Toronto Estonian House

Toronto Estonian House

Estonian House in Toronto has closed. Follow KESKUS International Estonian Centre, opening Sept 2024 A non-profit community centre and events venue.

The Estonian House is the heart of Toronto's vibrant Estonian community but is also open to all Torontonians.

28/07/2024 is where you sign up for the monthly news update re KESKUS, and follow K E S K U S International Estonian Centre - this Toronto Estonian House page is only periodically updated.

Talad peavad tuljakule vastu pidama! /// These massive grade beams will support the transfer slab on which the south half of KESKUS, and its Estonia-shaped courtyard will be built. Sign up for the KESKUS newsletter to keep abreast of project progress, via and don't forget that the capital campaign still needs your help! Thank you and photo credit to T. Majcherczyk


Meeldetuletus Estonian House in Toronto Limited aktsionäridele /// Reminder to EHTL shareholders to dig out your meeting invite and join tonight!
And while you're at it, sign up for the monthly KESKUS newsletter at and stay abreast of project progress!


This is handy! Link to the searchable .xlsx for Estonian summer camps around the world below. Follow K E S K U S International Estonian Centre and sign up for the monthly newsletter at and keep connected!

Aeg kiigata suve suunas! /// Lots of Estonian options for summer activities for children, youths, adults and families in Eesti and around the diaspora, in English or Estonian, some free, some week-long and others for a weekend or a sign up for a golf tourney!
Search field top right:

Jõekääru Seedrioru Estonian Summer Camp Estonian House Long Island Eesti Spordiliit USAs Sõrve Summer Camp Suvesellide Laagrid TÜ Viljandi kultuuriakadeemia AnniLa Ry - Lastelaager Anni Integratsiooni Sihtasutus Global Estonian Lõimeleer Eesti Mälu Instituut / Estonian Institute of Historical Memory Kotkajärve Metsaülikool Metsaülikool Eestis Laste Suvelaager Chicago Eesti Majas Association of Estonians in Great Britain Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs / Välisministeerium


Be sure to follow K E S K U S International Estonian Centre, as that is where more regular news will be posted, now that Toronto Estonian House is sold and the new Centre is in construction. And sign up for the monthly newsletter for news about project progress, events and other news, straight to your inbox!
Here's the April 2024 newsletter:


THIS WEEKEND: Are you under 25 - FILMIST is pay-what-you-can for you! Get tickets and film schedule here:
Estonian Arts Centre, the charity associated with K E S K U S International Estonian Centre brings Estonian films to Toronto and Hamilton!


Tomorrow! Homme! ETV Pealtnägija
Follow KESKUS on Facebook to get project updates (better yet, sign up for the newsletter via the homepage.) ///
Follow'da (?!) K E S K U S International Estonian Centre siin Facebookis - teated ei kandu automaatselt siia lehele.

Tomorrow, starting 1305h ET, ETV Pealtnägija's final segment covers KESKUS /// Säti end ekraani ette homme (kolmapäeval) kell 2005 Tallinna kella järgi, 1305h ET - programmi viimane lugu siis KESKUSe hetkeseisust ja üldse selle saamisloost ja ambitsioonikusest - vaata reaalajas või järelevaatamise korras ja mõtle kaasa. Palume vaadata siis ka oma rahakoti sügavustesse, kuidas aidata saad: igaühe panust on vaja.
https:/ /

Go to ETV Pealtnägija and share their link - Canada's news sharing laws proscribe us from so doing, alas.

Estonian Embassy in Ottawa Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs / Välisministeerium Stenbocki maja Kultuuriministeerium Haridus- ja Teadusministeerium Riigikogu Estonian Embassy in Washington Consulate General of Estonia in New York Consulate of Estonia in San Francisco Estonian Honorary Consulate General in Toronto


Discounted tickets to Estonia's film of the year - follow K E S K U S International Estonian Centre

"Savvusanna sõsarad" tagasi Torontos! /// Use promocode KESKUS50 to get discounted tickets to Savvusanna sõsarad / Smoke Sauna Sisterhood, winner of best European Documentary for 2023, Sundance Film Festival directing award and Estonia's pick for the Oscars - but only 8 screenings are currently scheduled at Hot Docs Ted Rogers Cinema cinema in Toronto, starting January 26. So you'll want to move on this! Estonian Arts Centre is delighted to help bring Estonian film to a broader audience. Tix and more info:


Now THIS sounds interesting for teens over March Break!

Oled noor, loov, või tunned sa noort inimest keda filmiloomine võiks huvitada? /// "FILMIST Stuudio" is taking place over March Break (March 11-15), and open for registration. In a nutshell: participants form 3-member production teams to produce a 1-3 minute documentary that will be screened at a 200-seat theatre at FILMIST Estonian Film Festival on Saturday March 16, 2024. Professional faculty supports this hands-on filmmaking week. And the film topic: 1944. aasta suurpõgenemine / Mass Flight of 1944. Our stories, onto the big screen and into the hearts of the audience


Follow K E S K U S International Estonian Centre.

