Lesia Kohut, Soul Excavator

Lesia Kohut, Soul Excavator

Supporting clients through the mindful, compassionate, and loving work of digging through and unearth


Please join my friend Linda Mackie and me for the next "Who do you Think you Are?" Online Workshop happening this Thursday, March 10th, at 7pm Pacific: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/who-do-you-think-you-are-how-thoughts-beliefs-feelings-impact-our-life-registration-274439334437

An engaging, interactive opportunity to reframe your beliefs so you can stop feeling stuck, and start creating more time and energy to live the life you want to live and do the things you love to do!😍đŸ’Ș💃

Who do you Think you Are - How Thoughts, Beliefs & Feelings Impact our Life 05/03/2022

Life can be challenging enough at the best of times. Add on two years of mandates, polarization, perhaps loss of income, the inability to see sick and dying relatives, and more, and now, the escalation of war in Ukraine that has the whole world watching. Life can feel even more challenging these days.

Now is an amazing time to take a look at what we’re thinking and feeling. Why? Because what we think and feel impacts our life experience. Our thoughts and feelings are rooted—sometimes in super deep ways—in our beliefs.

If you’re finding yourself feeling stuck, or getting sucked into the drama of what’s going on in the world—through news, social media, family, and friends—I invite you to join my friend and me for another “Who do you Think you Are?” Online Workshop. This engaging, interactive live event is an amazing opportunity to come together and learn what thoughts, feelings, and beliefs are, where they come from, and how they impact our life experience.

There are 7 spots left. Register today: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/274439334437

What we focus on expands. So I ask you, what, thoughts, feelings, and beliefs are you choosing to focus on today?

Who do you Think you Are - How Thoughts, Beliefs & Feelings Impact our Life An interactive, engaging discussion to better understand how our thoughts, beliefs, and feelings impact our life experience.


Have you ever bought the *perfect* avocado?đŸ„‘

I have. Or at least I thought I had.

Its skin was smooth, dark, and the tip slightly soft to the touch. It even stood out from all the other avocados for some reason. Certified organic, perfectly ripe, and ready to eat!

In my mind’s eye, I could already taste the guacamole I was going to make—guacamole I could eat for days and in so many ways! Some garlic, a bit of cumin, some grey sea salt, and a splash of lime juice all blended up into a smooth, velvety, glorious spread! Delicious, nutritious, filled with fibre, healthy fat, and so much creamy goodness! My mouth was already watering, I was so excited!

I got home, put away my groceries, rinsed the avocado under some cold water, and patted it dry. I got out the rest of my ingredients and got my mise en place ready.đŸ„‘đŸ§„đŸ‹

I sliced the perfect avocado open, getting ready to be bedazzled by its cheery yet calming green flesh, ready to be scooped out gently, tenderly, and lovingly with a spoon, and joyfully combined with the other ingredients to make my epic guacamole. Oh, the anticipation!

But, instead of the beautiful, brilliant smooth avocado green I’d envisioned in my hungry mind’s eye, there lay in front of me two halves of avocado strewn with grey spots and brown string (what the heck is that stuff anyway. . . ?), making most of it inedible. No epic guacamole for days. Not even enough for some avocado toast, right now.đŸ˜«

Disappointment, frustration, even anger.

My first thought, “This avocado looked so perfect from the outside, and I was so looking forward to eating it! I don’t understand how it can be so different on the inside.”

My second thought, “This avocado cost me $4 and now it’s garbage! But I’m not going to let $4 go to waste, so I’m going to dig and scrape around the massive pit and those icky spots and strings, and salvage what I can. At least I’ll be able to get something out of it.”

My third thought, “What a rip-off! I’m never spending $4 on an avocado again because I’ll only be disappointed with what I get. All avocados are the same.”

Why am I telling you this story? Because those 3 thoughts are thoughts I hear on a regular basis. Not about avocados, however. I hear these thoughts about personal transformation programs and coaches that seemed perfect when purchased, but then didn’t live up to expectations or needs.

