Body, Mind & Spirit Pilates

Body, Mind & Spirit Pilates

Helping women get stronger, shed fat, eat healthier and stay motivated. Group classes and private training (online/in person).

Certified Pilates Instructor, Women's Coach/Trainer, Pre and Postnatal Fitness Specialist.


A common occurrence in menopause....incontinence 😳

It is common, but it shouldn't be accepted as "just a part of getting older", (even though the ads for all sorts of incontinence products would have has believe otherwise).

There are 2 types of incontinence issues:

👉Stress--loss of urine with an increase in pressure (ie, coughing, laughing, heavy lifting)
👉Urge--associated with a strong sense of urgency (you have to go p*e NOW)

Simply put, as we enter menopause, our estrogen levels lower, which affects our muscles (they weaken), including those in the pelvic floor and weaken the bladder itself.

Also, with aging, our metabolism slows down, which can lead to some increase in body weight. This in turn may put increased pressure on the bladder and pelvic floor.
These explanations are short and sweet and do not explain everything that could be involved (but I would run out of space here).

By adding exercise, rather than avoiding it, you can help to remedy the situation. It is very important to make sure that you're performing the exercises properly with proper form and that you are using the proper breathing mechanics in order to avoid too much pressure down onto the pelvic floor.

Seeing a pelvic floor physiotherapist is a good place to start, to determine your particular situation.

It is possible to turn the situation around and get back to doing activities that you may have been avoiding due to incontinence issues.


At any time in life, a woman can experience pelvic floor weakness, even if she has not ever been pregnant.

Instead of stopping exercise (running, walking, hiking, lifting weights...), you can work towards strenthening those muslces.

The pelvic floor muscles are responsible for supporting the bladder, womb and bowel. They are part of your supportive core, along with deep abdominal and back muscles and the diaphragm.

If you are experiencing any leakage, heaviness or pain with exercise or movemnt, see your doctor and/or pelvic floor physiotherapist for guidance. If you are not experiencing any issues, perhaps include these exercises as part of your exercise routine.

✨Breath Work--expanding ribs front, side and back with the inhale; "zip up your pants" on the exhale

✨Pelvic Tilts--flatten your back of waist to the floor, engage low abs; add some space behind your waist on the inhale

✨Bridge--keep hips level as you lift; aim back of waist to the floor on the lower; use your glutes on the lift

✨Heel Slide--keeping pelvis stable and level as you slide your foot out ; for added challenge, lift your feet up off the floor with knees bent and estend teg out

✨Open Book--for thoracic spine mobility; keep your hips and legs stacked

✨Split Squat--1 leg ahead of the other, shift the weight onto the front foot, especially the big toe; inhale as you lower and exhale on the raise

Complete 10 reps of each exercise, 2-3 rounds.


The deep squat hold is beneficial for all women to do, but especially for those who are pregnant.

This deep squat is a great hip opener and helps the pelvic floor muscles to relax and release, which is useful for the later stages of pregnancy and birth prep. It also helps with low back and pelvic stability.

⭐️ you can use anything that is supportive and won't tip over. A level railing or the kitchen sink are options as long as you are able to get a good grip and are well supported.
⭐️Sink your bottom down towards the floor.
⭐️Track your knees wide or outwards to allow your belly space
⭐️Keep good alignment through your back and pelvis
⭐️Keep your sacrum/bottom untucked which will help to release the pelvic floor muscles.
⭐️Stretch through your upper body and tuck your chin down and in.
⭐️Don't forget to focus on your breathing, deep breath in through your nose, allowing the ribs to expand, especially in your back, Exhale out through your mouth. Don't forcefully breathe, however.
⭐️Hold how ever long is comfortable and if comfortable, shift side to side a few times
👉If you are pregnant, talk to your doctor before starting any new exercise. Also, if you are postpartum, ensure that you are cleared for starting exercise.

