TMJ/Sleep Therapy Centre of Eastern Ontario

TMJ/Sleep Therapy Centre of Eastern Ontario

Treating Headache, Jaw, Facial Pain and Sleep Disorders. Life begins when pain ends.

The TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre of Eastern Ontario in association with T&S International is a network of like minded individuals who are united by passion and proven through science to treat TMD and Sleep Breathing Disorders


‼️ UPDATE ‼️
We’ve just been informed that airing of Patrick McKeown’s appearance on BBC 1’s episode of Dragons Den (February 1st 2024) has been delayed for a few weeks. Updates to follow.

Nearly there!
Not long to go until this week's episode of Dragons' Den. We are very excited to see Patrick's appearance.
Will you be watching?



Our office phone number is once again 613 928 2326

The 343 number was temporary while we switched to phone service from Xplore and finally got rid of Bell


New office phone number

343 251 1024


The tongue's position plays a role in directing airflow for breathing. 👅

When the tongue is up and sealed to the palate, it helps create a seal that encourages airflow through the nose.

Lowering the tongue allows air to flow in and out of the mouth, which is how mouth breathing occurs. The tongue's position can impact the passage of air and influence the breathing route.

Where is your tongue at rest?


Finally! We have been talking about this for years: nasal breathing and mouth-taping in sports performance!

We were delighted to see this article as Iga Swiatek prepares for the Canadian Open.


Research shows that stamina on the pitch is directly related to breathing efficiency. When your breathing is slower, circulation and oxygenation are better. Which means you have more energy when you need it.

Breathing becomes more efficient when you decrease your sensitivity to CO2. When tolerance to CO2 is low, you will experience more breathlessness. And your breathing muscles will have to work harder.

The OA™ uses a measure called the BOLT score. The BOLT is an objective measure of sensitivity to CO2 and to breathlessness.

To measure your BOLT score, you will need a stopwatch or timer that counts in seconds.


- Take a normal, silent breath in through your nose.
- Allow a normal, silent breath out through your nose.
- Hold your nose with your fingers to prevent air from entering your lungs.
- Count the number of seconds until you feel the first distinct desire to breathe in.
- Many pro athletes start out with a BOLT score of about 20 seconds. If you have asthma it might be lower. With regular practice of the breathing exercises, you’re aiming to reach 40 seconds.

The exercises improve tolerance to CO2 and can be integrated into your football fitness training drills. Better tolerance to CO2 will significantly increase your exercise capacity.

When your BOLT score is 40 seconds, breathing is light and slow during rest and moderate exercise, and the nervous system is well balanced.


Thank you to Irish Golfer for the lovely mention of Patrick McKeown and the Oxygen Advantage this weekend.

Click the link below to read the full article,


Mark your calendars for June 1st for Lois' first book launch! You can receive a free digital download between 9:00 am - 10:00 am PST on Amazon. This book has been in the works for years and we are very excited to share it with the world!


Happy Birthday to our Founder, Dr. Steven Olmos 🥳 The work you do to bring Pain and Sleep Disorder awareness and education across the globe is changing our world for the better! Because of your hard work and years of dedicated research, Doctors are able to heal their Pain and Sleep Disordered patients holistically, without surgery, and with lasting success 🎉 🙌 What a blessing that is! Enjoy your Birthday Celebration today! 🎈🎊🎂


Kal Patel is an awesome Physiotherapist 👍

Timeline photos 20/09/2022

A new study proposes a method for soothing and promoting sleep in crying infants by holding the infant and walking for five minutes, followed by sitting and holding the infant for another five to eight minutes before putting the child to bed.

Tongue-Tie Update: What Dentists Need to Know About This Common Condition 09/09/2022

Tongue-Tie Update: What Dentists Need to Know About This Common Condition Like many of you, when I finished dental school, I had some idea of what a tongue-tie is and how it can impact speech and possibly gum recession. But in four years of dental school, we had only one slide on tongue-tie treatment, and in pediatric residency, we read only one article on tongue-ties, wh...


