey, not just for competitors.

The absolute best part of my job: when a client looks at her transformation pics and says: “is this really me?!” and tells me she now really loves her shape.

Her growth in confidence and self love has been incredible to watch and she’s really an ideal client: always honest, coachable and committed to the journey and to her inner and outer growth.

We are now entering a mini-cut before she decides if she wants to compete coming year.

I’m one proud coach, and my clients inspire me just as much as I’m hoping to inspire them!


t’s a societal disease: people eying social influencers, setting false expectations and giving up in frustration when they can’t see how they’d ever look like them.
You won’t, unless you pay for a BBL, get surgery for those wild “hip dips” that are now trending or …you acquire some basic photoshop skills (I can teach you this in 5min max in a mobile app)

Nothing you see is real anymore - we make social media our news sources because we equally don’t trust news outlets anymore, we look for quick fixes and magical products to get us to results with the least amount of effort - and yes, swiping your credit card and getting surgery still requires less time and effort than a couple years of consistent proper nutrition and exercise, but I can tell you right now, in your mind it will never quite feel the same as if you worked for it.

I don’t blame you for being confused what’s real anymore - I feel the same with many things! But that’s where you need to rely on your own judgment and intelligence: you don’t see us fit people training hard and eating right 90% at the time when you can get better results waving 5lbs dumbbells by the pool wearing full makeup and with your hair maticulouslu done before slurping your daily sundowner cocktail. If it was easier, we’d do easier, trust me on this.



Off-season 👽waist - I take it! 🤷‍♀️

People be like: carbs make me fat, maybe I should do keto - proceed to put butter into their coffee and eat pizza made out of cauliflower but topped with a block of cheese and half a pig worth of bacon.

Meanwhile me over here eating daily:
120 g COR
200 g sweet potato
A bunch of sourdough bread
Heaps of veggies and berries
A frequent pre-glute 🤷‍♀️

I always believed in the power of carbs when it comes to energy and building lean muscle/filling glycogen levels.
For the longest I just had a hard time digesting them without bloating like crazy.
Thank you for fixing that!


Can we have a moment here for this deepest off-season physique made by in this stunning pink velvet posing suit made by .bikinis 👙
Not my check-in day but was too excited to take this stunner for a spin.

Photos from Sabine Ehgoetz - Mind Body Creations's post 15/08/2024

𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐲 𝐚𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐢𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞!💫

My own transformation began through a bit of a heart break. I had always wanted a third child, but I was over 40 and had no one to have a baby with. So I said: so be it. I decided to get a dog, and into the best shape of my life. I took it way further and became a competitive athlete. And I created my business Mind Body Creations - as a firm believer that the body follows the mind, that we are only as powerful as we dare to dream, that fitness and mindset coaching have to go hand-in-hand in order to truly let go of limiting beliefs, develop new confidence and a new sense of self worth and abandon unhealthy habits and self sabotaging.

By now I have helped women (and men) of all ages and backgrounds embrace their fitness and personal growth journeys, transforming and sculpting their bodies and learning the foundation of proper weight training and nutrition. I’m in awe of my incredible clients and their commitment to themselves!

One of my mottos: I want you to be able to fire me - because you no longer need me. Because you know what it takes, and you are happy and fulfilled doing what you need to do, in order to keep your new body FOREVER.

Paying it forward and helping others to be the most empowered, happiest and most confident version of yourself is the most purposeful thing I get to do in my life.

The most important lesson you learn: you alone have the power to create yourself and your body as anything you want it to be!

There is the CTA you have been waiting for lol: DM me if you are intrigued and want to learn more how this could be you next!

Photos from Sabine Ehgoetz - Mind Body Creations's post 11/08/2024

For the people in the back row: You 👏🏻 cannot 👏🏻 cardio or starve yourself 👏🏻 to your dream body! 👏🏻

That body you want is a result of building muscle, consistent, proper nutrition, it’s times of cutting and times of growing (although recomping does work quite well when you first start out). It is not endless cardio and living on the least amount of calories possible and it’s also not an unsustainable approach like cutting out an entire macronutrient (aka keto), intermittent fasting or any other fad out there.

You simply cannot shortcut yourself to the body you want and you can’t rely on short term, unsustainable changes if you want to look good forever.

My beautiful client here did not just drop 75lbs, she BUILT lean muscle mass at the same time through strategic growth-cut-cycles and therefore lost predominately fat. I don’t care how much weight you dropped how fast if you means you sacrificed muscle along the way!

This client is on her way to a killer body, with beautiful curves, high, rounded glutes, muscular, toned legs, an hourglass shape with a slim waist, but most of all she’s truly enjoying the process, lifting hard and at this point, eating a TON while her weight keeps dropping - a result of us boosting her metabolism.

Are you ready yet to do this right and truly transform your body and life to become the strongest, most confident and empowered version of yourself? Then send me a DM and let’s chat!


In order to make any progress, you have to be completely real with yourself and appreciate those that are completely real with you.

I remember two weeks out of the show on the left, I was complaining to a friend that my lower glute/tie-in wasn’t coming in. I’m not getting lean enough, this part of my glute sits so “deep”, I have scar tissue wrapped around it, and the best “I have genetically a round glute” 😂… I had ALL the reasons. That friend stated matter of factly: well, if they were developed enough, you’d see them regardless.

At only two weeks out, let me tell you, I was ticked…. for a good 30 min. Then I thought: damn she’s got a point.

