North Shore NOPE: No Pipeline Expansion

North Shore NOPE: No Pipeline Expansion

North Shore No Pipeline Expansion is a residents group opposing the Trans Mountain pipeline to Burnab

Kinder Morgan proposes to build a new pipeline from Alberta to Burnaby, carrying diluted bitumen (DILBIT) for export. This will result in over 400 tankers a year in the Burrard inlet.
7 times more than current tanker traffic !!! "As Vancouver's mayor, how could I ever support allowing a single, polluting industry - especially one with nearly no jobs in this city - to put Vancouver's strong economy and global reputation at such serious risk ?"


Trans Mountain is posting about their ever-changing start date. This project is proceeding without the consent of Tsleil-Waututh First Nation who will be directly affected by impacts from marine shipping, the real risk of oil spill, climate impacts and the possible demise of the Southern Resident Killer whales. At a huge cost to Canadians, this project will only benefit the oil and gas industry.


“As a parent, I am concerned about the health and safety of our community and the effects the climate crisis is having on our kids now and in the future. But as a taxpayer, I’m also concerned about how the city is planning to adapt to our change in climate," shared Burnaby resident Kate McMahon, For Our Kids Burnaby.

Sue Big Oil would be an opportunity to work with other BC municipalities “to make major polluters pay for their fair share of climate costs.”


New research reveals a dire situation in Alberta with tar sands pollution. These same companies plan to ship their toxic diluted bitumen through the Trans Mountain pipeline - exporting pollution and putting the Salish Sea at risk. Read the source article on the pollutants here:


January 22 update: Metro Vancouver has updated its Air Quality Bulletin, which states that its air quality objectives for the air contaminants it monitors were not exceeded at its monitoring stations during the Parkland Refinery incident. View bulletin:

9 pm update: Metro Vancouver is continuing to monitor and their air quality bulletin remains in place:

⚠️ Public Safety Advisory: Strong Odour ⚠️
An incident at the Parkland Refinery this morning (January 21) has resulted in a strong odour that has been identifiable across the region.

Burnaby Fire established an operational perimeter between the facility and the adjacent neighbourhood, and assessed and confirmed no immediate concerns related to the safety of citizens.

If you smell odour in your area:
• Close windows, doors and air intakes.
• If you are outside consider moving inside to places such as community centres or libraries.

There will be updates as more information is available at

Sign up to receive notifications from the City of Burnaby at


We are deeply concerned about the potential increased risk of pipeline failure associated with Trans Mountain's (TM) proposal to switch out the Canadian Energy Regulator (CER) approved 36” pipe for a smaller, not-approved 30” pipe in a section of the Trans Mountain pipeline. The CER previously denied the variance request on Dec. 5 based on "serious concerns regarding material quality" and changes to standards for safety and protecting the environment. TM ran into difficulties with this 2.3 km section of horizontal directional drilling on a mountainside east of Chilliwack, facing excessive water ingress through 3 fracture seams in the bedrock. Trans Mountain is arguing that if the variance is not granted, there is a risk of "catastrophic" delay for project completion and billions of dollars in losses. However, if safety concerns are not properly addressed there is a risk of catastrophic environmental impacts with billions of dollars in losses to the region. A pipeline failure at this site would devastate the lower Fraser River, one of the most ecologically important regions in the province. The Fraser is the biggest salmon migration path in the province and this reach hosts spawning habitat to threatened runs of Chinook salmon. The Fraser River Delta is vital to scores of migrating bird species and out-migrating juvenile salmon. TM will be presenting oral arguments to the CER on Friday to reconsider their decision. The decision-making at the CER must be based on safety, not on expedience and cost savings.

Dear TMX Oilsands Pipeline Owner (That’s You) | The Tyee 16/10/2023

Dear TMX Oilsands Pipeline Owner (That’s You) | The Tyee Greetings, thanks for investing, and please brace yourself for some very bad news.

Trans Mountain Pricing Could Break the Bank—or Break the Canada Energy Regulator 27/07/2023

“In a report for West Coast Environmental Law last fall, independent economist Robyn Allan estimated that taxpayers would be on the hook for $17 billion once Trans Mountain is complete, Kung recalled. The $16.2-billion shortfall in the tolling application “more or less tracks with this.”

Trans Mountain Pricing Could Break the Bank—or Break the Canada Energy Regulator Trans Mountain Corporation’s attempt to minimize costs for its pipeline customers could force the Canada Energy Regulator (CER) to choose between undermining its own core mandate as a regulator or increasing the cost of shipping oil sands crude out of Alberta by about $22 per barrel, a new analysi...

The 24-year-old Coast Salish woman protecting the North Pacific’s orca whales 25/06/2023

The 24-year-old Coast Salish woman protecting the North Pacific’s orca whales A climate leader and matriarch-in-training, Kayah George is helping strengthen the generations-long alliance between the Coast Salish peoples and the orcas who live among them

Vancouver’s development destroyed Burrard Inlet. Tsleil-Waututh Nation is determined to save it | The Narwhal 25/06/2023

Vancouver’s development destroyed Burrard Inlet. Tsleil-Waututh Nation is determined to save it | The Narwhal The inlet has slowly suffocated under the weight of the cities and industries built up around it. But it is resilient, and the nation sees what this once bountiful waterway could be again

Spring snow melt the earliest ever in many parts of B.C. 10/06/2023

Climate change is here and it’s frightening. Why are our federal and provincial governments continuing to expand fossil fuel infrastructure in Canada.

