Illuminated Wellness

Illuminated Wellness

Nature based wellness 🌿 Kambo Practitioner. Certified to help those with Lyme & Autoimmunity


What we eat within the week(s) surrounding ceremony makes a significant impact on our experience ✨

Beneficial foods/liquids to include in your diet before and after Kambo include:

•Coconut water, for electrolytes
•Hydrating fruits and vegetables
•Broths and soups
•Whole, nourishing, natural foods
•Gut supportive foods and spices like sauerkraut, water kefir, and cinnamon

For a minimum of 1-3 days on either side of your session, avoid:

•Pork and eggs
•Dairy and gluten
•Fried, greasy food
•Spicy food
•Citrus (lemon, orange, grapefruit)
•Carbonated beverages
•Artificial sweeteners
•Packaged foods with preservatives/chemicals
•Alcohol and recreational drugs, including ma*****na
•Certain supplements and herbal medicines/sleep aids

While some of these can be discussed, it’s incredibly important to refrain from consuming alcohol or recreational drugs for a minimum of 3 days before and after Kambo to ensure your safety 🙏🏻

The cleaner your body is before sitting with Kambo, or any plant medicine for that matter, the better. I personally find myself making a lot of smoothie bowls in the days surrounding my ceremonies, as they’re easy to digest and are always super tasty 🤤

Pictured is a mango, blueberry & ginger bowl with vanilla protein & greens powder, organic gluten free cereal, fresh banana, bee pollen, and dried rose 💗



This medicine offers many benefits to our physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies.

Physically, Kambo draws out toxins from the body and nervous system. It empowers and strengthens the immune system, clears the skin, regulates blood pressure, and can balance hormones. While it can increase fertility, it can also induce abortion. It contains anti-inflammatory properties, which can help alleviate pain and discomfort. Thanks to all of the beneficial peptides, Kambo can also restore the gut microbiome.

On a mental and spiritual level, it allows us to heal through layers of deep rooted traumas. It can help us overcome the fear of death, and allows us to dissolve any energetic or physical blockages we may be holding onto. It increases compassion, courage, emotional stability, and personal sovereignty. The Matsés use this medicine to clear Panema, which is a build up of negative energy that gathers in our bodies over time. Bringing us back into our bodies, Kambo keeps us grounded, and realigns the chakras. It may act as a release of bad thoughts, habits, negative traits, or persistent life problems.

After ceremony, it is common to experience:
•Greater physical strength
•Increased energy
•Enhanced focus, clarity, and mental alertness
•Elevated mood
•Decreased stress
•Reduced (or completely dissolved) frustration, anger, and anxiety

*These changes will last for varied lengths of time, depending on the person, and may take a few days to kick in*

Some conditions that can benefit from Kambo are:
•Autoimmune disorders
•Anxiety and depression
•Chronic pain and illness
•Rheumatism and arthritis
•Lyme’s disease

*This is not an extensive list. If there is something specific you would like to clear or begin to heal, please inquire!

📸: Olivia Ashton Photography


As beautiful and expansive as medicine ceremonies are, the true healing comes during integration. It is within this time that we are faced with questions about our patterning, our belief systems, our traumas, and so much more. Suppressed memories and emotions come flooding back, breaking through the barriers we built to protect ourselves all those years ago.

Allow yourself time to process all that comes to light. Cry, laugh, scream. Whatever it is that you feel, honor it. The only way out is through, and you will come out stronger, with new lessons learned, if you are willing to completely surrender to the experience. Rushing from ceremony to ceremony might seem like a fast track to healing, but without integration, you will likely become overwhelmed and do more harm than good.

Your heart and soul are sacred, and need to be nurtured. Trust that these seemingly dark, mundane moments in life serve a purpose. Observe yourself without judgement or reproach during this process, and watch how quickly things begin to shift.

