Girotto Consulting

Girotto Consulting

I help you to fulfil mental and emotional health, and achieve your life and career goals. Is this you? You feel stuck and you are starting to feel resentful.

You feel that, by now, you should have achieved more in your career. Suddenly, it looks like everybody else is thriving while you’re just surviving. You love your job and your career and you also love being a mom. However, you feel like these two things are clashing one against the other: when you work on your business you feel like you’re neglecting your kids, but when you spend time with your ki


I'm going the be a guest speaker at an audio summit for expat women! The title of my presentation is "Coping with Emotions Abroad with Tapping". If you know me and what I do to support mental wellbeing, you know that Tapping is my favorite tool to work with emotions.

As I'm getting my presentation ready, if you're an expat/immigrant woman, what are the topics/situations that make you feel uncomfortable, and that you're not able to shake off easily? I'd like to include in my presentation some input from the community!

Photos from Girotto Consulting's post 14/06/2024

It was a pleasure to have Michele Babchuk North Island MLA visiting the Workplace Language and Culture Hub, a program that Chris Gunn and I facilitate at the Immigrant Welcome Centre of North Vancouver Island.
Too bad I'm never in the pictures, as I'm usually the one taking them 😆

[photo source: Immigrant Welcome Centre of North Vancouver Island]


Today, let's talk about how immigrating to a new country can affect your mental health.
Did you know that when immigrants first arrive in a new country, they are usually healthier, both physically and mentally, than people born in that country? This is good news, right?
But as they spend more time there, their health starts declining. This is called the “healthy immigrant effect”. That is definitely NOT good news!

Have you noticed this in your own life since moving to a foreign country?

When I look at my time in Canada, I can see it's true. Getting older brings its own aches and pains, but adapting to life in a new country has also taken a toll on my mental health. That's why I decided to become a Mental and Emotional Health Practitioner – not just for myself but to help others too.

If you're in a similar boat, I'd love to hear about your experience. Do you know where to turn for help when you need it? What tools or strategies do you use to support your mental and emotional well-being? If you're not sure, let's chat. I'm here to help and can create some free resources for you.

One resource that you can use right now is my free guide "How to feel whole again while living in a foreign country". The guide consists of three steps: reassessing your core values, identifying your triggers, and participating in a guided tapping session to lower your cortisol level and get in touch with your emotions.
The link is in the comments.

Remember, you're not alone!


One of the challenges of being an immigrant is feeling uncertain about the social norms of the country (and sometimes even the city) you're living in. This uncertainty can make it difficult to know how to behave, what to say, and how to say it, leading to a feeling of being unable to be spontaneous.

Living in a state of constant stress can result from not knowing if the social rules you've learned since childhood still apply. It can feel like being the only one unaware of the rules in a board game.

If you're uncertain about social rules in a specific context, such as at work, school, or with friends, there are a few things you can do:
1. Observe the behaviors and language of others and make mental notes.
2. Find someone you feel comfortable asking for guidance and clarification.
3. Consider using EFT to lower your body's cortisol levels and regain immediate clarity and confidence.

Remember that even after years of living abroad, you are continuously learning and adapting. It's important to give yourself grace and recognize the bravery it took to move to a new country and start a new life.

If you find yourself feeling out of place or incomplete, I have a gift for you! I have created a free guide called "How to feel whole again while living in a foreign country".

The guide consists of three steps: reassessing your core values, identifying your triggers, and participating in a guided tapping session to lower your cortisol level and get in touch with your emotions.
Get your free guide here:

Don't hesitate to send me any feedback on the guide and the tools included!


Have you moved to a different country and feel disconnected from your new life? I hear you! Relocating is one of the most stressful experiences, and it can lead to a feeling of having lost your identity.

To help you with the feeling of disconnection, I have created a free guide called "How to feel whole again while living in a foreign country".
The guide consists of three steps: reassessing your core values, identifying your triggers, and participating in a guided tapping session to lower your cortisol level and get in touch with your emotions.

The link is in the comments! 😃


One of the most rewarding roles I have is facilitator/instructor. One of my super powers is to make complex topics easy to learn!

I stepped into the instructor role more than 20 years ago, when I was asked to teach computer skills, web design, graphic design and marketing. Now I teach about mental health and workplace culture, but I still love love love seeing my students learning new skills!

No matter how tired I might be, when I put my foot in the classroom I feel energized and pumped and I could talk for hours! Isn't being an introvert funny? 😆


If you are a woman living in a foreign country and find yourself feeling out of place or incomplete, I have a gift for you! To celebrate , I have created a free guide called "How to feel whole again while living in a foreign country".

The guide consists of three steps: reassessing your core values, identifying your triggers, and participating in a guided tapping session to lower your cortisol level and get in touch with your emotions.