Avoid the deep squat if:
❗️it feels off--there is too much heaviness in the pelvic floor, pain, re**al pressure
❗️placing a yoga block under your bottom can give you some added support
❗️you are at risk of pre-term labour
❗️you have hemorrhoids, vulvar varicose veins, low lying placenta
❗️the baby is lying breech after 30 weeks

Need support in starting back to exercise after having a baby? DM me or follow the link in the bio.


All you need is 10 minutes!!

A full body workout that doesn't take much time to do, unless you want to add onto it by adding rounds.

My demo of the pike (downward dog) to mountain climber is not the best (having shoulder issues), but I think that I got the idea across 🤦‍♀️

😊Squat to Reverse Lunge
😊Pike to Mountain Climber
😊High Plank with Leg Lifts

Set your timer for 10 minutes
Do each exercise for 1 minute
Rest 15-30 seconds between rounds


Got some negative ions today on my run 🏃
Apparently we absorb, when we breathe , negative ions from the ocean, the forest, waterfalls and the rain. These ions help to improve our mood, decrease our stress and increase our energy, by creating a chemical reaction that increases serotonin in our bodies.
Interesting 🤔


You will need a small weighted ball (1-2 lbs) for this glute and hips series 🔥

Complete 10-12 reps of each exercise (on each side) and repeat 2-3 rounds. Take a 30-60 second break after each round.

🔥Donkey Pulse
--place the weight behind your knee
--either on your hands or forearms, lift that side so knee is almost level with your hip
--press your heel towards the ceiling not allowing your knee to lower too far down when you lower
--you want to feel this in your glutes not your back
--repeat on other side

🔥Knee Circles
--keeping the weight behind your knee, bring the knee down and around in a circle,
keeping the hips fairly level
--repeat in the other direction
--switch sides

🔥Side Lying Rotation
--on your side with hips stacked, weight behind your knee
--you can come up onto your elbow, or lay your head on your arm
--bring knee towards the bottom knee and then towards the foot, rotating through your hip
--keep you hips stacked and try not to lean back
--repeat on other side

🔥Squats with Heel Lifts
--holding a squat position, alternate lifting and lowering your heels

Child's Pose is a wonderful stretch to do after this series.


Have a great Monday and a great week ahead ❤


🏃‍♀️Attention Runners‼️
Pilates is a great way to strengthen your body to protect it from injuries that can happen with running. Pilates can strengthen muscles that support your posture and help you to strengthen your core. With better posture and a strong core, our lower body can move more efficiently. Pilates can also improve your mobility in general and address muscle imbalances.
Enough said about PIlates!

Today's workout is a workout for runners (but anyone can do it!) 😊

🏃‍♀️The 100
--legs can be bent or long
--keeping arms long, pump the arms breathing in for 5 counts and out for 5 for a total of 10 reps
--keep abs engaged and spine still

🏃‍♀️Bird Dog
--keep hips level and movement out of your back. Use your glutes

--either hips on the floor or hips up
--keep hips stacked either way

🏃‍♀️Toe Taps
--keep spine still and engage abs (low abs)

🏃‍♀️Bridge with march
--hips level

🏃‍♀️T-Spine Extension over Roller
--place roller just below ribs
--breathe as your extend back

🏃‍♀️Thread the Needle
--roller just helps arm move a little smoother

Remember to never hold your breath as your do each move. Keep movements controlled.
Please comment below or DM me if you have any questions



Over the years of training people, I have heard many different reasons for not being able to maintain (or start) an exercise program.

"I'm too tired at the end of the day", "I forgot my exercise clothes, gear, shoes, workout....", "the week got away from me and I haven't exercised once". Believe me I've said the same things myself many times!

The above is not forgetfulness or laziness. It's simply not having developed exercise into a habit yet.

By reminding yourself to exercise (and following up with it) it will soon be part of your regular routine and become a habit.

