Catholic Christian Outreach

Catholic Christian Outreach

Catholic Christian Outreach: the vibrant life of #Catholic young adults in Canada.

From our humble prairie roots in central Canada, Catholic Christian Outreach, affectionately referred to as CCO, has grown into a national movement with full-time missionaries present on campuses across the country. The CCO Connect program also works with dedicated student leaders and the existing campus ministry on campuses without CCO missionaries to work towards the mission of evangelization on


Do you believe that university students can change the world? Do you believe that you can make an impact?

St. John Paul II referred to youth as the "the hope of the Church". Big

He says, "Youth must not simply be considered for the Church: in fact, young people are and ought to be encouraged to be active on behalf of the Church as leading characters in evangelization and participants in the renewal of society" (Christifideles Laici)

Where is your mission field?


From the very beginning making the name of Jesus known is why CCO exists.

The joy of experiencing a relationship with Jesus Christ is not something that we should only keep to ourselves. It's meant to be shared!

"missionary activity renews the Church, revitalizes the faith and Christian identity, and offers fresh enthusiasm and new incentive. Faith is strengthened when it is given to others." - St. John Paul II, Redemptoris Missio

Are you prepared to share the gospel clearly and simply today?


Inviting a person isn't easy.

It will cost something: inconvenience, sacrifice, courage and selflessness.

The results won't be instant.

In today's Gospel the excerpt from Matthew ends with "Many are invited, but few are chosen." (22:14).


Few respond to this invitation. Who is God calling you to invite to attend the feast in the Kingdom of Heaven?

Photos from Catholic Christian Outreach's post 20/08/2024

Walking in your faith journey can be lonely at times and important to walk alongside others on the same path as you.

Who's coming with you to Rise Up'24 this December?


The Lord's love for you is boundless. Even in the midst of your suffering, God is with you. Trust in the Lord's love for you even if you are confused or when you don't know where or who to turn to.

Don't give up on being honest and praying to Jesus. Instead, lean on the Him and know that He will give you the grace and strength to get back up.


In 4.5 months this could be you!! Get out your hats and boots to plan the ULTIMATE FIT for the conference of the year all the way in the Wild West!🤩🤠

Photos from Catholic Christian Outreach's post 01/08/2024

Accompanying others may seem daunting at first; but in reality, the Holy Spirit is there to lead you. It is up to you to call upon Him. Swipe to see how the Holy Spirit can be active in your Intentional Accompaniment with others👉👉

Photos from Catholic Christian Outreach's post 25/07/2024

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations..." - Matthew 28:19

A heart for the world, a tenet of the movement of CCO, embraces this passage wholeheartedly.

The challenge of this verse is to encourage the baptized to live out the fullness of the Great Commission and respond similarly to that of the apostles.

To go on mission does not have to be beyond our reach: it may be sharing the Gospel with a stranger, inviting a friend to come to Mass, or even going on a mission trip to help build up leaders in another community.

Regardless of your context, we are all called to be missionaries!


Dust off your boots and hats and get ready to hit the dance floor this December! We can't wait to see your moves in a few months 👢

Register at before the dust settles!


"This is not a crutch to handle the world’s problems. This is why we were created" - Ali Hoffman

Does your heart for the lost ache? Do you see the urgency of the mission to share the Gospel?


If you were asked to explain the gospel in only 4 key points, could you do it? Yes! And here's how 👇


Spiritual multiplication > spiritual addition. It's all about that next generation mindset ➡️ Entrust the message and the mission to the people you're accompanying!


"When God is with us, we don’t have to be afraid of anything."

—Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati

Happy Feast Day! ⛰️

Fun fact: Did you know that the theme for Rise Up 2020 was "Verso l'alto", which comes from Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati?

Photos from Catholic Christian Outreach's post 03/07/2024

Join us for a retreat on prayer at the Canadian Martyr Shrine led by CCO Founders AndrÊ and Angèle Regnier, and Fr. John O'Brien, SJ.