Spring snow melt the earliest ever in many parts of B.C. The BC River Forecast Centre says this year is such an outlier when compared to historical data.

Say NO to Trudeau's $3B for TMX 02/06/2023

$3 billion more of subsidies has been added to the TMX project during a climate crisis. Sign the petition here to say enough is enough:

Say NO to Trudeau's $3B for TMX is an independent advocacy organization that brings generations of Canadians together to achieve progress through democracy.

Mystery sheen appears on North Vancouver's Lynn Creek 14/02/2023

Mystery sheen appears on North Vancouver's Lynn Creek The District of North Vancouver has been aware of the spill for at least a month but no one seems to know exactly where it’s coming from.


***Event Notice*** - "The Heart of the Fraser" screening

Wednesday February 1st
Royal Canadian Legion,
123 West 15th, North Vanvouver, BC

Come join our friends at North Shore Fish & Game Club to watch a live screening of The Heart of the Fraser.

Ken Ashley, the executive producer of the documentary, Director of the Rivers Institute at BCIT and well respected conservation advocate will be in attendance. A Q&A session will follow the film.

"The Heart of the Fraser" is a documentary calling attention to the continuing destruction of an environmentally sensitive and culturally-rich ecosystem of the lower Fraser River, namely the gravel reach from Hope to Mission, British Columbia. The movie showcases the extraordinary environmental aspects of this unique ecosystem, the profound landscape changes resulting from development following the start of European settlement, and the need and efforts to protect and restore the gravel reach from further environmental degradation.

Trailer here ->

Trans Mountain charged with altering a heritage site near Kamloops in 2021 24/11/2022

Trans Mountain charged with altering a heritage site near Kamloops in 2021 KAMLOOPS - UPDATE: Trans Mountain has issued this statement to CFJC Today: Trans Mountain confirms receipt of a charge issued by the BC Heritage Conse...


Advance voting in the CNV and DNV is this Saturday.

Today, we're happy to announce our next list of endorsements!

We are committed to electing “climate-aware” Councils in each of the 3 municipalities. To that end, we have been interviewing many of the candidates hoping to be elected to office on October 15th!

We focused on their experience of public service, their sense of the urgency of the , and their understanding of what, as elected municipal councillors, they could and would do to meet climate targets, reduce GHG emissions and lead their municipalities in adopting measures necessary to meet this global challenge. We have also evaluated candidates’ willingness to work with those who do have a sense of climate urgency.

On october 15th, please consider voting for the candidates below.

Taxpayers likely to eat $17 billion of Trans Mountain’s debt, report says 06/10/2022

This is unacceptable. Send your thoughts to your local MP:

Terry Beech

Taxpayers likely to eat $17 billion of Trans Mountain’s debt, report says Finance Canada won’t confirm whether it will consider forgiving Trans Mountain’s massive public debts at the expense of taxpayers, despite ample indications that loan forgiveness is inevitable.


Today, we're happy to announce our next list of endorsements!

We are committed to electing “climate-aware” Councils in each of the 3 municipalities. To that end, we have been interviewing many of the candidates hoping to be elected to office on October 15th!

We focused on their experience of public service, their sense of the urgency of the , and their understanding of what, as elected municipal councillors, they could and would do to meet climate targets, reduce GHG emissions and lead their municipalities in adopting measures necessary to meet this global challenge. We have also evaluated candidates’ willingness to work with those who do have a sense of climate urgency.

On october 15th, please consider voting for the candidates below.

Chilliwack River Salmon Run 17/09/2022

Chilliwack River Salmon Run We at The WaterWealth Project are thrilled to invite you to participate in our first annual Chilliwack River Salmon Run!

Toxic tailings in Alberta require immediate and urgent attention! 12/09/2022

Toxic tailings in Alberta require immediate and urgent attention! The federal government is developing regulations that would allow oil producers to release toxic water, which they store in tailings ponds, back into the environment, something that they have not been able to do for decades. 

Canada’s biggest banks risk being ejected from UN banking club 31/08/2022

Canada’s biggest banks risk being ejected from UN banking club Canada’s five largest banks all risk being kicked out of a United Nations net-zero banking club unless they can develop credible climate plans by next summer.

Canada Energy Regulator gave Trans Mountain a 'break' on oil spill liabilities plan, says Elizabeth May 24/08/2022

Canada Energy Regulator gave Trans Mountain a 'break' on oil spill liabilities plan, says Elizabeth May Trans Mountain will not have to come up with an additional $1.1 billion to cover the cleanup cost of possible oil spills from its expansion project, the Canada Energy Regulator has decided.

17 missing, dozens hurt after lightning, explosions and fire at Cuban oil storage facility | CBC News 20/08/2022

17 missing, dozens hurt after lightning, explosions and fire at Cuban oil storage facility | CBC News A fire set off by a lightning strike at an oil storage facility raged uncontrolled Saturday in the city of Matanzas, where four explosions and flames injured nearly 80 people and left 17 firefighters missing, Cuban authorities said.

Vancouver’s Big Oil Lawsuit, Explained | The Tyee 25/07/2022

Vancouver’s Big Oil Lawsuit, Explained | The Tyee Council has voted to fund climate crisis litigation. Why now? What comes next?