Joy In The Home

Joy In The Home

The core of my work is a focus on emotional intelligence, connection, empathy, and resilience.

With two decades of experience working with children and families from around the world, I have witnessed a common struggle among parents. Caught between the rigid ways in which we were raised and the desire to do things differently, many parents feel lost in guiding their children in a healthy and nurturing way. Overwhelmed by their children's intense emotions, they long for support and a clear p

Photos from Joy In The Home's post 15/02/2024

It’s the lens you choose to see life through.

Photos from Joy In The Home's post 08/01/2024

Did you know? You do now! 🙂


3 tips for you and the kids to enjoy a Calm(er) Christmas!

We’re days away from Christmas! So much excitement but a sprinkler of overwhelm for all! The holidays can be wonderful but also A-LOT on the nervous system. What comes with that? Emotional unrest, anxiousness, and stress. Here are 3 super simple things you can do that can have high impact effects on helping the kids and you have more moments of regulated cheer 🎄 🔔 🎅


Here’s the lowdown on why opting for shared moments is the real winner.

Sure, gifts are nice, the excitement of tearing open wrapping paper and all. But let’s be real, that buzz fades faster than a snowflake in a heatwave. You’re left with more ‘things’ that there’s barely enough space for it to reside or time to use, play with or utilize compared to the mountain of stuff most have around them. Now, flip the script. Imagine a Christmas where you ditch the excess of stuff and opt for doing something cool together. Maybe it’s cooking up a storm in the kitchen or pulling off a makeshift karaoke night. These shared experiences become the real gems of the holiday season.

Why? Well, experiences don’t collect dust. They’re the stories you retell over and over, like the time you attempted a disastrous dance move. These are the moments that stick, creating a holiday album of memories.

And the best part? Experiences build connections. When you invest time and energy into shared activities, you’re building bonds that last way beyond the holiday hustle. It’s like a lasting gift that keeps on giving.

Let’s talk about clutter. Instead of adding more stuff to your already crowded space, go for experiences that won’t take up shelf room. They’ll fill your cup, your wellbeing.

So, this Christmas, maybe dial down on the presents and dial up on the good times. The joy of being together beats the fleeting thrill of unwrapping any day. Because, let’s face it, the real LASTING magic happens when you’re making memories, not when you’re drowning in wrapping paper. Cheers to a holiday season filled with laughter, connection, and making some new memories through experience. 🎄


Getting Creative With Childhood Fears

Kids have a unique way of dealing with their fears, and let’s be honest, we adults probably had our share of odd coping mechanisms too (some of us still do). Take, for example, my ingenious solution to the monster and vampire threat…sleeping in my hamper. I was convinced it provided the ultimate neck protection. While it might seem hilarious now, it was a serious matter back then.
The beauty of it all? My parents let me navigate through this quirky phase. They gently nudged me towards the practicality of sleeping in a bed but also allowed the creative exploration of what made me feel safe. Do I still bunk up in the hamper? No. Do I love a good fort? Absolutely. Do I occasionally entertain the idea that something might get me in the night? Rarely.
The takeaway here is that kids’ fears, no matter how silly, are real to them. Instead of dismissing their concerns, encourage them to confront the fear head-on, even if it involves a hamper or two. It’s a whimsical journey of finding their way through fears and dismantling them one creative step at a time.


Have you ever wondered why kids’ emotions can hit us like a tidal wave or even feel like that annoying buzzing of a pest at times. Here’s the reality. It often has more to do with our own past than with their current behavior.

Whether we like it or not we’re all products of our upbringing. Our childhood experiences and the way we were raised shape our emotional responses as adults. If we were taught to suppress our feelings, or if our caregivers couldn’t handle our big emotions, it can affect how we respond to children’s outbursts today.

So, when kids or youth meltdown, talk back, or whine it might stir up unresolved emotions from your own past. It’s like your inner child saying, “Hey, I remember feeling like this!”

Understanding that our triggers often have deep roots in our own early experiences can be a game-changer. It’s an opportunity to heal and grow, not just for us but for the children in our lives too.

By acknowledging and working through our triggers, we can offer a more empathetic and emotionally nurturing environment for kids, beaking the cycles that suppress and oppress us to this day. It’s all about rewriting the script and creating a higher quality of life and legacy for the next generation.


Hey Martensville Families! We’re two weeks out, grab your tickets soon!

In the meantime have a watch for a little lowdown on what you can look forward to in the workshop coming your way on Empowering Children: Navigating Fears and Anxieties.

Learn to distinguish effective from ineffective fears, equip yourself with practical tools for emotional resilience, and foster open communication channels with your child or youth.

