Jennifer Ackad - Authentic & Soul Embodiment Coaching

Jennifer Ackad - Authentic & Soul Embodiment Coaching

Ground deeply in the Truth of your Body &
Align your Life with your Highest & most Exquisite Visions

Embodiment and Transformation Coach, Jennifer Ackad left a successful Mechanical Engineering Career in 2010 to follow her soul calling. For more than 9 years, she immersed herself thoroughly into yoga therapy and other self healing schools, diving deep into her own body and self awareness to dis-cover what she now calls Home within. She has mastered the art of listening within to unleash the stuck


God, I am in gratitude of your magnificence

I trust in the highest guidance you are asking me to lean into

I drop down on my knees to surrender my resistances

and move with the life current you are infusing in me

with the whispers you are blessing me with

with the actions you are inviting me to take.

My mind has been resisting, I have to confess

My preferences have been controlling

My projections have been slowing me down

But, in the midst of the swirling into the vortex of frequencies co-creating 

My heart has been touched, my heart is expanding

My womb is opening deeper and higher simultaneously

My skin is becoming more porous 

My cells are getting ready for the new

My curiosity is exciting and humbling me 

My humanness is warming my whole body.

I am embracing it all 💎

From earth to sky, I am here

Dissolving, embodying, dissolving, embodying

Falling in love even more with the interconnectedness of everything beyond the visible

Feeling the reality, weaving with the infinite

And so it goes

💗 Aho 💗

Grateful to all my fellow humans on the path, thank you for your light, thank you for your gifts, thank you for your creations, thank you for the co-creation beyond what we can see, Love ✨✨


Today, I am feeling the heart of all mothers

Bridging the next generation here on earth

Carrying life in their wombs

Giving life to little humans

Pouring their love and affection into them

Seeing them grow 

Witnessing them go through their experiences

Guiding them to the best of their capacity

Holding space in unconditional love

Going through the joys, pains, griefs, worries, excitements

Honoring their children’s path and choices

Letting go

Celebrating who they are, their essence

Being in the unknown, trusting and praying

And sometimes, having to say goodbye too soon ..

Today, I am sending the highest love and blessings to the mothers 

I feel you, I am you

Thank you for all that you are, for all that you do 🌹

// In honor also of the last few days that brought tears again to our eyes; may you rest in peace beautiful souls, may the frequency of peace be anchored on earth and in all our hearts, may the chaos that is being manifested or felt be transformed into the highest possible love ❤️


What is your prayer and calling?

What is the declaration pulling you?

What is the embodiment that you get to be intimate with on a daily basis to integrate it faster, to integrate deep, and learn the lessons as you are bringing the new more and more into play?

What identities from your current reality are to say bye to as you upgrade and move towards your visions?

I have personally been with these questions lately, and they are part of my daily check in routine as I drop my attention inside. 

As surprising as it is for me to declare, the ‘queen’ is calling me! (I come from a ‘tomboy’ more ‘masculine’ background, and a very ‘I do everything on my own’ identity and protection, so to think ‘queen’ challenges my mind, but my body knows her and is excited to embrace her) My heart wants to expand and the ‘queen’ is there!, guiding my steps into 

> Being supported beyond measure

> Being invited where she is meant to share and serve, uncompromisingly from her essence and gifts

> Being in an overflowing abundance, choosing the actions in her life and business that activate life force within her and that open the portal of gratitude, giving back to others from that space

> Dropping out from the solo mode! Claiming the 'death' of the solopreneur, single mom, solo properties owner, single in her ways and everything that is in the way of her receiving even more

> Embracing men and their godly masculine qualities at a higher level, honoring their beauty and role in her life, and in life

> Honoring her standards and being sensitive to the frequencies she is choosing, she is weaving with gold and diamond 💎

>  Being in her feminine essence, in her erotic turn on and pleasure as a compass to what brings her love and joy, to what the divine goddess is here to transmit back


And so it is

Amen 🌹✨

What’s your calling and prayer?

What version of yourself is pulling your attention? What wisdom wants to be integrated in your actions and day-to-day way of living that will shift your playground and bring you closer to your visions and dreams?


Gosh your fierceness

Jungle boy at the core, wherever you are

I love you



Following the thread of transformation, creation and upgrades;

Setting our sight on soaring heights and grand visions;

Is this you also?