I will drop the link in the comments. Don't hesitate to send me any feedback on the guide and the tools included!

Photos from Girotto Consulting's post 11/05/2024


This week is Mental Health Week and if you're an immigrant struggling with your mental and emotional well-being, I want you to know that you're not alone.

Statistics show that on average, immigrants in Canada have better mental health than Canadian-born individuals, but this only holds true for the first few years. As time goes by, it's common for physical and mental health to decline, and it can be challenging to cope. It's heartbreaking to learn that most immigrants feel compelled to pretend that everything is okay. It can be tough to admit that things aren't going as planned, especially after making so many sacrifices to move here.

Whether you're struggling with your job, the high cost of living, or finding new friends, it's okay to ask for help. Please don't hesitate to reach out to someone you trust or seek professional support.

Remember, taking care of your mental health is just as important as taking care of your physical health.

If you live in Canada, here are some resources for you:
📞 call 310-6789 for mental health support
🔍find a Canadian Mental Health Association branch near you:
📝Mental Health 101 resources from the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH):


I believe in always improving myself and finding the best ways to help my clients with their mental health. As someone who has immigrated myself, I know that living in a different country can be tough and affect your mental health. That's why I took this course, to better understand how immigrants in Canada can struggle with their mental health and how I can help them.
If you're an immigrant, remember, you're not alone! You can reach out to me for support.

hashtag hashtag hashtag hashtag


Yesterday, I attended my first post-Covid networking event, and I realized how good I was at it. I'm not ashamed to say it out loud because I had to learn that skill.

As an introvert, it's getting harder for me to adjust as I age, but I'm proud of myself for stepping out of my comfort zone. I'm also an ESL (English Second Language) speaker, and networking for business was new to me before coming to Canada.

I had never owned a business in Italy, so when I started my web and graphic design business in Canada in 2012, I had to learn how to network the Canadian way. With time, practice, and experience, it became easier for me to do it. I like people, but social events, especially those with lots of people, background noise, and short conversations, leave my mind racing and my body over-energized. It can be challenging to have a good night's sleep when my mind keeps going back to conversations and scenarios during the day. Do you ever experience the same thing? I bet you do.

Anyway, when I came back home yesterday evening, I decided to take action and stop this nonsense. First, I went for a walk with my dog to burn down some extra energy that was making me extra talkative and annoying my teenage son. Then, I did a 15-minute tapping session and brought my racing mind level way down. My son was very thankful for that!

Tapping is such an effective tool, and very easy to learn. It's an important part of my practice and it's included in my program about mental health in the workplace. See my website for more details on this program:

Would you be interested in watching a few videos that show you how to sue tapping? Let me know in the comments!


Happy International Women's Day to all the strong women out there, particularly those who are immigrants. Leaving your own country is not an easy task, especially if it wasn't your choice. Even if it was, starting your life from scratch requires great courage. I see you, and I honor you.

I want to highlight a piece of data: immigrants are statistically healthier, both physically and mentally, than the native-born population upon initial arrival in their new country. This phenomenon is known as the “healthy immigrant effect”.


with more time spent in their new country, the physical and mental health of immigrants begins to deteriorate. This is a complex topic, with many factors contributing to this phenomenon. I strongly believe that with the right resources, tools, and guidance, women can heal and move from survival mode to a thriving mode.

If you are an immigrant woman and you are feeling lost, especially if you have been living abroad for years and you think you should be over the culture shock, do not hesitate to reach out. I am here to help you.


Did you know that nearly half of working Canadians, that is 47%, consider their work to be the most stressful part of their daily lives? This means that almost one in two Canadians experience high levels of stress while on the job! Whether you are an employer or a colleague, it is important to understand that this stress can have a severe impact on the employee's overall well-being and work performance. Working under constant stress can lead to disengagement, irritability, fatigue, and burnout. If you have experienced these symptoms, you might be one of those Canadians who is struggling with work-related stress.
Mental health has become a popular topic of discussion in the recent years, and it will continue to be so in the coming years. In Canada, one in five people experience a mental health problem or illness in any given year. However, according to the updated statistics from January 2024, the number has increased to one in four! This is a significant increase and means that every fourth person you encounter, whether in your workplace, social circle or any other setting, may have or will have mental health issues.

Despite the overwhelming challenges we face in life, we can take control and improve our mental health. With the right tools and techniques, we can learn how to cultivate mental well-being, even in adversity. Some of my favorite tools include:
- keeping a gratitude journal, which may sound cliché, but it’s effective;
- tapping, an ancient technique that can effectively reduce cortisol levels and is easy to learn; and
- cultivating a hobby, do something just for the fun of it! I'm currently learning to paint with watercolors. It brings me joy and helps me to let go of my perfectionism.