A few ideas to help you to develop the exercise habit:

👉place an alarm on your phone to remind you to exercise
👉use a fitness app
👉an electronic reminder
👉go old school--sticky notes on your mirror, fridge, front door
👉organize your gym bag with your gear and place it at the front door or in your car (in the front seat so that you see it 😊)
👉print out your workout so that it's in front of you (place it on your fridge)
👉print out daily and weekly goal sheets to remind you and to hold yourself accountable (place them in a place that you will see them)
👉get a workout buddy to either workout with or to text one another to remind each other when it is time to workout
👉put your workout clothes on before you leave work (or as soon as you get home)
👉put your workout clothes beside your bed and put them on as soon as you get up

I'm sure that you can think of some ways to help you to develop the habit of exercise. What has worked for you?


Grab your roller for this lower body workout! 🏋️‍♀️🔥

You can complete this workout by setting a timer for 1 minute and complete as many reps of the exercise that you can, properly, in that time. Then move onto the next exercise.


complete 10-15 reps of each exercise, with minimal rest between each exercise. Complete as many rounds that you can within a set time or for 2-3 rounds. Rest after each round.

🦵Bridge--arms either down or up
--your core is challenged a little bit more with your arms up
--keep your hips level
--aim your lower back to the floor on the way down

🦵Single Leg Bridge--arms up or down
--keeping hips leve

🦵Dead Bug
--more challenging with both legs up
--keep your low back still on the roller and abs from bulging out

🦵Toe Taps
--like dead bug, keep your low back still
--engage your core/abs as you lower the leg
--don't let your abs bulge out as you lower

🦵Roll In
--hands under your shoulders, roll the roller in and out
--keep this out of your low back, you should not feel this here

Please comment below or DM me if you have any questions or conerns.



Are you breathing properly, especially when you work out?

It's more than just breathing in and out when going about your every day movements and when exercising. Using the proper breathing mechanics will help you to connect your core and pelvic floor.

Why is this important? Having control of the intra-abdominal pressure (the pressure within the abdominal cavity that happens every time we breathe) prevents the downward force of your exhale (breath out), from overpowering your pelvic floor. This overpowering pressure on the pelvic floor can lead to pelvic floor dysfunctions.

By learning diaphragmatic breathing (connection breath), you learn to connect your core and pelvic floor (the diaphragm, lower rib expansion and pelvic floor to be exact) for breathing and stability.


▶Get into a comfortable position. Laying on your back, with knees bent, is usually the easiest way to learn this. You can also try side lying, seated or standing--what ever works for you.
▶Place your hands lightly on your belly and base of ribs
▶Inhale. "Breathe" into your hands and think about inflating your ribs, belly and pelvic floor. Imagine the "sit bones" (base of pelvis), moving apart. Visualize the pelvic floor filling with air and expanding.
▶Feel the back ribs expanding into the floor, and side and front ribs expanding into your hands.
▶Exhale. Notice your hands "descending" as your ribs, and belly deflate. Imagine the sit bones coming together. Visualize the pelvic floor moving up and in.
▶Don't overdo it and take forceful inhales and exhales. Relax as you inhale and gently exhale.

This does take some practice, so don't get discouraged. Just take a few minutes focusing on this each time. It's a great way to start a workout, using it as a warm up and to remind the body how to breathe properly when exercising. Eventually it will become second nature.

If you require further information or explanation, DM me, I'm happy to help 😊


An easy way to add some variety to your workout, is by adding a towel as a slider.
If you have carpet floors, paper plates work too!

Complete each exercise (each side) 10 times
Complete 2-3 rounds, with a short rest between rounds

💥Side or Lateral Lunge

💥Reverse Lunge

💥Mountain Climber

💥Single Leg Hamstring "Curl"

DM me with any questions or comments about the exercises.
Have fun!😊


Are you drinking enough water? 🥤

💧Water is very important for us to drink as it helps to keep your bodies working properly. Drinking water helps to flush waste from your body; it helps us to stay the right body temperature; and it helps to prevent kidney stones and constipation.

