Alberta Party

Alberta Party

The Alberta Party is working to make our province the best place to live - an Alberta by Albertans for Albertans.

Donate Today To Build Your Alberta Party 08/06/2024

THANK YOU to all the Alberta Party members who joined us, both in-person and online, at our AGM this past weekend!

We took care of business and had some lively discussions with panelists who shared their perspectives and ideas on how to address affordability and housing, two complex issues facing Albertans now and through the next few years.

These discussions will give us a solid foundation to build out pragmatic policy that will truly resonate with our party members and, more broadly, with Albertans.

These discussions will give us a solid foundation to build out pragmatic policy that will truly resonate with our party members and, more broadly, with Albertans. We know Albertans are looking for solutions, not just platitudes, and for real conversations, not performative announcements. And that's what we plan to give them.

We also elected 9 new members to the Alberta Party's Board of Directors. They will be joining John Gee and Conrad Guay who are serving the final portion of their appointment. Please join us in celebrating the appointment and re-appointment of these members.

Lindsay Amantea – Calgary Buffalo
Donovan Arnaud – Strathmore Chestermere
Cesar Agudelo-Tellez – Calgary Foothills
Sue Timanson – Strathcona Sherwood Park
Sam Petrov – Edmonton Rutherford
Layton Veverka – Lethbridge West
Devon Demerse – Calgary Buffalo

A huge thank you to these members for stepping up to help us build a better future for our families, our neighbors, and all Albertans. The new Board of Directors will meet next week to select the Executive.

With the AGM behind us, we're looking to the future... to the next provincial election in 2027.

Would you consider becoming a monthly donor of $27 per month? A monthly donation allows us to plan our expenses, to get into more communities across the province to meet with supporters, to grow our networks, and to set up constituency associations.

Let's get started on the road to 2027!

Donate Today To Build Your Alberta Party A donation to the Alberta Party means we can keep fighting fear and anger with TRUST and HOPE. With donations, we can run the operations of the party, including staff, election preparations, events, and more. Albertans are counting on the Alberta Party to bring humanity, transparency, capability, an...

Registration 30/04/2024

Buy your ticket now for the 2024 Alberta Party Convention and AGM on June 1-2, 2024 at the Hotel Clique in Calgary.

Following last year's provincial election, your Board has been working hard behind the scenes to plot a course for the future, including the process to select a new leader.

This is your first opportunity to hear from Lindsay Amantea (our new interim leader), to elect new Board members, and to participate in one of the most important AGMs in Alberta Party memory. This AGM will play a pivotal role in setting the Alberta Party's future direction and if you still believe in our Party values (Prosperity, Fiscal Responsibility, Social Responsibility, Democracy, Sustainability, Quality of Life) and our goal of forming government in the future, then we're asking for three things from you…
1. Your loud support
2. Your donation
3. Your attendance at this AGM

It’s never been more important.

Register today. You can attend either in-person or online. We can’t wait to see you there!

“Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed people to change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has.” ~ Margaret Mead.

Registration Buy your ticket for the 2024 Alberta Party Convention and Annual General Meeting today! There are two ways to attend: in person or online.


This UCP government is not a conservative government.

We Albertans are fiercely independent, hard-working, pragmatic people. We want a government that ensures that everyone is looked after, that Alberta’s interests are protected, and–most importantly–to focus on creating an environment where people and businesses can succeed and then gets out of our way.

Instead, we have a government that pursues policies that it did not campaign on and that Albertans do not support; eg an Alberta Police Force, an Alberta Pension Plan. And now it wants to introduce parties at the municipal level and to give itself the ability to fire councillors and overturn bylaws.

These unwanted initiatives distract attention from important issues such as addressing the chronic shortage of doctors and healthcare staff, long wait times for treatment and surgeries, and emergency wards that are frequently shut down (especially in rural areas), and addressing the shortage of housing.

Albertans deserve better.

The Alberta Party advocates for small government, one that focuses on issues that are important to Albertans.