There are many tools that we can use to keep good mental health. I'll write about it in the next posts!

What are your strategies for taking care of your mental health? What works for you when you're mentally and emotionally overwhelmed?

Photos from Girotto Consulting's post 24/02/2024

I've got some exciting news to share with you today. I've recently developed a new mental health program called "How to Reduce Stress and Improve Mental and Emotional Health" specifically for the workplace.

In today's fast-paced world, poor mental health can have a significant impact on individuals and organizations alike. Not only can it lead to decreased productivity and increased health costs, but it can also result in high employee turnover. Unfortunately, 1 in 5 Canadians experience psychological health problems or illness in any given year, and 47% of working Canadians consider their work to be the most stressful part of daily life. As a result, stress and anxiety can hurt both physical and mental health, leading to a lack of motivation and depression.

That's where my program comes in. I'd like to invite you to the launch of "How to Reduce Stress and Improve Mental and Emotional Health" at the Campbell River Community Centre on Saturday, March 9th, 2024, from 10 am to 11 am, Room 1 (upstairs) and at A Step Above Cafe in Courtenay, inside Quality Foods (Driftwood Mall), on Saturday, March 9th, 2024, from 2 pm to 3pm.

These interactive presentations will equip you with the necessary tools and techniques to foster healthy emotional relationships and maintain optimal mental well-being in the workplace.

Investing in the mental well-being of your employees not only benefits your workforce but also contributes to the overall well-being of the community. So, I strongly urge you to RSVP here for the Campbell River event, and here for the Courtenay event, and attend the program's launch. You'll take home effective tools to reduce anxiety and increase productivity in your professional and personal lives.

Julie Keumbehdjian and I are looking forward to seeing you there!

PS - Check this video training I created in 2021 to help my clients get rid of anxiety:


Saturday night bonfire 🔥🌜🌠 and hot chocolate ☕


I love marinas! One of my dreams is to live on a boat for a while and explore our coasts...

Photos from Girotto Consulting's post 12/11/2022

at the ❤ Thank you .art for showing us how to weaving memories.
We were all very focused on our art but I could see the smiles and the bright light in the eyes.
Do what makes you happy. Find the time. Make it a priority.


In the last 6 months I've been training to become a Transcend Your Karma healer 😃 and I'm ready to offer practice sessions!
I'd love to share this method with you 🌟
Who would like to have a Pay Your Own Price session? You can have an energetic session starting $1!
Booking link in the comments.


Last year I recorded a series of three 45-minute workshops to show how EFT Tapping works, and to help people to overcome anxiety, scarcity mindset and low self-worth.

I've been certified as a EFT Practitioner for 3 years now, helping clients to untangle their emotions and I still get amazed on how quick it works no matter the issue.

But it's not only about getting clarity. It's about facing our emotions, uncovering the truth behind an habit or a recurring thought. It's about having faith in our wisdom. It's about the bad, the good and the ugly.

These workshops are a a chance to see me in action and learn more about , also known as .

You'll find the workshops here:

Photos from Girotto Consulting's post 24/05/2022

I wonder who designed these cute ?
Oh, wait, it was me! 😁
This is the multi-spread journal, designed to record multiple spreads: Celtic Cross, Roundabout and Three-card.
Available also on


I've created a series of three 45-minute workshops to show you how EFT Tapping works, and to help you to overcome anxiety, scarcity mindset and low self-worth.

Tapping, also known as Emotional Freedom Technique, is based on combining principles of ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology.

By tapping on acupressure points while focusing on the thoughts that are causing you stress, you relax your body and send a calming signal to your brain, letting your brain know that even with those thoughts you are safe.

Each workshop includes a guided video tapping session, a tapping points chart, a "Starting with Tapping" mini guide and a special offer to work with me one-on-one!


Women Circle in Campbell River!
I'm contacting the local venues for availability and fees.
My plan is to run a 3-month Circle starting April, once a month either Saturday morning or one of the weekdays evening.
Each circle will be 1.5 hours.
If you're interested in participating, please send me a DM and let me know what you'd prefer, if Saturday morning or an evening.
I'm looking for a minimum of 5 women 🔥
A three-month commitment is required for this first cycle, as you need time to process and explore your growth.
The investment is $150 for the three-months cycle.
There will be one Circle a month from April to June. Then we'll take a break and be ready to start again in September.
This Circle is for women committed to evolving, healing and growing.
It's a safe place where we respect, support and value each other.
It's a sacred space where we connect to our High Self.
I'll facilitate the Circle by using a mix of Emotional Intelligence, Emotional Freedom Technique, Hypnotherapy and energetic work.
Be ready to face your emotions and let go of the old limiting beliefs.
You'll decide what and how much to share of your story.