You are a smart, busy, professional woman, and you are so ready to finally put yourself first so that you can have more time and energy to do the things you want and love to do!

You’ve read self-help books, and signed up for workshops, challenges, and programs.

You’ve even spent money—chunks of money—on a coach or two.

You’ve realized time and again, however, that:

đŸ„‘ the books were interesting but didn’t really help
đŸ„‘ the workshops or challenges inspired you but weren’t enough to keep you motivated to keep doing the work

and, big bummer—the one lots of women have experienced—

đŸ„‘ you signed up to work with a coach, paying big money to do so, and then realized it wasn’t a good fit; there was no connection, you didn’t feel safe, you didn’t feel heard, and you felt like you wasted a bunch of money

So disappointing. So frustrating. So maddening!

I’ve been there myself. And believe me, the three thoughts I had about the perfect avocado, are all thoughts I’ve had about programs and coaches that just didn’t work out:

đŸ„‘ They looked perfect on the outside, but on the inside, were a frustrating disappointment; too much information, no connection, didn’t feel heard
đŸ„‘ I paid good money though, so I felt I had to at least try and get something out of the situation, even though I could feel in my gut it wasn’t a good fit
đŸ„‘ I felt I’d wasted my hard-earned money, was angry with myself for doing so, so decided to never hire a coach again; it just wasn’t worth it

Here’s the deal though. Just like not all avocados are the same, not all coaches are the same. And just like avocados, you can’t necessarily tell whether a coach will be the perfect fit for you until you give them a try (by hopping on a call, not by slicing them open). 😉

More importantly, just because you felt like the coach wasn’t the right fit, and may not have been worth it. . . *YOU* are *ALWAYS* worth it!😍

Perhaps it’s time to try another avocado.

Perhaps it’s time to give another coach a try.

If any of the above is something you can relate to I’d love to hear your story. I’m curious to know why things didn’t work out, and would love the opportunity to talk about what’s possible.

Post a comment below, DM me or book a *FREE 30-minute Soul Activation Session* today: https://www.lesiakohut.com/calendar!

I’d love to be your perfect avocado! Let’s connect and make some epic guacamole together!!

With Infinite Love & Gratitude,
Lesia â€đŸ„‘đŸ„°


“If you have the ability to love, love yourself first.” – Charles Bukowski

A couple of years ago, after some major life transitions, I discovered and crafted my WHY—that big, lofty purpose and passion for living that is now what consistently pushes me out of the safety and familiarity of my comfort zone, even when it feels terrifying, and I have no idea what I’m doing:

“I am here to empower the conscious awakening of humanity so that together, we can cultivate a global community founded in Love.”

For me, love is all there is. It’s who and what we are. It’s what we aspire to. It’s what we deserve. Not because of what we do, but because of who we are.

For many of us, loving ourselves just isn’t a priority. In fact, many of us often give up our time, energy, our identity so that we can focus our attention on others, rather than put ourselves first.

For most of my life, instead of living from love, I lived according to 3 main limiting beliefs that ended up being my very own mantra—an ongoing thought loop I wasn’t even aware of—for decades:

‱ You’re not good enough.
‱ You’re not smart enough.
‱ You don’t have what it takes.

When I was little, I learned to be seen and not heard. When I was young, I also learned to walk on eggshells in order to not make my dad angry. Growing up, I was also often compared to my younger, adorable sister, and was constantly asked why I couldn’t be more like her.

So, for decades, I ended up living according to other people’s expectations, engaging in perfectionistic behaviour, and people pleasing—constantly trying to prove that I actually was good enough, and that I was worthy and deserving of love.

As I got older, this skewed sense of love and validation, and those 3 main limiting beliefs became the foundation for every relationship I had, including with myself. It became easier to focus attention on others, trying to make sure everyone around me was happy—often to the point of exhaustion and making myself sick, and still struggling and feeling worthless on the inside. I didn’t trust myself, I felt lost and like I had no direction in life. Even though I had friends I loved, had a job where I made good money, I'd find myself feeling jealous as people around me progressed in life, business, and love, while I continued feeling stuck and left behind.