On Wednesday, Premier Smith posted a 7-minute video on social media outlining new proposed regulations on transgender issues. She began by speaking calmly and displaying a level of compassion and understanding for transgender people and the challenges they face. This is Smith tapping her background as a radio talk show host, and taking a velvet glove approach to lull us into a false sense of comfort.

Smith then doffed the gloves and announced a series of measures that go beyond what even New Brunswick and Saskatchewan have done and which have resulted in a huge public outcry.

Parental notification and consent will be needed for teachers to accommodate a request by children 15 and under to use a different name or pronoun.

Parents will also have to give approval every time that a teacher intends to give formal instruction on gender identity, sexual orientation, or human sexuality.

Children 17 and under will not be permitted to undergo top and bottom gender surgeries. Children aged 15 and under will not be permitted to either use puberty blockers or undergo hormone therapy for the purpose of gender reassignment or affirmation.

Last week, the Premier signaled that changes were coming and said that they had consulted broadly. It’s not clear who was consulted. Teachers, via the Alberta Teachers Association (ATA), were not. The Trans Equality Society of Alberta (TESA) was not.

Much of what the Premier said is simply untrue, and does a disservice to the issue. Transgender issues are complex and many Albertans are misinformed about them, and the Premier’s comments serve to make it worse. For example, there are already rules governing gender affirmation surgeries such as top and bottom surgeries, and puberty blockers are reversible and are used for other purposes.

Smith’s comments are so offbase that the Alberta Medical Association (AMA)’s Section of Pediatrics felt compelled to issue a statement “regarding government proposal to restrict medical treatments available to pediatric patients who identify as trans gender”. (see attached)

Because Smith believes that young female athletes face “unfair disadvantages” when competing against those who are biologically male, she said the government will work with sports organizations to prevent that. It’s unclear how a government would do that.

Overall, the Premier would have us believe that this is all about protecting kids and preserving parental rights, but we need to realize that this is really about her satisfying the far rightwing element of the UCP that now dominates the party and to whom she is beholden.

Children have many thoughts about themselves and their bodies as they mature and it’s important to have guidelines that protect them. Fundamentally, we as a society–including not just parents who clearly play an important role but also teachers, coaches and others who have tremendous influence–need to support them in their journey. The sad reality is that many 2SLGBTQI+ kids face mental and physical abuse from those around them, including their parents, and they represent an inordinate percentage of kids who harm themselves and even take their own lives. They need our help and understanding, not repressive rules.

Stephanie Shostak, Alberta Party member, writes: “From a legal point of view, parents are trusted with the duty of care and for providing guidance and direction to their children, which includes making decisions that are in the best interests of their child. Parents also have a basic legal obligation to ensure the well being of their children but they don't have total control over their lives.

“When considering the emotional and moral aspects, it becomes clear that parents don't own their children. Ownership means having complete control over something. Children are not properties to be possessed like a house or car. They are humans with their rights, feelings, thoughts, identities and aspirations. They shouldn't be seen as things owned by their parents, but as individuals who deserve respect and independence. Treating them as possessions undermines their rights to dignity, freedom, and safety.

“In 1991, Canada signed the United National Convention on the Rights of the Child to solidify its efforts to protect children. Canadians need to remember that this was done by the Brian Mulroney Progressive Conservative government.

“Children are the future of Alberta, so all Albertans have a role in making sure they grow up well. Seeing them as owned by parents ignores society's responsibility to take care of them and it doesn't match up with how we understand childrens' rights, individuality, and society's duty to protect them.”

The Alberta Party does not support these proposed measures, and calls for open discussion and true consultation.


Recently, one of the Alberta Party's founding members suddenly passed away.

Midge Lambert was at the very first meeting had by a group of progressive folks from a variety of parties who thought Alberta could be so much more.