Are you feeling the new wanting to take you fast?

Here’s something I want to share about that:

Are you taking care of your foundations also as you are starting to fly high? 

When I quantum leaped in 2010, dropped my mechanical engineering career, dove into mystery schools, yogic and ta***ic practices, tasted heightened states of being through spiritual immersions, etc, there is one thing I wasn’t aware of :

That quantum leaps are a window of experience from your future self, but the tangible work in ‘reality’ is still to be done at the body level to integrate the new. 

In other words : We can have tastes of our highest potential, but the potential is to be actualized by taking aligned actions on a regular basis, creating new neural pathways in the brain, that eventually change tangibly our embodiment and our life, our relationships, behaviors, patterns, and all the rest. That change our foundations. Or else, it’s just a ‘high’ and in reality, nothing truly changes.

I fast realized also that we can’t just ‘leave everything’ behind, and expect the ‘expansion’ to stay. Gravity is here, and so does the work required to truly bring sustainable change in our life! 

‘Yep, come down baby’ (Trust me, I told myself this quite a few times, and still do)

The high heart and high visions speak in a certain way;

The roots and the primal energy speak in another way.

The first one inspires us, calls us to create new worlds;

The second one propels us to address the foundations required to create these new ‘worlds’.

Acknowledge your current circumstances, strengths, and challenges. Be honest about where you are. Look at your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. And align yourself with where you feel led and called by shifting and addressing what is in front of you, step by step. 

‘True growth and lasting 'success' begin from the ground up’ 💎



Are doubts stopping you?

Are you saying yes to your expansion?

To the new version of yourself that embodies more alignment, more truth, more rawness in what you want

Followed by coherent action taking ?

Doubts will try to stop you.

The feeling of lack will try to seduce you.

The judgment on how things are not unfolding in the shape you 'thought' they would will test you.

The fears of losing what you have will make you resist.

But, that's where faith comes in !

Do you trust yourself even more than what you knew? 

Is your connection to life force energy so fine tuned that there is nothing that can come in your way? 

What is in front of you now? That is an opportunity to say more yes to what you have been calling? 

Drop in ♾️

Be intimate with your prayers ✨️🕊

Gather your energy from your roots 🐍

Let your primal breath take care of decompensating the resistances

Let your tissues be engorged by the energy you are reclaiming from what's stopping you

To then be propelled into what used to be a calling but that is now reality ✨️

It's now
It's pushing
You move with it 
Water and fire
In pleasure and turn on



Life doesn't do random!

In the grand tapestry of existence, every thread is woven with intention. Beyond what we can see! Each moment, encounter, twist & turn of our journey is infused with meaning, giving us hints & keys to open new doors within ourselves, calling us to deeper awareness & connection with our true purpose.

What are you witnessing in your day today? What is being weaved beyond your control? Is there an action you are being called to take beyond logic?

To truly grasp this universal co-creative phenomenon, we must understand the essence of embodiment & spirituality.

Embodiment is the practice of living fully in our bodies, perceiving and experiencing the world through our senses, & honoring the physical 'temple' vessel that carries our soul. It is through our bodies that we feel, express, and manifest the divine energy that flows within us. When we are fully embodied, we are present in the now, aware of the subtle signs & synchronicities that life offers us.

Spirituality, on the other hand, is the recognition of a higher power, a divine source that orchestrates the symphony of life 🙂. It is the understanding that we are connected to something greater than ourselves, a boundless ‘web’ energy that touches all of existence. Spirituality invites us to see beyond the ‘known’, to consciously dance through life & to trust that there is a deeper calling guiding our path!

When we embrace both embodiment & spirituality, we begin to see that life is not a series of ‘random’ events, but an intelligently designed journey meant to awaken us to our true creative potential. Each experience, whether joyous or challenging, is a step on the path of LiBeRaTiOn, of self-dis-covery & spiritual growth. It is an opportunity to learn, to evolve, & to embody our highest soul frequency 💫

Juicy, no? 🙃 (Not saying it's easy!)

So yep, the universe is constantly conspiring in our favor, even when we can't see/feel the full picture! In moments of doubt & unknown, when life feels chaotic & unpredictable, remember : nothing is random. Remember that each twist & turn is a piece of the puzzle, a part of the grand design that is our life.

