Delivered by Jesus Christ

Delivered by Jesus Christ

We are here to share the good news of God's word, and spread His love.

GET READY !!! How Jesus Cleans Your Life Up 19/05/2024

GET READY !!! How Jesus Cleans Your Life Up How Jesus Cleans Your Life UpPart of preparing for Christ's return is to focus on the purity of our Christian lives. And when it comes to His return, He want...

Guest Speaker-James Park from e3 Ministries 08/01/2024

Guest Speaker-James Park from e3 Ministries James Park lives in Waterloo, Ontario with his wife Allie, and their four children, Eden, Lydia, Ezra, and Junia. James constantly pursues revival and is ded...

Photos from Delivered by Jesus Christ's post 03/12/2023

Our all-nations Christmas Dinner! We had a great day.

FaithTalks: Why go to church? 20/11/2023

FaithTalks: Why go to church? A new series for us. Join Jey, Paulette and Hans as they discuss why they go to church!

Charity Gayle - I Speak Jesus (feat. Steven Musso) [Live] 14/11/2023

Charity Gayle - I Speak Jesus (feat. Steven Musso) [Live] “I Speak Jesus” by Charity Gayle feat. Steven Musso (Live) | Written by Dustin Smith, Abby Benton, Carlene Prince, Jesse Reeves, Kristen Dutton, Raina Pratt ...

JeyVideo Aug2023 01/09/2023

JeyVideo Aug2023 Jey Shares and encouraging message about sharing the Gospel with people.

Do Not Love the World - A Triple Threat 21/08/2023

Do Not Love the World - A Triple Threat We've learned there are certain things in the world that sabotage our love for God if we choose to love them. The question is: what are those things out ther...


If you interested pls text me.


The team is ready for July 15th.


Don't know what the kids will be doing yet this summer? Don't forget to sign them up for Faith Church Summer Camp! Only $50 for the whole week! The whole church will be transformed into an underwater sea theme, so get ready to dive deeper into knowing who Jesus is and how much he loves your kids!


Please bring your Non-Christian friends and families!


Good aafternoon!!!


Evangelism training with Pizza!!🍕🍕😊
Please join us, Sunday 13th at 12:30 Pm at 3849 King street E. Kitchener (Faith Evangelical Missionary Church)


Liam shares a story of God working in his life.


New Video! Join us on the first video in our encounters with God Series. Noah has a profound experience of the holy spirit during a time of prayer.


The Holy Spirit was with us throughout all of last Tuesday night!

One of our members (Kade) was called to lead a man we met named Sean through a salvation prayer on one of our first interactions of the night! The man has since been given contact information for Kade’s church, and we also left him with a New Testament and prayed over him.

Almost everyone we met Tuesday was very accepting of our message and also welcomed a tract. We didn’t run into as many homeless people this week, but instead did not shy away from the plentiful amount of other people just walking throughout downtown!

Before going home tonight, we stopped at Tims and Kade had a unique interaction with a young man who told us he just turned to Christ within the past few weeks! Previously he said he was a victim of being possessed by a demon. We were able to pray over him and give him a ride home.

This is a picture of Noah/Kade speaking with Prashar, a young guy who is planning to come to Kade/Ainsley’s church this Sunday to hear about Christ!

God is alive and active with us out on the street! Thank you for your donations and continual prayer! God bless.


Faith Church,
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him - Romans 15:13

Yesterday when the Delivered by Jesus Christ Team went on the streets we had the opportunity of meeting Matt and share with him the True Love of Christ. He shared his struggles with us and we put our hands on Matt as we prayed for him. Before we prayed, Matt invited us to speak at a Youth Shelter. We might see Matt this Monday at Young Adults and God willing, his friends and a few others as well. Please watch the video about why it is important to share God’s love. Matt spoke to us afterwards about how much it meant to him that we came and talked with him, we told him it was all because of what Jesus Christ has done for us. He calls us his brothers.

Faith Church please pray for our new friend Matt, his friends, and all the other homeless in the region as they struggle with addiction and living on the streets. This is just one video, one story- please remember how many people are still out there that need Christ’s love.


Last week Tuesday was another amazing time of going out and praying for those on the street! This time around we walked by a spot that another Church hands out food, water & other items each week. We were able to pray with them and talk with them about why we are out and find out more about what they do. While we were there, we had the opportunity of splitting up and praying with multiple people. We were there for over 20 minutes and had some great conversations. Overall, an amazing night led by God!
Unfortunately, we were unable to go out this past Tuesday as only one of us were free and we make it a point to only go out as long as 2 or more people can go.
We look forward to getting back out there this Tuesday and would really appreciate prayer as we go out at 6:30pm this coming Tuesday!