Midge was born in southern Alberta in 1942 and grew up on ranches and in small towns. She came to politics through her love of nature and Alberta's vast open lands. She was a fierce critic of a system that continually took from the land but never gave back. She became increasingly concerned about the debt to the environment that was going unpaid in this province, but never stopped loving the land or its people.

In 2010, Midge sat in the meeting where progressive Albertans from across the political spectrum met with the established Alberta Party of the time to come up with new party that would have relevance in our age. She was on the Board of Directors for our first decade... and became our unofficial historian.

She took over membership recruitment and helped with the steep rise in interest the party saw after 2010.

After Midge left the active scene of the party, she was still a strong advocate of what it might become... and continued on social media with her views and critiques of those in power.

Anyone who knew her well, knew of her incredible wealth of knowledge and amazing wit.

With Midge's passing Alberta loses a matriarch who cared deeply about this province and who was concerned with the direction it has taken recently.

The Alberta Party would do well if it models itself on Midge's decency and concern for the long-term well-being of this province and it's people.

Midge will be deeply missed by those of us who had the honour of working with her in those early years of this party. And those who never had that honour will be well-served if the party honours its roots that were in part created by amazing people like Midge Lambert.

Thank-you, Midge!

Alberta Party: Past. Present. Future. Session 3 - Party Path Forward 01/09/2023

Over the summer, we invited Alberta Party members, supporters and the general public to join us in a series of virtual sessions to discuss the future.

The third and final session on Sept 7 (7:00 PM) will consider "The Path Forward"

Register here:

Alberta Party: Past. Present. Future. Session 3 - Party Path Forward We acknowledge that in Alberta we are on traditional territories of the many First Nations, Métis, and Inuit whose footsteps have marked these lands for centuries. We respect their histories, languages, and cultures as their presence continues to enrich our communities.

Alberta Party: Past. Present. Future. Who is the Alberta Party? 11/08/2023

We’re inviting Alberta Party members, supporters and the general public to join us in a series of virtual sessions to discuss the road forward for the Alberta Party. Please click here to register for the second session (Who is the Alberta Party?)

Background: There’s no sugar-coating it: the 2023 Alberta General Election was a disappointment. The Alberta Party needs to review the results, analyze what worked and what didn’t, discuss what the Party “is” and what it could or should be in the future, and propose a path forward.

The consolidated outcomes and report will be presented to the Alberta Party Board of Directors at its September meeting. Once the report receives Board approval, it will be presented at the Annual General Meeting (date to be determined).

The dates and subjects for the 3 sessions are:
1. Tuesday July 25, 2023: 2023: Election Results review
2. Wednesday August 16, 2023: Who is the Alberta Party?
3. Thursday September 7, 2023: The Path Forward

The first session on July 25 considered the following:
• What happened?
• What worked?
• What came up short?
• What we need to do better/more/less for the next election in 2027 or any possible by-elections before then?

We'll share a summary of that session soon.

For the second session, we'll start with the Alberta Party's Principles (under the headings of Prosperity, Fiscal Responsibility, Social Responsibility, Sustainability, Democracy, and Quality of life), and consider
• Are they still what we want/need?
• How do the principles translate to policy and platform?
• Are they consistent?
• Are they weak/strong in any areas?.Sid Kobewka
President, Alberta Party

Alberta Party: Past. Present. Future. Who is the Alberta Party? Please join us for the second of a series of virtual sessions to discuss the road forward for the Alberta PartyOur topic will be the Who/What is the Alberta Party? Who do we want to be?

Photos from Alberta Party's post 20/07/2023

We’re inviting Alberta Party members, supporters and the general public to join us in a series of virtual sessions to discuss the road forward for the Alberta Party. Please click here to register for the first session:

Background: There’s no sugar-coating it: the 2023 Alberta General Election was a disappointment. The Alberta Party needs to review the results, analyze what worked and what didn’t, discuss what the Party “is” and what it could or should be in the future, and propose a path forward.

