Creating Harmony

Creating Harmony

Life Force Coach/Energy Healing Practitioner/Medical Intuitive/Intuitive Communicator ~Create the rich, vibrant life you desire~

Hi I am Dawn Gillespie.

I was born in Victoria, BC and moved to Alberta when I was one. I have lived most of my life in Southern Alberta. I worked in the automotive industry for the majority of my life as a Service Advisor. I met my late husband in 2007. The turning point for my spiritual growth was when my late husband was diagnosed with brain cancer the following year. I spent the next three years as a care-giver. It w

Timeline photos 15/09/2019

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate,
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It's our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves: who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?
Actually, who are we not to be?
You are a child of the universe.
Playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing elightening about shrinking
so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We are born to make manifest the glory of the universe
that is within us. It's not just in some of us: it is in everyone.
And as we let our light shine,
we unconsciously give other people the permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our fear,
our presence automatically liberates others."

Marianne Williamson.

Timeline photos 07/08/2016

Calling on the feminine is not about summoning a goddess or any archetype to rescue you. Its about calling on the strength of softness and receptivity to assist us in moving through blocks that leave us feeling angry or resentful.

The feminine energy helps to open the heart, to heal, to cry, to let out all our feelings so they can be validated unconditionally.


Timeline photos 04/08/2016

Remember that your totems are there to help you. It is not a burden to them to be there for you and support you in your time of need. Your part is in being able to receive what they offer.


Timeline photos 23/02/2016

You are a champion, you are a are an inspiration, and my God you are worthy!
NEVER doubt this

Timeline photos 23/02/2016
Timeline photos 22/11/2015

Type PEACE if you are ready to do that...!

Mobile uploads 12/10/2015

Timeline photos 07/10/2015

Poster created with

Timeline photos 12/09/2015

Today's wis-bit

Timeline photos 09/08/2015

You only have so much emotional energy each day. Don't spend it on things that don't matter or on people who don't value you or your time. Be discerning~Di Riseborough-Intuitive Life Strategist

Do you value yourself enough or do you allow others to take advantage of you and your time? Part of setting healthy boundaries is establishing what those look like for you..does it mean you are some it might appear so, but there is balance of giving and receiving. Do you continue to be disrespected by those that do not show up when they say they will, do not keep there word, abuse your kindness etc. Or do you start to become discerning of where you spend that energy..its' like money in the savings account...are you in overdraw or still have some left over for yourself? think about it.....what do you think?

Stay Connected: Free audio '3 Keys to Reduce Fear' , my gift to you upon signup ► Connect with me, get my free monthly newsletter ►★
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Timeline photos 27/07/2015

Would you like to reduce stress, improve your spiritual, emotional, and physical health, and be thinner, smarter, and happier? What if you could add “saving the world” to that list? In just twenty minute, twice a day, meditation will deliver all of these blessings to your door!

I’ve been meditating every single day for over 30 years, and I credit meditation for most of the good things in my life – it even played an important role in my remission from cancer! When I meditate, I connect to the unlimited and unconditional state of being where knowledge, truth, and perfect health reside. When I’m done I’m refreshed, energized and balanced. I’ve turned the clock back physically. I’ve even spread a ripple of higher consciousness to the rest of the world!

How can meditation be so powerful? To the uninitiated, meditation may seem like a way to “check out” and detach from every day noise and distractions. In our crazy busy lives, that’s an appealing thought – but in my journey as an energy healer and spiritual teacher, I have discovered that the real benefits of meditation come when you tune in, not when you check out!

In order to truly tap into the power of meditation, you need to be trained by a live instructor, not a book. My meditation, a cornerstone of my energy healing courses, is based upon ancient Vedic techniques, and involves the use of a personal mantra, which I choose for each individual.

Mantras are seed sounds that were developed by sages and shamans thousands of years ago. These sacred sounds allow you to slip into the spaces between your thoughts, and travel to the unified field – the great beyond from which we all originated, where we are all connected, and where our potential is unlimited!

If you’re ready to get serious about meditation, here are some preliminary things to keep in mind:

1) Commit to meditating once or twice a day, for twenty minutes. It’s best to meditate first thing in the morning (before you check your email, have your coffee, or even leave your bedroom) and, if possible, again in the evening right after work and before dinner. Don’t meditate too late in the evening or it will energize you and disrupt your sleep.

2) Sit comfortably in a supported position. Your back should be upright and relaxed. You might want to keep a blanket over your lower legs.
4) Nix the background music which will keep you from dropping in.
5) Don’t set an alarm, because that will jar you too suddenly out of your meditation – have a clock or watch nearby, and peek at it once in a while. After only a couple of weeks, your body will automatically learn when it’s time to emerge from your meditative state.

6) Plan ahead to avoid distractions – put a do-not-disturb sign on the door, and turn off your phone, fax and computer.

7) Don’t meditate with a dog or cat in the room! Besides being a distraction, pets will soak up every drop of your meditative energy.

8) Don’t stress if you have “inner chatter” – remember, meditation allows you to slip into the space in between your thoughts. When thoughts arise, just let them flow through without judging them or focusing on them – and return your attention to the mantra I’ve given you. Each repetition of the mantra will take you deeper and deeper into the gap between your thoughts – and with practice you will stay longer and longer!
9) In addition to thoughts, you may experience body sensations, tingling, shaking, or other involuntary movements – don’t be disturbed by them, keep your focus on your mantra.

10) When it’s time to stop meditating, stop repeating your mantra, and continue to sit quietly with your eyes shut for a couple of minutes. Coming out of your meditation too quickly can be jarring, and can even give you a headache.

After a few weeks, your meditation practice will become a habit, and 20 minutes will fly by. It will become something you look forward to each day. Your life may still be crazy busy, but you’ll feel balanced, present and in-control. You’ll sleep better, lose weight more easily, feel less anxiety and more joy, and even be smarter! Plus, you’ll be sending a peaceful energy out into the world, doing your part to help humanity.

This powerful form of meditation can only be learned from a teacher, not a book. Check out my instructional course to learn more about how to do just that without leaving home.

Timeline photos 09/07/2015

Past trauma and negative experiences are truly what’s keeping so many people stuck in their lives — unhappy, unfulfilled and incomplete. Energy Healing is the key to breaking through, rising up and achieving anything you want in life. If this type of learning speaks to you visit
Hugs, DK

~Deborah King

Timeline photos 20/03/2015

Your Chakra Wisdom Card of the Day: Root Chakra

Key root chakra issues are safety and trust.

Do I feel safe in new places or with new people? Do I feel unwelcome in groups? Am I nervous all the time? What are my excessive fears or phobias?
If you’re attracted to this kind of learning, or you’d like to bring more of these teachings into your life, I hope you’ll join my brand new online video course, The Secrets of Chakra Wisdom.

FREE eBook Energy Healing 101 12/03/2015

FREE eBook Energy Healing 101 Free Download: Your Guide to the Life-Changing Practice of Energy Medicine. read more