We lose water throughout the day (breathing, sweating, bowel movements and going p*e). If it's hot and humid (hello summer 😅) we lose even more fluid.

The easiest way to tell if you are drinking
The easiest way to tell if you are drinking enough water:
👉The colour of your p*e. It should be clear to pale yellow.
👉Your BMs should be soft

Signs of possible dehydration:
❗️Your urine is very dark in colour
❗️You don't p*e very often
❗️Your mouth is dry and sticky
❗️You feel dizzy, lightheaded or disoriented
❗️Your feel headachy

🤰If you are pregnant, you need to drink more water as your metabolism has increased and you have a higher blood volume. Staying hydrated will also help to reduce any swelling in your ankles and feet and hands.

🤱After baby is born, and if you are breast feeding, it is important to stay hydrated in order to make enough milk.

So how is your daily water intake?


What is your favourite lower body workout?

Here is a lower body workout 🦵 that can be made harder with the addition of weights or with the completion of a few rounds.

Complete each 10X (on each side if applicable).
Complete as many rounds as you have time for, or for as long as you can maintain proper form.
You can add weights if you'd like to add more to the workout.

--keeping your body in a proper plank position (hips not sagging or popped up)

🦵Romanian Deadlift
--keeping hips level as you bend forward from the hips and lift leg
--weights can be added in both hands or just 1 side

🦵Lateral Lunge
--send your hips back behind you as you send foot out to the side
--add weights by holding them in your hands at your side

🦵Bridge with feet up
--press evenly through both feet to keep hips level
--arms can be on the floor beside you or lifted. You can hold weights in your hands when you lift the arms up

DM me with any questions or concerns 😊


June is Pelvic Organ Prolapse Awareness Month.

Uterine prolapse can occur when the pelvic floor muscles and ligaments are no longer supporting the uterus. When this happens, the uterus slips down into or protrudes out of the va**na.
A pelvic floor physio can help you manage this and the symptoms.

Complete 8-10 repetitions of each move.
Remember to get breathe and to no hold your breath.

--place a small ball or cushion, yoga block between your knees; hold in place with light pressure of your knees
--take a breath in through your nose, allowing ribs and abdomen to expand
--on the exhale, lift your hips evenly up towards the ceiling, pressing feet evenly into the floor; let your back ribs settle on the floor
--you can take another breath here if you want
--exhale and lower to the floor, leading the back of your waist to the floor

❤️Heel Slide
--knees bent and feet on the floor, arms relaxed at your side
--inhale in through your nose
--on the exhale, engage through your core, as you slide 1 foot along the floor , to straighten your leg
--take a breath here; on the exhale, bring the foot back in again
--focus on trying to keep your pelvis stable and your spine still (not allowing the spine to lift or arch as you move the leg)--use your core but don't clench!!

❤️Hip Glides (with hips internally rotated)
--on hands and knees, knees below your hips, hands below your shoulders
--place your feet outside of your knees
--keeping your spine in neutral (not arched or rounded), glide your hips behind you, keeping your glutes (bottom) relaxed; think reaching your hips and/or your sit bones back or long
--go only as far back as you can keeping your spine neutral
--return to start

❤️Bird Dog
--on hands and knees, with hips over knees and hands under shoulders
--keeping spine in neutral, and not shifing your hips, slide 1 arm forward and slide the opposite leg back
--return to start
--if you are able to remain stable, you can try to lift the leg and arm
--if you can't remain stable at all, keep arm still and just extend the leg back along the floor


Welcome to a new week 😊

An opportunity to embrace change, and the challenge and excitement that comes with it!


June is ALS Awareness Month in Canada.

ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) is a fatal, motor neurone disease that leads to the person's loss in the ability to move, speak and breathe. The mission of ALS Canada is to "improve the quality of life for individuals and families with ALS..(the society) provide essential services and support, advocate for better care and resources". By raising awareness and funds, many more individuals and their families will be able to be helped.