Register now to secure your spot at:


"I’m not holy enough. I don’t know enough. I’m an introvert. Those would have been my answers if someone asked me to share my faith with others four years ago.

As a university student, I invited Jesus into the center of my life but I didn't know how to live that out. Approaching my last semester of school, I considered the future ahead of me and the possibilities it held. Never in a million years would I have thought that path would be missionary. It was a goal I wouldn’t dare dream of. With this attitude, I still knew that deep down, Jesus was inviting me to take the next step. I was anxious and struggled with the fear of not being equipped and the disbelief that I was outgoing enough to share the Gospel.

During Rise Up 2018 in adoration, I had a moment of frustration. I boldly asked the Lord “What do you want of my life? It can’t possibly be of sharing the Gospel! I’m no good at it!” To my surprise, His response was simple, gentle, and gave me a sense of peace that I had never experienced before. He was not calling me to persecute me but to reveal to me the opportunities He knew were before me.

Becoming a CCO missionary has allowed me to grow in ways I could have never imagined. It has revealed to me the potential the Lord saw in me as well as how much He loves me. Through daily prayer and the relationships of being a missionary allowed, I have encountered Christ deeper than I had ever before. St. John Paul II was not wrong in saying that a life with Christ is indeed and wonderful adventure."
—Byron Chan, Campus Team Leader, Trent University

Headstart applications close on July 6, 2024. Apply today at


Where are you at in your relationship with Jesus, and where would you like to be?

If you want to invite Him to be at the centre of your life, you can find the Prayer of the Heart at


What if you could hear God speak to you directly? The good news is that you can!

Don't underestimate the power of daily personal prayer. It will change your life.


"When we look at Jesus’ model, it was a 3-year process... He didn’t expect that those men were ready to lead the Church a week after He met them... He really walked with them for a long period of time. And so we need to ask ourselves... ‘How much am I willing to give? Am I willing to really sacrifice? Am I willing to lay my life down? Am I willing to invest in relationship with this person for the long haul... to actually get in the messiness of people’s lives and to be willing to go there with people.”

-Amber Effeuze, Missionary Disciple Podcast, Season 2 Episode 23

Invest in your relationship with Jesus by watching the full episode here:


“It starts I think one person at a time. It starts not with the masses, but really having a heart for the individual, just like Jesus talks about leaving the 99 sheep to go after the one.”

-Dennis Barry, Missionary Disciple Podcast, Season 2 Episode 23

Step further into your call to be a missionary disciple by watching the full episode here:


"I flew home to England, 8,000km away from anyone who would even consider asking me to join staff. Except the Holy Spirit. Who was there in my bedroom when I read the section of CCO’s staff discernment booklet titled ‘the Magis' meaning 'the more'.

It was hard to ignore. What could bring God more glory than saying yes to the call of becoming a full-time missionary?

But I had to get a visa. I had to tell my parents I was moving countries. I had next to no experience in most things 'CCO'. Trusting God’s word for me, I had to gamble almost everything I loved.

And in saying yes, He has given me more than I could ever have asked for or imagined."
—Miriam Toscano

Headstart applications are still open. Take the leap and apply for Headstart today, before applications close on July 6th! Apply at


“To be able to engage in this kind of missionary activity - it’s huge. (...) It plays a huge role in your own relationship with God where you’re actually going out and you’re giving everything, you’re laying your life down”.

-Michelle Gallagher, Missionary Disciple Podcast, Season 2 Episode 1

Open your heart to say 'Yes' to the Lord by listening to our podcast here:


"When I went to University, I recognized that there were truly thousands of others living without hope. Young people in the Church were leaving, but even more, I saw young men were leaving. I saw that everything in this world was driving them further and further from Jesus and His Church. My heart ached as I became aware of the fact that so many young men were living so far from God.