Trust this divine orchestration!

Photos from Jennifer Ackad - Authentic & Soul Embodiment Coaching's post 13/07/2024

From one chapter to another. ❤️

Jungle boy

I cannot express enough how much I love you

How much the art of being a mother is also the art of letting go, of accepting the transitions, of embracing the changes of roles, celebrating the new.

I am so proud of the little man you are becoming, but most importantly is... that you are proud of yourself 🙏💛

Sweet transition into High school in Canada son ✨️🙏 I know how much this move is calling you ❤️

May all the jungle roots and alternative schooling serve you far, may the world and the planet keep being a forever learning playground for you, whatever you choose 💛

I love you monkey boy

Photos from Jennifer Ackad - Authentic & Soul Embodiment Coaching's post 12/05/2024

Children of the earth we are
Mother earth 🌿

We hold the universe within us, yes
And the wisdom it's here to transmit ✨️

Our wombs are sacred spaces where life is created
In surrender to the highest
Amen, it's the best resting spot that exists 🌹

On this mother's day
I want to wish you a happy rebirth
From what you are, back to foetus, led into the new 🍃

Where are you being guided now? Today?

In curiosity, who you are being called to be?

Lean in
Let the magnetism of earth transform you
Let your heart soften
Receive the vital energy of the fresh
In silence
And trust

Thank you mom for giving life to me, for being the forever caring and attentionate mother you are ❤️

Thank you Noam for having chosen me as a mother, I still remember this moment when your soul knocked at my door and said 'I am here, its time to take me in' 🤸‍♂️

Thank you Mat for offering me the seed of life and making me the mother of our beautiful son 💎

Thank you dad for the pillar you have been to mom, for the devoted father you were and still are to my sister and I 🙏

I love you all 🌹

May our wombs keep shining light, love and pleasure, and give life to the highest creations that want to exist and be born!



May 15-17 in Pachamama Eco-Village, Costa Rica

* Sacred Womb Space * 3day Immersion

A Feminine Reset into the Authentic Woman You Are

Through building grounding and safety, women access their womb space, creating a pathway to this infinite portal of love where they can forever resource and reset, where their sensuality and deepest desires have room to exist and expand.

This intimate container gathers women to re-ignite their innate sacred power, anchor in their true essence and reconnect to their authentic voice. It’s a sisterhood and group transformation journey that invites women to honor the clarity, wisdom and gifts they hold inside, all the while being in the pleasure of bathing in the womb space.

Through embodiment practices and body exploration exercises, conscious communication, circle and partner work and group healing, women bring awareness on feminine wounds and on feminine potential. They shed light on the shadow parts that hold their intrinsic gifts and witness the dynamics that live inside of them, inner standing that they have the power to shift and transform their lives from within/out.

Info & Registration:


Your service is the light you have integrated in your tissues;

Your service is all the shadow you have embraced and loved fully, therefore alchemized it into light;

It's the path you have walked and got deep into, freeing yourself from any chains of conditioning.

Your service is wealth and abundance by nature, it is here to be transmitted to others, structured into offerings if you are called to do so. 💎

What path have you walked?

What are the experiences you have gone through?

What common themes link all these experiences?

~ Look at the thread of your life, it's all there ~ 

Your service is the light you have integrated, unshakable within your cells 💫


Authentic Embodiment

Using the portal of the body to bring power, clarity, direction and efficiency in creation

Recollecting energy from the outside to harness it inside our body temples

Activating our cells and tissues in their highest and truest frequency

Giving space for our natural design and organic path to take the lead of our life

The body is fascinating.

Not because of the 'understanding' of how it works, but because of its capacity to channel and hold divinity. Holding soo much mystery. Holding so much wisdom, guidance and answers.

And not only this. Holding also the capacity to bring to life new paradigms and create in alignment with new ways of operating that want to be invited into the world.

I am in awe. Lately the flow has been blowing my mind. The lessons, the experiences, the openess it requires, the deepening its leading me into, the breaking of illusions and fast shape shifting demanded to move with the wave and the current of life. It's next level. And I love it. I've been inviting this in, with the edges it presents. Ouf.

For the ones who want to deepen their embodiment journey and enter their sacred body temple with reverence, curiosity and desire to activate more of their soul codes in 'the flesh' and in their life, join us.

