Sole Divine Reflexology

Sole Divine Reflexology

Operating in Brandon & Killarney! Reflexology is about whole body health. Because of this it can assist in numerous health conditions, naturally.

There are reflexes in the feet and hands that correlate to the body and its organs, glands, and so forth. Because the body is connected in so many ways working on these reflexes can help de-stress and normalize the body and how it functions by improving nerve and blood supply. Reflexology can encourage the body to repair and restore health issues and also help in prevention.


Information found on integrative therapies such as CranioSacral Therapy can sometimes be complex for patients to understand.

That’s why we put together a collection of FAQs for CranioSacral Therapy (CST) on our website for practitioners and patients alike who want to learn more about CST. Access our CST FAQs page here:


Edit: I have a loaner phone, with no contact info in it, so when you text, please tell me who you are! I don't know if I have answering machine. If you tried to contact me yesterday or today I may of miss your text/call.

btw my phone is not working, so to get a hold of me you will have to fb message.
I saw clients messaged me, I will get back to you thru msg sometime this morning


Loving this therapy!

Let's spread the word about CranioSacral Therapy!!!

This prospective cohort-study examined the use, benefits, and safety of CranioSacral Therapy (CST). Read more: or Searchable article database.

Conclusions: In primary care, patients and parents of underage children use CST for preventive and therapeutic purposes. Considering the design limitations, CST appears to be overall effective and safe in infants, children, and adults.


Art | Gabriele Münter

Home - The Healing of Heather Garden 08/04/2024

I talk about this story lots with clients and anyone who is willing to listen. I don't think we need to be "stuck" in our illnesses and pain as we are often lead to believe we need to be. This story is an example of that.

Home - The Healing of Heather Garden The Healing of Heather Garden is an award winning film about a woman who healed herself from MS


April is CranioSacral Therapy Awareness Month!

As the first Thursday of the month, we might as well throw it back to when it all began!

From His Hands to Ours...🤲
CranioSacral Therapy was pioneered and developed by osteopathic physician John E. Upledger. Dr. Upledger served from 1975-1983 as a clinical researcher and Professor of Biomechanics at the College of Osteopathic Medicine at Michigan State University. It was during those years that his team of anatomists, physiologists, biophysicists, and bioengineers was tasked with performing experiments to test the existence and influence of the craniosacral system.

The results of those scientific studies explained the function of the craniosacral system, and its use in evaluating and treating poorly understood malfunctions of the brain and spinal cord. Dr. Upledger went on to develop CranioSacral Therapy and other complementary modalities that are now taught worldwide to healthcare professionals through Upledger Institute International’s educational programs.

For manual therapists and other healthcare practitioners worldwide, his legacy is his generosity of spirit in sharing his discoveries and knowledge and ensuring their right to practice, For his patients and the patients of his students, his legacy is an open mind and heart to the validity of non-traditional medical approaches. For his family and good friends everywhere, his legacy is to stay with your journey despite the obstacles. He has proudly passed the torch From His Hands to Ours.

Upledger Institute Clinic Group


What does your body need today, movement or stillness??


I just had 6:00 (could do 6:30) open up in Brandon tomorrow/Thursday, if anyone wants a session after work.
204-523-3338 call/text or pm me.
$55 for a session.




Dear Women, it is easy to be stuck in situations that do not serve us, because we are caring and give love so easily... but we can still have those beautiful traits and still blossom and be powerful creatures. Embrace who you are! You beautiful souls! Take a hold of your lives and live! You've got this! 🦋


I just came back from taking the CranioSacral 2 course! And yes, I drove home in that nasty weather! Do not recommend! 🤨
I do however, recommend the CS therapy! Exciting stuff! I have been doing the CS1 with positive results and will be doing that while adding in a few new techniques from CS2. Few times I have done a reflexology/ CS combo! Both are great therapies! Don't think you have to have a "problem" to get a treatment, this is also about the value of your life and your health... prevention and creating balance are always important.
Hope you are making the most of your snow day! Today I am being lazy with the fur babies and kiddo (and I may do a bit of laundry, we will see). 🙂


I made a resent post about allergies. Now that isn't something I have much issues with personally, especially related to sinuses. I did recently have a sinus cold which I wanted to get over quickly as I was about to head to a in room course. I though, is this what people with allergies put up with frequently? Because this sucks! With regular reflexology treatments (and fluids, vitamins, & such) I was able to get my symptoms more manageable and the after each treatment I felt much better and I was ready to go by the time my course came. I thought, if only more people would understand how much reflexology helps us feel better! So, if you are someone who suffers with sinus issues, don't put up with it! Give reflexology a try. :)