Oli alles aasta ! /// Looking back on the year that was, for KESKUS in 2023, from the beeps of the first ready-mix truck backing up to start the foundation pour to now, as the project readies to rise above grade. The year's roundup link is below and thank you to the Estonian diaspora community and to the Canadian government FedDev Ontario for the extraordinary financial support, the encouragement by the Estonian Government, by Margus Tsahkna Margus Rava, Globaalne Eestlane / Global Estonian, Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs / Välisministeerium, Kultuuriministeerium, unequivocal support of founding organisations Toronto Estonian House, Northern Birch Credit Union , Estonian Foundation of Canada - Eesti Sihtkapital Kanadas, Tartu College. Look out 2024, we're going to start counting down to opening! Head vana aasta lõppu!


Puhka rahus Andres Raudsepp, ja aitäh. Photo from Lääst Blääst Oct 2022.


Aitäh ! /// Thank you to all who gave during the 2-day "Saagu KESKUS", with well over $200,000 raised it took the campaign to over 80% of goal met! Help keep the momentum going! Visit:


Sunday at 4pm at Tartu College, and to connect virtually, see link below.

Kalendrisse märgi 5. november! /// Construction of KESKUS is now in Phase II and it's time for some updates on how this extraordinary project is coming along. Mark November 5 at 4pm ET in your calendar and go to closer to the date for log-in particulars to join virtually. Send questions in advance to info [at]

Orphea in Love (Trailer English) 26/09/2023

In the Toronto area? Win tickets to this film's Toronto premiere at the TIFF Lightbox, starring Estonian opera singer Mirjam Mesak! Enter by midnight Thursday, how-to below.

Orphea in Love (Trailer English) A film by Axel RanischA young call centre agent falls in love with a petty criminal street dancer. She is Orpheus. He is Eurydice. She expresses herself thro...


Registration closes Friday for this very special women's rahvatants retreat. If you find you're behind on KESKUS and Estonian Arts Centre news, sign up for the monthly newsletter at ! Regardless, come watch the performance on September 17th at Jõekääru at 1215h - the weather is looking to cooperate - bonus!

📣 Kägu kukub reedel!! /// 📣 PSA: 48-ish hours to go before registration for 'Nou Pois Äläud-II' closes - ladies don't miss this good-vibes rahvatants weekend! The weather looks to be perfect, Jõgevahe Pere is packing their suitcases, the surprises are lining up and the kitchen goddesses have the menu set, from root vegetable soup to moussaka and perhaps a külmlaud!
All info at
Presented by Estonian Arts Centre, the charity associated with KESKUS, and supported by Estonian Foundation of Canada - Eesti Sihtkapital Kanadas, Integratsiooni Sihtasutus, Kultuurkapital, Northern Birch Credit Union, Estonian Central Council in Canada and Estonian American National Council - Eesti Rahvuskomitee Ühendriikides

BlogTO: Toronto is getting a breathtaking new building shaped like a country 09/08/2023

blogTO covers K E S K U S International Estonian Centre while on site, the foundation work continues and we'll soon start seeing this remarkable building take shape!
If you're not receiving the monthly newsletter, now is a good time to sign up via the KESKUS homepage!
Read the article here:

BlogTO: Toronto is getting a breathtaking new building shaped like a country Update #185 Canada's widely read digital media outlet, BlogTO, editor Jack Landau on August 8, 2023 writes about KESKUS: Toronto is home to a wide range of architectural styles, but a building shaped like a European nation has got to be a first for the city. Construction is in full swing for the new...

KESKUS expresses deep gratitude to Government of Canada via FedDev Ontario, for financial support 21/07/2023

Follow K E S K U S International Estonian Centre on FB and keep apprised of progress as a new Estonian flagship is built - thank you FilomenaTassi and FedDev Ontario for the generous support of this generational project in the Annex neighbourhood and community of Toronto!

KESKUS expresses deep gratitude to Government of Canada via FedDev Ontario, for financial support Update #182 Estonian Arts Centre, the charity associated with KESKUS International Estonian Centre is grateful for the financial support by the Government of Canada through the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario). The $750,000 contribution from the Government of...


Seame suuna 2025 tantsupeole (või lihtsalt tantsuks)! ///
Ladies, early bird registration closes July 15 for "Nou Pois Äläud II" running this year September 15-17, about an hour north of Toronto, with option to arrive the evening prior. Register via, start following the K E S K U S International Estonian Centre page for more info, and read more here:
///Juba on end kirja pandud Põhja Ameerika idarannikult, nii Kanadast kui ka USAst, Briti Kolumbiast, Koloraadost, Uus Meremaalt ja Eestist! Üleskutse neidude, naiste ja vanaemade rühmadesse pürgivatele!


Taas avatud paar kohta /// Wondering about Estonian knitting? Rescheduled dates and local instructors can make it happen for you! Estonian mitten knitting in Toronto: takes place over two evenings July 17 and August 10, at Tartu College 19-2030h. A COUPLE OF SPOTS HAVE OPENED UP! Please write to [email protected]!