In my last year I was challenged by a campus missionary to take seriously the task of leading another Discovery faith study, to not just lead them through a program, but really wrestle with their hearts. I took this challenge seriously, committed to bringing these men to conversion through Jesus. I saw lives changed and transformed by the Gospel, and through this, my life was changed and transformed. How could I resist giving my yes to being a full time missionary with CCO. God showed me that I could make a difference in the lives of young men, and that there is hope for men in the church today."

—Caleb Regnier, Campus Team Leader, University of Ottawa

Headstart applications are open at The deadline to apply is July 6th, so make sure to apply today!


"I felt the call after entering the workforce and grew restless in my work as my heart burned for the lost. For years, like Peter, I had doubt about stepping out into this radical call. I now get to step out of the boat with a confident ‘Yes’ in Jesus’ invitation to follow him and invite others to step out of the boat".

Please give a warm welcome to Western University alumna, and your newest CCO missionary, Emily Masferrer!


Are you searching for hope? Real hope is found in a person: Jesus.

RiseUp'24 registration opens Monday, June 3!


"It's truly amazing how a thought transformed into an intense desire to proclaim the Gospel for the renewal of the world. Jesus invited me to proclaim His name and surrender completely to His will. I trusted Jesus and gave my 'Yes' to Him. Now I have the incredible privilege to invite others into a fruitful and beautiful relationship with Jesus, accompanying them every step of the way!"

What a better way to open up a new week than to welcome your newest CCO missionary, Kamsi Charles-Eigbedion! Show her some love in the comments🙌


Have you encountered the Holy Spirit personally? Ask Him to fill you in a new way today.

"When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place... All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit" (Acts 2:1,4)

Come Holy Spirit!🔥


Is the door of your heart open or closed to Jesus? He WANTS to be close to you. He loves you more than you can imagine.

Throwback to Joseph San Jose's talk based on a quote from C.S. Lewis!


"Jesus Christ has profoundly changed my life. I have found myself through Christ's infinite love for me. To see what God has done in my life through my YES to him, I was inspired to bring others closer to God. Whether it's inspiring others in a huge way or sparking a simple change of perspective, bringing people closer to God brings me joy, a joy that is in response to another soul gaining everything!" - Niroshan Rajakariar

From Toronto please welcome Niroshan, your newest CCO Missionary!


"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations" (Matthew 28:19)

Imagine Jesus looking at you and saying these words. How would your friends' and families' lives differ if they knew Jesus' love personally?

Imagine them being in Heaven with Jesus one day because of His grace and your yes.

Will you go?


Please welcome this year's class of CCO missionaries for the 2024/2025 year!

We can't wait to see how God will move and work through you in the next few months as you till the soil to enter your mission fields across Canada from coast to coast.

If there are a few faces you see that haven't officially been announced, don't worry—we'll be announcing them shortly ;)

Videos (show all)

Reality Check: You don't know what the Lord has planned for you. Where you are now and 3 months from now could be totall...
There are no words to describe Rise Up. Hold up...are you kidding me? There are actually countless words to describe it!...
Are finances worrying about how to get to Rise Up'24?Aden shares about God's providence in helping him attend last year....
RU'24 is officially 17.5 weeks away!! If you haven't already booked your flight to Calgary, we got your back with these ...
We're not kidding when we say that investing early will be a good decision. Don't wait on registering for RU'24.Have any...
Nervous to travel to Calgary? Don't be! Don't be afraid to take the leap and say yes to coming to Calgary for RU'24. You...
pov you've registered for Rise Up 👀If you haven't what are you waiting for? Check out for more details!#cc...
Jesus is calling YOU. Will you say yes? Register for RU'24 today at #ccocampus
Fear can hold us back from trusting Jesus. He won't manipulate you, trick you, or force you into doing His will. He care...
Could Rise Up be the best experience of your life, too? Only one way to find out 👀#ru24#RiseUp23 #ccocampus
Line Dance for RU'24
"This is not a crutch to handle the world’s problems. This is why we were created" - Ali HoffmanDoes your heart for the ...