Next trainings or immersions :

Costa Rica >> 3day Immersion Authentic Embodiment April 9-11

Online >> Embodiment Membership >> Next dive April 27 >>

( For all live or virtual events listed, you can go to )


Local event >> Life as Temple - 3day Immersion - happening next week April 12-14


Life, Surprise me

Give me wings to fly
And bones to anchor

Take me all the way
Break me in pieces to rebuild me
Let me drop the illusions
And allow me to bathe in your infinite wisdom

Making my human life an exquisite one, juicy, full of aliveness, and alignment with the creations meant to be born through my body.

And also this is an illusion, but it's what's in play and true now, so be it !

I am open
I am learning
I am deepening
I am saying yes
Big Time

Thank you for your guidance
For your gentle whispers
For your stronger slaps sometimes
For showing me the way to freedom, to love, to peace, to abundance

& For teaching me how to connect more with you, how to be more intimate with you, how to get to know your language more

Grateful of the unfolding and the mystery

Excited about the strong pulses coming my way

Juiced up by the experiences I am going through

And So turned on by you

Aho ❤️🙏


Remember that you are a creator

That at any given moment you can recreate and realign

That there is a reset point that exists within, where you can bring everything into neutrality, ground and choose how to move forward. 

Listening to the inner guidance on how to move forward, seeing life as a blank canvas. 💫

~ Your sacred temple is your body ~ 

Your peace is with the void, with God, with the nothingness of existence and with silence.

Bathe into it and go back to creation clear, nurtured and full of life. 



Vodcast extract * How space within and without aligns your life and your choices *

All answers are dis-covered through spaciousness within.

The needs, the desires, the calling, the vision, the authentic truth, the wisdom, the aligned actions, the propelling relationships, ...

So what we call 'unknown' is not so unknown, because the truth is, it's all already there in the creation field.

Everytime we sit down and drop in, peel off, Feel and listen, we realize that life is whispering, that future timelines are already molding our bodies, that the depth of what we are here to do is always guiding us, and that it's only a matter of being open to it and receiving. The work is in the receiving of it first, then it's in the responding. Getting out of the way and letting the intuitive response lead.

In this episode, discover :

💫 How space is the number one ingredient to fine tune your intimate relationship with life current & your connection to the 'void', God & love

💫 Surrender, being in the unknown, dying to old identities and nothingness, how these states of being are at the core root of your freedom and clarity of your design and purpose

💫 Creating space as a daily practice to accelerate your soul embodied path

& ☆ To watch/listen the whole conversation (22 mins) ☆

> Go to the latest podcast on Spotify <

> Go to the latest vodcast on YouTube <


I follow strong pulses, strong 'beat'

I follow what has strong magnetism to it

I follow what pulls me beyond understanding

I follow what my body recognizes as being potent and also expansive


Because it stretches me

It pushes the edges

It expands what my body has memorized as being possible, and opens it to more possible.

Because it builds resilience to holding more

And because it weaves with the unknown and the mystery.

Strong pulse means life force and creative energy

~ It means God in the making through creation ~

It means totality in the moment

It means 'true', Resonance.

💦 Follow the strong pulse, the magnetism that wakes your body in a way that you simply 'know' it's calling you.

Lean into how your body, mind, actions shift then, & let yourselves be taken by the embodiment of it without control.

You are being transformed &

~ The strong pulse of life is positioning you ~

God is positioning you!

Tomorrow will tell



I have been asking myself how much love & Joy I can handle and hold in my body lately.

My body has been showing me pathways that I honestly was not even aware existed within myself. I am accessing new 'inner chambers' as my prayer is fine tuning more and more towards total freedom and surrender to divine's will, to high soul embodied path, and to abundance in all its shape and forms.

The curiosity is beyond. I feel high and I know Nature is responsible for this!.

How much high frequency can our nervous system hold?

How much light can our body technology handle without controlling it 'down'?

I am seeing layers of old patterns and mechanisms being released, limiting thoughts dissolving, I love diving deep into this conscious process and more then that, I ADORE witnissing my life and my relationships shift instantly from the inner work. As they say : The Game is 80% within, 20% in action! ❤️

In a few lines, the practice that I do is this :

As I feel my body being filled up by life force energy, I allow it to fully exist and be felt without control, without taming it.