The dates and subjects for each session are:
1. Tuesday July 25, 2023: 2023: Election Results review
2. Wednesday August 16, 2023: Who/What is the Alberta Party?
3. Thursday September 7, 2023: The Path Forward

The consolidated outcomes and report will be presented to the Alberta Party Board of Directors at its September meeting. Once the report receives Board approval, it will be presented at the Annual General Meeting (date to be determined).

The first session on July 25 will consider the following:
• What happened? (results review)
• What worked?
• What came up short?
• What we need to do better/more/less for the next election in 2027 or any possible by-elections before then.?

Our thanks to some 600 Alberta Party members and supporters who completed the survey that we recently sent out. We’ll share highlights from the survey during the first session. Two tidbits: 87% of respondents gave a 4 or 5 (out of 5) to the statement that “It’s important to have a 3rd voice in the Legislature” and 71% said that the Alberta Party is the best option for that 3rd voice.

Don’t delay; register for the first session today!

What is National Indigenous Peoples Day? 21/06/2023

Today, on National Indigenous Peoples' Day, the Alberta Party joins people across the country in celebrating the diverse cultures, languages, and traditions of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples.

This is an opportunity to pause and acknowledge the truth about our collective history while we also celebrate the countless achievements and contributions Indigenous peoples have made in the areas of medicine and healing; education, science; fine arts; business; sports and politics.

It is also a day to renew our shared commitment and collective responsibility so that we can learn about and work to reconcile our country's past.

Together we must always strive for a better future where Indigenous rights and cultures are recognized, valued, and respected.

For more info on National Indigenous Peoples' Day

What is National Indigenous Peoples Day? National Indigenous Peoples Day is a day to honor First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples across Canada, but it's also a reminder of the work yet required fo...


“Respecting & supporting 2SLGBTQIA+ Albertans helps ensure that all of Alberta is welcoming and inclusive of all Albertans.” (Alberta Party Leader Barry Morish*ta)
Pride Month was established to honour the 1969 Stonewall riots (often considered the start of the movement for gay, q***r, and transgender rights.)
Part activism, part celebration, the month has uplifted 2SLGBTQIA+ voices, culture & achievements through celebration, performance, participation in protests, and memorials and celebrations of life for those lost to hate crimes or HIV/AIDS.


On World Heritage Day, we celebrate the strength of our diverse communities - those that built the foundation of the past, those who propel us today and those that will shape our future.

From the Indigenous and Métis Peoples to immigrants from around the world our heritage has been enriched by the legacy of all. Alberta Party celebrates and upholds the dignity of all.


Announcing Myles Chykerda as our candidate for Lacombe-Ponoka

Myles is a 4th-generation rural Albertan, born and raised in Stettler and Lacombe. He is part of a family with deep roots in farming, teaching, and the oil and gas industry. Family and community are central aspects of what the Chykerda clan believes in, and Myles has a long history of community engagement and accepting leadership roles in non-profit societies.

Myles is a professional archaeologist with Bachelor and Master of Arts degrees from the University of Alberta and a soon-to-be completed PhD from University of California Los Angeles (UCLA). He has worked on projects in Alberta, Italy, and Greece, and focuses on understanding how complex societies form through an interaction of natural landscapes, urban development, and social memory.

While in Edmonton, Myles became friends with numerous people that had been left behind by the boom; individuals living on the street who had been largely forgotten and left without anywhere to go for help or any aid to help them succeed. The idea of a hand-UP as opposed to a hand-out is something that strongly resonates with Myles.

Myles believes in a balanced society supported by an efficient government. A strong economy and ensuring that Albertans have access to quality jobs is vital, and health care and education paramount, but non-profits and fine arts groups are equally important in the creation of a rich Alberta that can be enjoyed by all.

All his experiences have led Myles to believe in governance via open and transparent processes rooted in facts and logic. As the Alberta Party candidate for Lacombe-Ponoka in the last election, he championed issues that matter to the area, including pragmatic solutions to rural crime and sustainable improvements to the region’s healthcare system.

Myles is the Alberta Party's Shadow Minister for Advanced Education.