Finding the Origin is the missing link in Diagnosis. It is what our Centres do … and why we can actually help our patients to heal… and not just manage their symptoms.

Contact the Centre in your geographical area to learn more.

For Eastern Ontario, call us 613 928 2326

Dr. Victor Romano is an Orthopaedic Surgeon Specializing in Sports Medicine. He changed his practice to find the cause of his patients' pain thanks to the MNRT program. This program is open to all medical and dental professionals that want to treat the cause and not mask the symptoms. Check out and register here

OHRC policy statement on COVID-19 vaccine mandates and proof of vaccine certificates | Ontario Human Rights Commission 06/10/2021

OHRC policy statement on COVID-19 vaccine mandates and proof of vaccine certificates | Ontario Human Rights Commission Page controls+ show tagsTags Social Areas: goods, services and facilities Code Grounds: creed, disability, family status, intersecting Law: Ontario Human Rights Code Resources Type: statements, policy Activity Type: COVID-19 Discrimination Type: failure to accommodate Organizational Resp...

Profile pictures 14/09/2021

A wonderful Team of young women and their Coach


Back for a FIFTH season, the TMJ Sleep Therapy Centre of Eastern Ontario is generously supporting Team Thorne for another season.

The TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre of Eastern Ontario in association with TMJ International is a network of like-minded individuals who are united by passion and proven through science to treat TMJ and Sleep Breathing Disorders. Dr. McGregor and her highly skilled staff are dedicated to giving their patients a thorough assessment, accurate diagnosis and compassionate treatment that sometimes involves referrals to other healthcare professionals. At TMJ Sleep Therapy Centre of Eastern Ontario, patients know they will always receive quality care in a caring environment from the best of the best!

Are you or a loved one in need of care? Check out or call 613-928-2316 to get started today.


Happy Wellness Wednesday! How has your sleep been lately?


Congratulations Colin Sullivan
The Sleep Research Society have given an outstanding Scientific Achievement Award to Colin Sullivan. The award recognises novel and seminal discoveries of a basic, clinical or theoretical nature that have made a significant impact on the sleep field.

Colin Sullivan, PhD, is a professor and chair of the research committee in the department of medicine at the University of Sydney, and a consultant physician with the Children’s Hospital at Westmead and the Sydney Children’s Hospital in Randwick. Beyond the identification of the significant influence of sleep on breathing, his major scientific achievements have included the characterization of the pathophysiology of adult sleep apnea; the invention of nasal CPAP in 1980, now the ‘gold standard’ treatment of sleep apnea; the development of non-invasive ventilation during sleep to manage respiratory failure; the recognition of the extent of upper airway obstruction in infantile apnea; the development of human fetal monitoring technology, and the discovery of the mechanism of sleep-induced worsening of blood pressure in pre-eclampsia.


Thanks for the great first meeting today, President Joe Biden. We are united in our commitment to defeating and supporting our people through this pandemic and in the recovery.

Vice President Kamala Harris, whether it's your family in Mississauga, or your friends in Montreal, Canadians are proud of you, and it will be my pleasure to welcome you in person to Canada, once the pandemic allows us to do so.

And Janet Yellen, it was great to continue our conversations today on how we can further support people and businesses for an economic recovery that is strong, sustainable and inclusive.


Je vous remercie, Joe Biden, pour notre première rencontre d'aujourd'hui. Nous nous engageons tous les deux à vaincre la et à soutenir nos peuples tout au long de cette pandémie et de la reprise.

Kamala Harris que ce soit votre tante à Mississauga, ou vos anciennes amies à Montréal, les Canadiennes sont fières de vous, et ce sera un plaisir pour moi de vous accueillir en personne au Canada, une fois que la COVID nous le permettra.

Et Janet Yellen, ce fut un plaisir de poursuivre nos conversations aujourd'hui sur les façons dont nous pouvons soutenir les gens et les entreprises afin d’assurer une reprise économique forte, durable et inclusive.


Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 19:00
Thursday 08:00 - 17:00