

SaskForward is a coalition of civil society groups who believe that people deserve a say in the "transformational change" promised by the SK government.

Formed in 2017, SaskForward was originally focused on pushing back against the austerity budget presented by the Sask. Party Government. Together with partners in labour and community we successfully fought against library closures and other regressive cuts. Unfortunately, we didn't win all of our asks and SaskForward continued to work on advancing a equitable energy transition that prioritizes pe


The United States has been declared the clear loser of Presidential Debate.


Wait? What? Outrageous, salacious and wrong!

This is now an international story. “[T]he type of penny-ante bullying of public institutions that pro-Israel groups engage in reveals the intellectual bankruptcy of their agenda. They have no real arguments—and thus work incessantly to suppress speech.”


Pretty much.


"He also took part in Pride parades as both a city councillor and a provincial cabinet minister. Yet when this community needed his voice the most, he kept silent."


The Saskatchewan government's oil and gas curriculum and "work placement" program for high school students.



"Federal transfers are the single largest source of revenue in Saskatchewan’s budget, and this comes with significant problems for the province in its defence of provincial jurisdiction."


Here's gonna get that dang wabbit.


Campus Conservatives who never grew up.




“We do not believe the current Saskatchewan government is our ally, and we do not believe it would be appropriate to allow them to take part in such an important event for our community,” said a news release from the organization issued Monday morning.


"Redekopp’s irresponsible rhetoric suggests that Canada’s Conservatives are heading down the same path as U.S. Republicans, who are now defined by wild accusations and extremist language."


'Schissel said carbon capture can be worthwhile in some circumstances, especially at a smaller scale. He said it remains questionable if the technology can work at the level proponents suggest and asks whether it's the most cost-effective way to reduce emissions at large operations.

"We may find out in 20 years that we didn't capture as much CO2 as we needed to and we wasted a lot of money that could have been better spent."'


"It's an example of what some experts say Canadians can expect to see more of as climate change pressures agricultural production. Taxpayer money already supports the agriculture industry in this country to the tune of billions of dollars each year, and some say the bill will go up as climate change-driven natural disasters make it harder for farmers to eke out a living."


Axe the Tax...oh not that one.


"The Saskatchewan Party government is thrashing about in its incompetence in dealing with teachers’ labour demands, health-care delivery and staffing as well as plummeting polls in the urban areas. This ham-fisted approach to the environment is a way to cover up and create a diversion."


True story!


True story!

“Seventy per cent of those households get back more money than they spend,” he said. “Even all the way up to $125,000 average income, half of those households are still getting back more in carbon pricing rebates than they spend on carbon pricing."


It's definitely not about "fairness"...


Solid looking team there Jer Bear!


It's time for the Saskatchewan Party Government to provide a fair deal that supports teachers and the people of Saskatchewan.

Email the Minister of Education and Scott Moe and let them know you support teachers.


True story!

"Indeed, the government’s overarching goal is to undermine public education and, to do so, they have shown that they have no scruples left. To win political points with the religious right and push their privatization agenda, they have gone so far as to use vulnerable children as political collateral."




"According to the poll, 68 per cent of respondents said they support teachers, 15 per cent support the government and 16 per cent were not sure."


'“They’re two different jobs,” Cockrill told the Leader-Post’s Alec Salloum in explaining the difference between teachers’ and MLAs’ salary increase.

This is so. One of those jobs requires an amazing amount of entitlement reversely proportional to one’s own self-awareness.

But why this supposed olive branch feels more like a whip has to do with Cockrill’s ongoing reluctance to address the critical issue of classroom complexity and size.'



"Harpauer said there are no plans to increase the agriculture budget to soften potential financial blows, even though climate scientists have predicted drier years in the future.

In addition to higher agriculture expenses, the province expects to spend $111 million more this year on efforts to fight wildfires."