For most of my life, I felt there was something inherently wrong with me; that I was broken, and unlovable. I worried that if I got too close to someone, they might catch whatever was wrong with me. It was mentally, physically, and emotionally exhausting, eventually leading to self-destructive behaviour, depression, alcoholism, and attempted su***de.

During one of my many dark nights of the soul, when my family and marriage were falling apart and my business was on the verge of bankruptcy, I was introduced to the teachings of Wayne Dyer. I must’ve listened to his CD’s hundreds of times. His voice, his storytelling, the way he pulled amazing quotes out of thin air—I was hooked. More importantly however, was how he talked about how we could change our life experience by changing our thinking.

This. . . blew. . . my. . . mind!

When I heard that, I actually felt like I might have a say in what my life could be like. I didn’t have to live according to someone else’s expectations or plans for me. I didn’t have to prove my worth to anyone. I could think and believe my way to a new life! And I could do it myself!!!

The teachings of Wayne Dyer led me to many other amazing personal development, spiritual, and new thought teachers. Eventually, I was so inspired, I embarked on my spiritual journey in earnest. Along the way, I discovered so many amazing principles that made me realize that just because life had been a certain way until now, didn’t mean it had to be that way going forward. What I also learned though, was that there was only one person who could change that trajectory for me—me. If I wanted to live life in a different way, I’d have to do the work. I’d actually have to make myself a priority.

I studied, I practiced, and I really began to look at how my life got to be the way it was. There were times it was hard, messy, and like the tears just wouldn’t quit. Sometimes it felt like I was taking 10 steps forward and 9 steps back. But I kept going.

What I came to understand and accept, was that I was totally worth the work! I was worthy and deserving of love, not because of what I did or accomplished, but because of who I was—a strong, smart, resilient woman capable of being and doing anything she set her mind to!

Once I discovered that, there was no going back. No matter how hard or how painful it was to dig through, and uncover the thoughts, stories, and beliefs that had gotten me through the first part of my life, I was so ready overcome that lifelong programming and show up as the happy, confident, successful person I was learning I could be.

Today, I spend time doing the things I want and love to do, with the people I love to spend time with!

My body feels strong—I work out regularly, spend time in nature hiking, swimming, and am learning to surf.

Mindfulness, practicing self-love and self-care, and continually working at overcoming lifelong programming of limiting beliefs are a way of life for me now. Every moment of every day is an opportunity to remember I am good enough, I am smart enough, and I have what it takes to succeed. It’s ongoing practice!

At the age of 52, after 5 years of intensive spiritual and consciousness studies, I received my very first degree. I’m in the process of publishing my first book. I have one year of study left before becoming a trans-denominational New Thought Minister. I live on an island in a home I love, with my family, surrounded by nature.

I am more present and available as a daughter, wife, mother, and friend. I am now a transformational coach and love helping smart, busy, professional women put themselves first so that they can finally have more time and energy to do the things they want and love to do.

As I continue to learn, grow, and value and respect myself, I continue to embody my WHY, to empower the conscious awakening of humanity, so that together, we can cultivate a global community founded in Love. Most importantly though, I continue to make myself a priority. I continue to love myself first.

We all have the ability to love. When we make ourselves a priority, we are practicing self-love. The more we love ourselves, the more love we have to give to those in our life and the world. The more we see the world through the eyes of love.

So what are you waiting for?

You are good enough. You are smart enough. You have what it takes to succeed.

Isn’t it time you loved yourself first?

If any of the above rings true or stirs something in you, I invite you to DM me so we can connect. I’d be honoured to listen to your story and chat about how I can support you on your journey of finally putting yourself first.

With Infinite Love & Gratitude,
Lesia ❀


Hello Friends and Fans!

I have a small request I would love some help with.

I’m doing some market research so I can better serve my coaching/practitioner clients.