My father Clark, was diagnosed with ALS in late 1989. He survived a very difficult 18 months and passed away in March 1991.


An upper body workout for today's Wednesday Workout 💪

Complete 10-12 reps of each exercise (on each side if applicable).
Take a short break after you have completed the 4 exercises, then repeat for 2-3 rounds.
Maintain proper posture/alignment and breathing

💪Reverse Lunge with Single Arm Overhead Press
💪1/2 Kneel Triceps Kickback
💪Bridge with Arm Arcs
💪Dead Bug


Complete the workout with or without light weights.

Complete each 10 X (on each side)

💥Half Rollback (with or without arms)
-hinging from your hips

💥Half Rollback with Bicep Curls
-hinging from the hips
-with or without weights

💥Alternating Toe Taps
-head up or down

💥Alternating Knee Hugs
-with head up or down

💥Single Leg Bridge with Chest Press
--try and keep your hips level

💥Bridge with Arm Lift
-keeping your hips level


NO PAIN, NO GAIN!! How often have we heard that motto? There are times, however, when doing more can do more harm than good.

With the best of intensions, people jump into an exercise program with enthusiasm, but unfortunately they do too much too soon and end up overdoing it. ☹️

Some common signs of overdoing it at the gym include:
❗️Achiness and/or pain that lasts longer than 48 hours. ❗️Prolonged exercise recovery
❗️Altered resting blood pressure
❗️Elevated morning pulse
❗️Chronic fatigue. You suddenly can't complete a workout or have lost your energy and motivation
❗️Menstrual disruptions
❗️Impaired muscle strength
❗️Loss of appetite
❗️Increased susceptibility to colds and other illnesses and injuries

If you find yourself experiencing any of these symptoms, perhaps it's time to take a break from your exercise routine. Cut back on the volume, intensity, frequency or duration of your training sessions. Listening to your body will allow you to start back up after a break, refreshed and energized. Make sure that you are eating enough calories and a well rounded diet.

💥If you are new to exercise, make sure that you ease into training and keep your workouts simple in the beginning. Slowly build your endurance and take rest days as needed. Don't forget as well, to eat a well balanced diet that will support your body through your training.


A core workout WITHOUT a single crunch 😀

💥Roller Press
-press the thigh and hand into the roller as you lower the other foot down
-there should be no movement in your back, especially low back

💥A Different Dead Bug
-use a light weight, or no weight
-keeping back and pelvis still, lower same side arm and leg to the side
-alternate sides or complete one side then the other

💥Knee Hover
-stay tall on your arms
-lift knees off floor just a little bit

💥Knee Hover to Plank
-start with knee hover then walk feet out to a plank, then return

Complete 10 reps of each (and on each side)


Getting enough good sleep can help you to slim down. Wait, what?!?!

A lot of people struggle to get enough proper sleep at night. Without regular, good quality sleep, we increase our risk of developing such things as obesity, heart disease, high bleed pressure and diabetes. We also just feel awful when we are not well rested.

Now back to the weight thing. When we sleep poorly, it has been found that we have reduced levels of the hormone leptin in our system. Leptin is the hormone that inhibits hunger. It makes us feel full. People with poor sleep also have been found to have an increased level of the hormone ghrelin as well. This hormone stimulates hunger. Getting a good night's sleep can help to balance these hormones.

Better sleep both mentally and physically helps us to feel better and can also boost our immunity.

Sleep hygiene tips include:

😴sleeping at a regular time to help your internal clock get used to a routine
😴allow yourself to wind down and relax before bed
😴try to avoid electronic devices at least 1 hour before bed
😴try not to eat a heavy meal before bed


Our spine is meant to move in different ways- flexion, extension, side bending and rotation. We want to move safely in all these directions in order to maintain a flexible spine.

The following exercises focuses on spinal rotation. We want to keop our lower body "anchored" or still as we allow the upper body (think ribs and chest) to move.

