Church Planting Institute

Church Planting Institute

We are a group of pastors and leaders promoting church planting in the CRC in Eastern Canada. Our goal is to plant 3-5 churches a year.

If you are looking for some help, encouragement and training then we are your people.

Justification; NT Wright, RC Sproul, Wayne Grudem and the Heresy of Innovation 16/07/2024

Welcome to video 4 on Justification; just-as-if-you-didn't-sin and the ordo salutis.

Justification; NT Wright, RC Sproul, Wayne Grudem and the Heresy of Innovation Loved researching this one! So much more to share. Here are some of the basics of the history of the doctrine of justification and its innovative development...

The Order of Salvation; helpful, a truncated gospel, or a biblical distraction 05/07/2024

Welcome to video 3! Check it out. Subscribe. We are rolling!

The Order of Salvation; helpful, a truncated gospel, or a biblical distraction I am beginning a multipart series on the Ordo Salutis; a list the reformers suggest in a logical (versus temporal) unfolding of salvation in the life of a be...

SYNOD 2024, the Abide Project and the gospel of Jesus Christ 21/06/2024

Hey, you are my friends, right? I've finally started a youtube/podcast that I've been thinking about for a long time. Take a look. Be kind. Engage. In if you see some hope, subscribe and share!

SYNOD 2024, the Abide Project and the gospel of Jesus Christ Gotta start somewhere. Got inspired by a thought from an Abide Project video summary of a day at Synod.




Sylvie Charliekaram


1 Samuel

Becoming a Missionary Church 13/04/2023

This is happening right now!

Becoming a Missionary Church We will be having a lively conversation with Michael Goheen & Tim Sheridan on being a missionary church.They have a new book about that offers a historical a...

Learning how to love my Gen Z Children with the Gospel - The Gospel Coalition | Canada 15/10/2022

Interesting post from a local pastor... thoughts?

Learning how to love my Gen Z Children with the Gospel - The Gospel Coalition | Canada I never imagined parenting teenagers could be this challenging. Sometimes I wonder why Ephesians 6 doesn’t command children not to exasperate their parents. The ideology of western culture has conditioned...

Videos (show all)

Towards Jesus's Hospitality
The Holy of Holies
Challenges of newcomers to Canada
GREATER || Mentoring Leaders to Multiply