If you are between 45 and 65 years of age, and consider yourself a busy professional who would like to approach life with more energy, vitality, and joy, please Messenger me, or email me at [email protected].

I’m looking for 5-10 participants who’d be willing to connect via Zoom, answer some questions, and speak frankly about work/life balance, parenting, your health, relationships, financial, and/or other challenges for about 20 minutes. I know there are those of you who could provide me with some valuable insights, and I’d very much appreciate the opportunity to hear what you have to say.

Everything would be kept strictly confidential and is solely for my own research.

If this isn’t you, but you know someone who fits the bill, please feel free to pass along this request.

Thank you, thank you for your time and presence!

With Infinite Love & Gratitude,


I am thrilled to be a featured expert on the upcoming online summit for RECONNECT NOW
No More Waiting! Get FREE access for the entire Summit here: https://reconnectnow.treeciaramey.com/LesiaKohut

There are over 20 interviews with a wide range of experts with tools, strategies, and practices for reconnecting with yourself and with the world. All looking at the overall theme of RECONNECTION! It airs from August 16th to August 22nd.

My interview on will be featured on Wednesday, August 18th.


I am super excited to be a featured expert on the upcoming online summit for RECONNECT NOW
No More Waiting!

There are over 20 interviews with a wide range of experts with tools, strategies, and practices for reconnecting with yourself and with the world. All are looking at the overall theme of RECONNECTION! It airs from August 16th to August 22nd.

I'll be talking about "Soul Excavation" (also the title of my new, soon-to-be-published book!) and how we're all infinitely more powerful, creative, and resilient than anything we could ever think, believe, or feel, and how everyone is capable of reconnecting to our innate, intuitive wisdom at any time!

Get FREE access here: https://reconnectnow.treeciaramey.com/LesiaKohut


Join us this Sunday, June 27th from 12:30-1:45pm Pacific as we explore how our thoughts, beliefs, and feelings create our reality: https://zoom.us/j/92040086372?pwd=OG95WldvaFY2QTUxc3c0N3NOTzVqQT09

Timeline photos 17/06/2021

(News) Beyond Time and Space... - https://mailchi.mp/6556c7ed367b/newsletter-17jun21


Join us in the Zoom Room tonight as we talk about how our thougths, beliefs, and feelings create our reality; and how ultimately, we are so much bigger and more infinitely powerful and creative than anything we could every thinkg, believe, or feel! Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZclc-mspzMjGN19_i8EnBymDcU8JnfgT8SA?fbclid=IwAR3IC42iKoNmClzg9Dj_tVGHCBFijk6RnWeiTk8vvvPhMM1Z2Pg8JFUwUNQ


Register for "Who do you Think you Are?" - an and into how our , , and create our . Co-hosted with Linda Mackie: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZclc-mspzMjGN19_i8EnBymDcU8JnfgT8SA?fbclid=IwAR3mAMp7THFDuapJiaPO39nD7dzelyUWVtYgHLnh_QRogUf1Ki_3H7epPaA


An exploration into how our thoughts, beliefs, and feelings create our reality. Learn more and register here: https://www.facebook.com/events/857727941488818?acontext=%7B%22event_action_history%22%3A[%7B%22surface%22%3A%22page%22%7D]%7D

CSL Victoria Sunday Talk - "We're Dreaming - Wake Up!" 31/05/2021

It was an honour and a pleasure to fill in as host and guest speaker for Rev. Carrie Hunter during yesterday's at Centre for Spiritual Living Victoria: https://youtu.be/_u_x792XGaE

CSL Victoria Sunday Talk - "We're Dreaming - Wake Up!" 30may21 - Drawing on the writing and teachings of Paul Levy, Ernest Holmes, the Science of Mind and Spirit Teachings, and my Advanced Consciousness Studies C...


Join me for our 4th and final conversation about how our Prosperity Consciousness or Money Mindset (thoughts, beliefs, stories about money) is the foundation for our relationship to and experience of money - rather than the abundance or lack of money itself!

Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUldOmgrjkoHdwqhx7B4i1x2nE1hPZu7zvk?fbclid=IwAR3YMj_5Jjvp_wMQlEZwkaieirp5MnXLiw96PndRqFj3YS9ci_xAcWiyx7k

Photos from Lesia Kohut, Soul Excavator's post 18/05/2021

(News) Imagining the Value of Money - https://mailchi.mp/b3f3499fca3e/newsletter-18may21 Tamlyn


Join us for another honest, engaging, enriching conversation about money, and how it's our Prosperity Consciousness or Money Mindset (thoughts, beliefs, and stories about money) - rather than the lack or abundance of money itself - that is the foundation for our relationship to and experience of money! Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUldOmgrjkoHdwqhx7B4i1x2nE1hPZu7zvk?fbclid=IwAR2EtYZuRSLhU_EzNOGkDKtt2Caw68WL0ifOjW_E8nrJEOxUKkUoc4oMZXQ

Photos from Lesia Kohut, Soul Excavator's post 09/05/2021

(News) The Energy of Time, Money, & Self-care - https://mailchi.mp/300b0dbc5822/newsletter-09may21

Photos from Lesia Kohut, Soul Excavator's post 03/05/2021

(News) Celebration and Connection Through Covid - https://mailchi.mp/022ac806cecb/newsletter-02may21 Mindset

Photos from Lesia Kohut, Soul Excavator's post 23/04/2021

(News) Money, Metaphysics, and Mindset - https://mailchi.mp/637b65fd57f9/newsletter-23apr21

"Who do you Think you Are?" (episode #20) - Dr. Diane Sukiennik 18/04/2021

- it's what's happening! The latest, brand spankin' new episode of "Who do you Think you Are?" Our 20th so far: https://youtu.be/BLvaPs-dBjA Also available on Amazon, Google, Spotify, and Stitcher.

Thank you to Diane Sukiennik for being such a delightful guest, to my husband Glenn Sheridan for his amazing co-hosting skills!đŸ„°

"Who do you Think you Are?" (episode #20) - Dr. Diane Sukiennik In today’s episode, Glenn and I had the immensely joyful opportunity to chat with coach, keynote speaker, consultant, and leisurologist, Dr. Diane Sukiennik!...


FREE online event! Money Flow or Money Woes: It's all in Your Mind! 7:30-8:30pm Pacific TONIGHT!

Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAkcOmqrjMqHtWsl5iOsh-67D0c3ibaZIWM


Join me this Friday, April 16th at 7:30pm Pacific for what promises to be an honest, engaging, enriching conversation about MONEY - our thoughts, beliefs, stories, and more...! Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAkcOmqrjMqHtWsl5iOsh-67D0c3ibaZIWM

Timeline photos 14/04/2021

(News) I'm back... Let's Talk Money! - https://mailchi.mp/f510aa04dc76/newsletter-14apr21

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#Thoughts #LimitingBeliefs #feelings #ReframeYourFuture #createyourreality #StopFeelingStuck Please join my friend Linda...
"Reconnect Now... No More Waiting!" - FREE Online Summit August 16-22nd!
FREE - "Spirit of Women" presents Lesia Kohut and "Who do you Think you Are?"
FREE, Tonight, 7-8:30pm Pacific!  "Who do you Think you Are?"
Tuesday, June 8th, 7-8:30pm Pacific - FREE online event!
Tuesday, June 8th, 7-8:30pm Pacific - FREE event "Who do you Think you Are?"
Money Flow or Money Woes, TONIGHT - 7pm Pacific!
Money Flow or Money Woes, Tuesday May 11th, 7pm Pacific!
"Money Flow or Money Woes:  It's all in Your Mind!" Continues...!
Register for "Money Flow or Money Woes:  It's all in Your Mind!": https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUldOmgrjkoH...
FREE online event!  Money Flow or Money Woes: It's all in Your Mind!  7:30-8:30pm Pacific TONIGHT!Register here: https:/...
Let's Talk Money! FREE Workshop Friday, April 16th!