Don't miss this chance to make a lasting impact on your child's life and your own. Get your tickets now! 🎟️

Workshop Details:
Title: Empowering Children: Navigating Fears and Anxieties
Date: Oct 4, 2023
Time: 7:30-9:00 pm
Location: Heritage Centre, 415 6 Ave S, Martensville, SK

Please feel free to share this invite with family, friends, Educators, Coaches, anyone with children in their lives. Tickets can be found at For questions, contact me at (604)506-6530.

See you Soon!


Work with the wild!
You know those spirited, "unruly" kids? 🙃 What story are we telling ourselves about them and how does that affect how we interact, connect and guide them?

Here’s a few ways to see them and what they have to offer a little differently…

These energetic souls come to class clearly with a blazing fire, they're curious and excited, making them a treasure trove of potential. At times it can be overwhelming, disruptive and inconvenient. But what if we stepped outside the box of our thinking of ‘How they SHOULD be acting in a classroom’ and instead work with their natural momentum rather than against. Instead of trying to light a fire from scratch, why not guide their existing enthusiasm?

They are the challengers of traditional teaching and parenting methods, pushing us to get more creative, connected and make us reflect on the status quo. They can be the inspiration for growing and learning together!

So, remember, these spirited kids are not a household or classroom headache, they have value, strengths, and contribution in exactly who they are, we the adults just need to choose if we are willing to address our conditioning and see them for all they have to offer.

Not easy, but worth it for all.

Laughter as Medicine: Humor Therapy Reduces Depression and Anxiety Symptoms - Neuroscience News 13/09/2023


Laughter as Medicine: Humor Therapy Reduces Depression and Anxiety Symptoms - Neuroscience News Humor therapy might alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression.


This was my first day of vacation earlier this year, a time anticipated for its promise of excitement, happiness, and joy. But on this particular morning, my expectations were met with an unexpected visitor, intense anxiety. It was as if a storm had rolled in, disrupting the sunny skies of my getaway. I had a fair idea of the source, still navigating the turbulent waters of grief after losing a loved one. Yet, just days before, I had been feeling grounded and strong. So why now? Why here, on holiday?

But sometimes, the 'why' doesn't matter as much as the 'what.' What happened in that moment was truly a gift. I found solace in the most simplest of places, a swing. You see, swings had been my sanctuary as a child. I would pump my legs to reach the sky, soaring higher and higher until all I could see was the endless blue. It was in those moments that I felt weightless, free, and completely at peace with the world.

So, on that day, I decided to revisit my childhood haven. I found the biggest swing I'd ever seen and, without hesitation, hopped on. With every push, I let go, let go of the anxiety, the grief, the questions that plagued me. At that moment, I was purely in a state of play, and it was a little piece of heaven.

Play, as it turns out, can be a powerful healer. It allowed me to take a breath unburdened by the weight of life challenges big or small. It was a moment of respite, a break from the relentless processing of emotions that had consumed me. And it was okay, it’s more than okay, it was necessary.
As I touched solid ground once more, the weight of my emotions soon returned. It didn't erase my grief or anxiety, but it gave me the strength to carry it and manage accordingly.

In life, we all face moments of intense emotion, and they can come at the most unexpected times. It's crucial to remember that it's okay to seek solace in unconventional places, to allow ourselves the gift of play. Whether it's swinging on a giant swing, taking a leisurely stroll, or indulging in a favorite hobby, these moments of respite are essential for our well-being.

So, the next time life throws you a curveball, don't forget the power of play. It won't make your problems disappear, but it might just give you the strength to face them with a lighter heart.

And in the end, isn't that what life's all about.. finding joy and relief in the simplest of moments, even in the midst of deep emotional uncertainty?


What comes to mind when someone says ‘ Somethings wrong with that child’


When you spend uninterrupted time with them, they notice.


I learn life lessons from kids ALL the time, this was one of my favourites!


Did you know? You do now! 😉


Turn Disappointment into Growth

Dealing with kids' letdowns can be tough – shield them, distract them, or let them suck it up because they need to emotionally toughen up?🤔

Here's a different take…disappointment isn't a roadblock, it's a chance for major life skills! In this clip I talk about 4 steps you can take to guide you and your child through life’s disappointments that build self-awareness, empathy, problem solving skills, and resiliency .


When we take a dive into our emotions, we're basically exploring the core of who we are. At times this can feel like opening Pandora's Box but oh how it’s worth it in the long game of life. When we truly get what we're feeling, it's not just about understanding our own selves better, it's like we're putting on emotional glasses that help us see into the hearts of others too. It's this amazing superpower that lets us connect on a whole new level, because we're tapping into the universal language of feelings.