Choosing Quality over Quantity (a message from our President, Sid Kobewka)

You may be noticing that it's April, there’s an election planned for next month, and the Alberta Party has been unusually quiet for a political party. This is intentional.

In the weeks leading up to the 2019 General Election, the Party was busy pushing out multiple email blasts and press releases announcing candidates across the province.

As you know, the Party did run a full slate of 87 candidates in 2019. Each with their own announcement, each with their own press release, each with their own social media posts. A lot of volunteer time and energy went into creating all those communications.

At the end of the 2019 General Election, we fell short.

We could take pride in running the first full slate of candidates in Party history. We could take pride in exceeding expectations and earning the vote of 9% of Albertans. We could take pride in being invited to our first televised Leaders’ Debate. We could take pride in having had hundreds of volunteers across the province championing our Party.

We did a lot of good things in 2019. However, we didn’t elect any MLAs and that’s why we fell short.

So, the lesson has been learned and we are approaching 2023 differently. You are going to hear more from us in the coming weeks but we’re going to utilize our volunteers’ energy and our supporters’ dollars differently. The goal this time isn’t to have 87 candidates but to have elected MLAs.

We need your help in getting those MLAs elected. Your time and your donation will go towards ensuring a moderate voice returns to the Legislature… something that has been lacking for the last 4 years.

Sid Kobewka
Alberta Party

Your Donation Matters:

Timeline photos 28/03/2023

Reminder: Join Party Leader *ta tomorrow at 7:00 PM, March 29, for a Virtual Townhall on Healthcare. We'll discuss what's not working and how we start working towards solutions for Alberta's healthcare systems. Click here to register:

Timeline photos 27/03/2023

There are no words that will ease the pain of those left behind.
There are no words that can describe our humble appreciation for the sacrifice made. We cannot speak of the depth of sorrow at their loss, but we can remember the heroes who stood willingly in harm's way to protect others from lawlessness. We commit our enduring remembrance and gratitude for the contribution made by Constable Travis Jordan and Constable Brett Ryan in preserving civil society. We offer our deepest sympathies to their families, friends, and colleagues living with this tragedy.

Timeline photos 23/03/2023

We wish all followers of the Muslim faith a blessed Ramadan.

Timeline photos 22/03/2023

Kevin Todd was born and raised in the community of Nanton, proudly raising his own family in the same town. As his family has grown in this rural community, so has his commitment and service to the town and surrounding areas. Kevin has always been an active community member, whether volunteering with the Nanton Futures Foundation, Nanton Promoters, or the Nanton Golf Club.

Having served on the Town Council for multiple years, Kevin has gained significant political experience. Sharing his deep sense of neighborhood involvement, Kevin's wife and daughters are also an active part of the Nanton community.

Kevin's background in finance and his keen entrepreneurial spirit keep him visiting all parts of the province and beyond as part of his work life. He never misses an opportunity to learn something new from a stranger or have a chat about the importance of getting outdoors and getting back to nature. He looks forward to representing the constituents of Livingstone-Macleod in the upcoming election and advocating for a balanced and fiscally responsible option in Alberta Politics. Show your support for better government by donating to or learn more at

Timeline photos 21/03/2023

The Alberta Party is proud to officially endorse Brent Tyson as our Candidate for the riding of Edmonton-Decore. is a well-respected family Lawyer and resident of North Edmonton since 1993. He is a passionate community volunteer, ensuring access to justice by donating his legal services and acting as a family mediator. He has volunteered as a softball coach and umpire both locally and at the national level, along with countless hours supporting youth sports. As a long-standing member of Edmonton's thriving art community, as a board member, actor & theatre producer, Brent understands & is committed to promoting the Arts as an essential part of a healthy society. He looks forward to representing the citizens of Edmonton-Decore on these and other important issues during the provincial election.
Show your support for Brent Tyson and a Fiscally Responsible & Socially Engaged Government by donating here:

Timeline photos 20/03/2023

Join us at 7:00 PM on March 22, 2023, to discuss Alberta Energy Production and the environment we all share. As a former mayor of Brooks, both oil hub & home of one of the largest solar installations in Alberta. Party Leader Barry Morish*ta offers a unique perspective on the future of Alberta's energy and environment.