Hakka kindakudumise meistriks! /// June 7 registration deadline! Mitten-knitting gurus Anu Randmaa & Anu Pink from Eesti Rahvakunsti ja Käsitöö Liit will be on hand in June, to get you started on (or improve on) your mitten-knitting skills and you have two options from which to choose (or both!), June 21 & 22 in Toronto, courtesy of Estonian Arts Centre, and at Seedrioru Estonian Summer Camp on June 23rd, as part of the annual Suvihari festivities. Read more on how to register, all materials included btw:


Estonian House in Toronto Limited AGM tonight, notice and meeting link for shareholders


📣📣📣Sign up to receive the KESKUS newsletter and though it's going on summer break (til the August issue) you can find the link to read the latest news, in the original post below. SPOILER ALERT: tuljak on top of subway tunnels, tech conference, folk dance and knitting workshops, jaanipäeva plans!
Signup at !

📣Värsked KESKUSe juunikuu uudised /// Sign up for the KESKUS newsletter: "tunneltop tuljak" with TERR Kungla , a start-up tech event with Creative Destruction Labs - Tartu, mitten-knitting workshops with Estonian Arts Centre and Seedrioru Estonian Summer Camp, Nou Pois Äläud II weekend dance workshop early bird registration deadline, jaanipäev options with Vancouver Estonian Society, Chicago Estonian House Chicago Eesti Maja, Estonian House Long Island, Lakewood Eesti Maja, Eesti Kultuuriselts Chicagos - Estonian Cultural Society of Chicago, Seedrioru Suvihari, jne. Newsletter on break for July, so sign up on the homepage to receive the August edition - in the meantime, and read the June issue here:


Read the latest KESKUS newsletter here:
Sign up to get the news to your inbox:

On mida lugeda! /// KESKUS construction update, and goings on in May in the Estonian global network, from Estival 2023 to Eesti Kultuuriselts Chicagos - Estonian Cultural Society of Chicago to the Virtual Forum for Globaalne Eestlane / Global Estonian by Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs / Välisministeerium and Estonian Music Week.

Though not in the newsletter, early bird registrations for children's camps this summer, Jõekääru, Seedrioru Estonian Summer Camp, Estonian House Long Island are fast approaching. This year Eesti Instituut/Estonian Institute is organising one in Chicago too.
Read the newsletter here:
Sign up to get the news to your inbox on the homepage.


Like/follow the K E S K U S International Estonian Centre page for more like this: win tickets to Estonian films at the Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival!

⏳Don't miss your chance!
Win tickets to Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival ! You can win a pair of tickets to: Savvusanna sõsarad / Smoke Sauna Sisterhood, Päikeseaeg / Sundial or Viimane Reliikvia, courtesy of Estonian Arts Centre, the charity associated with KESKUS, contest closes April 26. Read more (and enter contest via) here:


Sign up for the monthly KESKUS newsletter via and follow K E S K U S International Estonian Centre on Facebook !


Make haste - sign up for the KESKUS newsletter - April edition comes out on Monday, and it's getting jam-packed with good info!
You can sign up at

Pane end kirja! /// KESKUS' April newsletter is coming out very soon, jam-packed with events, news and information - sign up and be sure to clear it from any spam filters!
Map is from March 28 2023 of KESKUS website traffic - read more about who follows KESKUS, how, and from where here:
In English:
Eesti keeles:


Follow K E S K U S International Estonian Centre on Facebook in order to find out about winning tickets to these films premiering at Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival. Sign up for the newsletter at !

Eestil uus rekord /// A record four Estonian films in this year's Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival 27.04-7.05 and Estonian Arts Centre, the charity associated with KESKUS will raffle of 3 pairs of tickets, so sign up for the KESKUS newsletter and follow KESKUS on social for a chance to go see some of the films: Savvusanna sõsarad / Smoke Sauna Sisterhood, Viimane Reliikvia, IlvesMees, Päikeseaeg / Sundial and, together with VEMU and Eesti Filmi Instituut / Estonian Film Institute, see everyone on May 2 at Tartu College to meet the filmmakers! More deets soon.


Venue choices to celebrate EV 105 are many for those in the Toronto area! Organizers for Toronto are Estonian Central Council in Canada, Toronto Estonian Society / Toronto Eesti Selts, Hamilton Hamilton Estonian Society, these all together with Estonian Embassy in Ottawa. The K E S K U S International Estonian Centre team will be in Collingwood this year, celebrating EV 105 with Georgian Bay Eestlased. Thanks to the Globaalne Eestlane / Global Estonian portal (link in shared post below) for also including Eesti Rahvusringhääling for those who want to catch the ceremonies live from Eesti! Sign up for the monthly newsletter to keep abreast of events and project progress at Hakkame sättima!

Tähistada koos saab igal pool /// Celebrate EV 105 from wherever you are, together or virtually - the choices are many! Thanks to Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs / Välisministeerium and the Globaalne Eestlane / Global Estonian portal, it's easy to find your options. If all else fails watch Eesti Rahvusringhääling for the live celebrations from Eesti! KESKUS team will celebrate in Collingwood with Georgian Bay Eestlased! Find your sündmus:ündmused

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