They're not just side players, they're front and center, shaping who we are and how we experience life. Emotions aren't just random bursts of feeling, they're a window into our thoughts, desires, fears, and aspirations. They're the language our inner selves speak to communicate with the outside world.

And here's the kicker, emotions don't just stay locked up in our heads and hearts. They influence our decisions, actions, and interactions with others. Ever notice how a mood can change the whole feel of a room, transforming an experience for better or for worse. That's the power of emotions in action!

By understanding our emotions, we're not just peeling back layers, we're getting to the core of our identity. They're what make us uniquely human, connecting us to ourselves and to the world around us in ways that words alone could never achieve. Guiding children about the significance of understanding and expressing emotions is like giving them a superpower for life. It's the power behind their self-awareness, healthy coping, resiliency, empathy, effective communication, and problem solving skills. Ultimately their quality of life.


Contagious joy through hanging out with kids is all about catching that fantastic happiness bug when you're chilling with a little one. It's like when their pure excitement and genuine emotions rub off on you, and suddenly you're grinning from ear to ear. They just have this superpower of wonder and curiosity. And when you're along for the ride, you start seeing the world with fresh eyes too.

Here's the deal, when you're goofing around with a kid and they're having a blast because you're there, it's like a happiness boomerang. You feel amazing because they're having a blast, and that vibe just keeps bouncing back and forth.

Plus, taking a break from adulting and getting into their world, It's like a mini-vacation from grown-up stuff. Stress and worries take a back seat and your soaking up the present moment.

Prioritize time to connect and play with the young ones in your life. Win win all around.


Make time for chill time.


Decision fatigue in kids.
Did you know? You do now! 🙂


When we engage in teaching or guiding strategies for emotional regulation to children, we not only benefit the child's emotional intelligence but also enhance our own emotional intelligence in the process. Here's how!

Brain plasticity: When we actively engage in teaching or guiding emotional regulation strategies, our own neural pathways associated with emotional intelligence are activated and strengthened.

Increased self-awareness: Teaching emotional regulation to children requires us to be more self-aware of our own emotions and how we regulate them. We need to model and demonstrate healthy emotional responses, which prompts us to reflect on our own emotional states and regulation techniques.

Enhanced empathy: Empathy is a fundamental component of emotional intelligence. As we guide children in understanding and regulating their emotions, we develop a deeper sense of empathy and compassion towards their experiences. This empathy extends beyond the child to other people in our lives, fostering more understanding and connection.

Improved self-regulation: The act of teaching emotional regulation strategies requires us to practice self-regulation ourselves. We become practiced at recognizing and managing our own emotions, which has a positive impact on various areas of our lives, such as relationships, decision-making, and overall well-being.

Personal growth and self-reflection: Engaging in teaching and guiding strategies for emotional regulation prompts self-reflection and personal growth. We gain insights into our own emotional patterns, triggers, and coping mechanisms, leading to continuous self-improvement and emotional well-being.

By actively participating in the emotional growth of children, we create a relationship where both the child and the adult benefit. The skills and understanding we acquire through this process extend far beyond just our interactions with the child and positively impact various aspects of our lives, including our relationships, personal development, and overall emotional intelligence. Win, win!


In a session the other day the kid I was working with said something I found extremely wise and I’m sharing it here with you. ❤️


Co-regulation is the process of regulating one's emotional and physiological state with the help of another person.

In co-regulation, one person takes the lead in regulating their emotions while the other person provides support, guidance, and reassurance.

This can involve different strategies, including verbal communication, physical touch, eye contact, or simply being present and attentive.

Co-regulation is particularly important in relationships where there is a power imbalance, such as parent-child, or educator-student.

Co-regulation is a key component of healthy relationships and can help build trust, empathy, and emotional resilience. It requires active listening, empathy, and a willingness to be vulnerable and open with another person.

Videos (show all)

3 tips for a Calm(er) Christmas
Navigating Fears and Anxieties Workshop Lowdown
In life, we all face moments of intense emotion, and they can come at the most unexpected times. It's crucial to remembe...
When I Paused Anxiety With Play
Something wrong with that child?
I learn life lessons from kids ALL the time, this was one of my favourites!
Turn Disappointment into Growth Dealing with kids' letdowns can be tough – shield them, distract them, or let them suck ...
Wise Words From Kids
Co-regulation is the process of regulating one's emotional and physiological state with the help of another person. In c...
Doings hard things: You Can!
Instead of losing my Sh*t…which I really wanted to do!
A mistake we make when kids are emotionally challenging!