Dakatama Videos

Videos by Dakatama. A chronicle of travel, cuisine and accommodations

Water's Running

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Other Dakatama videos

Water's Running

Haunting Sounds In The Morning Mist

Clouds on the Run

Join me for a walk to the lake.

Young Gun Out For A Stroll

There are some days when a girl has just gotta have some fun.

The Cleanup Crew

The yard is experiencing the transition from summer to fall.

Making Hay

Can anyone confirm this is a White Admiral Butterfly (or not) that followed along with us on our creek walk?

Country roller coaster ride . . . A few ups and downs . . .There's an opening in the trees . . . The trail drops out of sight as we go over the top and down we go . . . The view (if your eyes are open) is spectacular!

Clean up crew at the lake.

Steve West captured these awesome pictures taken of last night's sunset while we were driving through the rain.

Watching us, watching them.

Late evening and they weren't in a rush to leave.

Happy Valentine's Day.

To my wonderful, cheeky, loving man . . . Happy Birthday, Steve West. You're the best, man!

Cooler weather has once more settled in and it is time to bring out the warm thoughts.