Did that show and placed first out of no other reason it was a super small show, I didn’t tell myself I had looked great. Actually I was embarrassed over the lack of tie-in.

I got back to work. 7 months later I stepped on a national stage with a much more developed lower glute. I had paid attention how other parts of my glutes dominate when I train and been careful to do exercises isolating that part I needed to focus on. Mind you, I had an array of other issues to work on that became apparent at that show.

I’m deep off season and far from stage lean, likely 20lbs away. But even now I can see a hint of that lower glute. It could be much better and my glutes need to grow over all to match my shoulder width and look proportional to my long legs.

My point is: stop the sugar coating things for yourself, stop telling yourself stories your mind wants to hear, look at yourself with an objective eye and listen to the honest, objective people in your life - not just anyone, but those who are ahead of you. Today I’m endlessly grateful my friend had the courage to give it to me straight.

Photos from Sabine Ehgoetz - Mind Body Creations's post 04/08/2024

When darkness tries to swallow you, be light.
When the devil is calling you, reside in God.
When the world wants you to succumb to mediocrity and self doubt, elevate to your highest Self and remind yourself everything will be as you create it to be.

You are creation. You are divine. You were created in the image of God.

Photos from Sabine Ehgoetz - Mind Body Creations's post 27/07/2024

Same weight, very different looks. And 100% the best I have ever looked in the deepest of off seasons.

On the left:
Jan 2024, eating 1800 cals, 90 carbs, boatload of PEDs

eating 2500 cals, 270 carbs, off PEDs for 9 weeks
2 months with

feeding me well and somehow I am getting tighter while doing so. I love that for me.

Photos from Sabine Ehgoetz - Mind Body Creations's post 18/07/2024

“Why are my glutes growing so much slower than everyone else’s I see on Instagram? I need:
- a new program
- PEDs/ boatload of supplements
- a new coach”

No girlfriend, what you need is more time, a lil more consistency and a lil more patience. Best, enjoy the journey and don’t do it for an outcome or hope for a finish line. There ain’t none.

Left is 4.5 years into my body building journey. Right is 6.5 years in.
Oh, and neither are natural. 🤷‍♀️

One thing that hasn’t changed: forever in



The dream is free. The hustle is paid for.
The price: sacrifice, discipline, grit and delayed gratification.

Photos from Sabine Ehgoetz - Mind Body Creations's post 15/07/2024

When he’s your safe place, your wildest adventure and your own personal rom com, all in one person. 💕

When I asked God for the man in truly deserve, I knew I’d be tested in patience and asked to act in alignment with what and who I wanted to attract. High quality men don’t show up in a low vibration setting.

Cheesiest post I have made since roughly 2008, but I’m ok with letting the independent, tough chick brand message die for this one… and prolly lose a couple hundred followers😆❤️


As an athlete you never look at your strong parts. Sure you can be proud of your progress and what you have built.
But the eye needs to be on your weakness, always.

People think I’m doubting myself or have low self-esteem when I’m brutally honest with and razor focused on what’s not so great on my physique, but it’s the opposite - my focus is on what needs to be better in order to be competitive. I’m not here to f**k around, I’m here to progress and ultimately, to win. No, not second, not third - why else would I “compete”?!

What’s the me vs me bu****it? Sure it’s about progressing and getting better but you don’t need to step on a stage and get compared to others if that’s your only goal.

I know, not a popular opinion but I’m one to call a cow a cow - competing is about wanting to come out the best, and I’ll do anything in my power that I will. I can’t control who shows up, I don’t have the best genetics for bikini, but I can give it my all and at least at this level I hope to beat others with hard work, consistency, passion and determination.

This wasn’t even gonna be such a long post but here we are: my thick core has always been one of my “weaknesses” and this far out and likely about 20lbs above stage, I’m excited to see what’s been happening through absolute daily and absolutely boring vacuums (2x a day) and hypopressives, and living in my aero2 waist trainer 6-7 hrs a day as well as consequently training with my gym pro slim tum waist trainer to keep my errectors out of the game.

Working on improving gut health with - probably one of the biggest factors for coming in right. From experience I can say there is nothing more heart breaking than prepping like an idiot for 12 weeks only to get bloated on show day. That’s another thing: you don’t get judged “despite of” an unfortunate issue, a bad tan, poor skin condition, bloating, nervous posing errors, you simply get judged by what shows. 🤷‍♀️


To the girl I once was: you never deserved you were made to believe your are better the less you become. You never deserved to feel so much inner pain it manifested on the outside.

To the woman I am: I’m proud of you for having found the courage to face all your demons, pain and limiting beliefs in order to heal all the parts of you that doubted your worth.

To the woman I’m becoming: God didn’t give you the gift of this life for it to be easy. He gave it to you so you could grow, overcome, become and find a purpose that extends beyond your own life and to making a difference for others.


Thought for a good 15 minutes about an intelligent or even inspiring caption, nothing really came to mind other:
These are my glutes. I’m f**king proud of them.
Now get to work if you want to build some yourself.
Also: was a shoulder/arm day 🤷‍♀️

Mind Spirit Body

Physical transformation is impossible without a transformation of the mind - shifting from I can’t to I can and from what’s realistic to what’s possible. I’m on a mission to attract the women and men into my life who have a burning desire to create an extraordinary life - to live in an empowered state, in great health and physical fitness, in responsibility for their happiness and freedom, to live in abundance and wealth. I’m committed to support others in their inner and outer transformation, to servant leadership and to paving the path for those who chose to follow me on the journey.

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