Register Today at

Timeline photos 17/03/2023

Join us at 7:00 PM on March 22, 2023, to discuss Alberta Energy Production and the environment we all share. As a former mayor of Brooks, both oil hub & home of the largest solar installation in Alberta. Party Leader Barry Morish*ta offers a unique perspective on the future of Alberta's energy and environment.

Register Today at

Timeline photos 16/03/2023

Please be advised that the Affordability Townhall Discussion with Barry Morish*ta planned for this evening will be rescheduled on short notice due to a motor vehicle accident. Mr. Morish*ta was stopped at a red light when the accident occurred. He suffered minor injuries but is expected to recover fully.

Affordability Town Hall 16/03/2023

Join Alberta Party leader *ta to discuss (It's on everyone's minds.) Tonight at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom. Register here!

Affordability Town Hall We acknowledge that in Alberta we are on traditional territories of the many First Nations, Métis, and Inuit whose footsteps have marked these lands for centuries. We respect their histories, languages, and cultures as their presence continues to enrich our communities.

Kerry Cundal for Calgary-Elbow on Twitter 08/03/2023

Another phenomenal woman on the team!

Kerry Cundal for Calgary-Elbow on Twitter “We still have lots of work to do to support women incl increasing representation in gov’t. There are many opportunities to take action: volunteer w/ local women’s organizations, support women & elect more women to gov’t, to name a few. 😉💕 ”

Cross Border Interviews with Chris Brown on Twitter 04/03/2023

A Municipal perspective from a provincial politician.

Cross Border Interviews with Chris Brown on Twitter “"Without a Question," Leader *ta says Municipalities across Alberta have a friend in him and his party if elected in May. Check out our special on the 2023 Budget:


A municipal perspective from a provincial politician.

Timeline photos 27/02/2023

Join us at 7:00 PM on March 2, 2023, to discuss the Alberta government's proposed Budget and hear a balanced point of view from Alberta Party Leader Barry Morish*ta. Register Today at


Join us in the celebration of Pink Shirt day!

Timeline photos 20/02/2023

Happy Family Day from Our Families to Yours

Alberta Primetime for Wednesday, February 15, 2023 16/02/2023

here is Party leader *ta on discussing orphan wells & how giving away more tax dollars to oil companies is not a fiscally conservative solution. Ensuring companies live up to their original agreements is.

Alberta Primetime for Wednesday, February 15, 2023 Alberta Primetime


We all know the EMS system is struggling and no 90-day magic wand is going to fix it, but through thoughtful consultation with those involved progress can be made.

Join the Movement

Videos (show all)

Pink Shirt Day 2023
We all know the #Alberta EMS system is struggling and no 90-day magic wand is going to fix it, but through thoughtful co...
Today is National Flag Day, celebrating Feb 15, 1965, when the Maple Leaf #CanadianFlag was first raised on Parliament H...
Happy Valentine's Day Alberta. Be our Valentine by renewing your membership at
@abteachers help our children learn, we need to help support them with appropriate education funding and classroom suppo...
Want to know a little bit more about Dr. Angela Grace? Let us introduce you... check out her launch video and then make ...
Feb 4 is World Cancer Day.  A day to remember those we’ve lost, our loved ones still fighting, and appreciate those who ...
Clean water is essential, if the government is aware there is potential contamination in the mountain snow that feeds ou...
Supports for Albertans experiencing tough times are essential but should focus on those who need it most. Fiscally respo...
Happy New Year! 🎉Here's to exciting opportunities ahead in 2023 as we continue to build our presence throughout the prov...
The film industry employs thousands in Alberta and has been disproportionately affected during the peak of the pandemic....
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