I'm putting together all the details for the Woman Circle I'm going to lead in Campbell River!

The Circle will be once a month from April to June. Then we'll take a break and be ready to start again in September.

This Circle is for women committed to evolving, healing and growing.
It's a safe place where we respect, support and value each other.
It's a sacred space where we connect to our High Self.

I'll facilitate the Circle by using a mix of Emotional Intelligence, Emotional Freedom Technique, Hypnotherapy and energetic work.
Be ready to face your emotions and let go of the old limiting beliefs.

You'll decide what and how much to share of your story.

A three-month commitment is required for this first cycle, as you need time to process and explore your growth.

I'll post more details in the next few days. I can't wait to meet you in the Circle!


We all agree that 2021 has been a wild ride. For some people more than others.
I consider myself and my family fortunate, and if 2021 has taught me something, it's to count my blessings.
However, the last year hasn't been easy for me either. In the last few days, I reflected on the concept of "emotional rest", something that I've recently read in an article about why we always feel tired.
This concept has been swirling around in my mind a lot, and as an emotional health practitioner, I do know how to recognize the signs of emotional drainage, both in my clients and, most important, in myself.

I have to admit though that I too sometimes fall into the trap that I need to keep going. That I have to take care of others before taking care of myself, and that since I have lots of tools in my toolbox, I can certainly wait until I have a few minutes left after performing all my duties.

That is so wrong. And I say it again: that is so wrong.

I encourage all of you to do whatever it takes to rest your soul.
Do you need to cry? Do it.
Do you need to shout? Do it.
Do you need to get a cup of your favourite tea or coffee? Do it.
A bath? A 10-minute reading session? A walk in the forest?
Do whatever it takes.

And don't hide your emotions. Don't pretend they are not there. Take ownership of your s #*t. The good, the bad and the ugly. All of it.
Embrace it, celebrate it, accept it, forgive it.

See those socks in the picture? It's a Christmas gift from a friend. As soon as I saw them, I noticed how smooth, warm, soft they were. Then I put them in a drawer, waiting for a special occasion to wear them.
Well, today those socks are my "whatever it takes, do it".

I wish all of you that the next year will be a year of discovery, of a journey, of a deep understanding of who you are.

Photos from Girotto Consulting's post 17/12/2021

A few years ago I was suggested to follow the elimination diet.
The painful part of this diet is being consistent in writing down every day what you eat, along with how your body feels afterwards.

To help people staying on track with logging what they eat, I've created an Elimination Diet journal:
🥦 31 pages for the elimination phase;
🍅 31 pages for the reintroduction phase;
🍊a summary of foods that you need to avoid and how
they affect your body.
🌷 Bonus: dotted pages for your notes.

Small size, 5x8 inch. Easy to carry it with you to stay focused and motivated.
Available on Amazon with a choice of two covers.


I've always been interested in the art of divination. When I was young(er), I wanted to see the future - my future, of course. I wanted answers on certain aspects of my life, so I learnt how to use the I-Ching, the Tarots, the Pendulum.
However, my perspective is now a bit different. The future is complicated and fluid, and I'm not interested in getting answers about what will happen.

What I'm now interested in, it's getting clarity in the how.

When I use my oracle cards, which is a beautiful deck I feel attracted to, I ask questions such as "What do I need to work on?", "Where can I find support?", "Where should I direct my attention today?".

An intuitive reading is a way for me to connect with my Higher Self and get guidance, inspiration, creativity. It's a way to see things from a different perspective. My ability to listen to people, and to pick up the subtle clues from the unconscious, make my readings potent and effective.

I have done readings for many people - here's what one of them says about her experience:
"Lucilla is straight to the point. Her reading was accurate and resonated fully with my situation. I got an insight into the situation and guidance on how to move forward from there. Thank you, you are truly gifted ❤️"
- Lida Khurrami

If you'd like to get an intuitive reading, send me DM or book online here:

Photos from Girotto Consulting's post 13/12/2021

Are you an intuitive reader or someone that wants to keep track of their readings?
I've created several Tarot Journals, one for each of these spreads: the Celtic Cross, the Roundabout and the Three-Card. I've also created a journal that includes all of them!

It comes handy if you want to test my journals and see if they are the right fit for you 💖
Each spread of this journal includes:
🌙Reading date, time, deck
🌙Reader and querent name
🌙Elegant frames to record the cards details
🌙Cards message

Size 6x9 inch (15.24x22.86 cm), cream paper, matte cover. Two covers available!

Videos (show all)

Italian mini-lesson, April 8 2020