I FEEL it without control, but I am also not 'throwing' this energy outwards right away. I am allowing it to be contained in my body first, so it activates the tissues, releases toxins that are stuck in my cells, builds resilience and fills my 'inner bank'. I savor the energy fully in my body. I am Intimate with it.

That's how the vibration and frequency of my body changes, and that's what we call 'embodiment'.

That's what manifests different realities in front of my eyes and helps me reset, rebirth into the new faster.

It's an activation of my body technology so that it operates in alignment with the deeper truths that it holds and so that 'soul' has more space to ignite the forward movement.

Do you want to start practicing in this method? And use the energy you are activating within to create and live in more exquisite alignment?

>> Start with the Free 90mins Embodiment Video practice that you can find via this link :


There's a wave right here, right now

& This is an invitation into your best authentic life. 💎


** Local event ~ Costa Rica! **

🌹Temple De Amor Level 1 | March 2nd 5pm 🌹Organized by Holly Turiya & facilitated by Natalie Adele & myself, Jennifer Ackad.

The Level 1 heart temple is a space to explore the frequency of LOVE & Joy. 

This Temple will guide you into opening the deeper chambers of your heart and deep desires through Ta***ic embodiment practice, breath work, ritual, and gentle intimacy building so that you have new tools to be empowered in choosing love -  no matter how you feel.

It's always a choice.

Natalie Adele is a sensuality + intimacy mentor and deeply experienced in the field of Kundalini practice and temple arts to create intimacy with self and others from an embodied space. Jennifer Ackad is an embodiment guide and temple priestess, drawing you deeper into your soul's authentic expression so you can relate to others from truth. 

This container will be deeply nourishing to your system and your heart. The boundaries of the space will be clearly defined, no erotic connection will be explored, but instead exploring heart centered connection in an intimate way.

When you ascend your eros up to your heart, true magic blooms, and this Temple will guide you in ways to do that, so that your heart opens to more people within community, embodied, deepening the feeling of belonging and activating what your heart truly yearns for. 

There is no prior Temple experience needed for this space, and all genders and relationship dynamics are welcome. 

DM me for more info & application ❤️


I am only a few days away from turning 44, and the truth is, there is a lot of vulnerability in my body.

As much as my fire is pumping and I am super excited about how life is unfolding, as much as I feel my body shaking from inside, in a deep raw and sensitive way, a welcoming of the unknown yes, but more then that, a welcoming of more love. 

I have been opening up to other humans in a much deeper and transparent way lately, exposing deep layers of desires and truths, in the name of love, expansion and freedom. 

My body is ready for more. A part of me feels exposed and naked, and I am honoring this. I only want truth out of my life and body, only like this that my life becomes exquisite and divine.


When the wave takes you,...Let it move you 🌊

There is an infinite intelligence to life that guides us underneath what we can see.

'But where are you taking me?' says doubt

'Relax into it, lean into it, receive its guidance, and follow through' says Trust

'But how!?' says doubt

'Create space within yourself, listen to the whispers, listen to your body, it's all there' says Trust

And so it is, let's all ride this wave, &

We shall see! ❤️


** Free Invitation to Global online series! **

What if you could harness the power of your Intuition in order to create sustainable wealth within your business all while honoring your time, joy and freedom?

You can!

In fact, Leading Business and Spiritual Mentors, including myself, are guiding you how on the upcoming 'The Intuition of Business Growth, Season 4' virtual summit.

This is for you if you want to learn exactly what we do to energetically align with success, which systems and strategies have supported our growth and financial ground, why intuition and the quantum field of creation matters to our business & life thriving and how you can apply this information immediately.

This is the place where Energy and Business go hand in hand to create legacy!

As a speaker, I'll be more specifically speaking into 'The Intelligence of the Body when it comes to Business', diving into our 'inner' embodied currency to manifest outer wealth and abundance, in flow, in alignment and in authenticity.

Your genuine gifts are here to be shared in full service AND within the structure of a business also, if this is what you are choosing. It's not about a magic pill!, it's about embodying who you are and listening to the intelligence of life guiding you to share your natural gifts in a potent way, adding value to people's lives and leaning into the frequency of wealth.

Get access to The Intuition of Business Growth, Season 4 HERE >>>

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Grab your free 90 mins Embodiment Gift here >>