Sending all my love, and one more reminder to be gentle with yourself today, and every day 🙏🏻♥️✨

📸 : Olivia Ashton Photography


It is incredibly important to me that I honor where, and who, this beautiful kambo comes from 💫

Kambo is known as the “sacred secretion” of the Matsés tribe in the Amazon. They harvest the medicine from the Phyllomedusa Bicolor (also known as the giant waxy tree frog) at sunrise, by calling the frogs down from their home in the trees. The frogs descend down and directly into the hands of the Matsés, who then use a bamboo stick to gently scrape the secretions from their back. Before releasing them back into the jungle, the frogs are given a foot massage to help them secrete more onto their backs, and they won’t be harvested from again until they have replenished their protective layer entirely.

The Matsés treat the kambo frogs with the utmost respect and care. It is only when they are training someone new how to harvest, that they tie the frogs arms and legs up to little posts as you see in many pictures online. This doesn’t harm the frog in any way, it just stretches their skin a bit to make it easier for collecting the secretions. Then, they too are given a little foot massage and sent on their way.

I am grateful to have the opportunity to purchase my kambo sticks through my teacher’s mentor, who has a direct relationship with the Matsés tribe. They asked for support in this area in order to create work for their younger generations. This helps keep their traditions alive, which of course is very important 🌿

I am honored to work in partnership with such a powerful medicine like kambo. It has opened my eyes and my heart to so much more than I could have imagined, and has helped clear my body of physical, emotional and spiritual distress.

If you have any questions, or would just like to chat more about the medicine, please don’t hesitate to reach out at any time! 😌🙏🏻🤍

📸: Olivia Ashton Photography


Almost exactly 2 years ago, I sat with kambo for the first time 🐸✨

Little did I know that I would create such a deep, loving relationship with the medicine, and eventually choose to become a practitioner.

I am so excited to share this medicine with you now that I am offering 1:1 sessions, and group sittings of up to 4 people. If you are feeling called, DM me and we can connect further. The first 5 people to book with me get a special price on their first session! 💫

My goal with carrying this medicine is to assist you in your own healing journey, and to hold space for you as you navigate your relationship with self, and the spirit of kambo.

My time in Portland (where I received my training) was truly life changing. I spent days exploring my own inner world, shedding crippling layers of self doubt, and learning how to become a clear channel through meditation. I met a handful of my spirit guides, and connected with an ancestor through a theta healing journey. I assisted in multiple kambo ceremonies, and slowly began to take the reigns and hold space for those working with the frog all on my own. It was an incredibly beautiful, expansive, and humbling experience that I will never forget 🙏🏻

My heart is overflowing with gratitude and admiration for everyone that sat with me throughout my training, and for those who trusted me to guide them through their first ever experience. It was an honor to witness you ✨

Much love and blessings as always 🤍

x Alanna

📸: Olivia Ashton Photography

Photos from Illuminated Wellness's post 05/02/2022

Cinnamon is an incredible spice to include in your diet if you’re looking to improve, or simply maintain, proper gut health.

It contains antiviral, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties, and can help reduce levels of LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, lowering the risk of heart disease.

Also as a prebiotic, cinnamon can restore balance of our gut bacteria, supporting overall digestive health.

Add a sprinkle to fresh cut fruit, sweet potato, squash, grains, baked goods, oatmeal, coffee, tea, or make yourself a cinnamon milk latté.

I’ve included a simple recipe for my cinnamon latté on the second slide, so be sure to save this post for later 😌 Adjust the cinnamon and sweetener to your taste, and enjoy at any time of day! 🤍✨


Did you know that taking the time to make your food pretty can actually help stimulate your parasympathetic nervous system, aka your “rest and digest” response? 🌸✨

A lot of the time we rush to get breakfast/lunch/dinner on the table, and throw food on our plates with little to no care about presentation. Slowing down and arranging the food nicely on your plate can help put you in a calm state, which drastically helps digestion.

If you’ve followed my page for long enough I’m sure you’ve noticed that I’m quite passionate about presenting my food in beautiful ways. Little did I know I was doin my sensitive tum a favor! 🥰

If you are someone that has never really put much thought into presentation with your food, I challenge you to slow down and get creative! When meal time is sacred, it gives the body a chance to relax.

Pictured here is the cheesecake I made for two of my beautiful friend’s birthdays. Blueberry lemon with a date pecan crust, topped with edible flowers cause it’s finally SPRING! 🤩

Happy Easter long weekend my loves, I know life is weird right now, but we’ve got this 💐💕