Photos from Delivered by Jesus Christ's post 19/08/2021

Evening Everyone! For the past two Tuesdays, we have continued to go out to Victoria Park to give food and water to the homeless. Last week Tuesday, we had the most people come along with us so far. Our lead pastor, an Elder at our Church, and a friend of one our team members went with us. Then this past Tuesday, we were so blessed as almost everyone we talked to accepted Prayer and someone from our Church came with us! We are so thankful to everyone who has taken time out of their day to reach the community. We have been able to reach so many people and really bless them!


We are back! Throughout the past few months we have been meeting up for Bible Studies as a group and planning for what to do next as Covid lessens and the area begins to open up.

We have been so blessed as prayers were answered, time to meet up became available again and again, and an Elder in our Church has come to teach us how to be stronger Christians through weekly meetings.

Last Tuesday, the 27th of July, we went out to Victoria Park area to hand out water and food in the name of Jesus Christ! We were especially blessed since our pastor came with us. Overall, we were able to pray for some people, talk with others, and just bless the community through providing simple needs like water.

Today, we went out again to Victoria Park and ran out of food and nearly all our water within 25 minutes! We spoke with some people and were so blessed as God was clearly with us during the whole time.

We ask for your prayer as we continue to go out each week and that we may bless our community more and more as time goes on.


Brody Haight / MY STORY 31/05/2021

Afternoon everyone!

This is one of our Brothers in Christ’s testimony who works at e3 Canada which is connected to the I am Second Ministry. Please watch as Brody tells his amazing testimony.

Brody Haight / MY STORY In Grade school, Brody Haight began to smoke Ma*****na, which during his high school years, led to an addiction to alcohol and heavy drugs. This is his story.


Hello again! 👋

Today, let’s think about a common misconception that is held about the Christian faith.

Many people see the Christian faith as simply following an unreasonable set of rules in an attempt to avoid eternal damnation (going to Hell).

John here tells us that we’re thinking the opposite of what’s true! God sent Jesus not to condemn us for our sins, but to FORGIVE us and save us from our own sinful human nature. Believing in Jesus does not mean being a perfect person and following every action that He did (as human, we are inherently flawed), but it does mean that when we do fail, Jesus is there to bring us back to a clean slate and make us right in the eyes of our Creator.

I hope everyone has a great day and can keep this verse on their minds throughout the day. Happy Thursday everyone!


Good morning everyone!

Today’s verses form the start of one of my favourite psalms. They’re a reminder that if you believe and trust in God, he will guide your life and lead you to the perfect places.

This doesn’t promise that once you accept God you will never again make a wrong decision. But it does provide comfort that the Lord DOES have good plans for you! You can trust in Him to deliver you;even when you’re in one of those bad places.

Turn your thoughts toward God today, and let Him guide you along His path to greatness and peace.

Have a great day 🙂.


Friends & family can be some of the best parts of life. The verse today from Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 touches on how "two people are better off than one". Life isn't easy. Especially right now while we are in a pandemic!
Many people have lost jobs, become depressed, or feel out of it due to COVID-19. Another issue that the pandemic has brought on is less social contact. Whether your area is in lockdown or you choose not to meet at the fear of the virus! Today's verse speaks on how we as humans rely on one another. When we go through a rough time, having close friends or family be alongside you often helps! If we are in a tough time and are alone.. that is when things get even more hard.
The reason I'm saying all this is to let you know that you aren't alone! If you feel like your family doesn't listen or your friends don't care anymore, I want to ask that you try reaching out to a few friends that you haven't spoken to for a while. They might be going through not so thriving times as well!
I pray that you know that God loves you.. and that a family member or a friend, or even a future friend does too!

Videos (show all)

Why do you go to church?
Good aafternoon!!!
NEW VIDEO!! Liam shares a story of God working in his life.
New Video! Join us on the first video in our encounters with God Series. Noah has a profound experience of the holy spir...
Faith Church, May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him - Romans 15:13Yesterday when the D...
Our first video!! Watch as Noah tells his story about how God got him through a difficult time in his life.
Our first video. Noah shares his story, of coming to God after a difficult time in his life