Complete each 8-10 times (or how many you can do while keeping proper posture and allignment).

♦️Forward Spine Stretch-pay attention to your sit bones (base of pelvis staying balanced
-you can also sit on a cushion or yoga block if this allows you to sit up tall; it's ok to bend the knees
-bend from your hips
-this is a warm up for the rotational work coming next

♦️Seated Twist-move feet to outside edge of mat; placing hands on chest, sitting tall and balanced, exhale as you turn your upper body (think of your chest/hands moving)to one side then back to centre
-turn to the other side
-go only as far as you are able to keep your bottom balanced on the floor

♦️Modified Criss Cross-on your back with knees bent, feet on the floor
-place your hands behind your head
-keeping elbows wide, exhale as you lift the head off the floor
-rotate to one side, back to centre, then to the other side (or you can place your head down each time you come to the center)
-try to keep your elbows still, aim one elbow to the floor and one to the ceiling
-keep your pelvis balanced and still

♦️Criss Cross #2-now lift your feet off the floor with knees bent
-complete the movements as you did above, keeping legs and pelvis still

♦️Criss Cross-As in the above, legs are lifted and bent
-as you turn to 1 side, extend the opposite leg out as you turn towards the bent knee

♦️Mermaid Stretch-sitting with "Z" legs, or both legs to one side, place 1 hand on the floor
-lift the other arm up
-rotating just the upper body, bring the lifted arm down beside the other hand
-hold in this position, breathing into your ribs OR add the slight bending and flexing of your spine (as shown in the video)
-complete 1 or 2 on each side

Remember, if something does not feel right or good, do not do the exercise.


Happy Monday 😀
Enjoy your day and week ahead.

You've got this!! 😊


Protein is not only important for building muscle, it also regulates almost every process in the body.
Protein is essential for many metabolic processes in the body and therefore is a very important part of a healthy diet.

Protein in your diet can help:

💥reduce body fat or maintain the current level
💥increase or maintain muscle mass--especially important as we enter pre and post-menopause
💥repair and recovery
💥maintain a healthy immune system
💥you feeling full and satisfied after a meal--protein releases a hormone (CCK) in the digestive tract to help us feel satisfied
💥maintain a good bone density
💥maintain or increase energy levels

Some signs that you may not be consuming enough protein are: feeling fatigued or sluggish; your nails and hair are brittle; your sleep is restless; lack of concentration.

Some great protein sources include:
Salmon, tuna
Lean cuts of beef
Beans, lentils, chickpeas, soy milk, tofu, edame
Dairy products--yogurt, cottage cheese, greek yogurt, cheese
Nuts, seeds

With increased activity and with aging, your protein intake is very important.

What is your favourite protein source?


As May is Mental Health Awareness Month, I'm posting this 20 minute Pilates mat class to encourage movement for better mental health.

Please join me 😀 Remember--if a movement or position does not feel comfortable change your position or don't do that particular movement,

I hope that you enjoy the class!

Videos (show all)

At any time in life, a woman can experience pelvic floor weakness, even if she has not ever been pregnant.Instead of sto...
At any time in life, a woman can experience pelvic floor weakness, even if she has not ever been pregnant.Instead of sto...
The deep squat hold is beneficial for all women to do, but especially for those who are pregnant.This deep squat is a gr...
Quick full body workout
All you need is 10 minutes!!A full body workout that doesn't take much time to do, unless you want to add onto it by add...
Needing some mobility in the morning to get going!
Glute and hip workout
You will need a small weighted ball (1-2 lbs) for this glute and hips series 🔥Complete 10-12 reps of each exercise (on e...
🏃‍♀️Attention Runners‼️Pilates is a great way to strengthen your body to protect it from injuries that can happen with r...
Grab your roller for this lower body workout!  🏋️‍♀️🔥You can complete this workout by setting a timer for 1 minute and c...
Are you breathing properly, especially when you work out?It's more than just breathing in and out when going about your ...
