Sentimental Homesteading
Sharing our journey toward self-sufficiency. Homesteading, for us, is a journey, a way of life, a mindset. We love our lifestyle and encourage others to join us.
Join us as we take this journey..the good, the bad and the ugly. From chasing chickens through the neighbours yard to harvesting honey.
Our cattle panel archway is doing well.
This year its home to pole beans, malabar, luffa and hardy kiwi.
First major bean harvest of the year.
These are French fillet beans.
Tomorrow we'll be processing spicy pickled beans.
Busy morning.
4 batches of strawberry rhubarb jam.
Strawberry, rhubarb and elderflower mead started.
Yup. Me. Today.
But all 3 hives are looking busy and beautiful. Caught a glimpse of Her Majesty in 2 of them.
Our hens have gone into overdrive.
We have an overabundance of free range, organic eggs available. $5/dozen until we run out (normally $6). DM for pick up.
When the majority of citizens don’t believe the status quo is working for them, it produces demands for alternative arrangements.
Green ear day at the homestead.
Registered goats have to be tattooed, microchipped or ear tagged.
I tried to explain to Miracle that getting tattooed meant he gets to keep his family jewels. Not impressed.
Pear trees are blossoming!
A huge thank you to everyone who came out last night to hear us speak at Grimsby Public Library.
We had a great time and enjoyed meeting everyone
Goat pic because, well, goat picture!.
Join Chris and Rob from Sentimental Farm as they explore the urban homesteading journey, including gardening and preserving advice and a look at keeping backyard chickens, and even goats! 🍅🐣 Registration required ➡
Good morning all.
Just a quick note that our mushroom compost delivery has been delayed. It can't be loaded onto the dump truck when it's this wet.
It has been rescheduled for tomorrow barring more rain.